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idk if this would be better for /lgbt/ or what but just hear me out
ive been struggling with feeling of bisexuality for over a decade at this point, and while i am truly ashamed that i feel this way, part of me wonders if it would make things better if i came out of the closet.
unfortunately it feels like doing this would completely ruin my life. this is all from my perspective so i could be wrong but i dont feel like i am. tldr im insecure and have boomer parents
pros of coming out
>can say faggot
>friends would probably accept me
cons of coming out
>parents 100% disown me
>relationships with friends will change permanently, they might think im trying to fuck them
>im supposed to be the straight guy of the group in my head
>cant date a guy anyways, the stress of hiding the relationship would prevent me from enjoying it
>already struggle with masculinity
>already told my friends im straight a million times while knowing im not
>probably wouldnt make me hate myself any less
am i wrong in this? or should i just keep it to myself and maybe learn to be straight again? anons pls help
Show, don't tell
If you can't get a bf then it's not like much changes anyway
You don't need to admit to your parents until then either
You don't need to 'come out of the closet' especially if you're bi or whatever. Who the fuck cares lol.
you have to be 18 to post here
All three of these for real.
Don't ever "come out" or whatever, just live without thinking about it much. If someone asks then just be honest and don't make it a big deal
>"Yeah, I'd date anyone so long as I think they're attractive and interesting."
If you get a bf, then people just find out naturally, just like above,
>"Hm? Oh yeah, I've got a boyfriend."
Again, just don't make a big deal of it and don't bring it up needlessly.

If people treat you differently, assuming you aren't sperging out-then whatever, get over it ig.
Family shit sucks but they'll either get over it or they won't, if you don't have alternative motives for staying in their good graces then don't worry about it.

You can call people faggots without being a fag. Although you most certainly are a fag whether you come out of the closet or not.
this is probably the way but at the same time it feels weird to hide a piece of me. but I'll try living like this
I'm 21. I know you're supposed to figure this shit out when you're like 15 but for reasons I'm not gonna get into I wasn't able to explore my identity until recently

>> do i come out of the closet

R Kelly is that you?
You should try working out and stop watching porn and see if you still think you're a faggot.

I'm gay and I don't tell people unless they need to know. They just randomly find out and I act like it's no big deal because it's not my problem, it's their problem. Even people that claim to be 'allies', they start treating me like a god when they find out that I'm gay and I hate it. Just live your life as if you were already out and if people get shocked, just gaslight them and act confused why they are shocked. They won't say shit if you aren't embarrassed about it and people will respect you. Don't ever trust a person by just telling them because they can weaponize it against you. I've had a "friend" do that to me by "accidentally" bringing it up in front of my brother. And my brother was confused but I just carried on like nothing happened and he never brings it up.
You don't have to make a big deal out of coming out. Nobody needs to know your sexuality.
I don't watch porn and I run almost every day
Homosexuality is a behavior, therefore it is a choice.
People's behaviors are motivated by feelings.
You weren't born feeling this way. Something happened that caused you to begin to feel this way. Very rarely do these behaviors manifest due to genetics, even through inbreeding. You have to find the cause of your homosexual behavior so that you can better understand how to solve it. There is still a chance for you. You need to dispense of the lie that homosexuality is ingrained within you and immutable. It is only so because you believe it is so. I get intrusive thoughts about brutally murdering and maiming people. I let these thoughts pass. I don't tell myself "I was born a murderer!" Because that's ridiculous. One simply has to look at the fruits of a murderer and the homosexual deathstyle to understand that it isn't right. Homosexual sex will never fill the void in your heart, no matter how many times you try.
then don't drink from plastic BPA bottles. Seriously. If you feel yourself turning gay there is very likely something wrong with your body. Get your T levels checked. And cardio is not working out, which is why runners always look like anorexic wash cloths.
i don't want to have gay sex, I seek out non sexual intimacy in relationships
I don't drink from plastic water bottles either, also that might be the most retarded thing I've read in a while no offense. seriously run that statement by someone you know in real life and see what they say. also I've been "turning gay" for the last 10 years
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Friendships change throughtout life. It's okay that some friendships change, some last forever.

What is the point of coming out of the closet if you still want to hide a possible relationship? Would you hide a hetero relationship?

There's therapy, peer-to-peer support. Maybe you can wait a while until you are independant from your parents. It's your life you're living, you can't make all your decisions based on what would other people say/think/do.

You can create and find a new family if your current family doesn't love and care for you unconditionally. If I were you I would be distancing from all the people who are not going to help me when it gets tough for me.

Write a list of 100 things "I don't want to... anymore." What are concrete things you can do to reach your goals? What can you affect and what you cannot affect. Focus on those things you have power on.
Homo relationships are based off lust. There's no true love in them.
its not possible to love people that are the same gender as you?
>What is the point of coming out of the closet if you still want to hide a possible relationship? Would you hide a hetero relationship?
idk but i would hide a relationship regardless of gender, at least for a while
>Maybe you can wait a while until you are independant from your parents
i moved out already
>It's your life you're living, you can't make all your decisions based on what would other people say/think/do.
id rather change to meet other peoples standards than expect them to change to make me more comfortable. besides i still rely on them for some things
>You can create and find a new family if your current family doesn't love and care for you unconditionally. If I were you I would be distancing from all the people who are not going to help me when it gets tough for me.
i dont really have anyone i can rely on like that
>Write a list of 100 things "I don't want to... anymore."
i dont even think i could come up with 10 of these. idk why im even alive at this point. ive always wanted to start journaling but i dont want amateur fanfiction about my life to be available and risk someone finding it
You are sabotaging yourself from having reliable and stable friendships. If you were truly content and happy with yourself, you would be a magnet for people and in no time you would have your safety net and stable friend network around you. Your issues stem way deeper than bisexuality and parents not accepting. When people see you, they can read you like an open book and your neuroses are available to everyone.
>its not possible to love people that are the same gender as you?
It is not possible to have an intimate relationship with someone of the same sex. Sure, you can love them. But if you really loved them, you wouldn't attempt to have an intimate relationship with them, because you'd be bringing them into a lie, and destroying each other in the process. A covenant of this kind cannot exist in reality. There is nothing to build in a homosexual relationship. You cannot pass your genes on. You live a life destined for the grave, and that's it. A man should have as many children as possible, and teach them his ways. You cannot do this in a homosexual relationship.
what am i supposed to do about it then?
i think your values are just fundamentally different from mine. lets just agree to disagree
I used to be "bisexual". My dysfunction was caused by a weak father figure, low T and loneliness.
These "values" you speak of are simply a convenient lie to keep you stuck in, as >>31120532 says, your neuroses.
The fact that ex-homosexuals exist is incontrovertible evidence that it isn't ingrained from birth. The fact that LGBT youth change their sexuality 99.8% of the time is incontrovertible evidence that it isn't ingrained from birth.
It is a choice. It isn't a value issue, it's a matter of fact. You have been lied to.
dont get me wrong dude i dont want to be bi at all im just trying to cope with it in some way, at least until these feelings pass (if ever)
also when i say values i dont mean being gay specifically, im more referring to what i want out of any relationship/my life, straight or gay
What are the things you can do and what are the larger scale things you cannot affect? You can take care of your health for example, but you cannot stop climate change. So you've tried suppressing. How long will you try to suppress? You are not cis. Do you want advice actually? Put a date on calendar when you will stop suppressing and try another technique.
ok so let's say I stop suppressing on June 1st. now what?
Why would you hate yourself? The fact is the vast majority of people are bisexual on some level. Only 10% of people are 100% gay or 100% straight.
In the caveman days, you'd be the norm of society. Entirely straight or entirely gay would be the weird outliers.
Youre so fucking stupid.
Eating is also a behavior and thus a choice so please do the world a favorite and kys by starving yourself to death.
>whenever I try, I get so hungry I eat
Oh yea? That's bc it isnt a choice you fucking retard.
>bc some gay idiot got brainwashed and now pretends to be straight, it is proof gay is a choice!
Imagine being this stupid
>The 99.8% of lgbt teens who change their orientations within 13 years and 30% of adult homosexuals who later identify as straight are just delusional mmkay?
Your kind needs to be castrated.
Eating is a choice you stupid nigger monkey
We eat because it's necessary to our survival
Anal sex and dildos are not necessary yo your survival
*to your
I promise its not actually like that, or at least anymore. maybe in the porn addicted internet
>parents 100% disown me
At least you know you won't have to take care of them when they'll hit old age.
>relationships with friends will change permanently, they might think im trying to fuck them
Just don't try to do any flirting and they'll understand
>im supposed to be the straight guy of the group in my head
Do you genuinely gain anything from it?
>cant date a guy anyways, the stress of hiding the relationship would prevent me from enjoying it
What's the point of hiding it?
>already struggle with masculinity
You have access to the whole buffet of pleasures and you're seriously worrying about your masculinity?
>already told my friends im straight a million times while knowing im not
Just tell them you had issues to work with
>probably wouldnt make me hate myself any less
You either need therapy or some new friends
I've seen twinks look better than most girls
>At least you know you won't have to take care of them when they'll hit old age.
true but I still need to rely on them for some financial things
>Do you genuinely gain anything from it?
no besides minor smug sense of superiority
>What's the point of hiding it?
so I don't get outed/hatecrimed/whatever
>You have access to the whole buffet of pleasures and you're seriously worrying about your masculinity?
like what?
Just be normal, homosex is a sim.
do you really think I give a fuck about whether something is a sin or not
quit being a faggot you fucking faggot
well, so much for that
that's the goal yes
you type like a retarded teenager and no one cares if you "come out the closet" realistically some people would think you're disgusting and other's wouldn't really care
stop watching porn
and check your testosterone and cortisol levels
scientifically proven that causes you to be gay
if you tell people you're gay you're going to lose opportunities and people around you
just think about getting aids or hiv from a gay man kek
did you even read the thread?
yes i've read the thread
you keep declining the fact that no one will care if you come out the closet
so do it
it's literally like talking to a manchild who can't have critical thinking
honestly coming out of the closet is basically a trend now it's such a stupid thing, i've dealt with same sex attraction myself and i just don't get the point of "coming out." unless you're gonna start dating other dudes soon too then who cares? it does nothing for you at all to "come out" and you're risking a lot
I’m a sort of closeted bi. The only people who know are my wife and best friend from college. It’s doable for a while. I’m planning on coming out once my financials stabilise a bit.
You may not now but one day you will have to answer to God. We all fight temptation, but grace is not a license to sin.
Catholic fags can be such a bore. Get laid and die.
you made it too obvious that you didn't read. don't shit up the thread with religion crap because we're beyond that at this point
yeah I've been thinking maybe it's better if I dont
where am i being religious
you're delusional and there's no helping you kekw
If anon is a practicing faggot he'll more likely die before his parents lmfao
>true but I still need to rely on them for some financial things
Detach from those financial things. Create your own sources of income
>no besides minor smug sense of superiority
You're missing the point
>so I don't get outed/hatecrimed/whatever
To be fair, they probably know that you must be either bi or pan. They're just waiting for you to admit it.
>like what?
I don't understand your question.
>Detach from those financial things. Create your own sources of income
I don't have $400 a month to pay for car insurance. even paying rent is a huge hurdle
>You're missing the point
what's the point then?
>I don't understand your question
I mean what is this "buffet of pleasures" you speak of
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Well as long as momma and daddy pay your bills you better dance to their tune.. Whose bread you eat those songs you sing.

By buffet of pleasures he means you get to date both men and women. You have lots of options
again I don't get that because I have to hide the relationship if it's not a straight one
I think I'm just gonna keep it in my pants, it's easier this way I think
just keep it on the DL. you know that there's the chance that people won't be cool about it. why bother? what will telling your parents do for you anyway?

honestly, you probably love the idea of "coming out" because you want the high from it. you are better off spending that energy somewhere else...

stop being a faggot
>honestly, you probably love the idea of "coming out" because you want the high from it.
yeah honestly I just need a win rn or to feel anything good in my life
>you are better off spending that energy somewhere else...
like what?
>stop being a faggot
I wish
red truck
Just shamelessly be yourself. Every single bit of you that feels uneasy has to do with your fear of other peoples reactions or thoughts.

They do not matter. Repression is a hell of a drug and worse than just living life as you see fit.

If anyone has a problem, well fuck em. Ive never understood people who care about other mens sexuality. If you can’t show some basic decency around homosexuals that makes someone looking for an easy target to put down. Never seemed fair to me.
>yeah honestly I just need a win rn or to feel anything good in my life
>>you are better off spending that energy somewhere else...
>like what?

you answered your own question. go get a win bro. as men, we are generative. fuck anyone who says differently. we're meant to go out into the world and change it in some way.

get a skill that makes you money if you don't have one already.

go work on your physical and mental health.

become a winner. you will be shining and you would be embarrassed when you look back at this post
>parents 100% disown me
So don't tell them. Being open an honest about it isn't the magic cureall for this internal struggle the way you think it is. Tell yourself to stop feeling guilty and ashamed first. Your problem has more to do with the consequences you imagine. If you can stop fearing them you could probably just carry on as you are.
You should probably find a healthy outlet for your feelings. Be that porn or talking to people online about it.
>already struggle with masculinity
Hyper masculine men are the gayest if gays. I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like it's just another level of the personal insecurity you are stick with.
These internet faggots think the world is fucking lollipops and rainbows, what a load of fucking shit. I'll tell you this- nobody likes seeing a fucking faggot. Nobody.
Im genuinely curious what the issue is. If its not repressed homosexuality in yourself you have no reason to get emotional like a woman.

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