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Do you like twintails?
32 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
In most cases twintails are too widely tied to be cute and are just weird.Both in 2D and 3D.
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Best tank.
Post that flat chested gif with the twin tails. You know the one.
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What was his fucking problem? Is he ever coming back?
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no idea, but the ones with Tashigi are usually the ones that slaps imo though I'm not even a huge Tashigifag
Stussy sexo
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Imagine not watching Devil Lady, Birdy the Mighty, Jungle de Ikou and Shamanic Princess
>Vegapunk's brain in a jar
>a camera and several screens showing that the gorosei's true forms were being recorded and broadcast to the world this entire time
Meromero girls

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Her time approaches
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Well I mean odds are that the wolfoxman is the usual misunderstood villain that every Precure has while Skinhead was just evil until he got turned into Whitesnake.
Besides, the girls still get slapped around. You don't see that in your other " nothingfluff child-distraction-TV" as you call it.
Iroha was pretty lucky the lion attacked with his paw closed.
I just click /pc/ like once or twice per month for a quick check of news (aka Maho2) and to get the current impression on WP.
I still intend to bingewatch the show eventually but I would rather not follow these threads too closely, it seems like a complain-heavy year.
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Obviously you never even watched Mewkledreamy.
Mewkle's "villains" were entirely played for laughs, but I'll be honest and say I dropped S2 because it was literal shit for babies. Anyone saying WP is bad as that is out of their minds.

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Episode 47, "Liko and Nyarote, Put All Your Heart Into It" is airing in just a bit over 12 hours. Get in here to see Kotono Mitsuishi show Sandwich-chan what correction is!
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Story wise they'd only serve a purpose as like... giving characters like murdok/mollie someone to fight.
Would still be interesting to learn about the lore of the organization, regardless.
Spanish Liko!
You're lying. If you spoke more than one language, you'd recognize it's Spanish. I don't know Japanese, Korean, Japanese, French, and Italian, yet I can Identify and distinguish them. If you're in America, the second most common language is Spanish. Only you can fix your shortcomings.
What are the odds that next time we get a Black Rayquaza fight he’ll go Mega since Mega is coming back for Legends ZA.

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Why didn’t Momo create multiple Nukes and nuke AFO/Shigaraki with it? Or at least, kill them with poison?

She could’ve committed war crimes (biochemical warfare) when she faced Gigantomachia, but she didn’t do it. Why?
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Future is now old artist.

The reason a super powered character doesn't properly use their powers is because the author is a hack, 9 times out of 10.
why is this slop allowed by the moderators of /a/
Meds, now
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Happy Birthday, Marcille!
That's a lesbian.

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there's a 70's tokusatsu named "redman" that anno used to watch as a kid. in the show, the protagonist redman uses a javelin that he throws to murder kaijus
could they be correlated?
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Jesus is the messiah. The bulk of humanity agree on this.
Jews are irrelevant.
he failed.
He'll come back again to take his right. Christians and Muslims agree on this over their combined thousands of years tradition.
Christians and Muslims agree on a lot of things that Jesus said the opposite of
The second coming is one extremely rare thing these two religions agree on what are you on about kek

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>4 years and still no s2
wrong board
Don't invoke the italian, OP
it has kino soundtrack
S2 is next season

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>We need a new file format to consolidate all of these other file formats
>Oh no, now we just have yet another file format (and a shit one at that)

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>yuri can't be kin-
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Last Adashima
>anime ended right before pure utter kino
I was robbed
>words words words
Looks like a leftist meme kek
Just wait for S2
> I love that clamp wrote this eternal cuck in every universe

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My spell casting sociopathic witch wife is so cute
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Why does Elaina so many figures?
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Buy all of her figures, paypi- I mean esteemed customer.
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I thought that was Nene from Sabbat of the Witch for a second there and was ready to call you a cuck.
Just read the first chapter of the LN, first exposure to Elaina.

I liked it.
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They keep producing more and more. I have three Elainas and a Saya; no more desu.

Welcome back, everyone
Today, we actually finish this
Previous Threads:
>V-Tamer 01

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Kek, get fucked!
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Thx mate.
How would you have continued Dreamers?

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What the FUCK was her problem?
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The sequence itself was pretty good, although Rudy being able to jump on it's back is kinda dumb even if it looks good in the anime he has neither experience nor physical agility to do it at this point in the story, even if it was an already wounded baby whelp dragon
That face could have saved us
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>He looks older here than he does at the Academy
We were fucking robbed, and now because his VA gives good head we're stuck with baby-face and voice Rudy
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she'll be gone in S3
its the inbetweener that butchered the scene. imagine spending three years in college to get a degree only to be unable to do basic easing

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This is Arona's anime. Say something nice to her.
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>meows out loud for no reason when she thinks nobody is looking
Ridiculous. Silly.
My princess....
Hime sex
unlike FGO it will lmao
>unlike FGO
>it will

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big 3 influence
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Dragon Ball is silly and nobody pretends it's deep philosophy or something, the vast majority of people who watch it knows it's screaming, punching fast and hype after hype. Also Toriyama looked like he was actually drawing with his hands and not like he was handling the pencil with his asshole like pic related (im not even using THAT panel of Chimera ant arc because that's too low of a hanging fruit). HxH always pretends it's some meaningful big deal when all his arcs have at best baby politics. It thinks too much of itself, and so do it's fandom.
>When you get over the age of 16, how does one not see Naruto as pure fucking cringe?
Naruto has a lot of wasted concepts.
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Post that wano hxh edit please
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>One piece I can stomach at my age
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Who even reads this trite crap

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