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Cheetah thread!

All cheetah related, pics, videos, stories.

Best pet ever.
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I want to hug and cuddle with the cat with spots
Show someone successfully keeping these things as pets
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Why are they so gay bros

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Are there any advantages of getting a female cat or dog over a male one assuming both are neutered / spayed
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Google it

Basically all dog bites are intact male german shepherds, pitbulls, and rottweilers.
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I will always have female cats so it doesnt feel gay when i dote on them and kiss and sniff their heads like a retard
Never stopped me
>there's no evidence to support a difference in average temperament or personality of an entire gender of animal.
this is definitely false, sexual dimorphism absolutely does extend to behaviour, why would it not? where did you even get that idea?
however in cats and dogs the differences are pretty mild

Does anyone get lazy and use those dog walking apps? What's been your experience with them?
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I have a midday walker for the days when I’m at work. Got walker from neighborhood recommendations rather than an app though.
One of my friends did. His dog came back with behavioral issues, and when he called about it he was told their dog was started on prong collar corrections for "reactivity"

I personally knew the extent of the dogs reactivity was very mild pulling but after that they were up to snarling and aggressive sounding barking. The walker's "apology" was "your dog has dominance issues, just correct them harder".
Dog walking app? What the fuck is that?
Look up wag on the app store
i use a dog walker sometimes but it's a lady in the neighborhood that i know and have seen her walking other neighbors dogs. i wouldn't let a random off an app walk my dog. first time the dog gets walked you should go with them too

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Sorry, I only know that line from the memes, I have no idea what you're talking about
> >Only appeal is how easy it would be to pick her up and throw her out a window to get some alone time with an older lady with big titties
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>Mate mate mate
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>Omae wa mou shindeiru
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>Kakatte koi yo! Teme!

Is it true that lobsters used to get to like 6 feet long or more? I've heard it my whole life with the explanation for them no longer getting that big being overfishing. Can someone corroborate or explain? I heard of it with regards to maine if I recall but I'm not sure obviously.
also sorry that I didn't have a lobster picture, away from my pc.
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>zero g
top lel
based retard
>the problem with trying to help it molt will just stress the animal out and cause it die
well humans have sorted this out centuries ago, it's called anasthesia. It's weird no university has tried assisted molting before. they are burning public funds like there's no tomorrow, they could at least use it for some cool PR stunt. Can't think of a better ad for a marine biology institute than a truck-size lobster in a lab
except you have to submerge it a solution, and then you have to clear out the anesthesia which is a little harder when its breathing from gills, and how are you suppose to monitor it, so thats a lot of technology that you have develop and you have to remember this is going to get decades to bare fruit which is not something theyre going to consider, people want results now and not 40 years later
Very cool post, thank you anon

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How do you even achive this
How do you mangle a dog genetically so bad yet make it still (mostly) alive
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Does anyone here have that copypasta that's one toad talking to his son about how he must never give up hope no matter how much it hurts to breath and no matter how SMASHED and SLAMMED he is, or something along those lines?
Of course it's white (probably Jewish) people invested in making the most helpless dogs
that's not a toadline though, it's a bully or bulldog
dachshunds are wolves compared to toadies regarding health
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Just cause I fuckin' love owls
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These ones are great :)
so close, how does it even do that
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You've never seen a Swallow take a sip of water?
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For me it is Barn Owls and Ural Owls.
Barn Owls are cute with their, sometimes, heart-shaped faces and Ural Owls are just so soft.
Oy vey the goyim know! THE GOYIM KNOW!!!!

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is it poisonous?
can I touch it with my bare hands?
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Don’t touch it they have prehensile tongues that can emerge and sever anything instantly
Misinformation. Fact check: Animals like when I touch them
chompsky honk
especially the female Homo sapiens

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>Sprays don't work
>Reflective surfaces don't work
>Moving gizmos don't work
>Gels don't work
>Ultrasounds don't work

Someone tells me how I can rid my balcony of these cunts before I start literally shooting their heads off and tossing their headless corpses on the street as snacks for the neighborhood's cats.
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Gellet gun.
people who live in commieblocks arent people
Stop feeding them. Tell others to stop feeding them.
you bastard…

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bird brains...
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i like how some are so big they just awkwardly give up and go away
i'd let one swallow me just to see what it felt like haha
bet it would be so weird to be eaten by a bird haha
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kill yourself
This, is their worst crime eating things?

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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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That's a big gull.
simple as
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Why are plants like this?
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fun fact: plants do get lonely when confined to a pot alone
Tropical plants do well indoors because they are used to the low-light conditions under the rainforest canopy, and are provided the temperatures they require
all things are women, chuddie
as in, they masturbate?
>there's nothing magical about outside
fuck you and your numbers

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>looks like a fish
>behaves like a fish
>lives like a fish

It's a fish.
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I hope so
>no flat nails
Try again, anon
With advanced knowledge comes the freedom to realize you’re technically allowed to stick your dick in anything

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Parrot thread

Picrel: Ultramarine lorikeet (Vini ultramarina)
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First: I'm bored. Second: I never bothered too much to understand her, lack of means of knowledge... and I forgot this board exists. google and internet give same-y instructions or manuals as if they were fucking robot or something

so, my cat is female. I think she has about 5 years or something, honestly I forgot, she could be a granny for all I know, cause you know, cats aren't you friendly dogs, cats are just "there", you don't even know what breed they are
she is "annoying" in the sense that she isn't moody "get the fuck out of my sight" kind, but she does stuff like randomly meowning, coming at me, on my bed (I use laptop), or the kitchen, outdoors whatever, she rubs her hand against my legs, head, shoulders, hands or whatever she cand, she walk in circles around my, she repeats the rubbing. I pat her, she gives a little "scratching" or hit paw, she also "playfully" bites the second I pat her. how the fuck can I understand her?? she wants me to pet her but she bites me, but she seeks me! I move to the left to the bed and she follows, but I pat her and she gives hits. If I ignore her she bites my hand
she also, when I'm outdoors, meows me from the distance/rooftop, and sometimes she comes at me

why is that? summary: she comes to me, rubs on me, she purrs, walks in circles, follows me, bites me when I pat her, bites me when I ignore her... and I don't know. sometimes I stop to think and feel bad for not paying attention to her as the living being with feelings she is, or for taking off my bedroom through the window, I was also angry at her because months ago she peed on my bed for likely no reason so everytime I saw her on the bed I just grabbed her and threw her off, didn't care she had to understand I was angry. but lately I'm slowly mellowing and letting her be on my bed again (because she is cute, what else)
and she walk around the house. she is a home's cate
how should I treat her?

pd: pic related is not her, but it's a close one. she is thinner
Holy shit I don't care
Didn't read, but she's bored and lonely. Get her a cat friend (male)
She wants to fuck
Likely this, OP

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