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19 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
pockets are for losers fanny packs are for winners
why would you waste a perfectly good pocket shirt on staying in?
theres no shirt that saves this guy
its over for him
>no pocket on t shirt
>one pocket on short sleeve
>two pocket on long sleeve
So it is written, so it shall be.
very effay post

very pathetic posts

Bianca Censorid

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Marbling Owns edition

Last: https://warosu.org/fa/thread/18175530
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Should I get APC or N&F?
Don't need your overpriced Japanese meme denim
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My Momotaro 405s fit 1000x better than either of my pair of APC
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I wore these every day for about 2 years until they got a hole in the crotch
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I have a second pair that has about 1/4 of the fades but I washed them like 10 times so they’re almost as light. About 6 months wear on my Momotaro I love them. Never had any issues with the crotch or having to pull them up. Inseam is longer for better stacking and fit is all around better
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momotaro does that type of fit way better. seconding the other reply. better cut in the seat and upper block. their skinny fits don't crush your nuts and their back pockets have better size/placement.

they have a budget line called japan blue that offers jeans priced the same as n&f give or take. pic related my JB0101's from when they launched the brand.
everyday for ~4 years did construction and a lot of hiking in them, swam in them a few times. slow faders from their very deep dye job. zero blowouts. i can and have done the splits in them.

What are the ideal pajama bottoms? Where do you buy them?

Your thoughts on Sovereign rings becoming fashionable again?

Would you wear one?
Been rocking one along with a small golden right with a diamon on my pinky as a complementing gold set since christmas 2023, it is a bit of a chick magnet.

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I don't mind goatees but this style is horrid
Bottom left is my favorite on a man.
which one do you like on a woman?
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ebay seems like the only place for used yet affordable luggage.
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yes they are great, but be prepared that it will be scratched as hell, that's inevitable
I still don't get how people travel so much. I've worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation saved up. I'll never fucking go anywhere at this rate. I read other countries mandate like a month of vacation per year.
>I've worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation saved up.
What's your job, and where are you located?
>worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation
not them but i would bet on it being U S of a
>where are you located
the US. currently it's standard to only get 2 weeks of vacation a year, while every country in europe gets like a month or more by law or some shit. at this rate I'll never get to go on long trips unless I quit. which I'm genuinely considering now, get another job lined up after I've made it to a year at my current job, but delay that start date by like a month or something and use that time to travel somewhere.

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Why do millennials make fun of zoomers for having broccoli-head haircuts when 15-20 years ago they walked around looking like this?
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What race is this?
Only a small percentage of us did though. More millenials dressed like wiggers than emos.
this shit looks pretty cash ngl
Feces so money

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Nobody I know wears a watch. This isn't really a thing in 2024. I assume these people are just autists

>/frag/ - Fragrance General
This is just really gay. Nobody wears cologne. If you unironically wear cologne in a casual setting or at work, people will think you're really weird.

>/glass/ - Sunglasses/Eyeglasses
This is fine

>/hg/ /skg/ general

>/tip/ - Trad Ivy Prep General
Really bad. You will look like a dork if you try to LARP as a Kennedy when you're actually just a nerd browsing 4chan and playing factorio

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>That roberge has been on my watchlist for like two months dude
It's so nice, I definitely hope you will get it.

Also, what are the two watches of your collection with the dark dial?
fucking hell that's a classy piece
There both krieger. Really good American brand that was pretty popular in the 90s. They got there start making watches for knowing if it was high tide or not. All made in Switzerland with the same ETA movements they use in breitlings
>puts on casio f-91w
>douses self in obscure out of production cologne that's impossible to define
>puts on $1,500 boots handcrafted by a guy who lives on a cliff in Portugal
Ah, finally effay...

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>everything black
>black people
>whole body = black
Niggas were always meant to be goth
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Apparently, I am liked enough, even in soft mode. I'd pull off gangsta about as well as Drake


No, wypipo watch me more closely and guardedly as a goth. I blend in better with nerdcore.

I don't, but don't want to end up in some chud's (literal) sights.
recommendations on where to find goth clothing?
>I'm black
I rent, don't own a house.
I drive a new car, but it's on a lease.
I'm not enamored with Trump nor his bootlickers like Vance.

I could go on, but yep, 'fraid I'm of the dusky persuasion.
I use an iPhone Max, it's on a payment plan.

In be4 "brown hands typed this..." yeah, I know.
This, but it seems to even in the north people are too tanned and only 10% of goths I see are pale.

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I wear a baseball cap to keep my long hair out of my face. What are some more dressy/different hats I can wear when I want to dress up more? Like nice shorts/jeans with a collared shirt.
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big sunhat
you'll thank me later
You sure? The ones for men look kinda ugly.
i really don't think there are any "dressy" hats that look good on males
bro just get a top hat or bowler viking hair with either of those would look kino
most of the traditional mens hats that are still fashionable are for cold weather, like the Ushanka or Astrakhan caps. For warm weather your options really boil down to cowboy hats, trucker hats or flat/newsboy caps. Anything else and you're risking looking like a redditor if you can't pull it off.

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We have lost the era of the backpack.
Still wearing one. Still dont care.
wear what you want, and wear what you need. I have a camelbak for hiking and a regular backpack for travel. the truth is that for day to day stuff you probably don't need a backpack if you aren't in school or carrying a laptop around.
I feel naked without my backpack.

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hello!!!! i wanted to get some nicer jwewelery cuz rn im wearing a shitty but cool looking ripndip pearl bracelet, and i just cant decide!


i like the white pearl one cuz yk its the classic white pearls it looks beautiful but it may be a lil plain or boring idk what do yall think?????

song of the day!!!!!!!!! youtube.com/watch?v=kazQUW4S2vg
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I would rather have this bracelet

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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

i was sick of seeing the gay alien man on the 'log edition!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, which serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see significant hair regrowth on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when taken early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

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124 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fuck this balding shit is ruining my life
I'm on fin but my hair still looks like shit and I think the balding is still progressing
I'm about to shave that shit off and get one of those glued on toupees
How come nobody ever posts before/after on here?
Enjoy your penile shrinkage.
Enraged brainlet, whay you want to destroy is not DHT, but whatever makes your body increase scalp DHT.
ordered some fin even though it's probably too late for me

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Are my work boots effay?
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Walmart's finest
>I don't do any manual labor but need to be on job sites for my job
Umm... so why do you need work boots? And beyond that, not getting steel toes completely defeats the purpose of why you "need" work boots when going on work sites
Nice selvedge Jeans are the most comfortable pants money can buy. Heavy oz stuff might need a little break in and aren't ideal for summer but otherwise can't be beat. I dipped my toes into selvedge relatively recently with a discounted pair of Lee 101Z jeans. They're so soft and they look great. 14oz Japanese right hand twill. I've also got a pair of 21.5oz Brave Star that I haven't worn much yet due to the July heat. Those are also excellent.
>don't do manual labor

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