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I want to capture this look in a more realistic fashion. What type of sweater and undershirts would I want to look for to achieve this?
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houndstooth sweater

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What should I do with my hair?
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cool hair bro
I never use shampoo, only water and occasionally conditioner if it feels dry
That's why it looks dirty af
better shampoo desu, you have excessive buildup. try Redken Volume Injection if you want a lightweight but very well cleansing shampoo. it also doesn't strip your hair dry, when used correctly

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Nardwuar unironically goes hard as fuck in this. Are these for sale anywhere?
Thanks for sharing I'm sure you have a whole playlist saved of Nardwuar stuff and have wet dreams about hi.. Too bad you didn't answer my question
I don't like Nardwuar, I just know that Blur and Sonic Youth gave him a rough time and it's amusing to watch.
This does not help me. I want to know about the shirt

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Can I pull off the 'frosted tips' hairstyle in [Current Year]?
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>nobody ever pulled it off
sugar gay

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Where do I buy a dress like this for my bitch?
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I don't know what you're trying to say, but that hoe in the pic is wearing chinese garbage.
Lacemarket, wunderwelt, mercari jp. Come on nigga, step your game up.
Thanks this is gold
>Why do you keep calling it the Chinese garbage?
>It's not racist at all.


You're not wrong. In fact, I agree with you.
Probably Shein or some other slop peddler.

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Were the late 1800's the worst era of fashion for women in the west?
It's no wonder why movies and shows set in this time period always use ahistorical clothing -- Who's going to take any woman seriously when she's dressed like picrel?
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Yeah, young girls wore shorter skirts, and when they became more sexually developed, they would wear longer skirts. Those girls are both teenagers.
They do.
So that's what happened to erin anderson? She made it sisters! From man to tradwife!
These are likely girls in their teens, hence the shorter skirts and looser hairstyles so at this age it was normal to wear shorter skirts no matter the occasion.
Shorter skirts were also fine for work and for exercising (both of which were completely normal for women no matter how much revisionism is done to tell everyone that women did nothing but stay at home and get beaten by their husbands before the sufferagettes and then the 70s women's liberation movement)
>taking women seriously
imma stop you there

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Yay or gay?
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Try it sometime, bros, it feels amazing
I wear sports short commando these days, it's so freeing
Bumbag/fannypack across the chest is superior
I wear one if I'm gonna be out extra long or if I have my little cousins with me and need to carry snacks and water and shit. These bags have been pretty big for a while now, it's not something you would look at twice unless you live in hicksville or the 3rd world.
>Singular they has been in use since the 1300s
Typical misinformed, reddit cope. They is used to describing a group of people. There are only two genders, so use HE or SHE when describing a singular person.

If you're a man and you need a purse to carry your shit, you need to carry less shit. All you need are your phone, wallet, and keys.

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Is this actually good? Since the "fragrance community" likes to shit on it, I'm assuming it actually smells nice
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Is it a good summer frag
NY Times called it the official scent of brooklyn, in like 2018. Which means it was already played out in like 2015.
Smells like dill pickles
Get Ylang 49 instead
there's nicer fragrances than it (both from le labo and elsewhere) but it isn't as bad as people make it out to be. it can be finnicky though as it kind of changes depending on your skin type/oil/sweat and how much of a shit the apron wearing twink at the le labo store gave when making it for you.
if you end up liking it and want a full size bottle, you can either get one from costco or nordstrom/saks on sale for about $100 less than retail. they will be older bottles though

Sofas are /fa/m. I'm thinking Dune elements, Roche Bobois vibes, Mah Jong type statements. You feel me anon? Give me all you got, with a 4chin twist of course. Don't be shy with an IKEA piece, as long as it absolutely bangs my brains out with your radical vision, i know u have it in you.
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All of these have horrible ergonomics without proper back support, buy some real furniture that's made to be used instead of showcased and you'll find out the difference.
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I'm gonna do it
its been almost two years
please stop posting the same sofa you bought 2nd hand off facebook
lol why would you be pressed about that :D
how about you post your favorite sofa that you own (second or first hand, who cares) and add something other than whining to this thread

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What's the fucking point in dressing well when this is my competition?
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Since when are objective truths /r9k/? Someone needs to break this board’s childish delusion that things like hairstyles or clothes matter.
It's a hobby you fucking idiot. People don't get into cars, trains, hiking, birdwatching or whatever the fuck because they "matter" to women. They do it because it's fun and they enjoy it. You are confused and desperate and women most likely smell it on you from a mile away. Maybe if you had a hobby you could enjoy with other people you wouldn't be so miserable.
You're proving his point. One worded replies show you have no counter. I've noticed your types hiss and seethe at the notion of self-improvement because it robs you of your excuse to wallow in defeatism and self-pity. Most here would tell you to rope, which I really hope you don't. The sad truth is you're already dead inside.
how many brain cells did you have to muster up to reply with that, faggot?

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Simple as.
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post hand, Jamal
heard you wanna be like me dirty pills in my diesel jeans
lmao spot on
Do you order shit along with your meal in a restaurant?
tr designs are boring ashell. rock revival are better

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mustaches or beards in 2024
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there are only three options: clean shaven, beard or goatee
salafist saudis arent muslim lol
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long beard
The real white™ beard style is clean shaven, that's all
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That's blasphemous against the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). That filthy kuffar will burn in hell for eternity.

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I live in a very fashion-conscious city, and I've seen quite a number of people in person thinking they're the shit because of this ugly heart logo. And I always hear other people saying how cool it is. Why is it so hyped?
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It’s Ami Paris brand, retard. You’re in high school obviously because zoomers don’t even know how to use google despite being raised by an iPad. And the only thing your schools ever taught you is how to be gay 101. That H&M link is probably sponsored and just shows up for generalized fashion queries with few results.
>zoom zoom zoom
Sorry that was all I could hear
Zoom? What zoom? Optic zoom? 10x?
>zoom zoom zoom
There it is, that noise again
>gets blatantly proven wrong
>>uh... zoomers amirite??

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This is my plan for when I reach my weight goal. I can't buy a tailored suit if I need to take it in an inch 3 months from now.
Too warm here to be applicable, I reckon.
The better I dress the more glances I get from women. Granted at work you have to take your surroundings into consideration but outside work you can dress as well as you want. My goal is to make my GF/Wife wet anytime we are in the same room. You won't do that wearing cargo shorts.
i also want to make your GF/Wife wet anytime we are in the same room.

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