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432 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
I hate how the anime made an effort to make it look cgi. hate that artstyle whatever is called
She's probably their undercover agent/informant or whatever. It's not like they parted on bad term or anything.
wonder what'll happen if he encounter his replacement again?
I don't think it would suck cuz it feels better to binge them imo
>Best Ranger
>Best Foot Soldier
>Best Girl(s)
>Best Battalion
>Best Mission

>mogs duel monsters
nothin personal
21 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
What the fuck. I meant manga. Manga is where it's at. Anime is funny fanservice at least.
Season 0 is overrated by people who never actually watched it. The source material (volume 1-7) is great, yes, but season 0 is a heavily censored QUALITYfest with awful filler, going as far as to add an over the top moe girl to the main cast.
Im also trans since you didn't ask.
Thank you.
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Is Studio Trigger chuuni?

Chapter 41
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Sasuga, Renge-dono.
Komari is pretty cute too actually. She would make a good sidewife.
Komari stepping up.
Was so proud of her here.

The only thing Brotherhood beats FMA in is the ending.
I don't get why it's so loved just because of that one change.
That generic shit ending is beyond overrated.
the ending isn't 'one change', its like four entire arcs, three of which contain all the payoff to everything set up in the first half
>happy ending bad
He didn't say he hates happy endings. He says hates generic endings.

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What would be the easiest way to defeat the fearsome demon known as “Shamiko”?
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Based shami protector.
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Shami's bumps
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Ito's brain needs to be analyzed so humanity may never lose the creator of such oppai loli perfection. Shamiko is peak. I love Shamiko!!

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57 raw
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I already hate this old man
This guy be running a ghost pinkerton racket.
I'm so this guy doesn't work for the same company that Corporate Slave-san does.
I don't want to imagine him finding Yuurei-chan in the office supply room.
Thanks for dumping
Put some lil boomers in, translator

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Fuko wants to lose weight, but she also wants to eat food!
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Gentlemen please, I present: The deep fried, battered, haggis for your amusement
how could you eat these things, they look so dry.
Are Roast Beef Sandwiches really that good? I've only had them with rice.
akebi if she fatass

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Just because..
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The side couple was better.
>watch romcom for feels
>gets mad because girl didn't win
peak JUST posting
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How did Black Lagoon even made any success?
This story is boring as fuck.
MC is boring as fuck.
Revy is a selfish and unlikable bitch.
The show itself is about edgy schizos and one-dimensional retards killing each other.
No wonder Madhouse is irrelevant now.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
It's basically 90s action movies the anime, where rule of cool is king, whole thing feels sincere af.

Only part I didn't like was anything involving the straight shota maid turned fuck nugget.
Why do ESLs have opinions as malformed as their use of the English language?
because it was babys first adult action show
you sound like faggot with no taste
maybe you are one?
I bet you enjoy trash like MHA, OPM and JJK and call that peak fiction

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>picks up random a manga cuz you are bored
>it turns out to be pretty good
>reads all of it through all the week
>"well, guess i've finally catch up now, i'll look forward for the new chapters"
>last time uploaded: 2021
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Genuinely sorry you feel that way, I hope you move past this dark stage of your life and find happiness. Read Leviathan btw it’s pretty good!
Is there a way to AI TL manga pages yet?
That's because you are unable to do the proper grounding while referring to a free shit.
Good job comparing an actual translation to localized garbage.
My model output was peer reviewed by several natives (that's part of my phd project) who also know my native language (that's not English) and based on not-so-convoluted pieces aka your typical ln slop it works just fine.
Some of my articles are already public, you can freely look it up.
maybe not everyone wants to learn second/third language just to read funny pictures, have you considered that?
then dont learn a language and wait for translations or use online translators

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Post anime characters on computers.

Unaltered screenshots only
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Literally me, except swap school with life.
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How many?
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At least 1000 or maybe more
Why didn't they just make the new anime about her daughter and start fresh
The last one ended after like the third arc
we have to move past being mad at the remake era and just hope this is a long term project so that they adapt further into the books
who the fuck cares about her daughter?
even manga got axed like 3 or 4 vols in

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Someone please give Kadokawa a Kyoani treatment
That doesn't even include Chinese characters.
The point wasn't whether it's doable but whether it can be called Furigana when it's not just kana. Ruby seems to be more applicable.
Tranny or you never had a gf or been friends with women?
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There's nothing you should be surprised about, just look at the existing magazines. Of the 10 weekly ones, only 4 are shonen. There are no semi-monthly shonen magazines either.
>because the story is 'mature' and it make sense

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Because it was released for free during the pandemic. Also, the CSM anime had just been announced
But he made at best one (FP) if we're being generous
And Goodbye Eri
Looks pretty good

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