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Chapter 65:A Raging Gentleman
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And that's all for Today and This Volume!
Ayy Imao?
Thanks anon.

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So I finished reading Shimeji Simulation what the fuck?
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No need to be so down on yourself, anon. This is one of those situations where it really was the thought that counted.
It’s a shame how Gardener pretty much dissapoeared at some point of the story. I really liked her.
Everyone disappeared.
You're covering for all of us.
good night

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>calm and composed
>not an idiot
>doesn't have annoying catchphrases
>doesn't have weird eating habits
>wants to be a doctor and help out in his old man's clinic rather than achieving some selfish, far-out dream
>only does the shinigami stuff when he has to, prefers to live a normal life
>actually looks and acts OLDER than he really is instead of younger
>one of the very few shonen MC's who is voiced by a male VA
>has decent fashion sense, doesn't wear clothes that he looks like he sleeps in
>didn't have a messed up childhood, his mom died and he got over it, no drama
>mostly makes decisions based on reason, not emotion
Even if you didn't like Bleach, you have to admit that Ichigo is one of the best shonen leads of all time.
All the things that he didn't have actually made him stand out all the more from other shonen MC's.
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God, it's like it's 2009 again
Better than the Walmart version of Goku, tbf
His arc is also pretty good. He starts out as a good hearted 15 year old who has been brought up well, but gains a ruthless yet still pure hearted side the more he accepts his instincts and love of fighting (white). His acceptance of OMZ is also him acknowledging the worth of his life instead of something that needs to be thrown away. He is the most mature shonen MC and is written as such.

I also like how Kubo is most willing to shit on his characters for their beliefs and personalities than most shonen mangaka dare to do. Perhaps why Lost agent arc is one of my favorites.
Yusuke was interesting until his series became dbz lite.
maybe compared to some complete spazzes like luffy. ichigo has constant outbursts, he isnt calm
lol no
>only does the shinigami stuff when he has to, prefers to live a normal life
his monologue in the beginning of the FB arc is a contradiction to what he speaks of - he lied. he desperately wants power to win.
>no drama
he copes well

I want Srajo to bounce on my cock like a frog, or perhaps a toad.
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His true name is Shigeya Suzuki
Wtf, even cooler
I see
How does a toaster get this cute

>her superpower is that she's hot
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This was a better concept when it was called Empowered.
I hope she still ends up with Iko.
Yaoi brother or heterofaggy boy what you gonna do now? Oh heavens!
>hallo pretty laady how aare you doing you so beeoooitfalll
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Chapter 39, swimsuits ahead
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>Ywn experience this
>that one time you gave a girl a piggy back ride 15 years ago and she giggled as you picked up the pace and said you smelled good
>that one time you then immediately dropped her in the relay race because you couldn't control the momentum and she was pissed off for two days
That's blatantly not true, especially in modern age. And in some extreme cases audience not just cares and likes their romcom MC, they are straight up madly obsessed with them. For example ever heard about 100 girlfriends? The level of dicksucking towards Rentarou is quite insane and it extends even to casual viewers/readers. Naturally series is aware of him being huge part of the appeal.
Rikka won.
So she's asking him to get distracted with her bikini instead?

My anons, we will circle around all pages and attack on page 10. Operation starts now!
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I like big mechas, simple as.
Someone please impregnate her before her eggs go bad
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tee bee aytch, Lelouch should have used his Geass to impregnate all of his sisters. Gotta continue the bloodline somehow.
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Hiashi is not only a master manipulator, but an award-worthy actor rivaling even Obito.
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I think you're just a faggot, ever thought about it?
why so hostile?
I'm being serious. There's nothing about that that makes me think of Sai as a girl.
borts are fucking pathetic.
Why does he look like that? Ikemoto ruined yet another design.

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Summer is for comfy slice-of-life anime. Which ones are you currently watching, and which ones do you recommend?

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do straight girls REALLY do this to their gay friends??
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hate this author, he makes ntr hentai but then makes this too?!?
But sexually. Their brain functions differently enough in an aroused state that they are different people in the same body that may not remember all the other person's actions.
Having an anti-fetish that's popular is suffering.
It was an NTR chapter what do you want.

and they were GOOD friends
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Every trash manga is some kid's first trash manga
Christ were Noa's thighs and ass always that big
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'Manic-depressive foil and straight-man' is usually a good combo but too many writers skimp on giving the straight-man more to offer. They usually run on autopilot because writers think 'well that's the point', but that makes (at least) half the comic boring to read if half of it's from a viewpoint character that snarks to themselves
Afraid so.
In Japan girls wear skirts all the time though, so it doesn't mean much.
In the west yeah if a girl is wearing a miniskirt its probably for a reason

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Today we will be covering Volume 4!
Previous Volume: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/268595632/

>What is this?
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro) is a manga series written and illustrated by 774 (Nanashi).
—Our spineless— MC (Known as "Senpai") is a second-year high school student and a loner who spends his afternoons at the Arts Club room. He attracts the attention of one of his schoolmates, a sadistic freshman girl named Nagatoro. However, in between the bullying and teasing, something else begins to blossom.

The final chapter (154) comes out on July 22nd. Mark your calenders!
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Even in a nightmare Yoshi is still an autistic parakeet
I don't love this artstyle, but it's still cute
What on earth are they doing out of frame there
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Golden Time... now that's got to be the best romantic drama ever told in an anime.
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Kouko was good.
Her name is ____
I can't remember anything from this anime but the name Tada Banri is forever burned into my mind for some reason.
it sucked
toradora also sucked

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We really need more erotic anime scenes.
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Most anime scenes are erotic. You just aren't old enough for ultra porn so you don't see it.
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Just this season

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What is this face trying to say?
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They could do what some characters do and have a separate singing and acting voice. Probably costs more, so getting Sumipe was probably the more cost-effective and practical option, but it's not like it wasn't an option.
Not gatcha so no.
>Uzaki is older than those high school girls
So what. She still has a senpai like the others as she's in college, retard.
I like the gimmick, but why did the author choose Russian specifically? It could work with any other language.
>pass the same
What did he mean by this?

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