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Chapter 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63: >>268277248
Chapter 64
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Important cat.
this last two chapters were completely ignored on the anime right?
We're beyond what the anime covered in general and the live action movie for that matter
Makes sense.

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What the FUARK... Scholars, Is this true?
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>Manga comes back some time in like, December
>Immediately spends the next 1.5 years redrawing the entire events of Daima before any actually new content
Not gonna lie, it would be pretty funny.
Tacopaco would be malding even more than when we learned about it adapting Super Hero.
>it took 2 years of back and forth.
Sorry you had to go through that bullshit. It's been almost 6 months and I still haven't gotten any updates on mine.
Yeah, it happened to me during these 2 years as well. Apparently, early on it's advisable to latch onto someone more experienced as a coauthor because journals will be more willing to publish it. We can only pray it's gonna get better with time. Godspeed.

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Miria will not wear a revealing outfit in public
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Jesus christ, this thread has been attracting all sorts of "people" these past few days.
>these past few days.
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Why are lolidols?
Attention and cock.
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I hope Haru is able to celebrate her special day with her fellow lolidols.

Puchiko is a very cute badass, nyu.
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Petit Charat best Charat.
That’s fine too…

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"Detective's Assistant 5 (5)" and "The Blue Bird", dumping thread.
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That would be an interesting twist.
it's the good gas lollipop
I still feel a little bad about forgetting to bump the last thread. If you post it here it won't archive so quick but the odds of new readers are also lower.
I think 4 would've been enough.

I smell a duel in the air... will you answer the call?
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Yeah, I don't know why they changed it so much. Maybe they didn't have the design finalized yet.
Damn, he's reprising his role in Ranma 1/2 fucking legend
>he's reprising his role in Ranma 1/2 fucking legend
What the fuck? This is my first time actually hearing this. I seriously thought he was gonna get replaced by a more modern generation VA. I doubted Kappei too hard, gentlemen...
Makes me think of a Kirby enemy/boss or a cutesy mascot whenever I see it.
I KNEEL. Usopp was just to warm up for the Ranma remame

Chapter 41: Forbidden Golem
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That GA thread died too soon.
he's a super vampire that's almost completely immortal
Total victory.
Thanks for the read.
I usually go out to dinner with my parents, and then when I get home, I grill up some pork chops and drink my way through a bottle of bourbon through the night.
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Was there seriously a fucking GA thread while I was sleeping

What's your favorite delinquent anime/manga?

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AD2080 Japan is an aging nation with only 50,000 children left, while adults are obsessed about the fight against aging using the most radical means of experimental medicine

An ordinary cheerful 14-year-old Sanda discovers a super power in himself - he can turn into a jacked Santa Claus when he puts on something red. Initially forced to help his classmate Fuyumura in search of her friend Ono, anda eventually realizes what a great responsibility has fallen on him for all the children in this country. But will the boy's heart be able to withstand the adult challenges of this crazy world?
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They fucking, right?
since when was attraction supposed to be logical?
Nothing in life is random.
this manga is so fucking bizarre

Hello again anons, welcome back for volume 13 of Moto Hagio's A Savage God Reigns. After Jeremy says he plans to go back to Boston, and Nadia discovers the messy truth of Ian's affair, Ian tries to make amends by planning a bicycle tour through the English countryside. But the relationship between the three of them remains tense...

The works of Hagio and her contemporaries ("the '49ers") represented an experimental new direction in girls' and women's manga in terms of both content and style. I hope some anons who might be unfamiliar with these mangaka and their works, or who might generally avoid girls' comics or older manga altogether, will consider reading along and trying something new. You might be surprised.

For those who would like to catch up and join in, here are the previous threads:
Vol. 1: >>268448441
Vol. 2: >>268501695
Vol. 3: >>268540638
Vol. 4: >>268581029
Vol. 5: >>268615427
Vol. 6: >>268647910
Vol. 7: >>268683142
Vol. 8: >>268721319
Vol. 9: >>268755228
Vol. 10: >>268782676

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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He's not even sure, he just thinks so because Lindon said it? Bro...
Thank you for posting.
Bump for Ian constantly ruining everything.
Gotta catch up a couple volumes.
Lindon became Ian's babysitter

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Me? I'm at 3.6 Roentgen. Not great not too terrible.
Odd, besides the fathers everyone should be the same VA but they all sound different except for Kasumi. Nabiki lost her sex voice...
Not sure how I feel about Nabiki's sharp eyes in the remake.

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Why don't we get more Sonic the Hedgehog anime?
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How can Nintendo even compete?
they won console war I against sega, and now are in console war II against sony.
other historians say that console war I and II are not separate console wars, but just one big continued conflict where sega simply dropped out and died with a wimpering sound when sony and microsoft (the irrelevant one) entered the ring.
we may never know the truth.
Fucking miss Ben-to
What the FUCK is Bento Rei's fucking PROBLEM?
If anything had to be animated from the comics, I'd combine the mecha madness and endgame arcs in one mini series.

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Continuing the story of a cool big brother, who don't need working legs to protect his imouto... with extreme violence.

Previous threads :
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You would be proven right
You better not be tricking me.
Other heroes don't have brain damages (caused by bullets)
That sounds like it's gonna get weird.

>Sasuke thought Itachi was an evil psychopath but actually he killed his entire clan because he had no other choice and apparently he was a saint that never did anything wrong
>Gaara thought his entire family hated him but actually they all loved him and tormented him because that was for the best or something
>Neji thought his father was murdered by his clan but actually he let himself get killed for the good of the village
>Obito went mad because he thought Rin got killed because of the war but actually it was Madara that made the Mist Village go after her
>Madara thought that the destiny of the Uchiha was to bring peace to the world through the Infinite Tsukuyomi but actually Black Zetsu tampered with the Uchiha tablet to make him believe that
Is this entire series just retards doing shit because they misinterpreted things?
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
The biggest retard ended up being Madara. He's the first retard in 1000 years of lineages where Zetsu's plan actually worked.
I don't think people understand how much of a big retard that makes him be.
>excessive shipping faggotry
There barely was any shipping through most of Naruto
>biggest retard
Madara is the ONLY retard.

>sasuke had no choice but to think what he did since itachi and everyone else orchestrated it so itachi was the bad guy, itachi even admits manipulating sasuke into believing this was wrong
>gaara had no choice but to think what he did since his uncle tried to kill him and everyone else in the village really did hate/fear him
>neji was right to believe what he did since his father only fulfilled his branch family destiny, just like he did when he died
>manipulation or not, mist ultimately still did try to suicide bomb a 12 year old girl which is the part obito specifically objected to, not to mention obito still didn't actually side with or trust madara
>meanwhile madara blindly believed a rock, only person to ever blindly believe his manipulator without question in 1000 years

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You got to /a/dmit that he was pretty cool.
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I was absolutely floored when he just randomly started chanting the US anthem; totally out of left field
>totally out of left field
Not really, Sonic was always 'MURRICAN, in both his Japanese and Western origin stories.
modern morans
Is chili dog originally an American dish?

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