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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

Displaying 21 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
1725088I played ck2 more than 1000+ hours, I got tired of six months ago. I realized that I never played hi…[View]
1732027what game can i play as a yakuza boss?[View]
1731944CIV 6: Is playing monopolies and corporations mode for a culture victory cheating? Or does it just g…[View]
1734023any1 else dress up as a knight while playing medieval 2?[View]
1734245Help me pls: What is a good multiplayer strategy game? Grand strategy, rts, turn based, 4x, hell, gi…[View]
1730135ITT: Games you are no longer excited for.: It's Starcraft in a command & conquer t-shirt wi…[View]
1711024Majesty: Let's talk about a good fantasy simulator indirect control game.[View]
1738324Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance: While a formidable evil emerges, an unexpected alliance is taking shape! I…[View]
1737863I keep coming back to this boring-ass strategy game, but now I'm hopefully off it for good. Wha…[View]
1727888Iron Harvest: Anyone played this before? Opinion are mixed but price tag on steam is tempting (-90%)…[View]
1737632Northguard: Why do you think of this game ? What the good point of this game ? Did you play it ? Wh…[View]
1733042RTSes with good naval combat?[View]
1729474TNO: TNO[View]
1705608Mount and Blade: Mount and Blade is dead Long live Mount and Blade[View]
1720654Anbennar EU4: Post your Birzartansens->Phoenix Empire runs in the hit mod Anbennar, released in 2…[View]
1730558Project Caesar: Sliders[View]
1732360What do we think of sidescroller Xcom?[View]
1727928>Why yes, I am the best Dawn of War game, how could you tell?[View]
1736144Someone please tell me what game this is.[View]
1735590SRPG Studio: Is it even worth buying as I know it is currently on sale. From what I have heard it is…[View]
1656284Patrician III: Anything[View]

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