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What's your favorite delinquent anime/manga?
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan

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Why is this so dead? What went wrong?
OP kill yourself
>What went wrong
I hope this and their 10 other pseudo-anime flop so badly they will BTFO of this industry.
GTFO, you mean
Warner DEI hires for financials made a calculation error and thus got too little shilling budget which is now running out already.

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this is a loner girl with no friends
(and also my wife, i love my wife Yunyun soo much)
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fixed for you: marital baby making chuuni sex with Yunyun
Why does she keeps bananas on her bed?
is a gift for megumin
Because cucumbers are not available

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Tick tock ratfags, he is going back
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off screened because it's impossible to come up with a believable scenario where Law loses to anyone.
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>Chad Vearth mogging hard all the other moonlets
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>pov Rocks freed you from slavery
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>The legendary heroes were the villains all along

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Which One Piece girl would you fuck?
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Made for Paizuri.
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Hello again anons, welcome back for volume 13 of Moto Hagio's A Savage God Reigns. After Jeremy says he plans to go back to Boston, and Nadia discovers the messy truth of Ian's affair, Ian tries to make amends by planning a bicycle tour through the English countryside. But the relationship between the three of them remains tense...

The works of Hagio and her contemporaries ("the '49ers") represented an experimental new direction in girls' and women's manga in terms of both content and style. I hope some anons who might be unfamiliar with these mangaka and their works, or who might generally avoid girls' comics or older manga altogether, will consider reading along and trying something new. You might be surprised.

For those who would like to catch up and join in, here are the previous threads:
Vol. 1: >>268448441
Vol. 2: >>268501695
Vol. 3: >>268540638
Vol. 4: >>268581029
Vol. 5: >>268615427
Vol. 6: >>268647910
Vol. 7: >>268683142
Vol. 8: >>268721319
Vol. 9: >>268755228
Vol. 10: >>268782676

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thank you for posting.
Bump for Ian constantly ruining everything.
Gotta catch up a couple volumes.
Lindon became Ian's babysitter
I love the little Fred doodle that's there to remind you because Hagio fucking knew how forgettable Fred is.

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>Also they aoutright called him HIbiki
Good catch. I thought that the clown mask was partially to hide his identity even in his own group, but I guess he told them everything.
My guess is Big Blue bought her several. So now she's wearing ALL of them.
Way way earlier Urabe mentioned to Sousei that when he heard Hibiki's name and saw his face "everything made senses" or something like that
Do any sort of references to Gotoubun appear in this?

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Happy birthday to /a/'s favorite flatty, Kirima Sxarp!
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Mods combobreaking.
I blame Sxarp for that.

Rize's dad and Cocoa's mom were both in love with Chino's mom as well? Cocoa's mom seems to really hate Takahiro even though he's a cool dude, so that's the only explanation I got.
meds now
They probably had an affair, and Saki found out and killed herself. Cocoa's mom thinks it wasn't her fault she was seduced, since she probably never experienced that level of attraction towards her own husband, so in her mind she couldn't have helped it, and it was all Takahiro's fault.

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do straight girls REALLY do this to their gay friends??
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But sexually. Their brain functions differently enough in an aroused state that they are different people in the same body that may not remember all the other person's actions.
Having an anti-fetish that's popular is suffering.
It was an NTR chapter what do you want.
kill yourself

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What is it about Rudy that makes him such a great protagonist to read about?
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You'd think so, but then you dig into her past looking for a fateful encounter in random dungeons. and then there's the whole Pax incidents (plural) she indirectly caused.
She's book smart but makes dumb decisions

In the WN it was actual CP and not just a hidden camera video of his niece and he was at home jerking off on the day of his parents funeral to actual CP, too. It's why his brother smashed his PC up and forced him out in a fit of anger.
One of the things that annoys me the most about this work is that the author emphasises that the protagonist doesn't rely on any cheating abilities like other Isekai reincarnation works. However, the point is that Rudy's reincarnation is a cheat because of all the great opportunities he encounters after his reincarnation. The marriage with Sylphy is so simple that it doesn't feel real. Life is full of suffering, and this work emphasises that, but Rudy is simply in easy mode after reincarnation.
So. No mushoku, only tensei. Plot is good though.
In the WN, it was a recording of his niece. LN/anime it was loli porn.
>when his first-life brother tried to convince him to stop wasting away in his room.
I am entirely convinced because of the way the nips view mental illness. That the "convincing" was just U BRING GRET DIHONA SEPUKU URSELF HOW DO THINK THE NEBOURS WILL TALK ABOUT OUR FAMAILY.
The dude was basically tortured, humiliated and sexually assaulted by sociopathic teenagers over a slight. I think his family did him wrong to be honest.
The way to fugging Sylphie with his ED was a struggle thoever

...for another Mai-Hime series?
No. The cop out ending ruined it all.
You had Otome.

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What kind of thoughts or emotions would you say this image inspires in you?
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Nice art but it's wasted on group shit. She should stick to making one guy one girl series.
He'd better, it's not the child's fault the boy choose to fuck'n impregnate a grown woman.
Would would you want one when you can have three at the same time. The foursome scenes are the best part.
She's too cocky. Watch them have huge dicks and she can't handle it and breaks mentally.
It's gross

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They should have remade AMG instead of Ranma since everyone here hates it
>since everyone here
kiddo, nobody cares what everyone here (3 samefag schizos) hates

Ranma remake will be successful just like UY remake was. /a/ will seethe as they will announce new remake / Ranma S2

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Look at this beautiful woman!
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so there is still a lemon fanbase...
maybe dumps should come back at later times
With good sales and views, Lemon never get axed
One of the few instances were black hair girl is better than the white hair one
what other instances are there?
Kurumi is better than Origami, can't think of any other example

What are your thoughts on the SOS Brigade?
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Back in the day I preferred Super Driver, it was shiny and new
Now I prefer Bouken Desho, it just hits the nostalgia notes too hard, it just feels like Haruhi you know
Idk, both are killer
yeah if you're wondering why authors don't do (full) bootstrap paradoxes very often it's because most people think like this and think the story is pointless and meaningless if everything is revealed to already be predetermined. Kinda mirrors the debate about determinism irl actually which some people also get very angry about.
the correct conclusion. rarely does a show get 2 bops, let alone two bop OPs and a legendary ED.
Time travel is just one of these sci-fi concepts that are very popular yet actually understood by very few people

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