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The only time I ever feel better is after I exercise. What's wrong with me? Unlike normal people I have to run in order to not feel depressed
This but with fapping
That’s absolutely normal

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A while ago my friend told me that she gets high every once in a while, and that kind of remembered me that I never really got high before (I only smoked twice, but I didn't get high). I tend to suffer from FOMO, and realising that my friends had become high and not me got me a bit insecure. Unfortunately, my friend has never really offered to help me in this regard (except for one time which was cancelled), and since weed is illegal here in Australia, I have no idea what to do. I've now started to drink again more often to make it up for it, but it makes feel like shit.

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I live in a third world country where quality mental health treatment is hard to find. However, I got diagnosed with ADHD and was given Concerta 36 mg ER.
I stayed on it for two weeks before my parents had a falling out with my therapist who was overcharging them and I never went back to her. My father flushed down the concerta and I never came across any psychiatrist who would agree to get me back on it.
I have always had self-discipline issues. I eat a lot, I am addicted to energy drinks for fucks sake.
No matter how many times I set out to stop doing the bad things that I do, study more, eat less, etc, I would just go back to my old state within a week.
I am 24.
Is it over? Are there any medication-free ways to change my life, or should I just accept the cards I've been dealt?
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I'm actually curious if anyone here with ADHD would want to have kids? Mine has been such a hinderance to my life that I think its better that I don't.
It's not genetic and it doesn't even exist.
It runs in famiies, how can it not be genetic?
Modern society is all kinds of fucked up. Humans aren't meant to work boring bullshit repetitive jobs for 50 hours a week and sit in traffic for hours every day. These are symptoms of sick society not sick people.

They will poison your mind with ANY reason to not reproduce. Population reduction is the number one motivation behind all psyops. They will encourage you to deny the one thing that can give your life true meaning.
They want us to suffer and your current thinking plays right into their hands.
>repeating "no meat = malnutrition" and citing years old alternative news sources
Weak. I'd call you a shill if carnists didn't routinely have defective reasoning processes. Useful idiot.

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I got to talking to this middle eastern woman in her 20s, who happens to be a nurse. We set up a date at a bar tomorrow, and it's quite clear from our convo that sex will be on the table. It's all quite a relief to me because it's been quite a while since I've had sex without paying for it.

It does lead me to wonder what it is about nurses though that seems to make them more promiscuous. Are promiscuous women simply drawn to that job, or is there something about the job that turns women that way? Like the odd hours, being surrounded by old dying people or whatever?

Also, I obviously don't want to screw it up by pressuring her; I'm happy enough as it is with what she's willing to do with me, but I am a tad disappointed that anal seems to be completely off the table. Do you think there's any wiggle room to get her to at least try it in the future? I mean, it's not like she tried it once or twice and decided it didn't feel good. She seems to have not done it at all, yet is writing it off. Any thoughts on that, or should I just forget it?
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hey so when i am fucking a woman, my instinct is to like idfk make love and shit am I on the right path? or do I like choke and slap them? I'm confused I could use them advices
>I totally get if a woman's not into it though
>all you think about from that point on is how to get her to do anal
I hate fuckers like you.
>Then she sucked my dick, and I finally got a little hard and came, but she said she didn't like swallowing, and just spit the cum on my thigh, which kinda weirded me out, but she mentioned that swallowing cum was more boyfriend material... idk.
Never ceases to amaze me just how stupid women can be sometimes

>Like some fake simulation or movie, because I've gone most my life without women being this sexually forward with me. Usually just unenthused missionary sex or whatever. But she seemed like a complete nympho.
Dude, that's how sex is supposed to be lol. The unenthused missionary is the fake shit

>Sounds like a BPD-chick
Doesn't sound BPD at all except maybe the "swallowing cum is boyfriend material" thing. But other than that, all perfectly normal

>Then imagine a woman you haven't even fucked vaginally talking about pegging you
Oh trust me, I've been imagining this for a long time..

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>Doesn't sound BPD at all except maybe the "swallowing cum is boyfriend material" thing.
The pattern to look for is
>she's going WAY too fast, falls hard for you, and invariably wants to have crazy person sex

At some point he'll do something that breaks her illusions of him, at which point she'll flay him alive and ruin his life, but that comes later.
>>she's going WAY too fast, falls hard for you, and invariably wants to have crazy person sex
Yeah but it doesn't seem like she was going way too fast, it just seemed like she was actually having fun and actually wanted to have sex with him lol. Like what was she supposed to do instead? Act like she was hardly interested? THAT is a BPD move

It's kinda sad that what I'd call "normal" behavior is somehow getting interpreted as disordered nowadays btw

I have been a neet for a long time, because I can't get any job using my math degree, the best I every got was data entry. What should I do now?
start working on a github portfolio of projects related to quantitative finance and apply for internships as a quantitative researcher
start with watching Hudson and Thames advanced pairs trading series and make an implementation of all the techniques
"Would you like fries with that?"

Seriously, get a job. ANY job. Not because it will be your career, but just to get back into the world of work. It is MUCH easier to make career decisions if you're living a normal-ish life, following a regular schedule, being part of the working world and getting a small degree of self-respect back.
Learn some basic SQL and python and go into Data Science
like >>31127222 said you can easily become a "data scientist" just by learning python + the relevant libraries (pandas, numpy, matplotlib/seaborn, etc)
you already have data entry experience, this is the next step up
dont undersell yourself, you have a math degree and I assume you know basic statistics so once you learn basic python (which takes no time) just start applying to data science jobs
alternatively if you want something more mentally stimulating (and less of a meme than "data science") you could get actuarial certifications and work in insurance
they actually use some quite advanced statistics and its not nearly as boring as it sounds

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idk if this would be better for /lgbt/ or what but just hear me out
ive been struggling with feeling of bisexuality for over a decade at this point, and while i am truly ashamed that i feel this way, part of me wonders if it would make things better if i came out of the closet.
unfortunately it feels like doing this would completely ruin my life. this is all from my perspective so i could be wrong but i dont feel like i am. tldr im insecure and have boomer parents
pros of coming out
>can say faggot
>friends would probably accept me
cons of coming out
>parents 100% disown me
>relationships with friends will change permanently, they might think im trying to fuck them
>im supposed to be the straight guy of the group in my head
>cant date a guy anyways, the stress of hiding the relationship would prevent me from enjoying it
>already struggle with masculinity
>already told my friends im straight a million times while knowing im not
>probably wouldnt make me hate myself any less
am i wrong in this? or should i just keep it to myself and maybe learn to be straight again? anons pls help
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>Detach from those financial things. Create your own sources of income
I don't have $400 a month to pay for car insurance. even paying rent is a huge hurdle
>You're missing the point
what's the point then?
>I don't understand your question
I mean what is this "buffet of pleasures" you speak of
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Well as long as momma and daddy pay your bills you better dance to their tune.. Whose bread you eat those songs you sing.

By buffet of pleasures he means you get to date both men and women. You have lots of options
again I don't get that because I have to hide the relationship if it's not a straight one
I think I'm just gonna keep it in my pants, it's easier this way I think
just keep it on the DL. you know that there's the chance that people won't be cool about it. why bother? what will telling your parents do for you anyway?

honestly, you probably love the idea of "coming out" because you want the high from it. you are better off spending that energy somewhere else...

stop being a faggot
>honestly, you probably love the idea of "coming out" because you want the high from it.
yeah honestly I just need a win rn or to feel anything good in my life
>you are better off spending that energy somewhere else...
like what?
>stop being a faggot
I wish

Depressed, suicidual due to all of my actions, wondering what I should do right now with my life. Where would I go if I die?

Should I FOLLOw Christianity for my problems and see if I can god or jesus to give me a better life? Or see into science?
You can into science and still have something to believe in. We are surrounded by a pretty obvious mystery. It is weird, the chances that we are here are one in one infinity. You can incorporate biblical religion into that, if you like. You don’t need to be all retarded about it. You should believe in something.
When you think about it, depression is just lack of faith
Yeah but I ask by the way if there is a possibility I would live the same life as myself but differently in another universe? Can we even experience a life reset with science?

Should I ask god for help in giving me a better life when I die and go to heaven?

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How have the Chads you've known in elementary school or even from highschool turned out?
I've had the coolest friend back then but now I don't even know where he lives or anything else about him, for that matter.
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He was probably just autistic or something
I think actual depression not the meme kind. He still has women in rotation but he's checked out of life pretty much. Last time I've met him we had a good time
How is he now?
What about yourself?
I was the chad back in my childhood. I got into wrestling, had a girlfriend and was the feared bully. So to answer your question :now I'm a neet incel.

Maybe I should go Cobra Kai and open a wrestling class in town and teach nerd kids how to become the menace of the playground like I was?

>job hop minimum wage jobs my entire 20s
>pandemic hits and I get laid off
>can't find work anymore
>gf encourages me to use the time to finally get a degree
>go to welding school
>graduate in early 2022
>struggle to hold a job still
>only on contract work through a union
>current contract is going alright but I feel my foremen are annoyed at a 30 yo who is just starting out in the industry

Did I fuck myself? Is it too late to get my life in order at 30?
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If girls don't pay attention to you in your 20s and you work on yourself, they'll pay attention to you in your 30s.
better late than never fuck what anyone else says
I’m in the middle of getting a political science degree so you’re doing better than me. I fell for the “get a degree you’re interested in” meme
I did too then I did it a game just to make sure I was retarded.
>a game
again, not a game*
Did I mention that I'm retarded?

How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
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IRL freinds sure.
Have you seen their friends lists on Insta/Facebook? Its like 600 - 800 every time.

I am talking from experience here, i had a 16year age gap with an 18yo for 2 years. I know what I'm talking about

In the context of what I said is if they are smoking hot.
No one here is rich enough to sugar daddy for them
You'll probably pull a 5 at best and then have all the issues in that image I quoted further up.
>I am talking from experience here, i had a 16year age gap with an 18yo for 2 years. I know what I'm talking about
but you still with her for 2 years

So you only want to fuck them not have a LTR with them?
if so go hard mate.
But when you're older you will realise there is more to life than just slamming a teenager.
A couple of volunteers weren’t enrolled at my program, but I would assume it varies by program/school. I would suspect if the teacher thought you were only there to pick up chicks they might bar you though, you’ve got to at least make an effort to do what they ask you.
This man gets it

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why do all men who prefer women older than them have mommy issues, is a momma’s boy, or is just kinda soft? I just want a normal man who finds older women more attractive than younger women
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For young zoomies in their early to mid 20s i tell them to work a food service job around girls, if they want sex/relationships. It's not hard to be a 20 something and date an 18-22 year old coworker.
Also yeah the minority of men who like older women are generally looking for the dommy mommy type, seems to be a package deal type of thing.
Which gives rise to the classical older male x young female pairing and its opposite
I've never really been intimidated or afraid of women, more I'm afraid of how they can point, say a magic word, and my life is over. I've learned that not interacting with them is the safest bet and a lot of women are insanely annoying that its never worth building any sort of rep with them.
Yeah that makes sense, I avoid interacting with them as well. I just ignore them categorically and stay in my lane, has worked for me.
Honestly idk if I'd approach a woman if she was exactly my type, at this point I just don't give a fuck.
my life is so perfect sometimes it feels like a dream. I find myself wondering if its real myself. For my fellow momlovers, I recommend dating a woman a few years older than you with pcos. It's a gift and a curse for women, a curse when theyre young and a gift when theyre older. When my momwife got pregnant she started crying tears of joy, she wasnt sure if she could ever have kids. Now we know she'll be fertile for at least a decade.

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Long story short have been experiencing waves of down mood, apathy, self hate, acute sadness to the point of physical pain since I was 13. I can't seek help due to my professional licensing (trust me on this).

I haven't been doing well in college, I failed out of a scholarship program my first year and am about to fail out of classes this semester because I didn't turn any homework in. I've been bothered because last semester a close friend/classmate killed himself then the very next day I witnessed a vehicle accident death (volunteer first responder). I can't describe how horrible I was feeling so I decided to try a last ditch effort. Over two months I did DSM diagnosis questionnaires weekly and the ones that consistently were positive regardless of current mood were moderate-severe Depression, PTSD and sometimes light anxiety. I then reviewed the literature and came to the conclusion that cognitive behavioural therapy and prozac/flouxetine had the best evidence as a treatment for anxiety and depression used currently. So I signed myself up for anonymous messaging/worksheet therapy online using a burner debit card. I then bought generic Prozac off of a market on the darkweb. The meds are real and came from the same manufacturer that operates in the US and the pills/pill contents visually match up with pictures online.

I took my first dose (20MG capsule) yesterday and got anxiety/energy/sweats/bowel issues and those feelings continued today. Should I continue or is this mania? I ruled out bipolar in the diagnostics so I don't think that's the case. Could be a negative placebo. Regardless I have three options. 1. Stop cold turkey and not redose 2. Taper off slowly by making a solution out of the capsule and dosing via a syringe. 3. Keep taking once a day.
I am open to other ideas and I can provide more info if you need it, this is all pretty summarized.
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You should see an actual doctor or psychiatrist and get diagnosed and get put on the right meds. Antidepressants can cause mania in people with bipolar so you might be better off on a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic or any of those in conjunction with an antidepressant to prevent mania from happening.
A. I can't see a psychiatrist because I don't have insurance and if I do I lose the ability to do what I love/ make money forever. I can't be placed on any meds officially, between the choice of continuing this or tapering or quitting cold turkey which is best?
I’m not a doctor I’ve just learned over the years how these things work. You’ll get side effects for a couple weeks then you’ll start to feel the full effect usually about a month. If you want to quit taking them, you can go cold turkey since you only took one dose since it’s not enough to withdraw from. It’s your choice if you want to stick it out and keep taking it or just stop completely.
ok, that makes sense, I mainly just wanted to make sure that I wouldnt need to taper off one dose, thanks anon.

I'll make the decision to take or not tonight before I go to bed
Healthcare in US is really this bad??

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Why should I stop watching porn if I don’t have any women in my life and never will anyways?
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Fuck AI. AI porn is also still porn.
Don't know why you're so terrified of naked women
Did it work? Did you completely recovery?
>and never will anyways
Not with that attitude. And you wouldn't have made this thread if you didn't care.
Stop viewing porn as a substitute for real sex and women.

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flush or spare edition
previous: >>31125509
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Yes, can you not?
holy shit im retarded lol
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real schizo hours?
I hate crowded gyms. I've been living like a NEET due to time from university, and going to the gym between 2-5am is so peaceful. Lifting lets me zone out. It also triggers the unga bunga part of my brain that keeps me from feeling like a little bitch
I physically max out in an hour or less. I do not know how the fuck anyone could stay in the gym longer than that doing pure lifting on a regular basis

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Hey, /adv/. I got a bit of a long one for you, so I'm sorry for the multiple posts. I just got home from an outing with my dad where he told me I disgust him and that I publicly shamed my mother and abandoned my family because I didn't let my mom light a unity candle at my wedding.

To try to shorten a long story:
> be me (picrel)
> fiancee and I had a scuffle (silent treatment stuff) in my parents' house in december
> mom felt snubbed because my fiancee wasn't doing much talking at the dinner table, aside from a small side conversation with me
> woke up to my mom and dad yelling at each other
> mom was angry with my dad for not saying anything about fiancee
> dad yelled at me and they told me fiancee wasn't allowed in our house ever again
> fiancee and I tried to meet with them a few days later to resolve things.
> mom accused fiancee of not being raised right because of our side conversation (among other insulting things)
> don't really say much because I didn't want to fight with them
> try to tell my mom the day after our meeting that she probably shouldn't have said those things, but it was dismissed
> this causes strife between my fiancee and mom, mostly which led to my fiancee not wanting to spend a lot of time at my parents house
> parents try to get me to reconsider marrying fiancee on the pretense that we now seemed unhappy around them

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>(3/3) I understand I hurt them, but are me and my wife deserving of this? Do I deserve my dad laying into me like a child? Was I wrong about my decision about the candle? Also, what on earth do I do now to fix things? It's an absolute mess.
Nah, your parents are faggots, just stop talking to them, fix'd.
It's too late, OP is a faggot too.
He's been contaminated from their faggotry from years of intoxication around them.
OP will never recover. His mom won.
>His mom won.
your right, he should kill himself to own his mom :^)
i agree with anon's assessment of your mother, but disagree with his proposed action...

i forced myself to read your second and third posts, but i already knew before the end of the first post that your mother has some problems man.

unfortunately, the strife dragged out between your wife and your parents, but you gotta put your foot down at some point and not let your mom think it's ok to be this concerned with your business.

that doesn't mean you should abandon your parents forever. as a man, you have the power to make things right. but if your mom wants to act like a victim when you assert yourself... well, at least you did what was right by you and your wife.

your momma's got a grip on you for sure. and it sounds like a "traditional" generational thing. she treated you this way because she was treated this way. don't hate her for it but you shouldn't think it's okay or normal either.

i would try to make peace with your family and if your mom wants to condemn you then fuck it that's not your problem you did nothing wrong and you're being too kind!
She lost all right to lighting the unity candle when she hit you. No remorse.

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