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Chapter 13 - No Regrets!

Previous >>275716790

After being pinned, Yoko seethed at Yu over her loss to the point of attacking her while she was attempting to clean the ring. But Yu nearly got her a few times and claimed she was catching up. Yu was later on watching an American wrestler named Molly Maxwell coming out for a match with Kawachi and fought back when Molly picked her up to the crowd's delight. Yu griped about wanting a match and Yoko went and got her one: Yu and Yoko vs. Molly in a 2-on-1 handicap match.
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Japanese wrestling was very influenced by guys like Lou Thesz and Karl Gotch so for the longest time it always maintained some attempt of trying to make things look like an actual athletic competition where people were fighting for wins and losses and you were expected to have some actual mat grappling skills. And then you have the further influence of Inoki and his obsession with MMA and proving wrestling was "legit" and all that.

Even if it's less of a thing today than in the past, especially in joshi, it's too baked into the system compared to the United States where the whole idea of shooters and hookers being the top guys and what wrestling was based around died out with the advent of television and promotion of showmanship.
Thank you for posting.
It's not looking good right now.
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I need this manga but for boxing
Is it legal?

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Now that the era of bully romcoms are over, are you glad this period in time is behind you or do you wish we had more?
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I hope they'll copy the protagonist being a self-aware upstanding guy who actually wants love instead of the usual bumbling tard.
I don't remember exactly but I think she tossed bugs to him when he was genuinely afraid of them, that was pretty bad. If I was the guy I would have cut ties with her over that.
NTA but even thin male arms can easily overpower those girls. Are you saying you can't?
>school idol likes beta shut-in, preferably with glasses, for the 1000th time. add in designated loser rival when it starts to fail
same as always. if it works why fix it.
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Not only the tiny girl but I also just noticed that one of the girls on the bottom right has 6 legs. The more I look at this image the more confused I become.

This manga is way too overhated for how inoffensive it is. Why?
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Who hates it? I liked this manga and I have never seen /a/ talk about it.
Have you read it?
>I'm sorry
>no I'm sorry
>wdym you're sorry I'm more sorry than you are
>no no no no I'M the one who should be the most sorry here
Peak fiction.
>too overhated for how inoffensive it is.
If it's that hated then it must be very retarded or not as inoffensive as you believe.
it's not "hated", people just mocked it (rightfully) for its extremely mawkish tone see >>275828697 and kinda stopped following it after 2 or 3 arcs of the same garbage. who knows if it got better

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>Now I can dress like a whore.
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>Purposefully opaque yet inflammatory post
The most pathetic way to get people to reply to your shit thread
So was she Ritsuko or Misato?
Electra was sexier than nadia, there I said it.
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Ritsuko considering captain Nemo was non-evil Gendo
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I've never seen this show but I saw the imagine in the catalog and said "That's Ritsuko" and clicked the thread

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suck and fuck Tomoko.
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I want her cute feet in my mouth
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>How do you SUCK a FUCK?
She definitely would, if she considers it to be her only way to lose her v-card.

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Anime has absolutely ruined an entire generation of men, and no one wants to talk about it. It conditioned young guys to believe in a world that doesn’t exist, filling their heads with delusions about life, relationships, and even their own potential.

First off, anime sets up this impossible standard for women. Every girl in these shows is either a shy, submissive waifu who exists solely to boost the MC’s ego, or she’s a hyper-competent badass who somehow still falls for a socially inept loser just because he “has a good heart.” Real women aren’t like that. They’re not perfect little dolls who never have mood swings, expectations, or past relationships. They won’t just orbit around you because you did something nice for them once. But now you’ve got dudes out here rejecting normal, flawed women because they don’t match the fantasy.

And then there’s the idea that life is supposed to be some kind of grand adventure. That you’re the MC of your own story, destined for greatness, and some magical moment will happen where everything clicks. News flash: there’s no grand destiny. You’re not going to stumble into an underground fight club, get recruited into a secret organization, or have a beautiful childhood friend confess to you out of nowhere. Most people live boring, repetitive lives, and it’s up to you to find meaning in that, not wait for some anime-tier power-up to make things exciting.

The worst part? A lot of guys don’t even realize how deep this conditioning runs. They think they’re just “waiting for the right moment” or “not settling,” but really, they’ve been poisoned by a medium that was never meant to be a manual for life. It was just escapism. Now we have a generation of men who can’t function in reality because they spent their formative years chasing an illusion.
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my delusions are so bad that it makes my stomach hurt
anime was just cartoons but drawn well with cool stories and less men in spandex
autists took it and ran it into the dirt because only the biggest of faggot losers consume dogshit like isekai and harem
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Shounen is youthful optimism
Seinen is the black pill, and is more true to reality

Saying anime specifically ruined a generation of men is retarded though, this level of idealization can be found in tons of stories in every medium.

Also people love to cope. Even without these stories, all they need to do is stumble upon basically any Manosphere or male advice youtube video and they'll have a flawed world view.
>It conditioned young guys to believe in a world that doesn’t exist
It's called storytelling and it exists pretty much for the entire human history. Stories told by the fire. Religion. Books. Comics. Cinema. TV. Video games. It was always there in one form or the other. And it's not working only on men but women as well. We're all programmed to create, listen to and be conditioned by stories.
>It conditioned young guys to believe in a world that doesn’t exist, filling their heads with delusions about life, relationships, and even their own potential.
It’s not that anime ‘filled young guys' heads with delusions’—it gave them the ability to dream beyond the limitations imposed on them. For many, anime was the first medium that suggested their lives didn’t have to be resigned to monotony, that they could strive for something greater, even if it wasn’t easy. The real failure isn’t that these men had dreams, but that they were never given the support, guidance, or resources to make something of them. If they haven’t achieved their ambitions, it’s not because they were naive—it’s because the world around them never nurtured their potential. Instead of blaming anime for ‘ruining’ a generation, maybe we should ask why so many people feel like they have nothing better to hold onto in the first place.

>Most people live boring, repetitive lives, and it’s up to you to find meaning in that

A boring, repetitive life is unappealing precisely because it lacks meaning. Humans are naturally driven to seek fulfillment, excitement, and purpose. If someone finds their routine dissatisfying, they are not obligated to simply accept it—they have every right to dream of something better and to pursue that dream. Settling for monotony when you crave more isn’t ‘finding meaning,’ it’s resigning yourself to stagnation. True meaning isn’t about tolerating repetition; it’s about striving for a life that feels worth living.

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why is she staring at it like that?
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Maybe it hurts.
besides maybe crushes on the male protag it wasn't a very romance-coded series
shion is just smug
It smells
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I love Shion.
I would even get a job for Shion so she can laze around all day on the computer.
Damn she too much damn sex, anon

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Challenging the Top

Chapter 26
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Was "love" originally said in English here?
Adult loving the midget girl

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Neck Specter (originally published in 1989)
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Be Kojima
I was hoping someone would make that joke, thanks anon.
Cleaning the Bog behind the school, as you do. Why is there even a bog there in the first place?
Thanks anon, this might be my favourite one so far. My interests are pretty obsessive, yeah. Honestly pretty surprised Oshikiri wasn't out to kill Kojima this chapter.
More supernatural high school girls, the schools in the Junji Ito world are interesting
Oshikiri's just hallucinating again
tomie no diff these bitches

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>VA: Miyuki Sawashiro
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>VA: Aoi Yuuki
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>VA: any zoomer
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>VA: Ayane Sakura

I just finished watching this and I don't understand why it doesn't have more recognition. It has such a great character designs, animation and backgrounds. The first part was a solid SOL (peaked at ep. 6), and the drama in the end wasn't bad (I don't think that the last episode was such a trainwreck).
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Great ED too but I'm probably biased since the singer is one of my favorite utaites
No, I take that back. I'm definitely biased.
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>The fact that the show didn't spell everything out for the viewers also filtered lots of people.
I don't think it was that complex. I simply liked a lot the girls and the animation was superb.
>They're gonna release a new song and do a live stream this very week
I might check it, although I was more engaged by the anime itself than the jelee thing.
Didn't see much mention of it during the last aoty voting, unlike GBC. I don't want to make a confrontation between both here (I enjoyed GBC too, but in a different way), I just was surprised of almost missing jellyfish.
I agree that the drama was a little forced, but at least it was competently directed and they managed to land an acceptable ending, unlike a lot of other series like wonder egg priority which couldn't end it reasonably even with hiatus.
I will check it. From what I see this was her only anison.
>The fact that the show didn't spell everything out for the viewers also filtered lots of people.
More like the conclusion simply wasn't satisfying after what was being set up earlier.
ending wasn't a complete disaster but definitely a big letdown, left a sour taste given how strong a start it had

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What are the best /a/ vidya games?
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It's also retarded because most of the fights in the show are team efforts. Yes that includes Muichiro, he wasn't winning that without Kotestu and Haganezuka.
None because they're always arena fighters. They could make good action games in the style of Nioh or Sekiro, with a lot of exploration and deep combat mechanics, but they turn everything into a fighting game instead. And this reflects poorly on the characters themselves too. Now you can have someone like Inosuke win a 1v1 against someone like Kokushibou because the game demands that it has to be possible since it's controlled by two players even though that is stupid and shouldn't ever happen without dying a million times trying to perfect the fight, which is why something like Demon Slayer would work infinitely better as a souls-like because the difficulty of taking down an upper moon can be accurately reflected in the struggle the player goes through.
This scene ruined shonen animation.
>implying God of the Mountains, Pig Hashira, Lord Inosuke Hashibira could not solo Kokushit low diff.

All that volumes just for a draw
Kashima is a bitch team
Also, fuck Gomi
Tsubaki was about to become a hero and save the team from the bad experience with Kashima but that fucker had to eat a red card just to stop our hero's momentum
>vol 64
vol *65

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I put an explosive device inside of Takagi-san’s desk this morning before she got here. Later on I’ll tease her by saying “hey Takagi-san, isn’t this class an absolute blast?”
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Hey nishikata! did you hear? We're changing seating arrangements today

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FACT: if you take any silly old established battle system, and slap it on motorcycles, it becomes 5 times better.
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>Surfing requires water
>Motor engine cannot operate on water
>Surfing just becomes surfing even if the technology for it exists.
One thing cant make it better
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Did you just fail at inventing jet skis?
>Mahjong on motorcycles
Someone call Fukumoto immediately!
It’s boating with faster speeds, nothing new. Been a thing since China’s Dragon Boat.

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