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I have become incredibly interested in fishing lately. Something that I've only recently started to get a little concerned about is the ethics of it. Are fish sentient enough to even process the pain we put them in? The way I used to see it is fish are such simple "animals" that any pain we cause them is entirely insignificant because they're so simple, but lately I'm not so sure.

Thoughts on this, /an/?
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I had the same dilemma and after reading dozens of studies and observing behaviors of own fish, concluded yes, they are sentient and feel pain.
I don't care about the ethics because fish are monsters. I had bluegills attack the minnows I was using as bait even though they were the same size. They pecked out their fucking eyes.
The larger the fish the more it becomes cruel and the larger the fish the more insufferable the people become. I had to quit that hobby when I realized catching a blue Marlin is at the same retardation level as going on safari to shoot a lion
>shooting a lion
Nothing wrong with that if quotas are kept. All these rich dudes shooting exotic animals finance quite a lot of preservation efforts.
I grew up a fisherman. No not someone who went fishing but a fucking fisherman. Yes they suffer. Just attach snacks for them, no hooks and feed them treats. That way you know you could have caught them and no one gets hurt.

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I'm dying inside rn
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I see bats outside in the evening and I wonder how they would feel to pet. They eat bug, are soft like leather gloves, and squeak, what more could you want?

I need an arborists that isnt in anyway affiliated with "lot clearing" elective killing of trees like every tree trimming company is. I have a tree in my life that is as old as me and may be going. I need a professional, tree hugging opinion of if anything can be done to save it.

I'm in central Maryland. Is the old myth that most state colleges do this work?
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>not pro-leaf
anon you had one job
This was from the ornamental tree others planted underneath.
I mean, if the bark is lifting away from the trunk like that, that's a good indicator that she's already pretty fuckin dead
That's only new thing on the backside. The hollow trunk you see has been there all my life, while the leaves come in every year very healthy. Only now has a huge branch, which filled in spring just fine, died half way through the season.

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is he high?

The Baron Vladimir Barkonnen, sworn enemy of house Aussietreides edition

/dog/ leash law compliance and sporting gear:
/dog/ car safety:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman, larry krohn

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wash that cock
It really depends on a few factors.
Outdoor dogs should be snipped, as it keeps them from wandering off and also reduces their likelihood of attacking.
Dogs that are cryptorchid really should be fixed, as they have a much higher rate of cancer.
If you plan on bringing your dog to off-leash dog events, dog parks, doggy day care etc you'll want to get your dog fixed. In a lot of cases, you will need to if you want to participate.
If your dog already has had penile issues, sheath issues, etc, you'll want to minimize that as much as possible by ensuring there's no mating.
If you live in close proximity to an intact female dog, for obvious reasons.
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A major victory against the Smurfs was had today. Thousands lay dead at the paws of the three defenders of the chicken empire.

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Where are they
in a desk drawer iirc, from an insta called Sanchez the raccoon! they made him a nice bed with pillows but he prefers the drawer, the other critter (white one) is named Luna and she's a menace.
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Look at this dumb fuck
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rude :(
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Hello, I've been into fishkeeping for about a year now. I'm still learning, and would like to create a better habitat for these guys for the long term. I have my business license and aquatic license, and have multiple tanks set up where i breed and sell various fish to pet stores, but my community tank is my prize. So far I have

>7 Guppies (with 17 fry)
>2 Platys
>1 Bushynose Pleco
>4 Mystery Snails
>34 Fire Red Neocardinia Shrimp
>6 Kuhli Loaches
>3 Assassin snails

Planted I have
>Assorted stem carpet
>Dwarf Grass
>1 Anubia
>Large Amazon Leaf

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Can't really comment on population control as I've never kept guppies and wanted my shrimp population to grow. As for plants, you probably have enough to work with for your water maintenance goals. Could you provide details on what you do for your plants currently? Any fertilizers, root tabs, enriched substrate, etc.?
>so what can i do plant-wise to make sure this is suitable?
Nothing, just don't let them dry out.
For pop control, I find that a siamese algae eater will eat fry and shrimp larvae if they don't find somewhere to hide. That said I have galaxy rasboras, not mollies, so I'm not sure if the fry size will make a difference.
What you already have should already be munching on your fry at night. The shrimp tend to self-stabilize on their own though.

If you want, you can run a “water polisher” for a few hours occasionally if you want to improve water clarity fast (but only temporarily if it isn’t caused by fine sediment in the tap water). Is basically a normal pump with diatomaceous earth/pool filter sand in a very fine filter sock (to keep the sand from escaping). Depending on how you screen your inlet, it can cull tiny critters too. It was a godsend when I cleaned tanks for businesses.

Plantwise, what you have should be sufficient once it fills out more. If you’re impatient, you can add something weedy, floating (for ease of removal), and rapidly growing like elodea. Post light specs and what >>4879682 mentioned for someone to chime in with actual advice.
I use the regular plant/shrimp fluval substrate, root tabs, and a flourish treatment during water changes.

My light specs, not the greatest. Opted for a $85 blue/white led from PetSmart in an emergency after my old lights died.

Ive found that my shrimp population has actually reduced these past few nights, and i cant find a single carcass anywhere. I'm guessing the loaches have went to hunting the adult shrimp out of hunger, but i'm not starving them. Weird. After removing my driftwood i only counted 14, and i heavily combed the plants to be sure i wasn't missing any.

Added some Acu-Clear exactly as the bottle shows, 3ml for my 30 gallons, and found that one of my platys and guppies had died this morning. Did a water test, and everything is in proper ranges.

Why are they such dumb fucks? I swear out of all insects that i routinely see, they seems to be the least self aware. They fly aimlessly, often hitting stuff or crash landing on you, almost always end up upside down and when you pick them up and pt them back they do it all over again. I don't understand this behaviour. Are they drunk out of fermented nectar or something?
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Beetles sacrificed agility for extra armour which has payed off fairly well for them
>Here in Europe there's less and less of them because they are so dumb
>and because sparrows kill all of them
That has literally nothing to do with their decline, birds aren't even particularly fond of them
I feel sorry for them. Sometimes I find one on its back in my driveway and turn it upright so it can fly, then it flys away then fucking ends up on its back again after a minute
That means it's at the natural end of its life cycle.
Better than being squashed by a car or eaten by ants.
Why are they called junebugs in English and Maybugs in Geman?

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The owls of yore may not stand with us no longer, but that does not mean we do not remember their purpose.
Come gather once more, so that the owls may be gazed upon still.

Mods are faggots
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just likes licking owls
to SEE
For the love of god /an/ please help me Google is a shoddy AI-infested crap heap that can't answer basic questions anymore.

I just want to know when exactly owls go to sleep. (I know different species are different, I just want a general answer). I assume owls are awake during PART of the day like humans are awake for part of the night. So do owls fall asleep immediately at dawn and are then awake for a few hours before sunset, or are they awake for several hours after the dawn and wake up when dusk arrives.
>According to Hyginus, her father Epopeus desired her and raped her. Out of shame or guilt, she fled to the forest and refused to show her face in daylight.[7] Taking pity on her, the goddess Athena transformed her into the nocturnal owl which, in time, became a widespread symbol of the goddess.[8][9] In Ovid's Metamorphoses, the transformation was a punishment for "desecrating her father's bed" (patrium temerasse cubile), which insinuates that she had sexual intercourse with her own father, but no further explanation is given of whether she was raped, seduced or herself the seducer.[10] In the Metamorphoses, Nyctimene's story is narrated by Corone (the crow), who also complains that her place as Minerva's sacred bird is now being usurped by Nyctimene, who is so ashamed of herself that she will not be seen by daylight.[10]
what the fuck greek mythology. I never knew athenas owl was a rape victim changed into a furry (feathery) out of pity. thats pretty fucked
wrong pic
I need to organize my athena folder
people like you will suffer the worst of fates in hell. like being raped by owls or something

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This stupid bitch is the only reason we don't have living terror birds alive today.
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Worthless creatures that aren't relevant to this thread, yes.
Would be culled to extinction. No way man would allow a bird prey on humans.
Terror birds actually probably didn't go extinct due to the great american biotic interchange. In fact, Titannis seemed to thrive up north with all the north american fauna, it wasn't until the glacial periods came along that they failed to adapt. Their numbers were already dwindling in the south before the interchange as well, so I'm not sure sbout them making it even if the isthmus of panama didn't form and connect the two continents.
Worthless creatures that survived what terror birds couldn't. What does that make terror birds?
Worthful duh

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> An Australian climate scientist has told a conference it's likely Australia's Great Barrier Reef has already been dealt its death blow.
>Leading climate scientist Joëlle Gergis of the University of Melbourne told the Climate Change and Business Conference in Auckland that 80 per cent of the reef was bleached in April, the first time damage had extended so far along the reef.
>"Scientists know... it's likely that the extensive reef wide bleaching of this year has dealt the largest living structure on this planet its death blow," she said.
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>still conveniently ignoring how much of the garbage got there in the first place
If you are offering to do it, you are at fault too, shitskin
Hitmen go to prison alongside whoever paid them
Lack of foresight and greed is how that garbage got there.
See >>4879700
You make the bed you lie in.
Some good news, published yesterday
Basically, some simulated heat/acidification of some Hawaiian corals showed that the extra acidification didn't seem to significantly hamper post-bleaching recovery, nor the coral's ability to withstand the next bleaching event. Heat seems the more critical aspect here, so it's good to know at least that the acidification isn't making it as bad as it could be (though IIRC it still partially dissolves the coral structures, making them grow more slowly overall). Of course, this is specific to their coral types, so it's possible that other corals in the world are more strongly affected by acidification.
Self awanress must have been eradicated by communism too

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I live on the 10th floor of an apartment block and these fuckers always come 2 hours after sunrise and start cooing, shitting and flapping about on my window sills. Every fucking day I wake up to scare them away by spraying them with water.

I've tried hanging cds, plastic owls, even a 3d made dragon! I've sprayed the sills with vinegar so much that my house smells of grandma's pantry. Still they keep zooming around, males chasing females so they can do their pathetic "spin to the left, spin to the right, now let me smash" dance and then stand bewildered for 30 seconds wondering why she flew away.

Couple of weeks ago there were a bunch munching on some stupid bread on the sidewalk when suddenly one of them darted between my legs as I was walking past and I squished it.
I've heard they are pretty intelligent, but I guess they sold their brains for some stupid bread.

How do I get rid of this flying circus act?
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>my ancestor
BB gun
what the fu artist is fat shaming a bird?????
Someone will pay for this injsutice
>Live in a city and be woken up by pigeons at dawn
>Move out to the countryside and be woken up by roosters
You just can't win

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I dont care what anyone says and im not gonna try to spend time convincing you but our chihuahua mix is pregnant with our ginger cat. Theres no other possibility. We live in an apartment. We've already confirmed shes pregnant and the titties are growing. She seems ok. But this is abnormal and we need to know what to expect as well as what the babies will be like and do they have any chance of being normal or surviving. Can find very little information online about this. Anyone else whos been through anything remotely similar please comment. And before you say its not possible, look at all the testing thats been done on animals for decades and shit that's in our food and water. Its not impossible. Im not the only one that concluded she got pregnant by the ginger cat and we would regularly catch them kissing, snuggling, grooming and having sex.
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Unless the dog fairy impregnated her or a male dog climbed 8 stories up, unlocked the window and fucked her it was the cat
Or she got knocked up during a walk while you weren't looking. Or it's a rare fetus-in-fetu situation of birthing a twin she absorbed during gestation.
you're going to take pictures after a couple days right? or if you don't, should we take that as you realizing you are a colossal retard that doesn't want to admit that they're puppies and not catdogs?
OP could also start posting pics of their pregnant dog.
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It wasn't. It was an unpopular show while it aired, no one wanted to work on it, and the only reason why it had so many episodes was because an exec took one look and order 100 episodes on the spot over SPONGEBOB, THAT ONLY GOT 6 SIX! , thinking it would be the greatest thing of all time, but was such a slog they could only be bothered to finish 68. There was even a uproar amongst the Nickelodeon creators at the time regarding this.

>pic related

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>received 2 year old English Bulldog

What do I need to know?
It's life is suffering, it's hind legs will fall out of it's hips will at the earliest convenience.
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Lots of health issues to be prepped for. It probably hasn't had a surgery to fix it's stenotic nares yet, so save up for that, and no you shouldn't couple that with a dental. Clean it's folds and wrinkles (not just on the face but neck and tail too) at least daily and make sure you dry them after cleaning to prevent bacterial growth. If it is a female get it fixed asap (this you can couple with a dental OR the corrective nose surgery), they are also prone to floppy vagina syndrome(tm) and may need a roastie trim up. They are prone to IVDD so try to make sure they aren't jumping off couches and on beds and shit, and limit stairs as much as possible. Make sure it doesn't get obese and keep their breathing issues in mind; should be active, but they can't breath as well so make sure they don't overheat. Don't keep them outside long in the summer.
There's a reason they have the life expectancy of giant breeds but they themselves are like the size of a beagle.
They are low energy and pretty friendly dogs though.
>here's that apex grey wolf i was telling you about
The torture of dogs, in life and before birth, is a codified part of the "culture" of angloid "people". In case you haven't noticed- petsmart sells spike and shock collars intended solely to hurt dogs to make them walk slower or fat americans.

Breeding a diseased shitheap that scarcely qualifies as a dog is nothing. These people jumped on the trend set by south european peoples with their dogs bred to be repulsive and scary and treated as such to make them mean and ran with it to incomprehensible lengths.
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All Sizes Edition
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It all ends with a slurp…
Dawwww the baby gots it's nanner!
Silver fox tails are so striking.
you are deranged and disgusting
How did it end up like thurp?
it was only a slurp

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