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How come there are so many green skinned characters in Dragon Ball?
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>worst posters
but enough about the nulyfag
2.5 inches being the size of your cock? Of course.
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>Oh Bejita sama~ <3
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>Nothing wrong with being a cuck as well, which all Gokubros are like their idol!
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Nikyu-Nikyu will be back soon!
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What killed the hype?
We don’t need Rebecca Electric Boogaloo. Bonney should’ve been 24 as advertised. Her background is hackneyed and her development sucks.
Yonko won
Oda's daughters when it's their birthday but Oda hasn't exited his drawing lair for months
Has it? The curly eyebrows of the Vinsmoke I can get struggling.

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How has ai helped you scanlate lately, anon?
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oh jesus christ, fuck this gay earth and all of you cocksuclers...
Do rippers still frequent these threads?


I'm looking to translate all the volumes, but getting volume 1 for now would be great
Mirrored? It's upside down, anon.
And it's like that because the blob where it was written on is flying away and has rotated, obviously.
>Mirrored? It's upside down, anon.
That's just a mirror from above. And no reason for an object to rotate when a counterweight acts on it launching it straight up. tl;dr I want my 10 mins back.
Say I wanted to scan an entire volume (or volumes), but not translate it. How would I go about uploading the scans so that they could be distributed everywhere? I’m thinking I should probably go ahead and scan the volumes of something I got a while back that don’t exist online.

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>an actual canon yuri show
>largely ignored here, threads can't even reach bump limit anymore
I thought anons loved yuri?
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He was a good man
The dad took it surprisingly well, gave Meguru a nice place to live and unlimited spending cash as long it's not for a plane ticket to America. She doesn't have to worry about high school or college, the only clause she has to obey is to stay the fuck away from her sister.

Also I think Kanase moved out of the apartment she shared with Meguru and moved back in with her ex-girlfriend. So now the next few chapter is going to be dark for poor Meguru-chan.
Also now we know the ex turned into a short hair punk because it is the opposite of what MC likes lol
This is what happens when you buy Folgers for your family instead of buying a Nespresso machine.
Imagine being the one real gay girl when all your coworkers are only pretending.

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>ywn get to experience this
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What's the optimal height difference for hugs?
10cm to 15cm

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Has this ever happened before in One Piece?

It does way more justice to the setting and also characters like the CP0 and Lucci with some of the coolest animations and fight scenes in the anime while almost all of it happens off-panel in the manga

>but but the pacing
True, but today almost every media player has the built-in feature to let you speed up with pitch correction. Watching at 1.25x is great
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I thought it was a total "Oh fuck" moment personally since they introduce one Elder who's too strong to be defeated conventionally, who then breaks out four more monsters. It's a testament that they need the strongest mortal species on the planet just to bail the Straw Hats out of there.
I don't think that's all there is to it. There is a huge difference between "the world is sinking" and "the world is sinking because a neet one Mariejois wills it so and he can do that because x".
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when the first guy came it was pretty "oh shit"
but then he proceeded to do nothing but fail, then the rest of them came, and you guessed it, proceeded to fail
look at that glasses dude. man even got bitched by fucking sanji lmao, how am i going to take them seriously
>he only reason Oda put him on egghead to begin with is fan service
Symmetry with a Buster Call being used to shut down someone who could potentially upturn the world through knowledge alone, the entire impetus for the arc's MO being Vegapunk set to be assassinated and he's still the world's best assassin, was used for the original Gears powerup display and makes for a good measuring stick again...sure, just fanservice, anon.
That other guy's not wrong

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Why is she doing that?
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i am sick of buying miku trash
they wont get another penny!
we can all agree that megushit is a pile of shit and ruins the show and we all hate her
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season 3 was a mistake
what a worthless hobby. peak soulless.
calm down Lalatinabro

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Its kind of not that great as people hype it up to be.. Besides by the end most the main group gets sidelined.
> main group gets sidelined.

If you ever thought the series was going to end with some power-of-friendship everyone-adding-their-own-specialty to take down the final foe, you aren't smart enough to make conversation about this series.

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New raw chapter is out!
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>Dark Lynn
I thought the MC was dark Lynn, and the princess was the good one?
Has English grammar ever looked like this, or is this just a massive tortured pretzel of overly-literal translation?
>read Chp. 1
What the fuck man
It's definitely my favourite series that's currently running.
That's my king.

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Why are these two cats so fucking horrible?
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People is stupid
Legit can't grasp how people can have an existence like this.
lost media drives in viewers
It is easy to understand when you remember that people did not ask to come to this world, one day the feel brave enough and end everything
suicide isnt brave, its selfish

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Please consider this cat.
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Are you sure?
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I'm still waiting for that occult research club spinoff
that will be the next novel for family season, don't ask me how I know.
big if true!
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Do you think dragon girls are a bit overrated in isekai?
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>summons are just anime girls
I sleep
Does not matter since Kureha and Sophie are after it as well.
Alright kagenou incest it is then
baby dorkness

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New WIXOSS 10th anniversary PV released

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I was there, Gandalf.
>the hag verisons of the main characters get carded and paired with their old LRIGs
>loli Ruu and Tama are the final boss
I'd watch a season like that, sick pv.
Bruh, what? It's 10 years old?
I remember the days when the first season aired and people translated the guide on how to play because people were genuinely interested in the card game. Maybe it's still popular in Japan but it feels like seasons 3 and 4, as well as the spinoff, shouldn't have even been made.

Marcille unf
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AI is forbidden dark magic I do not use it except for reference (not hands)
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I'd love to see a distant-future sequel
>Set at a minimum, 100 or so years after DM's ending
>plot is centered around the monster repelling qualities of Laios and his corpse, and how it has caused waves of geopolitical instability across the continent; since all those monsters that would normally be in the region have been pushed away and have made the surrounding areas much more dangerous
Not sure where things would go after that though. Or even what the central gimmick would be (like how Dungeon Meshi uses food).

Other things:
>Chilchuck's "half-foot" union thing really took root and is now mostly a standard years after his (natural) death
>Marcille has become a figurehead for a progressive (or even terrorist) elven faction that wants to develop and possibly share black magic techniques (primary motivation being that she's cripplingly lonely in her later years and wants to see Fallin/Laios/Shuro again friends)
>Senshi runs an orphanage/hostel somewhere, reluctantly having to grapple with the idea that magic/industrialized farming is the way forward since his "living off the land" lifestyle doesn't scale up well to larger quantities of people
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Basically, yeah
Laios better have descendants

with who though I wonder...
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>today I will remind them

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Pase usted a la gran era pirateria del nuevo mundo, los habitantes aca son asesinos, espías, terroristas, cazarrecompensas y los desechos del bajo mundo, todo reunido en un mismo solo lugar.

Y por sobretodo, MAIDS
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Never hand a super Magnum like that to a complete noob like this btw, or at least not with anything more than 1 round loaded. Or if you are a noob, never do this.

There's about a dozen incidents of someone completely inexperienced with high recoiling handguns being made to shoot one on camera (often one of those very Smith & Wesson 500s), and they completely lose control and their grip on the gun, with it spinning around on their finger and then bumping itself on the trigger when its pointing right at them, annihilating half of their skull.
How does she sound like a guy?
On one hand she's great and I love her.
On the other hand I can't forgive nor forget the fact that we lost an entire squad of amazing sexy suit-wearing french hitgirls for her sake. To fucking Balalaika, no less. Absolutely unacceptable.
Soon not that soon

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