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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
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You know who snatched up these top-tier women?
THE GOOD MEN, that's who.
> men without social circles (loners)
can't get them NOT because they are oh so rare but because they are out of your reach.
Until they get a divorce, then they're available again
>Average women need to lower their standards if they can't get a bf! They're just chasing Chad!


Really, nigger?

demoralization is GAY. KILL YOURSELF
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The duality of 4chan

Is dating a scandinavian woman really worth all this?
>getting a degree in a field that I hate but pays well
>learning a third language from absolute zero
>leaving my home country (my home hemisphere, for that matter)
>leaving everyone I know behind (except my mother, if possible)
>adapting to a completely different climate
>adapting to a completely different culture
>be buried half a planet away from my grandparents' graves
Also, before anyone asks: I'm white.
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Same story with me but in Bulgaria. I am extroverted and great at conversing, not knowing Bulgarian and not doing jackshit about it is lowkey mental torture and destroys my ability to socialize. I can pick it up fast if I put in the effort. I know Russian. People are not open at all but you can have funny moments with them. Thank God I made a few Bulgarian friends. Dating here is shit though. Even Germany was better for that.
>Do the locals not socialize with foreigners?
they do, sort of. Ive been to local functions but it is very hard to make friends. You really have to go out of your way to get people to interact with you. Its just not like some other places where people more easily form a casual bond. They are way more judgemental in terms of politics and mannerisms, so be ready for that.
>They treat all *Finnish* people fairly, but if you're foreign you will not get a job
Look at what has happened to everywhere that hasn't applied this rule
Sounds good to me.

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Best friend: "I want a man who is tall, makes six-figures, and works out!"
>I want a man who will choke me, bite me, tie me up and cut me, and maybe play with my blood a little bit while I'm crying
"Ahh yeah, me too ha ha..."

I know I shouldn't be this way, but I can't help it, and it's to the point I don't even feel bad about it anymore. All I care about is maintaining the facade that I'm a normal girl like everyone else. So do I need therapy, or not? Because I'm very aware I have an unhealthy and dangerous sexual appetite, one which even men aren't into. I just don't see what good there is in talking to someone about it, though. I've been this way since I was a kid and it's never really changed.
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You should play Alice in Cradle
Wired differently. I had a very tame upbringing and all of this is very much up my alley. The rough sex, outright rape, pain, and blood is plain hot. Having indulged in it before, it's an itch that begs to be scratched but the associated risk is not worth it for me. There are other aspects of my life that I enjoy equally as much and that could be jeopardized if the person I was doing this with had a sudden change of heart. The shortsighted lowlifes with no ability to think through consequences will probably jump at the first opportunity. I instead fuck off to my ranch and enjoy living far from people, travelling, and having fun without ever getting too involved with anyone. Am I missing out? Yup. Is someone else missing out? Yes. Too bad, the risk isn't worth it.
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This nigga bruh oh muh lorr
pretty common kink desu
don't feel bad about it, just understand most men won't be into it and most that are into it are for the wrong reasons.
As a man I believe most men would be into it if they weren't educated out of it by society. For many, the desire is still there, but it's just not worth the risk trying to pursue. It was only possible when criminal justice system didn't give women so much power. Which has its advantages and disadvantages.

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I chose the wrong person.
I could have had a cute twink bf but I picked some bitch who became narcissistic 3 months into the relationship. She wanted all the attention, didn't give me any. I broke up with that bitch, but that reminded me of the cute twink I met online who texted me multiple times a day. How do I get over it. I'm losing sleep over this.
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you just did lmao
Shut the fuck up faggot
not a faggot, I'm biseuxal
You’re a spamming faggot, end of story.
So you're gay?

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>neetbux could possibly be taken away in the future
>want to get a part time job and save in the meantime
>want to get some type of skill and start my own business or get a better part time job eventually

what are some ideal part time jobs that I should be looking for? I'm really lazy. I've heard certain security jobs are perfect for slackers. What else?
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security is the best for neets. If you're okay with overnight shifts I'd definitely recommend it. you can usually sit the other time and just draw or write in a notebook.
Ask me how I know you hate your job
I won't read how not to be a NEET threads. See the archive.
Rude fuck

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Alright anons, I want to get laid in bars, clubs, etc. Give me your best cold approach advice.
Dress well, be well groomed, get as much practice talking with people as you can, and be prepared for a LOT of rejection.
Shut up faggot
good start
if you're willing to take the risk, 50mg cocaine insufflated 10 minutes prior will improve your chances. obviously don't make it a habit.

What are signs a women is interested? What are signs a women wants to have sex?
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You have the worst kind of autism
I won't read silly incel subhuman clueless about talking to women threads. See the htgw general.
>a women
>What are signs a women is interested?
Oh, she’ll let you know. Stuff like staring at you. Finding excuses to be near you. Always helping you. Smiling. Eye contact.
Shut up faggot

How do I get over feeling insecure about my looks even though I have been complimented on my looks?

I'm a 25 yo KHHV who's bald. Guys have told me without even bringing it up that I look good bald. Even a girl I was talking to at the gym said to me I look good bald.
>She even joked I looked like saitama

Girls have offered to buy me drinks in the few times I've been to clubs, one even said I was cute and asked if I'd eat her out
>I said no

I dunno. I am a photographer who knows my angles and knows how to take pictures that hide my weak chin and massive Jewish nose. If I post one of them photos you'd say I'm chad lite or some shit, but if I post a regular photo Id be ridiculed
If youre a photographer you should already know how cameras distort the way you look, especially phone cameras. if people tell you you look good then younn be probably do. but i suspect your problem is actually something else, like a general lack of confidence in yourself
>How do I get over feeling insecure about my looks even though I have been complimented on my looks?
Decide you look good. Or at least good enough.
You'll have to do confident things despite feeling insecure. Masking emotions is real man shit. Acting the way you feel is shit that was pushed by the feminist New Age movement.
I won't read I hate being complimented threads. Get over yourself.
Shut up faggot

I am stuck between 2 options right now

After being jobless for about a year I decided to get a job but with no lucky. So I decided to try the Navy, after talking the asvab I got a 78 and can pick basically any job I want

But before I graduated college I took my state trooper test, and while past they never called back until last week. After the tests they want me to do I can go straight to the Academy

Should I stick with the state trooper route or go military? Some say fuck military if cops want you other say do military than figure it out
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And to expand on why LE is shit, it’s because you are meeting your customer base on what is probably the worst day of their life.

There is a saying, there are only two kinds of cops; corrupt ones and incompetent ones. Which do you wanna be?
IS is good. Stay out of Aviation, any kind of deck work, or anything that puts you in a machine room for 12 hours a day.

Don’t go Army, even if the job sounds cool. You’ll be sitting in some Midwest shithole for 4-5 years dealing with retarded Army shit. The Navy has its own retardation but it’s waaaay more laid back than every branch but Air Force. But the Air Force are a bunch of autistic nerds who also spend most of their time in Midwest shit holes while the Navy guys are almost always stationed on a beach somewhere. I spent 2 years in Japan chasing nip qts and slamming Chu HI’s in front of the family mart.
this honestly.
obviously the corrupt one. the incompetent ones are corrupt too but too dumb to pull it off regularly
I won't read OP can't make up his mind threads.

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I find it ironic when people say "I hate women", but I think I kind of get the reason why. But I think it's more to do with the irony of it. Not having to register for selective service (which has more to do with Vietnam and the GAO disorganizing paperwork), menstruating, "lack of accountability", etc. But no one really goes to lengths on what the real reason of what the hatred is.
As a man, you kind of have to go through hurdles in social life while also feeling the pressure of nature putting a gun against your head telling you to knock up a women before her "biological clock" ends at 35. But if you're not at the right place at the right time, whose to say you "have" to do it? Whose to say you have to love the way you do? What compels you to love as such? Man or woman?
So I think this conflation between loving a woman for her physical traits (philia) and obeying your physical nature (eros) make them work against each other instead of in tandem. Thus causing you to "hate" because your brain is trying to fight against two wrongs. That may be well all said and done, but that leads me to my next point: Respect.
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>i still have my virginity therefore all women are cunts
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Idk you sound young. Either way no one wants to be a woman but always complains about them or how they have it easier or something.

Tons of people have written books about misogyny and why women are hated. Read some radical feminism books or subreddits.
>You are a husband and you have a wife who you knew you probably fucked just to get her pregnant with her last eggs. She douses herself in makeup made out of chinese foreskin and does her nails. Do you think or does she think she does it to "look pretty", or because she has no choice trying to break away from her depth of perception on reality;
Not sure what you mean by the 2nd sentence, but I think you're too detached. Like you're viewing the process from without and seeing its absurdity because you're not connected to your own desire, don't feel it as your own.
At least that's the sense i get from the text here
I won't read blogs on an advice board.

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a friend of my told he got poisoned in russia for pretending to be the most obvious spy ever. This explains very many things.

How do you get people to tell you really important shit earlier? He still barely said anything since he was embarrassed, I think.
I won't read unlikely bait threads.

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Life after the lockdowns feel like the 0AD. After realizing I live among cattle + discovering 4Chan and other sources around the same time the world feels like 2020+4.

Evermore other people's trivial hedonistic motivation's and their limited understanding of the world set me apart from them further and I wonder what the point of being informed and strong is in a world like this.

2020 was the year I started college. Went live 2 days before the lockdowns. Was fit, motivated, temperate and satisfied. With everything I've learned and with the ease of following world events with light-speed. I have lost all hope of a world living in.

I wake up at midday and do nothing all day. Plenty of stuff I could and should do but I just don't want to. I don't want to go back to videogames or wastes of time such as but if I can't get myself to do anything productive in a world that doesn't matter then what's the difference.

The years have been passing by and the opportunities fading away and the dissapointment and guilt and apathy rising but not enough to get me to change. If anything further demoralizing.

Is discipline getting yourself to do stuff you don't want to do or non-existent for motivated people have a clear mission which I no longer see?

I don't care anymore. There's literally no indication of steering away from downfall and nowhere on Earth to run to. How do I become cheery and resilient again?

If you only knew how bad things really are.
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ESL retard.
Yeah, I've been speaking English fluently for nearly a decade and consuming exclusively Anglo-Saxon media for that long to to the point where I'm bored of it hence I've picked up pidgin.
>Life after the lockdowns feel like the 0AD
you literally have no comprehension of what this would feel like
Shut the fuck up Christcuck.
Fight the future

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Does it make sense to spend your money to increase your quality of life or save/invest the money by living way below your means?
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Yes. Now fuck off.
>1,000,000 by the time you retire.
By the time you retire due to inflation 1,000,000 will be nothing. And then it will all get eaten up by medical bills
It may astonish you anon, but you're allowed to invest more as your income increases.
>as your income increases.
Sorry I didn't realize you were a NEET. Just ask your mother's boyfriend for a bigger allowance, or let him know your bussy is available for a quite reasonable fee, depending on your personal proclivities.

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I tried to join the United States military earlier this year but I was not allowed due to an autism diagnosis I received during my childhood. I don’t think of myself as autistic, I consider myself to be 0% autistic and 100% neuronormative. I tried to get the diagnosis cleared by several psychiatrists at this point this year but all of them have refused and reaffirmed the diagnosis, usually citing my supposed speech patterns and supposedly monotone voice.

I just want to be a normie, I don’t want to be thought of or seen as autistic in any way. I know for an absolute fact that I am neuronormative in every way possible. I don’t want anything to do with autism, I don’t see myself as autistic in any way. This dysphoria that the label of “autism” that has been forced upon me has almost driven me to suicide in several occasions.

All labels are socially constructed, all disabilities are socially constructed. Why can’t I just be myself without a label other than myself?

How do I get the diagnosis removed from myself? How do I convince the psychiatrists and everyone else that I’m not autistic? It wasn’t fair when the label of “autism” was forced upon me during my childhood, this label ruined my life, I want to die.
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Chances are that you're not neurotypical.
>All labels are socially constructed, all disabilities are socially constructed. Why can’t I just be myself without a label other than myself?
You sound autistic to me. How did you type that without another person's possible perspective going through your head at least once?
US military is not gonna get geployed anywhere in the foreseeable future. Military jobs are pretty decent as long as you have no gf waiting/cheating on you at home.

welcome to the club. I once went to a shrink with a burnout in college. I was not allowed into a private insurance (we also have state insurance here in Germany) because of that years later.
Lmao we are literally on the brink of world war 3
4chan/Twitter memes are not reality.

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I have a huge penis, bigger than almost anyone I know, but I have one friend whose dick turned out to be bigger than mine. Would it be petty if I ended the friendship because of this or tried to get revenge somehow? I am always bigger than my friends and usually by a substantial amount. I'm incredibly angry to suffer my first loss.
Gore goes on >>>/b/
I won't read dick threads. I won't read stupid bait threads.
This is stupid.

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