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Roux Louka is genuinely one of the most beautiful characters in Gundam. She’s super cool and confident as well.

I’m glad she didn’t get any horny fan service and people don’t lewd her online at all,
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>Char ignored this for some dead indian
What a faggot
This but Puru.
Mineva is the best ZZ.
>rice crackers
My femme HItler can't be this cute

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We are going to settle this right now
Who was best girl
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good taste
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Man if I was Tsuda I wouldn't have been able to resist.
Horatio homewrecker.

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So if Ranma's taking a dump, and there's a lil splash back, a little King Poseidon Kiss right on his pucker, does he turn into his girl form?
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>if she can breed she is ready for the cock I mean yes she can
nah the cum would nee to be outside of her body. after all the sperm that is on his seminal vesicle don't impregnate fem ranma so either the cum either disappears or is turned into part of her reproductive system
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>Draws manga that gets kids and teenagers horny
>Gets uncomfortable when asked questions about how bodies work in-universe
Woman moment?
So, bukkake would change him but blowjobs wouldn't?
No he has to be soaked/submerged/completely drenched

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Season 1 had some major direction issues compared the later seasons but this beat drop was pure unadulterated kino
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It's her charm point.
The best butt for the best girl
>Season 1 had some major direction issues compared the later seasons
Luckily it didn't have the latter season's writing issues
>ya-haiya setsuna hibiku
It's over.
You hear this, then you know the scene is kino
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What Everyone Sees

Chapters 3.5 and 4
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Yeah, it seemed like a fairly original design to me.
Redpill me this please.
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP

Deers and siscons today.
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Why even bring up Majimafags and this other nonsense? just enjoy deer.
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This show is so divisive. I wonder how much of people's opinions are influenced by the subtitles they watched it with. I read people saying the YouDeer subs were crazy burgerized and made weird decisions. Like, apparently it changed Hajime (MC of Kindaichi Shōnen no Jikenbo) to Columbo (apparently some detective show that aired in the 70s in the US) which is crazy cause Hajime shit is still recent but Columbo is so old (apparently the actor died at the age of 83 in 2011) that virtually no one watching this show would know who that is (much less the teenage Japanese MC).
Compared to the "source" licensor subs (on Prime Video) Crunchyroll only has slight edits on the English subs and full retranslations on the other languages (Japanese to English to Spanish/Portuguese and Japanese to French, not sure about German)
>English sub: "Because there are deer crackers before me!"
>*English dub: "Because the crackers are there!"
>Anime Onegai Spanish sub/dub: "that they ate them because they were offered to them!" [¡que las comían porque se las ofrecían!]
>*Crunchyroll Spanish sub: "It's because they're there!" ["Pues porque ahí están!".]
>AO Portuguese sub/dub: "Because (there are crackers/they're) in front of me!" [Porque (tem biscoitos/eles estão) na minha frente!]
>CR Portuguese sub: "Because there are deer senbei in front of me!" ["Porque há senbeis de veado na minha frente!"]
>CR French sub: "It's because the biscuit exists!" [« C'est parce que le biscuit existe ! »]
>*ADN French sub: "Because they're there/here, in front of us!" [Parce qu'ils sont là, devant nous !]
>*CR German sub: "that they eat them, because they're there!" [dass sie sie essen, weil sie da sind!]
ADN German sub: ? / Prime Video French/German subs: same as the English sub
Interesting, thanks for looking it all up anon. I didn't know the licensor subs were still going out for episode 2. I wonder why so many of them refer to the crackers being "offered" or being "in front".
Spanish sub should just say "¡porque ahí están!" without the "pues" imo. I feel like adding it there gives the sentence a different tone, kind of like saying "because it's there, of course!" or something. Could just be me though.
>>268899380 (Me)
Adding to this, I checked the Spanish wiki just to be sure and it translates the quote as "Porque está ahí".

Chapter 65:A Raging Gentleman
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And that's all for Today and This Volume!
Ayy Imao?
Thanks anon.

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So I finished reading Shimeji Simulation what the fuck?
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No need to be so down on yourself, anon. This is one of those situations where it really was the thought that counted.
It’s a shame how Gardener pretty much dissapoeared at some point of the story. I really liked her.
Everyone disappeared.
You're covering for all of us.
good night

>her superpower is that she's hot
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This was a better concept when it was called Empowered.
I hope she still ends up with Iko.
Yaoi brother or heterofaggy boy what you gonna do now? Oh heavens!
>hallo pretty laady how aare you doing you so beeoooitfalll
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Chapter 39, swimsuits ahead
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>Ywn experience this
>that one time you gave a girl a piggy back ride 15 years ago and she giggled as you picked up the pace and said you smelled good
>that one time you then immediately dropped her in the relay race because you couldn't control the momentum and she was pissed off for two days
That's blatantly not true, especially in modern age. And in some extreme cases audience not just cares and likes their romcom MC, they are straight up madly obsessed with them. For example ever heard about 100 girlfriends? The level of dicksucking towards Rentarou is quite insane and it extends even to casual viewers/readers. Naturally series is aware of him being huge part of the appeal.
Rikka won.
So she's asking him to get distracted with her bikini instead?

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Hiashi is not only a master manipulator, but an award-worthy actor rivaling even Obito.
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I think you're just a faggot, ever thought about it?
why so hostile?
I'm being serious. There's nothing about that that makes me think of Sai as a girl.
borts are fucking pathetic.
Why does he look like that? Ikemoto ruined yet another design.

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Summer is for comfy slice-of-life anime. Which ones are you currently watching, and which ones do you recommend?

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We really need more erotic anime scenes.
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Most anime scenes are erotic. You just aren't old enough for ultra porn so you don't see it.
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Just this season

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Chapter 255's out.
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>That Elf-san show should be illegal
Have you seen how gross the animation is?
No. Why would I download a fat chick anime?
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we need to go fatter
So is the slow loris her lunch or is Jashinchan the slow loris' lunch?
Snek-mommy is cute. And tall.

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From official manga and anime
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It's because wearing a bra in general, contrary to older beliefs, doesn't actually prevent sagging or anything like that at all, and in fact may slightly exacerbate sagging with age.
However, sports bras are actually good specifically for when exercising, because the titties flopping around a whole bunch is actually uncomfortable and even painful the longer it goes on, so keeping them securely in place is quite helpful there.
Clannad is not a romance show.
I Love this one, bad animation or not. I wish it was continued.
That would be rational and backed up by scientific evidence. So it's probably not the reason. They're annoying and expensive, and who cares if you're just grocery shopping?
Why are you gay?

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