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The final chapter. Yes actually. Mostly.
363 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
Be prepared to wait...
A loser
>still can't predict who wins the bowl
this thread makes me want to reread and screencap any akira and komachi subtext and see who has more

i definitely feel both were kinda pushed but I personally felt like Komachi got more, but maybe thats just hindsight bias

The 39th Sanrio Character Ranking is here (until 5:00 p.m. on May 26) and the Kuromi Gang needs you! Past year our gal Kuromi only got 3rd place but with your help she may get 1st place this year and defeat the Dog Menace once and for all!
You may vote for as many characters as you like but only once a day for each character!
Also there are many other Sanrio characters that would benefit from some votes, lets show Sanrio we want more content and merchandising of them!
Votes approved by the Kuromi Gang include:
My Melody

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124 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ganbatte, Sanrio anons!
He's not very good at it...
I loved Jewelpet back then but when they replaced Garnet and Sapphy in the new season I got annoyed (the series desu was getting stale but I still liked it a lot till that decision)
Hey, two of your gal pals are in the canid family Kuro!

Nah, he and his friends are all puppos. The Sugarbunnies (and Sugarminuet) are the lop eared bunnies.
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Have my vote Mspaint Kuromi

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Where did it all go wrong for anime MCs?
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not according to the japanese consumer
They're supposed to represent the audience, else they would be too cool for the audience to identify with
>Fag shit.
All Jojo MCs are straight. Well, maybe not Giorno.
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It can be alright if you just want easier readability, but there's no way anybody can argue that it's better than the B&W art.

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Umm, why did they have to draw the black person with big lips? Is TRIGGER really that racist?
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Imaishi doesn’t everything at trigger (example dungeon Meshi)
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>i speak english because is the only language you know
>you speak english because is the only language you know
It's okay they now drow blacks like this

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New chapter is out, dumping.
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Nice art.
thanks for dumping.
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Thanks for the dump

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What would be the easiest way to defeat the fearsome demon known as “Shamiko”?
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Anon this is a blue board, you can't just post something like that uncensored - think of the advertisers!
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By using her horns as handlebars, duh
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Bait her with Momo tummy
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I was going to say that we already know a lot about her, but knowing Ito, she probably has planned quite a few more layers for us to unpack
Bear mace

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Which character won the 2000s shounen mascot race?
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He's basically me
Probably Gamabunta or something.
Dumbed down character, must be him

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Episode 47, "Liko and Nyarote, Put All Your Heart Into It" is airing in just a bit over 12 hours. Get in here to see Kotono Mitsuishi show Sandwich-chan what correction is!
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About those dumb ratings, anything below 90% is shit by nip standards, but don't tell him that or he'll have a melty.
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Swimsuit Liko really had an effect on everyone huh? I mean I know we all wanted a beach episode and I was surprised we actually got it but I still didn’t think it would be rated number one of the series. I find that hilarious.
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It even had doujin bait so all around a perfect episode showcasing the strong writing in PM23

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The Hawaii State Land Registry

Usagikino this chapter.
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I won't rest until someone gets SA'd in every chapter
>anon doesn't realize that in the following chapters some BIZARRE ADVENTURE will occur resulting in the property being passed onto our "protagonists" through all the means he just outlined
Oh shit I just realized after posting this.
Usagi and co are going to sue the Howler corporation for some abstract obtuse reason.
>he contracted ancient small pox after viewing the pages
>we have video of the security not maintaining 6 feet safety space around his person
>he was rendered in critical care and is suing Howler for all they are worth
>Howler either settles ridiculous cost out of court giving them all the deeds or is exposed for the big crimes going on and to defer that give the land while becoming the big bads
>"I OWN JODIO" and hover the rock over it and suddenly it would summon Jodio
you're unknowingly spoiling the ending where Jodio dies and Dragona resurrects him by saying
>he's my brother you don't get to kill him
He still uses his vampire regeneration throughout his fight with Jotaro

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>Lu Tian had Formless x Guihun 96% and everything
>Fei had Niko Style x Divine Demon and everything
>Eddie had Guihun 100% x Huisheng and everything
>Willam had Guihun 100% x Superman Syndrome and everything
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To get revenge against Shen and become the strongest man alive on the way.
Slightly disagree because what’s the point.
Instead Ohma should’ve had his entire body patched up by the Worm, but
>Traumatized from what they did to him
>Still healing and won’t be able to fight like he used to for a long time
What could traumatize Ohma other than Kiryu getting his way with him?
Just make him actually engaged and interested in the overarching plot instead of torpedoing any chance of development or exposition.
>Ohma refuses to get involved in the plot at every turn
>Shen refuses to get involved in the plot at every turn
Ohma really is his clone.

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Nami scissor with loli
The brother clearly reference to first gym leader from black and white (NDS)
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Coom Piece?

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ITT pure kino

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> sub esp
>DIOS esp
Why is this subbed in some pagan language?
I remember watching this subbed in spanish and when the major died he said "Por fin recibí un disparo" and I realized all spanish subs were made with eng translation as source and never watched anything with spanish subs ever again
And what is the actual translation?

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57 raw
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i don't think so. Probably just sameface.
fag take
that being said, please get back to the main character peeing herself again, thank you.
10/10 edit, very cute
I was just kidding, but it would be interesting if that was the case for the men in black.
Every time a character shows up, they've been better than we (the Anonymous collective) thought they'd be
Give him some time

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Starting Today We’re Childhood Friends by Obiya Midori (Kyou Kara Hajimeru Osananajimi; 今日から始める幼なじみ)

Previous thread 264933718

It's that time.
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Extreme tsun
It's a proven strategy.
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Reminds me of the Frieren blast meme.

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I live for Season 4.
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>gets cucked by bones of creation
>gets cucked by fox
>will get cucked by Kasei Meikou
Duck keeps on losing.
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As he's supposed to be.
Perhaps that is his purpose in life.
He wouldn't care.
Are you sure? I don't think he intended to be the joke.

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