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I'm bored as hell. Let's just drool over space women. Or not. I don't even fucking care anymore.
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release order is the official order
I want to BE Ula
Verdona and Max have never had a conversation on screen outside of the flashback episode.
Can't have Max getting he freak on every Saturday morning I guess.
I like robot waifus. Thank you.
Lucky little noodle head.

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Absolutely retarded. You are literally shooting at superman.

"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?
>They're a race of genocidal psychopaths bent on ruling the world.
Completely unlike the genocidal psychopaths already on earth making the planet worse for proffit. Right?
>They think they're superior to us!
They are.
>They wanna replace our economy, leaders, and and Infrastructure with their own!
>They've destroyed countless alien races!
Sucks to suck, they should have looked more human. Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.
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>the powers that be making our lives worse just whine on Twitter and rattle sabers
I mean there's also things like gas, food and medicine prices going up while the banks, investment firms and tech companies slowly encroach on people's freedoms and property rights. But no you're right, that all pales in comparison to twitter trannies strangling the comic book and vidya industries.
So...you DO want to be outbred by a hyper virile foreign race? lol, the jokes write themselves.
i wouldnt want it because id die mad if someone else got the viltrussy and not me
>people do not want to be treated like animals
could have fooled me
knowing what i know, viltrumites biggest mistake would be not enslaving earth immediately. breeding with humans makes softer viltrumites. imagine them coming to earth and being domesticated in a generation

So, much ado has been made about the big multiverse crossover coming to TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures. Figured, why not see what lead up to, shall we?

But before we can do issue 12, we need the setup from issue 8 first. So here we go.
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Isn't that the tranny turtle?
Mirage Leo solos...everyone
Do we like this comic /co/?
Probably. I don't feel anything for her either way, but I am curious if Ogg will give his world's Turtles a fifth teammate to counter her. Outside of him suddenly giving April combat proficiency to counter Jennika, though, I'm not seeing many choices.
As long as the multiverse turtles are written right I'm sure it's fine.

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Thanks to various injuries suffered the Guardians of the globe are opening new spots for membership.

Please state your name and power for consideration.

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Don't Think of An Omnipotent Badass
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What a bizarrely specific "power"

Name is Horoscope, can access the primordial elements. Power Creep is a bitch but I'll do what I can.
ooooh I'm
ooooh I'm

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post your favorite robot crackship
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both robotboy and robot jones work perfectly
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Third option
who is the ball?
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One-one from Infinity Train
A character from the TV Show Infinity Train

Is the show perma cancelled cause the creator got carpal tunnel from animating too much? Is he gonna be stuck with it forever?
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So was this "shes only 16 and has already given head to 5 men!" or like they don't have tits or ass yet
Like cancelled cancelled?
I remember when Shady got into shit for his buttonmash stuff.
All you have to do is take ten minutes off and stretch why does this shit keep happening?
Aw sweet, he said she said drama. My favorite.

Why is Dave the Barbarian still not on Disney+?
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describe me in good detail your childhood found taste
You never know who may show up in a random thread.
Old enough to be railed by me
This episode rules , she seemed so happy
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So John Allison from Scary Go Round comics had to ditch the Conan webcomic he was doing. Yesterday he deleted everything he had done so far.
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It's a placeholder.
a placeholder for what? There is no "Conan estate," a private company bought the Conan trademark and uses it to make money
That's it.
It's been dead, boyo.
He is cute and I want to have sex with his butt. I want him to keep the glasses on.

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Episode 14 "Flash Strike" just dropped, discuss

additionally, discuss what you might think will happen in the finale, as it is next week
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I mean, don't you genuinely care about your PC, or your car? Most people are fond of their things.
I suppose when you put it like that. We know she had a special fondness for Omega at least. Maybe the rest of the Bad Batch. They are her creations.
Bad Batch, more like Bad Batch of Episodes.
Scorch and the Commandos are literally only in this show to troll people, right? The way they've been used makes zero sense and isn't consistent even with what little we've seen of commandos.
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We are being trolled, yes. The show trolls its audience by being bad on purpose.


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her ass is a heat blast!
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At last.
that lighter girl from that one short

Instead of robotboy, Professor Moshimo sent tommy Robotgirl on learning to be a real girl.

Would the series be the same or different than the original?

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To me she would be heartbreaking, but then accept it and is happy for them.
She's been through too much with them to hate them.
She'd just deal with it and move on at her own pace.
How about this for a Halloween episode: robotgirl and tommy would dress up as pucca and garu. However Felonious Hexx comes back and accidentally made think they are the characters with his magic.
Cuckqueen Lola!
Personally in a actual serious writing sense I would have it reversed. Maybe have it be a part of Robotgirl's character in trying to exactly figuring out her relationship with Tommy and how some people say that girls can be friends with boy and how some say they can't without it being romantic and its her trying to be the best for Tommy but struggle in how she can be like that.
As they should

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i like old tiny toons
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…Ok, what exactly happen here and why does fifi have a parole?
Sorry anon that's just too racy for /co/
Now this is a-okay and definitely /co/
Who created the comic?
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I know that fuckin pose. That's from my doodle, hahaha. Nice.

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Creators should, without exception, tell the entire S&P department that they're useless retards with no actual standards. This process should be repeated until the concept of an S&P department no longer exists.
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This, Alex Hirsch had a similar mentality and look where that landed him. It sucks, but sometimes you gotta learn to compromise
You're a regular there, aren't you?
I mean, if it must be a race to the bottom as you indicate, then fuck those corporations and fuck working with them. Let them hubristicly death spiral, as they are.
Corpo bootlickers

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>the comic adaptation of the movie adaptation is drawn by the original comic artist
I love this shit
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I fucking love grungy early 90s Turtles.
I wish there were more opportunities for something like this
Any other cases

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Captain Marvel #7
Avengers United #28
Spider-Woman #6
The Avengers #13
Avengers United #29

Last week's thread: >>143220247
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Miles being able to create a sword with his power is probably the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in comics
Was that before or after Carol did it
Elizabeth Torque for next cover artist

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