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>df 5 is most likely to release Fall 2026
How do you cope with this anons?
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Does your number include yurifags
Jesus Christ, those hips
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What can she do to get a boyfriend?
Be real and ring on my door.

How would you convince Pitou to join betray Meruem.
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Where's CHADorio?
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That's a sick eye.

Puchiko is a very cute badass, nyu.
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Petit Charat best Charat.
That’s fine too…
She's high tech.

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>He prefers his sister over me.
>He rather have retard babies over me.
>He would risk social and biological ostracization over me.
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Imouto love
How can a guy NOT have a raging boner in this situation? It's impossible.
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>One of the few exceptions is Alisa's benchmate Masachika Kuze, a relatively average boy who spends his days watching anime and playing gacha games.
Even Kirito is a chad compared to that description. Why did alpha MC's not catch on I can't watch these losers get the girl it's unrealistic
She's Japanese.

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New 4koma
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Tick tock ratfags, he is going back
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>pov Rocks freed you from slavery
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>The legendary heroes were the villains all along
Say the faggot
Yuki Yuki no mi, instead snow but actually created hydrogen though haki
You can only do that if the skill gap is big, having decent gear does give you a boost in performance

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Continuing the story of a cool big brother, who don't need working legs to protect his imouto... with extreme violence.

Previous threads :
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You better not be tricking me.
Other heroes don't have brain damages (caused by bullets)
That sounds like it's gonna get weird.
Sad lizard.

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The strongest human
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Experts in Several Languages OWN these halls.
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Goku just walked in on ______
Your mindbrokenness

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What is this face trying to say?
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>Uzaki is older than those high school girls
So what. She still has a senpai like the others as she's in college, retard.
I like the gimmick, but why did the author choose Russian specifically? It could work with any other language.
>pass the same
What did he mean by this?
>but why did the author choose Russian specifically
So she could have white/silver hair
>It could work with any other language.
It's in this weird place where it can't be English (Too much familiarity) and it can't be some European language because finding someone who speaks finnish in Japan would be a nightmare so it has to be Russian.

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Studio: MAPPA

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It's called having an artstyle.
Pink hair is even closer to Takahashi's artwork
"fucked up" is not a style in and of itself
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Anime designs > manga designs.
Almost all anime nowadays do that. Why do modern viewers hate saturated colors?

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Why is anime/manga so lacking in the BUTT department? Boobs are great, but I'm sure the breasts department can spare just a little bit of its huge budget in favor or buttcheeks.
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It will never not be funny seeing the internet make young men vehemently deny themselves a good ass since they think it'll make them icky and black or something
nip isnt america.
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>Americans are awake
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You're right, I don't get being gay at all. Even the ugliest pussies turn me on as long as it's not like blue waffle level so I think you just have the zoomer brainrot like this guy described >>268888737
"Ugh ugly hatchet wounds, I love anime butts and boobies and thighs so cute and so pretty but beef tacos are like SO HECKIN ICKY"
Yeah, you're fucked.
Are you the same schizo who always posts that world map?

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What kind of thoughts or emotions would you say this image inspires in you?
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He'd better, it's not the child's fault the boy choose to fuck'n impregnate a grown woman.
Would would you want one when you can have three at the same time. The foursome scenes are the best part.
She's too cocky. Watch them have huge dicks and she can't handle it and breaks mentally.
It's gross
thats what makes it hot

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What are your thoughts about her?
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Dirty, violent, subhuman norma.
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Useless character since the MC already has a sister.
that chin could open a can
built for bbc
like any korean

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>give Spy X Family a chance
>boring as shit
>only good thing about it is the beautiful (rule34-worthy) Yor
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people impressed by ai art are like plebs who consider mcdonalds real food. they can't afford high cuisine and it would probably be wasted on them anyway.
Damm Loid should breed this woman already.
Also you got filtered if you think this is boring, it's just not a manga or anime for you.
PYW then.
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>anime is perfectly fine
>ruined by degenerate pornholic lolicon fanbase
Old /a/ was never this bad
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>ruined by degenerate pornholic lolicon fanbase
>Old /a/ was never this bad
I don't know man. I remember /a/ being known as the pedo board

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The biggest rival wasn't Mami, neither Ruka... but Mini of all the characters. Maybe she can break the Mizuhara curse... or can't she?

Seems the (more common in the west) friends to lovers trope finally permeated nip culture
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>I honestly don’t get what direction this is going.
Reiji already said he is just going with the wind, narrative-wise.
Yet the supportive shipper can get caught into feelings. See Toradora.
I once fapped to her "pantyshots" from the anime on her birthday.
mini killed obaachan
I believe it.

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