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I've never had bf and I want one but the only problem is literally my whole race. The type of men I'm into are specifically from Eastern Europe which makes this even more difficult. I have nothing else going for me except for the fact that I'm skinny and never even hugged someone romantically, please help.
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>It's women's turn
Nope, a woman still won't fall from the sky on your lap, incel. Keep coping.
Go for an egirl/kawaii/gyaru kinda style, forgot the name. These girls only date white guys for a reason
Eastern euro here, women only harass men for dating outside of their race or a foreigner like Ukrainians for example, they have nothing against dating forign men though, it's all about mate competition to them.

I've seen 4 black male white female couples today, and it's only a city of 100k that is 99% white, its so unironicaly over.
>>Have light skin
Fuck off with this
>>the more you try to fit in with whites the more you'll stick out from them
This is true on some levels. This is anecdotal but I watched a mixed woman perform stand-up about her black side and her white side (Laqueffah/Karen) and it was actually funny. Because it's pertinent to what's going on in Western society. Be a part of the society that you want to be in, but you need to do it in a way that embraces YOU.
The appreciation of non-white beauty is a dam ready to burst after so many years of repression. Sentiment will change and it will change quickly.

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We all know women have too much power in the current dating market, what are some psychological warfare things men can do to fight back? Theorycraft:

>tell girls their pussy is too tight or too loose
Rough equivalent to shaming penis size. The trick though is you have to not get off to sell the illusion. If you tell her this and cum anyways she'll know you're full of shit. This is effective because it demonstrates a double standard; lots of women are totally fine with selecting for penis size especially when it comes to casual dating

>normalize male sex toy use as comparable or better than pussy
This works because it devalues pussy and makes women compete with toys. Once again this is effective because female sex toys are already commonplace and some women don't even try to hide the fact they prefer their vibrators to actual penis. If the same were true for men, women would feel threatened and more likely to need validation
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It is interesting that you brought up the concept of psychological warfare in dating, because that is essentially what dating has become.
War usually occurs when parties cannot resolve a conflict of interests (political or self-interests) through a peaceful means because there is absolutely no room for a compromise or a common interest.
You are right in that women have too much power in the current dating market, and as a matter of fact, they have so much power that they do not have to compromise or pursue a common interest. It only costs them several swipes of a finger to find another dating opportunity.
Think about who gave them the power, because females certainly didn't gain it by overpowering men.
If you are going to engage in a psychological warfare, target those who are really responsible for creating the conflict.
One women lose their source of power over men in dating, they will have no choice but to negotiate and seek a common interest.
If you engage in a psychological warfare against women, you might win a lot of tactical victories, but you will never win a strategic victory.
Jewish Andrew Tate already wrote a book about it like 20 years ago
>hoes instantly start seerhing
I think you're on to something OP
> their pussy is too tight or too loose
aka the roastbeef meme.
> male sex toy
aka the sexbot / robowaifu meme.

Anon... You are behind. Far, far behind the current state of the art in meme warfare. I think you need to stop posting and lurk for a year or two.

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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
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You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

But please stop posting this every single day.
Some would if there were more worthwhile women out there, unfortunately that is not the case. Everything that man has done is because of women, all the innovations and jobs, the shittiest of jobs that nobody wants to do, the hardest of labor, the endless suffering and toiling away for world jewry, all because of women. Why do you think men have stopped working and moved back in with their parents? All the while they are bringing in millions of mostly male immigrants every year. There is nothing out there worth working for, there is no future for them.

You wouldn't understand woman, you have it too good now because the jew is catering to you now and has elevated above man. But the good times don't last forever woman and father time is very unforgiving.
I don't have interest in having female friends because they're all sycophants, two-faced phonies, materialists, overactive, and otherwise exploitative. I don't have an interest in having sex with women because that's easy blackmail and also because nobody wants to have children or families despite being chronically horny more often than not, which is why they will always have ex-boyfriends and body counts.

I want off this wild ride. The only times I ever lowered my guard enough to get comfortable around them I ended up hating it, and hating myself for allowing myself to be put in a position of vulnerability where I have to please someone like that. All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me feel sick, it feels like one giant humiliation ritual. And sex is the biggest distraction of them all, preventing you from achieving higher and nobler goals.

The women of my generation are empty, vain, infantile creatures. Nothing like my mother, or her mother before. And I tell you, it's the men that allow themselves to be subjected to such humiliation, that are not putting these women in their place. People are just too afraid to say "no" and walk away because they fear the woman could destroy their name and life at any moment, which is why others are afraid to even approach them in the first place.
This is the way I feel about men, sometimes

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Should I, as an autistic male, marry the BPD girl with the complex attachment disorder who took my wizard virginity? No other girl can tolerate me beyond a first date, because I bore them I guess, and I honestly can't tolerate any girl beyond the first text, because they bore me, while this girl literally spends all her time with me or thinking about me and has done so for the past 8 months. She wants to get married and to be honest she's kind of cool.
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I had a long term with a BPD girl, I didn't come out the other side the same. She was obsessed with me, and the sex was great. Then she slowly started to change over time, and I kept trying to chase what was never really there to begin with. She was cruel, and I let her be because I kept chasing what was once there. The way she went hot and cold is something I can't really describe. She'd shower me in affection one minute, then treat me like a stranger and say the most degrading shit the next.

I wish i could have smacked my younger self and told her to fuck off. It left me damaged, and took a couple of years until I felt good again.

Don't stick your dick in crazy. And if you value your health, don't fall in love with crazy.
That's a very affecting story, but my girl is different. She really loves me like no other.
Shitty bait lmao
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go down this road. You may think you can handle her 'episodes' or bizarre behavior, but it will wear you down like nothing else.
>>31179112 she’s love bombing you and once she has you she’s gonna start having episodes around you a lot more often

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I've shat a week's worth of shit within the past 2 hours and still feel like I need to go back to the toilet for a fourth time, what the fuck do I do
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stop eating so much you fat fuck
I once ate a very tiny bit of a very special super-spicy-chilly-mix-thingy and only after like an hour I've had to shit. And let me tell you my digestion is fast, and I thought that whatever goes in my comes out pretty soon, but in that moment I realized how much shit is truly inside us at all times.
I can't even tell you the sheer amount, was roughly 6-8 times my regular amount, I even considered taking a picture of it for a moment, it was so much I put any scat vid to shame, and all of it was pure solid. The last batch was a little lighter in color, not as "shit brown" as the rest, but overall it was just a big load of "normal" shit.

Anyway its probably fine, you most likely ate something that forced you metabloism to go turbo autismo, as long as you are not shitting/vomiting water you should be okay.
I'm 6'2 on 155lbs
Jesus fucking Christ
Unironically get someone to get your gatorade or at least salt water. Put vaseline or something similar on your butthole to prevent chapping. Just ride it out, eventually your body will come back to earth.
Did your gf/wife do that for you

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There is nothing out there for us in the world anymore. We have no power, all we can do is shitpost here until the very end.

It's over
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It has begun.
Millions must succeed
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I wonder if we are destined to be forgotten.
Will our life fade in the shadow of greater beings?
It shouldnt have been this way
Didn't read
Rot in hell doomsayer
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Stop ban evading

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Is it possible to find other bachelors to hang out?

I’ve never been interested in kids or marriage. I don’t care about sex that much. I just wanted to find some chill dudes to drink beers with and play vidya. It seems like everyone had kids and wives or they’re single and just obsess over having it.
Usually the only way single men find other dudes to bond with are classmates, coworkers, or neighbors. If you have none of these, you're out of luck.

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So I had a dumb idea and I thought I might as well run it by random people on the internet

>Be me, 31yo male
>Plan a solo trip to Germany to go to a music festival (pic related)
>Fairly anxious about going alone

>Meet this girl (back home)
>Things are going mostly well, though a bit too slow for my taste
>5 dates in

>Get a job opportunity that will pay an horrendous amount of money
>Accepts it despite not even needing the money at all

Today I had the dumbest of ideas to randomly offer fully paying for girl to go with me to the Germany trip/festival. How dumb is that?
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>You ruined it
I haven't done anything about it yet

>Her seeing pictures of you going solo or socials
If only I could remember to post on social media lol. I fucking suck at keeping that shit updated

>our solo trip to Germany would have impressed her 10x more
I'm not trying to impress her. By far my main goal is to have company at the festival - I think it would be way more enjoyable to go with someone, especially if we are hooking up

I don't think the trip itself would impress her. I've already lived in other countries, dated women from different continents... so if any of that were to impress her it would have already. In fact, I'm right now doing something similar already (I'm in another country, going to a concert on Sunday)

I have lots of money so I figured I would go to the concerts I like regardless where they are lol
>How dumb is that?
Dumb. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
And paying sounds like desperation.
>Absence makes the heart grow fonder
That sounds utter BS lol. Spending time together does that

>paying sounds like desperation
Like most of my dates, we don't have any money strings attached - I have never paid her for anything

Regarding the festival thing, again, it's more about getting the company than getting the girl. I think I will enjoy it way more if I go with someone, and would be convenient if that ends up being the girl I'm into

So it's not like I would be buying her something fancy specifically. I already had my trip/plans, I would just be bringing her along to MY thing
Have you guys banged yet? If not, she would be redacted to go on a eurotrip with some dude she barely knows.

But real talk, once you've started dating a girl, going on an internation trip is goated for figuring out whether you two are compatible. Poor sleep, poor food, stressful itinerary and decisions. If you can survive that, maybe you guys have a chance together. Also useful is to help her move for the same reasons - she will be stressed out and you can hopefully see her without rose-tinted goggles

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Proverbs 13:12
>Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Luke 5:31-32
>31. And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.
>32. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Sometimes it's our own sins that causes setbacks and disappointments in our own lives. It causes the heart to ache. Repentance opens doors to answered prayers. Continued sinning blocks those doors, which makes the heart even more miserable. And you know we all yearn for that one "thing" that will make us feel happy or joyful. For some folks it's money. To others, it's love.

Jeremiah 2:19 Your own wickedness shall chasten and correct you, and your backslidings and desertion of faith shall reprove you. Know therefore and recognize that this is an evil and bitter thing: [first,] you have forsaken the Lord your God; [second,] you are indifferent to Me and the fear of Me is not in you, says the Lord of hosts. (AMP)

Psalms 25:17 The troubles of my heart are multiplied; bring me out of my distresses. (AMP)
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Bless this thread. I hope all you guys make it, in the Lord’s name Amen.
A fucking men, Brotha.
for what purpose was this thread made
To help the lost, like me
makes sense
Ive been thinking about that first verse a lot lately

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How can I fall asleep inside my GF?
Me and my GF love to "couple". She lays on top of me, us facing eachother, and I stay like this inside her for 30-90 minutes, but eventually her hips give out and start cramping so we stop. We've tried other positions, but frankly I'm just too small to stay inside her comfortably other than the position with her on top. (spooning/scizzors don't work)
Are there any methods to try, and/or, sex furniture like picel? I don't wanna spend $800 just to test it out and leave it in a corner of the room. Plus if we manage to fall asleep on picrel often enough, it will just collapse right?
Help please.
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This is the pose we lay in. If we do it on the bed, she can last for 30 mins, but if we put pillows below us (so her legs can sorta drop down), she can last for longer, like 90mins or so.

I have a lot of panic attacks and intrusive thoughts and the only way I can cope with them is by being drunk, especially going to sleep drunk. I was an alcoholic even before this but now I feel like I am way more dependent on alcohol since I fear that if I stop being drunk, I will collapse due to my panic attacks and intrusive thoughts. I have no idea what to do, I know that drinking will only make my sober times worse but I feel like I have no hope, even when I manage to stay sober for a few days and try to avoid the panic attacks and intrusive thoughts, I feel like I have no reason to even try getting better, my life seems meaningless, the only thing which I constantly do apart from drinking is wagecucking, it just feels like I have no goals in life and if I start thinking of some, they seem meaningless, I have no desire to become rich or get a girlfriend or whatever normie goals are out there.
>le normies xD
Aren't you special? Cringe sperg.
I'm not insulting them, I just feel no desire for that kind of life

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Every time I consider putting one foot forward I'm hit with the overwhelming sense that it's too late. I can't socialize and meet new people because they'll have expected me to reach certain milestones, and when they find out that I haven't, they'll think I'm a weirdo. I'm convinced most people think I'm gay because they've never known me to have a gf. I'm convinced that I missed my chances in life and there's no turning back now. At the same time, I don't much want to continue playing if this is all that's left of the game. What's the point living the rest of your life with the burden of regret?
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Show up with a girl and the won't think "Took him long enough." They'll think "Gee, I was wrong about him."
Be a success in business and they won't think "Took him long enough." They'll think "Gee, I was wrong about him."
Get out there and do anything you haven't done and maybe YOU will realize you were wrong about you.
Here's one of those "so bluepilling it's blackpilling" posts
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Let me guess… 25 years old is the deadline?
I wish. I'm probably the oldest dude on here.

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how do I start having good dreams again?
In what way? CBD affects my dreams, or at least I can remember them more. Lyrica will give me positive and comfy dreams. Drinking alcohol will make you not dream, or not remember them.
Do you mean actual dreams or goals?

To get better dreams you need to be relaxed whenever you go to sleep and think about something visually interesting (otherwise if you're like me your unconscious mind will wander to other topics sometimes ones that stress me out giving bad dreams). I assume dreams are just our minds making sense of unconscious thought so if you want more interesting dreams you can focus on deeper thoughts.

If you want better goals just follow your literal dreams. They will take you in the weirdest directions.

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Something unbelievable happened to me, like it was a movie.

I was waiting for accessing the ATM, because there was somebody inside. There was a girl, waiting too. There were two of us waiting for ATM.

After a few minutes of waiting, I turned my head to check the girl, in the same moment the girl checked me too.

Usually it lasts just seconds, but I was unable to turn away. My brain hijacked common sense and kept looking at her, and she kept looking at me too. Suddenly I understood that we are checking each other longer than people usually do.

My brain went in panic mode. I was sure she is looking at me like I am a freak for looking at her for so long.

Suddenly my brain switched on back and suggested to say something funny to stop this embarassing situation.

I come up with saying "Sorry, do I know you?" I kept bullshitting that it never happened before, but It's like in Twilight Zone TV series. That I feel like I know her, but can't remember.

She started smiling ant told me that she has the same feeling, and knows the Twilight Zone series too.

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>random interaction with some human being
>broo it was like in my freaking animes!
kill yourself, you autistic zoomer
Anybody who is not autistic incel tard wants to join?
Meet in a public setting like a restaurant you know for a date, not anyone's house or weird areas. Screen her through socialization. It's easy.
Don't sweat it, there's a chance she might not actually show up

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unironically, how do i as an incel get my trad virgin wife? there are immutable characteristics of my face that i cannot change. im not ugly by any means, i just have vitiligo and am isolated. am i just making excuses? all i can do now is nichemaxx, as in look for people who dont mind/actually seek people who look like me. i dont relate to many anons on here because my face is so odd with it, just cannot relate. where do i go? what do?
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find a girl from philippines
why girls from the phillippines specifically
dont try to blackpill me on /adv/

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