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Make sure to treat your NPC with respect, otherwise it might come back to bite you in isekai.
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Why are we so dead?
You know of timezones, right?
/a/ is a now a dead board and that's a good thing!

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This is a proud warrior for good and justice. Say something mean about her; she'll like it.
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they can't recognize each other
yes and its retarded
Utena and Baiser look nothing alike
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Magenta eye activate!
List of episode numbers/timestamp of loli fanservice in this anime?
I want to "check" them.

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Remember to bully pedophiles at school at work and in their households whenever possible.
Anyway discuss the chapter
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The 50% of the world population had it, what about it?
cringe samefaggot
Lame, get in the guillotine, chomo
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>all these retards who simp over un used goods like Hagcuck

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New chapter on the 26th, here we will wait with Mr. Mushroom
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>Too many talking
First they complain about nobody talking, now they're talking too much...
Its because the dialogue in the continuation has done a huge disservice to the chatacters so far, making everyone look incompetent and retarded.
Its kinda like that quiet friend that you try to get them to talk, but the second they start yapping you just wish you never bothered.
hope so

fuck Mori and fuck Studio Gaga
most of hte plot seems consistent with what Miura put out. There was gonna be some kind of Guts x Griffith confrontation on the Island, and the Island would be destroyed and everyone had to leave. The only part that i don't follow is this battle in the east. I had felt that Guts would make it to Falconia and have hijinks there first.
Berserk ended. Let it go.

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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Are you attempting to bait someone into translating it now that the author's other works have been fully scanlated?
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Well anon could still buy the french volumes, although you'll have to scrounge up used because Kazé was bought by Crunshitroll. Friends who read it to the end told me that the last part of the manga isn't amazing but still salvaged at the moment by the mangaka.
On a semi-related note, we MIGHT get a digital version of the Perfect Edition of Karakuri Circus in the coming months. Would there be people interested in me dumping it on /a/ (translated from French, or copying the translation from current scans) ?
This manga is comfy and Fujita should do more comedy.
>we MIGHT get a digital version of the Perfect Edition of Karakuri Circus in the coming months.
I hate the french
We might get better scans thanks to them thoughever.

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>Sand Land - The Series - S01E12 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP).mkv

Episode 12 is out. Show will end next week.

By the way, apparently the game will be released later today in Japan.
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The spics won
Not if they never watch this anime because It's "not dragon ball".
Cool episode but this is so freaking awkward. Though I know Toriyama enjoys these kind of designs, but he should have had a better costume.
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Is the series the movie+ with extra things or is movie like a prelude to series?

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What about Rika do you like?
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Chie pls I don't want haggu, I want huggu.
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I love her lewd side. I love her cute, childish side.
I like how she's always embarrassing her sister because Rika is an actual shut and her sister is a wannabee slut.

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mission-ary position
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>reads a series specifically designed to last as long as humanly possible instead of any actual romance with sex like Ase to Sekken
>waaaah why do they keep blueballing mee
I don't think it's unreasonable at all to assume that a series about family might expand the family at some point so it can explore different familial relationships, like Loid and Yor trying to raise a child while still doing their spy and assassin jobs, or Anya being a big sister.
More like remove the school subplot and do more spy and assassin stuff.
I think it's unreasonable to expect this show to go anywhere if you watched the first 2 seasons.

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Reminder that this is "fat" in Japan.
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Wtf I love fat girls now.
man, I love Mitsuba so much
Based Japan
Good. Landwhales BTFO

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>show has maniac scientist girl
I will now watch your anime
This, but Sasami
I hate this BRAT

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Have you been to one? I'm not sure whether to go to Anime North or not.
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Where drama used to be quarantined before social media took over.
>Antisocial people don't go to social events
More news at 11
Sorry, there's no trick. It's hardwired into your brain as an autist.
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I've never been to one but I'd like to go to one, maybe with the intention of making friends. But I don't go outside. I'm miserable. I have a stupid fear of going outside and talking to people, and I'm unable to think straight when someone is near me. Crowds and loud noises make me feel short on breath. I can't make eye contact and I can't show any expression even if I wanted to, and any smile I try to force looks just like that, forced. I have no friends or girlfriend and a lot of the time I lay in my bed for hours with no desire to get up. My only saving grace is alcohol which lets puts all my worries aside for the time being and lets me talk to people somewhat but I immediately regress once it starts to wear off. I'm 28 and I feel like my life is already damaged beyond repair. I want friends and a girlfriend, but I think I'd rather jump off a building than force myself through months of agonizing stress and anxiety for something that isn't even guaranteed. Conventions look fun, but they're probably not for me. I'm too tired to think about it
Be observant. Look for similar points of interest.

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What are you all doing? New Kaguhara chapter is out and no one made a thread yet.
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Why does Goku love getting naked in front of girls so much?
>Bulma gets angry for no reason seeing a naked little boy who she told to take a bath
>Pan gets visibly flustered and blushes madly despite this boy being her grandpa
I wonder if adult goku has hanging dong in front of pan before he got shota'ed by the dragon balls

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Cocona? More like _______
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Yes, I needed something to ejaculate on
Post more things, I'm really late to the party.

Cocona doesn't like perverts.
Flip Flappers was a misunderstood masterpiece that was ahead of its time. There I said it!
can't misunderstand it if you can't even understand anything in it
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What is there to post?

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anime girls with big PECHONALIDAD
stop spamming this third world language shit here
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What's with this series and extremely low quality threads?
Yunyun is honorary hispanic

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