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Grid thread.
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I'm this guy again

expensive streetwear is so weird I don't get it
you're doing better than a lot of people who post here
yuppie shit, we probably don't have much in common as people
bet you're insufferable
weird ass mix and pretty much normalcore
this is pretty nuts, I like it a lot, would compliment you at a rave

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>would cross the street to avoid you. wouldln't be surprised if you laced the shoes red
id cross the street to bash you coz u look like an easy target and sound like a bitch
You just typed out the most bitchmade sentence I've ever read so I reckon id deck you in a fight. Type of cunt to pull a knife when his nose gets smashed in.
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i <3 work jackets good taste esp vw necklace.. cute
laughing @ the idea of bein shirtless under that jacket. but good fit
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since these threads get movement, I ask you the name of this type of jacket

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remember these shits? edition

old: >>18049684
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Thinken of getting a pair of these but im concerned about
>wearing them while being 29
>coming across as a basic bitch
>cant decide if all white is better

I need new shoes though and i realistically dont know what else to get and i think they look cool

Thank you
Any non normie top 5 brand slop shoes out there? Something similar to y-3 in style.
>I prefer my Mexico 66 desu, better quality than Adidas
you're full of shit
i had a pair of Mexico 66s and those things didn't even make it a year. Just cheap flimy shit
y-3 shoes
first two don't matter
all white is better

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Does this qualify as a "zoomer" haircut?
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does it matter?
Haven't seen that guy online ever since Tate rose to power.
Yes. Molet is a redneck trash style, yet zoomers are scraping the bottom of the barrel for "cringe" cultures to make them "cool" again by "rocking them" without "care". This molet has shaved sides which are blatant zoomers giveaway. Beard is just regular faggotry, which only displays that you are nothing but a tool, which zoomers are regardless by their nature itself. So yes, the answer is yes.
He has been dealing with a massive SEC shitstorm with his company and lots of wild accusations have been thrown around about him partying away $50 million in company money. The SEC has it out for him as allegedly his father had a lot of illegal earnings he funneled to Dan. If he is smart (he probably isn’t) he will stay out of the spotlight.
Yeah, looks dumb on purpose.
Which is what zoomers do to show how "cool" they are.

Hygiene/skincare General #7 why are you still not posting routine edition
Previous >>18019095

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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thank you.
How does tret micro or cream compare to Differin? I went back on Differin gel recently but it's making my skin hella dry. I have an autoimmune disorder that's been acting up so I figure that's part of the reason why. Also has anyone tried Winlevi? My insurer started covering it and I'm considering giving it a shot.
only on this website will you find niggas that find a way to insult each other and argue over something as minimal as the right skincare routine
>Water rinse
>Clindamyacin gel, applied to acne
>Sun bum face 70 spf (break out free)

>Cetaphil gentle cleanser (sometimes swapped out for the Neutrogena grapefruit salicylic wash to exfoliate)
>Clindamyacin applied to acne
>Trentinoin cream (can’t remember the strength)
>Cera ve moisturizer
>A face mask or under eye masks occasionally
>FINALLY got to a decent derm after waiting 5 months
>FINALLY got a tretinoin prescription
my days of face-obliterating cystic acne might finally be over, holy shit.

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How to stop fabric crotch bulges when I need larger sizes to squat with full ROM during work?
No, I will not buy shorts, my job does not allow.
button flies bulge less unnaturally than zippers.
its the same effect as when a skinny dude sits wearing a zip up hoodie and the zipper makes him look like he has a gut.

You know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to start dressing like Ozzy.
>Long hair to compensate for round face
>Layer black on black on black on black to cover up dad bod
>Blazers casually and formally so you never have no surprise situations come up and throw a wrench in your strategy
He cracked the code. He solved pudgy guy fashion and nobody even noticed he did it.

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comfy /thinspo/ thread that isn't about black women :)
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funny all the richest men are bald but you'll find an excuse to justify how pathetic you are and no women cares for you even if you had hair
I didn't know this was possible! It's good to hear you bald folks aren't forced to baldmaxx.
I mean i'm a bpd ana so not like i'm going to say i'm a good partner but i've had many many and they all thought they could fix me sadly
that meme about i can fix her is real they always try until i get locked up lol
a light in a sea of darkness,,,,, ooooh child
Thx dude, WAGMI!

My stylist got my hair to look left left pic by only using leave in conditioner and blow drying.

I tried to blow dry but it just ended up like right pic. Any idea what she did to keep it straight? Is it just the conditioner?
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Can we see more of those sunglasses
Right looks like a 2000s boy band guy, left looks like a cute woman
What do you ask for if you want the right?
I actually like left more.
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Doesn't have to be exactly like left. Just straighter than the poof

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I fucking LOVE my vellies

>leather (smell)

was always a rhodie history buff and eventually bought into the meme, bought a pair of courteney vellies and I LOVE em

done rucks in them through the desert and the woods, wear 'em with jeans while out on the town, or without socks to kick about in the summer

plus suede just looks great with my wardrobe

is there anything quite like 'em on the market in America? I never see leather shoes like 'em here
Why do low tier men often get fixated with a particular clothing item?
they're afraid of failure so when they have a small success they over fixate on it instead of searching for more successes
They're the same type of people who insist on cooking on cast iron and season their pans 10000 times before using them rather than just using them for bacon and cooking with extra fat for the first month

>the /fa/ggots fear the vellies

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Too late for the last one edition
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Le heckin nature duuude

+++ for dolphin wagon

user behind this one is pushing 30 and bald lol

le natura, le chad

So mine didn't change at all, still too shy to go to the hair salon, so tomorrow I will buy a hair clipper and give myself a haircut.
My alltime favorite car design. Especially the curvy ass.
only immigrants and unterklassen-menschen drive mercedes.
it's the equivalent to rolex, just for cars.
You forgot the antiretroviral cocktail and TRT
it seems we see eye to eye
naked ass nigga
home is too modern, rest is aight
music totally nukes this
>americana pipedream

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What's your favorite kind of necklace link design?
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I've bought from Jacoje and they're good.
>all that rose gold
Nice, thanks. I'm a slut for rose gold.
Mariner chain is goated.
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i like my shit absolutely heraldic
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Giotto is so aesthetic and delicate. It's beatifully simple.
Patrician taste.

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and why is it the salomon drx bliss?
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Is my generic boomer white guy dad who's super into skiing /fa/ too?
Don’t those guys all wear New Balance?
I’m currently dadmaxxing with the cream New Balance 574’s
how do I get a job shitposting ads like this on /fa/

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agreed drug use beyond mild hs/college experimentation at most, is probably one of the largest deciding factors to if you're going to grow up a faggot/loser.
>Raf Simons
a literal who and I'm pretty sure it's the other way round it's temu that's getting bootlegged by your noname fashion wannabe
>doesn't know who Raf Simons is
are you actually fucking retarded
In 2024 he is forgotten

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This is a good fit
The hat would work better in a more rugged color like khaki or more casual like yellow or light blue
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i’m wearing it to cover my bald head lmaooo
Nice outfit. I would keep the hat
>average raw denim poster
you've got the ethnic that helps make the entire fit work. it would look ridiculous if you were an apple-cheeked white boy

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w2c trashy barrd out gf
go to an NA meeting and look for chicks who just moved from rehab to sober living.
is midwest fenny chic the new heroin chic??

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