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Have you ever wanted to self-insert as a young beautiful woman yearning for an overworked office worker and bonding with him by smoking together?
Anyway, this might be the manga for you.

Dumping chapter 31

Previous chapters:
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No, I'll stay in Wales. We have a cool flag
There is very much something wrong with her ? She started smoking just because a random dude she met years ago that was nice to her happened to be a smoker, if it had such a big effect on her that she decided to wait for him or someone who looks like him then she can be.
She is also obviously written by somebody with daddy issues (sasaki and tayama's dad are essentially the same dude), so the author tries to project her life with tayama while putting her in a vastly different situation (she has a loving father), that can affect how she looks for a man
Nah, she relatively normal.
When I say something wrong, I mean something WRONG. As in either police or ambulance (or both) get involved. Especially if she mad cute like our girl.
She's young. She's only ever known working at the store and once the Sasaki-ing happened and she found her confidence it went from a nightmare to fun times with people she likes
Thanks for the dump, like always, OP.

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How has ai helped you scanlate lately, anon?
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Is there any general rules regarding line breaks in Japanese language?
Like at after what word or particles should it be fine to break the line?
follow your own advice, retard
Based on what I've read line breaks can be at any point they want them to be.
Great taste
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>Long forgotten series get massive fanfare when someone picks them up up and drops a new chapter
>Do the same for a series I like
>It barely gets any traction
I need to pay attention to the upload time strategies discussed here.

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>episodes 4-6 all completed two weeks before airing, despite the dubbing taking place in 2021 and being in production for three years
>Mizushima said in this tweet he doesn't know how much longer they can go

Are we really going to get a delay or break or some kind?
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There's one worse thing that could happen.
Replace "they" with "she"
I spot a dog anus on a pic.
I'd rather imagine her on my face
Imagine if it was diapers.

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post best girl in any anime
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evil women = best women
that's not tsubasa
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Both space and earth rocks are eternal but some things are not. The series ends in two chapters.
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I don't know if Mira/Ao are going to shown to be kissing/confessing/married, but it seems like Misa/Suzu are at least going to become an item by the end.
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Sad. I just got an Ao PuniColle keychain a few weeks ago for my work bag. She's way too cute.
>I'd say the ending was rushed.
Damn, could you post a summary of how it ended?
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When is the next Kirarara anime?
Yuru camp is airing this season, and then there's Mono by the same author which will air at a later date.

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Only thing wrong with dubbed voices are the localizers changing the script for “western sensibilities” and not actually how they sound.
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the scripts for fromsoft games are still written in japanese and then poorly translated to english dialogue
it's a stylistic choice which probably works perfect for japanese people, but if you know english and japanese it's just distracting
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Nyamo or Yukari?
>and US is the only country with consistently bad dubs.
Because westoids are the only country with consistent kikes desperate to sabotage JP media.
But I like when they beef up the comedy in the dubs. It feels like I get to watch a great show twice over.
le normal thing bad
le snowflake thing good

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Discuss today's episode. Who needs a Dark Elf like Marcille when you can have a superior Japanese tsundere waifu who is actually fertile?
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ye, he was affection gorged if anything
>that doesn't seem berynutritive!
The magic school doesn't teach combat spells, Marcille learned her dungeon spells before she came. Also I think it takes practice to make a spell combat ready which is why everyone has different attack spells. Mithrun relies on teleport, Marcille explosions and Rin lightening.
Since Flain has different experiences and 3 years more in the dungeon she probably has a different set of defense spells she practices with. She is healer / defense specced so she probably never uses them if Marcille is on attack.
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Did Falin actually have a shirt on in the manga after she got rezzed? I could have sworn she was bare chested, but then I haven't read it in nearly 3 years

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Robin came a long way from Ohara to now. I love One Piece.
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Nobody cares?
It's all right in front of your face.
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Black Leg Black Flames is inevitable
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Sanji has rejected the darkness, and invisibility. He wants to come into the light, be the light. He stopped Kizaru, and will soon be able to kick at the speed of light and burn like light itself.
Why would Vegapunk say not to get mad at Kizaru? Is Oda breaking the fourth wall here for hopium chads?
zunesha, tree in sabaody, etc... tend to imply the sea is rising

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This counts as a pretty anime girl that the whole school is in love with, huh.
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>there aren't good VNs being made anymore
Bullshit? Comb through vndb in detail, I'm sure you can find at least one good VN from each year. People really don't explore the media landscape enough, they just assume the most popular dead-of-center stuff is all that exists.
One good VN lost in a sea of shovelware. Before it wasn't so hard to at least ignore the garbage, but if you have to be overwhelmed wading through a sea of shit for one good experience a year it's time to find a new hobby.
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no he's right, VNs have fallen. Look, the only good game is marked with a green check mark and just look when it released.
No shit there's a lot of shovelware, but that's not the same thing as there being absolutely zero good VNs released past the good ol' heckin' 2000s (the peak of all human culture according to 4chan). Lucid9 is one of my favorite VNs of all time and it's finally being continued next year, and I'm sure Kara no Shoujo 3 will be great (which is a 2020s VN, sorry to nostalgianiggers who think good can never be good).

It's more than just one, but given how long VNs tend to be do you really need more than three or four good stories a year?

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Can't believe Dragon Ball Z is 35 years old today....

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FLCL premiered 24 Years Ago Today.

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I still want to have wild unprotected sex with Haruko.
Bumping this shit
[sad news]
Don't say that unless you're prepared to carry the baby to term.
I'm not old

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Ultimate one’s fear her power, men cower in front of her beauty, women seethe with jealousy of not being as perfect as her
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sugoi sugoi
I want to fuck sensei
>no CM for the collab
>no trailer for the movie
what the fuck is ufotable doing, I want to see her animated
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Gilgamesh solos
She has no drip

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>Watch Ultraman Quanta
>Really nice, colorful artstyle
>Feels like a mix of traditional Ultraman with Star Trek and is set in a future where humanity becomes a space-faring race, makes its own interstellar nation and joins the wider galactic community with them as a not!Federation
>Expect it more to be like the traditional Ultraman shows
>Not only do they introduce a kid MC, but also the titular Ultraman looks like a more organic Guyver body-wise (but with Ultraman face) and he literally fuses with the kid in the same vein as the Venom symbiote does with its hosts

This show actually surprised me. Not only we get a fresh take on Ultraman, but I like the fact that it doesn't happen on Earth. The cast of the Wandering Light is colorful, Tempest Team is Night Raiders with transforming mecha (unlike Night Raiders they allow for goofiness when off duty and they banter a lot in combat), the MC Ryu Satsuma starts out as a bratty kid but grows up into a genuinely heroic individual after fusing with Quanta and using his power to help the Wandering Light and everyone in need.

Old kaijus and villains from previous Ultraman shows appear along with completely new ones and the old ones got some cool updates. Bogal comes back as hungry as ever with a new serpentine look, but she also gets a new human form that is a stacked sexy milf in a business suit that constantly snacks on something when she's not eying on folks/kaiju to gobble up.

The fights are well paced and have good animation. Quanta's powers are tied to his body shapeshifting (when he uses his equivalent of the spacium beam, his forearm splits revealing a prismatic membrane from which he shoots the beam), can do some physics-breaking shenanigans and can absorb genetic samples from kaiju he defeats. Gigantic doomsday device threatening to blow up a planet? Use Bogal's genetics and literally swallow the doomsday device and it ends in a cartoony way as it blows up inside of him.

What's your opinion on this show?

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Lets dance /a/!


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Except for Girls Band Cry, no one cares about the other two CGI animations anymore.
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Where are my subs, Toei?
As if it wasn't bad enough for Polygon to do it, it's also made by their backup overseas company. Bamco has gone too far, seriously.
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Polygon Pictures exists for years and it still does the worst animation from all studios. It is always bottom of the barrel quality. It boggles my mind that people still work with them and that people watch their crap.
It's impressive how ignorant this post is.

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