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>hasn't been renewed in two years
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Season 5 is coming in August apparently, but it does seem like the show might be over after that. Justin Roiland's been retired and McMahan already started pivoting to his Golden Axe cartoon for Comedy Central.
Dammit, I love this show!

What's the /co/ equivalent of this?
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Uhhh maybe that guy from Hazbin Hotel getting humiliated by that angel dude in the finale after being hyped up as someone not to fuck with?
You posted it. The Family Guy episode where he fights Liam Neeson.
>forced Sukuna into a corner and had him call out two different allies and win by sheer luck
>Throughout the Heavens and the Earth, I alone am the Family Guy
That part of Venture Bros where Brock is fighting Think Tank, with a tank cannon pointed at his chest and he says "I could dodge it" just for him to be blasted by it

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I now understand why they didn't greenlight this
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Reminder: this was him pitching to Disney Channel. He was probably working with some artists familiar with the company to try to get it through. I don't know why he wanted that, since Disney is the "Princess™" company, and Jhonen's only kids' show had an episode where the main character stole a bunch of kids' organs, but that's what he wanted. That, or one of his industry friends wanted to work with him but had a contract with Disney...
These designs were obviously drawn up by someone else. Randy Cunningham and the designs he did for that was only a few years before this
They were obviously designed by Jenny Goldberg
What I can't wrap my head around is how Vasquez even managed to get his edgy ass into the door of two major children's animation studios. He should go for a turkey and pitch something to CN.
Combination of Johnny being popular, right place at right time, and finding the one exec willing to give him a shot.
I'm sure if he tried he could get a show at CN and go really wild

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>Peppermint Patty, but if dark
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Missed opportunity
They're perfect together.
Hahaha i was referencing that, but I couldn't find the pic and I was lazy.

I won't believe everything women say, but there are always exceptions >>143345948 >>143349157
>those eyelashes
>those nails
he looks so gay here, make him manly

There's also this
I was nostalgic yesterday, so I started to read some peanuts strips on gocomics. Gens x and z have an obsession with explaining obvious jokes.

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Nah, Dipper can get them.

Dude he's 12/13 and hasnt(at least to the last episode) grown into his full developed life experience and personality. Judging by his uncles personalizes, its most likely he'll be a mix of the two since he's been compared to them and the girls he's met have almost been smitten by him and his growth during the shows run(he still has alot to learn though). Nothing wrong being a nice guy with low confidence, look at Peter Parker.
Looks like a different version of Tammy
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Casagrandes and Primos linked up. The hype is real!
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Didn't she go back to the original show after hers ended?
>miguel pulga
so a guy simping nearly 2 years after the incident, what a hero

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What are they talking about?
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Captain Marvels not shazamed penis?
This needs a booba edit.
Is Power Girl supposed to be a man in this pic? Genuinely can't tell.
I wish I knew I was still alive in the future, not that I'm a whore in another universe.

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Tell me everything wrong/things you hate about this show.
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I am genuinely curious how '# of related posts on particular website' correlates to viewership and merch-sales.
I'm pretty sure various demographics each have there own haunts (fucking Tumblr), but does it give insight for each group?
This is the longest DP thread months, maybe years
I've seen a few tDP thread last a workweek in the past month or 2. But the 4chan bump-rules means that is due to flaming controversy or fanatic same-posters, but rarely lots of peoples interest in the topic.

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No zoom zoom

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Is Brian really an idiot? He went to Brown.
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>Brian convincing Jesus to stop being a prophet would have been two minutes at best
Looking back, yeah they did spend way too much time on Jesus's rise to stand-up. Made the whole episode feel kind of slow and meandering before quickly wrapping things up with that literal deus ex machina
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>sex hair Lois
Freakin sweet
Im mean just look at the USA universities they are full of unhinged stupid lunatics that are pro palestine and communist.

They just cant admit that the rightwingers are right
You just cannot tolerate ideologies and intolerant facist islamic cults that wants to destroy your country
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>that Asa Akira cutaway
totally forgot about that

previously: >>143322273
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I think it was a bad case of the weebs. notice how he has the two swords and made his robots look like samurai. he probably could've put his plan in motion much earlier but kept obsessing over how he was going to be the coolest samurai warlord around and simply missed the end of the wars.
>my lord, you have your moving machines and the mogura clan, why do you hesitate?
>Shut up, vermin. I can't just go about conquering without having a badass nickname first! But my superior mind has just devised a name to strike fear in the hearts of our enemies! something like Demon Daimyo, or maybe Demon King... yeah, that would be cool.
>uh... my lord.... there's this guy from Owari province....
Ha ha...yes, YES!
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It took fucking years, but I’m happy the suit/mask is finally happening
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Anon I’m sorry to say this but yellow blue will always be more iconic
I know Jackman is getting older but I think that’s kinda the point here. This Logan has been in a rough spot for years
Fuck off he looks fucking naked without them
Even for 4chan this is an incredibly insensible post.
And it only took 20+ years

Does Kyle A Carrozza's artstyle look appealing to you?
He draws well, but his character designs might be the worst I've ever seen. It's a mad-libs approach to design. Amateurish.
It's fine but I agree with >>143364611 his character designs tend to stink unless he's actively taking influence from other sources.
His art has a lot of energy and a decent feel of motion, but it's rather weightless.
He's also rather unimaginative but that's another thing. Magisword was his only truly creative setting, despite being inspired by other media.
yeah is pretty good i think

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I thought bluey nu-females didn't have eyelashes wtf is this

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Thoughts on the episode? And thoughts on them doing an adaptation combining Operation: Zero Tolerance with E is for Extinction, with Bastion as the big bad?
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>Where’s Mystique?
Common theory I've heard is that she either replaced Val Cooper before the show or she is going to replace her now

>Where’s Quicksilver?
Weird how they had a funeral for Gambit but not one for Magneto where they invited the Twins
Anyways we saw Strong Guy on Genosha telling Sunspot to prepare for War. With Forge busy with Storm it seems X-Factor is either disbanded or providing aid to the survivors.
>Weird how they had a funeral for Gambit but not one for Magneto
There was no body for Magneto
The only one really uncertain is Kitty, the rest will appear (they're setting up X-Force a lot) or will cameo eventually.
He will unleash that blast on a hospital

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