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Auau hauu hauu auau auu-wa hauuau!

Surprisingly a very emotional and great song. Check da lyrics.
I wouldn't post to you anything else.

I'm probably the last person on Earth to realize this but these movies? Pretty good.I should watch anime films more often.
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Yes cause Ponyo and Princess Mononoke are so similar
Sometimes....widely regarded films......deserve to be.
>cherrypicked point to hopefully divert attention from the last 10 years of ghibli
Don't listen to the ghibli haters, they are just contrarians chasing clout. If you like ghibli you should see Satoshi Kon directed films, they're also classics
You should watch more anime, normalfag.

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Why did Kyouko not come to Mitakihara earlier and help the others? Territory is not an excuse since they knew each other and are even grouped in a timeline.
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yes but i never do tranny posts.
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Maybe he needs his meds?
It’s usually the quick madodown poster making them.
you still make me tilt my head about you.

My anons, we will circle around all pages and attack on page 10. Operation starts now!
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tee bee aytch, Lelouch should have used his Geass to impregnate all of his sisters. Gotta continue the bloodline somehow.
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Shitting on something popular in order to distinguish yourself from the plebs without even realizing the majority of plebs now agrees with you is NOT a sign of intelligence.
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any chess fag can confirm if this is winnable?

Anything goes
Sounds like it might be Boku no Pico (My Pico)
Well the first one is mid, but it gets better and better.

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Were you all looking forward to more granma time?
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he loves them, but loves hurting what he loves too
>Ami is the mascot
That's Ouka though. She was his Twitter profile picture for the longest time.
Nah, there's clearly been a migration of some kind from Amagami threads to Mayonaka threads. One of the most obvious signs is how a certain kind of posting has become almost extinct in Amagami threads despite being once dominant there, while continuing to flourish in Mayonaka threads.
Why does Seo like tsunderes?
>there's only one Fuuka doujin on Sadpanda

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Boring fight, awful art, nothing good to talk about
Still, "we" must continue reading
Predictions for next chapter?
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I've already accepted that Julius will be sacrificed in this humiliation ritual of a fight to wank Shitgito. At most our guy will get one (1) pity hit before Sandro's 3rd favorite pet takes him down. God forbid a guy who's whole gimmick is being strong looks strong in a fight.
Remember when Jurota beat Agito for a spot in the tournament, shaking up the Kengan fights, only for Agito to get a spot anyways and for Jurota to lose in the first round?
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Justin will win. He has many more howevers than Gaolang.
Imagine if Julius ends up being Agito's most one-sided stomp so far.

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Why'd he do it bros?
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This. Griffith is a hero, unironically
How was raping a woman while forcing her lover to watch a part this long game?
He was still a human with emotions like envy and spite. Him being petty allowed Guts and Casca to escape relatively unscathed (though not unraped), which is why he visited Guts after the Tower of Conviciton events to see if his heart would still be moved by him.
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He's going to pull this technique
>2 characters who respectively saved their series from becoming mediocre shonen
They are allowed that much.

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Protect gorilla women.
I was thinking of giving them the ol’ Harambe treatment, myself.
stop spamming this garbage thread daily

Come witness a story of courage and trust. A tale of honor among men and the strength of their bonds. A saga that depicts the inner strength and wisdom of the tenacious underdog. A righteous message to stay strong against adversity and to never ever give up on your ideals. A manga where all of Japan's virgins start dying suddenly.

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nah, unironically great
The duality of /a/
This manga is going in really hilarious way.
>one of them got me drunk and that’s why I don’t have wizzard powers :(
I think you got raped.
I've only been in love once in high school but never got the courage to confess. I still regret it 20 years later.

After that, I've never come across a woman that interested me and I developed an extreme fear of physical contact so sex is out of the question.

126th Period
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she needs to stop thwarting Seki's new era of free love
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It's the most likely explanation I think.
Age of Empires, not even once
Yokoi is so fucked up

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How would you spend your day as the tiger team's leader if you had to take over for some reason?
yes, fuki is there too, she just isn't the leader for reasons
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wake up
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Toe-water is cute!
I love the tiger team, but they can be kind of rowdy, don't you know?

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On a scale of 1-10 how good of a girlfriend would Kita make?
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1/10 she'll suck you dry until you die on your first date
10, for me.
How come?
She's got everything I could ask for in a girl.
I need a Kita girlfriend or boyfriend.

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No I just dont like them as decorations even for just myself thats all
Collecting is the fun part.
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Uh... okay...
Collecting is fun, paying is :skull:
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Buy and build plastic model instead.

he said the thing!
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can someone please edit out her blue sweatshirt and show her boobies?
such a fuckable ass
good lord

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