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So... Sex next? there's not much to do when you are a horny teenager.
please someone make a better edit than this paint shit, it looks like cum
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Well at least he knows ukemi.
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>So, it's not that she was afraid of another denial or something.
She almost lost faith that it was happening here, if at all, which is why every neuron in senpai's brain is screaming for him to act now. Notice that she broke eye contact and started looking away, almost in shame for how devastated she's feeling that he doesn't want to kiss her.
>she was running away from here problems and so Naoto denied it
Based senpai, romantic to the core
Its really great to see Blacks (PoC) in anime tho i wish it was a white female and a Black male oh well.
Kill yourself.

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big 3 influence
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Togashi was influenced by DB
One Piece isn't over so it's fans don't need to cope with it being gone and replicate it
Kek this basically summarizes 90% of one piece
>Fairy Tail
Also wrong. Kys Hiatusfag

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Look at those thighs, you can fit 7 Mamu-chan's legs in there. She ain't called Sexy Fujiyama for nothing. Do you prefer your loli-onee with such size difference?
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I can't wait for the inevitable anime adaptation.
Where's the ugly bastard character?
When do new chapters usually come out?
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Standing in line at Melonbooks for tapestry bonus.
Gonna be honest I thought this was gonna be a Machikado Mazoku rip off, but it prooved me wrong. Shit's really funny and I think the last chapter with the catfish was the funniest yet

Happy Birthday, Marcille!
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Out of 10!
I want to see Marcille in her birthday suit!
Marci's into super handsome elven chads who sweep her off her feet like a princess. Tall men and women need not apply.
Eww, no one wants to see that anon. Imagine her perky tits, her blonde pubes and tight crotch, and her round bubble butt in full display. That's a sight of horrors.
Factually incorrect

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Chapter 108 when?
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the gem of theseus
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>Dat Fabulous hair
pebble neo-phos can probably be considered a different person but phos always remained a dumb, idiot, beauty obsessed dork right until they got swallowed up by the sun.
It's already over....it's BEEN over
fuck cinnabar

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Post anime characters on computers.

Unaltered screenshots only
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Thanks for sharing.

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Well /a/?
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I dislike people who are cringy faggots about those things.
Same as liking anime but I disliking people with shit taste.
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Analog all the way
I don't wear watches anymore. They kept freezing up on me at night, then I'd check it again and three hours would've gone by. Happened with like every watch.

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This is a terrible undead monster.
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Vampires are beautiful lovely beings and should be married! I love my wife Krul!
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Chaining Krul to your living room wall!
I wonder how she will take retribution.
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By making a mess during every meal
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ITT: homewreckers
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Didn't she lost?

Chiho, a middle school girl teased for not having a smartphone goes to the seaside to vent her anger, there she meets the strange creature, Q!! Chiho takes a liking to Q, who feeds off human's negative emotions, then decides to secretly bring back and adopt Q, what mysteries does Q hold...? Thus begins, in the port city of Numazu, the "invader life" of Chiho and Q.

(Q011): Surprise Attaq
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That's basically ancient history.
You should dream about protecting her from rain, like Q-chan did.
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did the noodles cook the egg?
But if Chiho is a good masochistic girl, is making her suffer actually helping her?

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It's another Slime Friday
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This but unironically
It's too early for the eastern empire. We'll be dealing with the Rosso's this season I think.
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yeah I meant long-term, the rosso stuff is going to be horrible because it's literally even more
>people talking in a room
except you dont care about these people at all besides one of them maybe
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Zegion is my favorite character in the series too after Rimuru. I've wanted to see his humanoid form animated for such a long time.

What are your thoughts on power stacking (combining multiple powers)? I personally see it as a sign that the writer(s) have run the story thin and beyond what they first had intended. But the concept is like catnip for power-scalers.

See: Naruto with Sage Mode + Kyuubi Mode and Goku with Kaio-ken + Super Saiyan as examples.
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It's fitting, because the series should have ended around that time, or at the very least been the end point of another timeskip. One Piece also began incorporating Haki into its fighting system around the downturn in quality.
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Too much left for it to end at that point. The series only massively declines in its last two arcs.

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>great writing
>ruined by dogshit artstyle
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man even on pixiv the situation with AI is pretty bad
You learn to draw with geometric shapes and attach them with curved lines.
It's a real eye opener when you learn to draw and start paying attention to composition

God I miss Oniio
I don't even get the point of dumping galleries on a site like that.
Is it just for the sake of doing it?
Honestly, SYD is a lot cuter, but this does look a lot like early SYD. It certainly isn't bad enough to bother me.
just the appeal of having shiny new toys I think. So yeah, maybe

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Episode 47, "Liko and Nyarote, Put All Your Heart Into It" is airing in just a bit over 12 hours. Get in here to see Kotono Mitsuishi show Sandwich-chan what correction is!
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Her spanish name is Araceli.
I am bored so I will write my ideas--
>The Explorers finally kidnap Liko and Terapagos.
>Suddenly Ash appear and introduce himself as a member of International Police.
>Ash defeat all the Explorers and restraint them.
>Gibeon finally come out of his hole and use Zygarde to rescue all the members of the Explorers.
>Ash return again in the final arc with Iron Valiant and Terastalize it to Fairy type to defeat complete Gibeon and Zygarde
I hope Sandwich returns in the next episode too.
You seriously don't remember Swsh if you think that's the case.
Probably Kaiden, I doubt Hogator ever will.

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