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What are the current style trends in East Asia?
What color jeans.

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Can anyone ID these glasses?
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>Unnatural dyed hair

How will future generations view such trends? Will gen alpha be any better?
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Not trying to sound like a hippie but it's corporations.

The only goal of companies is to make more money and toss more people into
that pool. That's why every few years you'll see them try to sell makeup and beauty products to men, I remember in the early to mid 2010s that was a big thing you heard from fashion sites and stuff but it never takes off for the vast majority of men.

When corporations start pandering to fat women, and start doing things like putting vitiligo stricken black women in ads, and amputee women, that stuff is to make regular women feel "he at least I'm not that fucked up" while also pushing the idea that all women are beautiful at all sizes, skin colors, trans/born women whatever.

They are well aware that there are more lonely working women with disposable income to drain of their dollars, the name of the game is to keep them dissatisfied and emotionally fucked so they can keep buying the magic product that's going to change their pathetic lives, anything but actually working to be better.

Johnson and Johnson is no better for putting jumbo whales in their ads than they were fuck putting big titty fit women in them. They don't care either way, and the women who are dumb enough to buy into it deserve to get ripped off. Because the corporations on changed up because they seen movements on places like Tumblr, panicked and decided they needed to change how they sell to mid, fat, and just plain women who were once "underrepresented" in ads (imagine giving a fuck about appearing in ads) and hot women don't care because they know they're hot. It's like giving a retard a trophy to make them feel good, a smart person will never feel bad about that retard getting that trophy but it's cool because at least they tried to make the retard feel like something.
ITT: Niggas who need to get around actual women
Shut the fuck up dumb whore

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Dark Academia was made for the refined, young gentleman. This is what you should be wearing. This needs to be a movement. Fine chaps wearing quality clothing made in Europe not hoodies and trackie bottoms made in the third world. Do better. Get smarter.
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Tropical wool trousers and jackets (unlined of course) with linen shirts. for footwear derbies, loafers, fisherman's sandals or a mule
Dark Academia was made for the gay and autistic gentleman. Just wear a nice Italian suit with a bright shirt and you will 100% look better than this.
>fisherman's sandals
I'm not even going to google what kind of bullshit monstrosity this is. Just wear business shoes or loafers, problem solved.
It’s the same but with tropical wool, more black and burgundy polos, linen pants, penny loafers, etc.
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>You can yank my schlong all over your muted autumnal colors queercakes.
all time great comeback 10/10 would kek again

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lighter thread

let’s see what you light your cigarettes with
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So they’re like you.
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bought this barlow b-17 off of ebay a few months back after seeing an anon post one in an edc thread. ofc the guy didnt respond to me asking him to share what lighter it was, so i spent a good few hours trying to find it and had to get one with somebody else's name and number on it. still very happy with it, though.

i love how small it is and how easy it is to carry around without even knowing its their. it fits in my wallet, although i dont want to put it in there lol. i also have a regular zippo, which (obviously) functions much better and can be used on windy days unlike this one, but aesthetically the barlow is much easier to take with me.

I recently noticed that a lot of ugly and average dressed guys/girls look much better without their face in their fit pics, but as soon as I see their face, the whole thing is ruined. Why is that? What is this phenomenon?
Good people look good. Ugly people hide their faces out of fear, knowing that they would be ignored IRL. Hence the masks, height frauding, removing headshots, etc.
It just tells you how important genetical traits are. If you are born with shitty genes, no fashion or workout can make you look better. Realistically, man can’t do anything to change his attractiveness, as all that matters is decided by genes.
Often they arent even super ugly, there is just a mismatch between their face and the outfit. Like you can dress in the most beautiful high quality Japanese workwear, but if youre one of those bearded chubby guys youre not going to look cool in it.
There are plenty of ugly people who look cool/stylish because they arent larping or at least pull off their larp holistically.

Most mucisians and actors whose fashion kinda look ugly but they just got that cool to them and confidence
>How important is your face?
The most important aspect of your life. What kind of retarded question is that

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Share your militant looking outfits, or anything with badass militant vibes, or military vibes, or extremist vibes.
I'm talking Boots, Cargos, Military surplus, etc...
I'm not larping I'm in the military if it matters to you schizos. Need a good civilian outfit.

Is picrel a good look.
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What site is that
based fit, Italian surp fucks hard
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I love my kaz 03 boots, very good buy. I'm neutral to the italian jacket, I have the same and it's hardly the first milsurp jacket i'd go to. I like the pants but they might give you a potential shooter vibes depending on how you look
They literally market specifically to us, what do you expect
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power fantasies

I want to have some button up shirts made where the pocket is a different color like in the picture, and then to have a logo on the pocket, none of the online sites seem to offer these kind of button up shirts. Any suggestions on where to look or contact?
for yourself? buy a few shirts you like and a yard of contrasting fabric, bring it to a tailor or learn to sew. pockets aren't hard.

as a product to sell? you're going to want to get in touch with a factory directly.
dude that looks awful
also it's not marketed to you why give whatever shit company that is any money even if it's Walmart cheap
I hate the fact that all these fast fashion places are just using AI generated models instead of using an actual human being

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howdy, does anyone have recommendations for quality fall + spring parkas in Europe? There's so much choice that I can't pick.
I'm wondering whether getting one in cotton canvas is a good idea? Anyone knows where to get one?
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>milsurp jackets are dorkcore. milsurp trousers are kino.
5 years ago I would've fought you but now I agree. 90% of the jackets are cringe and won't work in cities. I live in a more rural area where I can sometimes get away with wearing more outdoorsy type clothing, but only in field grey or olive, not in camo.
i wish it wasn't the case. in some context some jackets can totally be pulled off especially ones that aren't camo and don't have epaulets. but its the exception not the rule and involves knowing what you're doing enough that a post on 4chan isn't going to impact your decision to wear it anyways. so its just safer to tell them to avoid.
NVA milsurp too. strichtarn is pretty cheap and accessible but if you have the money go for the old camouflage stuff from the 60s-70s, they look very similar to the SS camouflage too
Holy shit youve never seen a pussy flowing out of the panties?
>toilet seat cover is up

What do you wear during your Beach episode, Christmas episode, etc episode?
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BLEACH characters are so /fa
Braindead tranime pedo

Do you have to be /fit/ to pull off Rick Owens?
You should be fit anyway.
No, his models are mostly skinny with the rare otter mode guy. Rick himself is almost skeletal even though he works out all day
>Le slash thread
Go back newfaggot, this is place of discussion,not retarded bot tier meme spouting

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80's aesthetics


Whose /fa/ style should I model myself after?
80s Bruce willis and demi moore

Why do women wear sandels? Most of the world considers bare feet to be vulgar.
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i know why, cause they have sweaty feet and wait all year for summer to not suffer from that, what fascinates me is that they dont even worry about how much dirt their feet will get on their outside, fucking plebs
>When I see a man wearing sandals I think of him as either effeminate, or untrustworthy.
in todays cities theres literal shit on the floor
people got no problem going around with open shoes collecting shit on the skin of their feet wtf
theres an easy fix for that, dont go into the city. why you would want to be around a bunch of loud stinky immigrants is beyond me
Sandals are literally unisex footwear
The only people who look down on men wearing sandals are American boomers and boomer-adjacents. The type of stuck-up freaks who wear shoes inside living areas

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Why it be like this?
I bet anons can't name one item that man can wear that women can't

>also, it says I made this october last year
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female condoms exist
cock rings
They aren't identical to male condoms though
Limitation breeds creativity.
Neither of those are effay items, they're sexo items

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does anyone else fucking hate how people on the internet talk about "le old money style"?
im just a middle class fag myself so im not even gonna try to understand rich people but the way people talk about old money sounds genuinely retarded to me
its like, for once the normies realize that luxury fashion is more than just gucci bags and flashy rolex, and immediately they act like they unlocked the secret key to the high society lifestyle
dont even get me started on the dumb threads and videos all over social media where people talk about why they love and respect "old money" and compare it to the "flashy and trashy new money", as if groups of rich people are somehow sports teams in a competition

i get it guys, you just discovered what ralph lauren is but please dont be so fucking pretentious about it
yes, your chinos and sweaters probably make you look cool and mature but dont pretend it automatically makes you look like a 20th century millionaire, it just doesnt
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your example is actually backwards. most blue collars get a brand new car/tv/jet ski every year or two because they feel the need to show off to their buddies. meanwhile pharmacists and lawyers and the like are still driving their 15 year old honda accord because no one in their little world gives a fuck
>people who are poor deserve it because they bought a TV
I hope the 1% sees this bro
It's okay to be poor though.
>150k a year
>not poor
How fucking old are you??
they were genetic dead ends anyway

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