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>give Spy X Family a chance
>boring as shit
>only good thing about it is the beautiful (rule34-worthy) Yor
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Kill the brat and put a baby in Yor
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people impressed by ai art are like plebs who consider mcdonalds real food. they can't afford high cuisine and it would probably be wasted on them anyway.
Damm Loid should breed this woman already.
Also you got filtered if you think this is boring, it's just not a manga or anime for you.
PYW then.
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>anime is perfectly fine
>ruined by degenerate pornholic lolicon fanbase
Old /a/ was never this bad

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The finest Kitas and Ikuyos, right here!
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>cut the egg yolk and it runs all through the spam and soaks the bun
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They're really making these again?

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Eight CGDCT anime have gone completely yuri very recently yet some people still think that it's impossible that this could happen to any other series.
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It’s politisperging in response to politisperging.
I'm pretty sure the 30% female userbase of /a/ make up shounenposters
Never knew so many hispanic women posted on /a/

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And this is why no one takes yuri relationships seriously

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Were you all looking forward to more granma time?
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I remember an early chapter that says she's barely a middle schooler when she joined, iirc he was around 30 at the time
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he loves them, but loves hurting what he loves too
>Ami is the mascot
That's Ouka though. She was his Twitter profile picture for the longest time.
Nah, there's clearly been a migration of some kind from Amagami threads to Mayonaka threads. One of the most obvious signs is how a certain kind of posting has become almost extinct in Amagami threads despite being once dominant there, while continuing to flourish in Mayonaka threads.
Why does Seo like tsunderes?

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Episode 3 PV is up
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I want to release my DNA in Rin's pretty mouth
It might continue in the future?
Nah it's definitely done now, but there was an obvious final chapter that turned out to only be halfway through.

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Stage 37 - The Gift

Previous chapter: >>268804531
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Neon%20Genesis%20Evangelion%20Chapter
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Cares? What are you talking about? Rei's character is defined by how it's portrayed. She is "The Rei" because of the events in the show. By making her "cutesy" or "typical anime moeblob" is what made her character so repulsive in the Rebuilds.
Why we like Rei, is because of the events of NGE and EoE. The pain or any other emotion she experienced is the reason we she is Rei Ayanami.
If you take away the "pain" of Rei Ayanami, you can't "feel bad" for her. You can't "feel" the Original Rei Ayanami.
*we know she is
Don't let /m/ hear you say that.

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>considered a 3/10 series now.

What went wrong?
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Gyutaro's fight got special treatment in the anime compared to the manga, it wasn't nearly as bombastic and over the top.
KnY episode 8 trended at 100k on Twitter
>The manga sales were decent but nothing huge.
lol. lmao, one might even go so far as to say.
What is One Piece? And quite a few others.
>The manga sales were decent but nothing huge.
Should I have been more explicit there?
>The manga sales before the anime announcement and airing were decent but nothing huge.

I confess, I only started finding Misaki attractive after Nogi started drawing her
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She does look the best when drawn by him but I still find her good looking in other styles.

Well except in the anime. There her hair and boobs look weird
She looks great in the LN as well
railgun better than index
>railgun better than index
Everyone knows that, without Railgun and it spin-offs and the girls in it Index franchise would stop existing years ago.
Perhaps, but i was recently struck by how much better it was. I felt i must express it.

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How would you spend your day as the tiger team's leader if you had to take over for some reason?
yes, fuki is there too, she just isn't the leader for reasons
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wake up
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Toe-water is cute!
I love the tiger team, but they can be kind of rowdy, don't you know?

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How is fishing such a messy activity?
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Classic mistake.
I haven't watched Gundam
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what the fuck

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Starting Today We’re Childhood Friends by Obiya Midori (Kyou Kara Hajimeru Osananajimi; 今日から始める幼なじみ)

Previous thread >>268650167

It's that time.
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The angle here really capture her Iwais. It’s so leeeeewwwdd!!
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summertime and the livin is easy
>Kaede-chan told me it's got a wicked curve .. show me
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>just finished work
Aww yeah time for childhood friends.
I want to fondle them.

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Why did they do this?
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But we all know now that Yoru is the true heroine. Asa is just a bitchy container.
Fujimoto might have made a last minute adjustment, and the simulpup kept the older version because it was probably sent over too early?
>once Part 2 is animated
I don't have it in me to tell him, bros...
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The only reason why I read CSM is because I'm a fujo and Makima is hot.

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Here's the new chapter.
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So if Tokyo MX, it should be safe, but if it's TV Asahi then say goodbye to Mona's pantyshots?
The anime PV showed bras just fine, but as Cuckoo and other shows have proven, for some shows showing bras are okay but panties are where they draw the line.
>doesn't taste the mix of cola and orange
Mona, what are your taste buds like?
I don't really like sugar-based drinks.
I want to SNIFF Tomo's crotch, used or not

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Happy birthday Yuu!
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Yeah, going on five volumes and showing no signs of stopping, in fact it recently set up a bunch of long-term plot points. It also got the Kirara cover again this month.
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That's good to hear.
Shoujo manga has taught me the right forhead hasn't come along yet to sweep me off my feet

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