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>Age 97
>basically how my parents are in their 60s, if not better

How does he do it?
I had one relative that age and he could barely move and he was sober his whole life.
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He never retired even though he easily could. Once you stop working you set like concrete and that kills most people.
I mean as long as you stay active I don’t see why it would
Our fucked up modern hell society impresses on us from childhood that our only purpose is to work to generate capital for the (((wealthy elite))) so when boomers retire they lose their sole reason to exist and expire gracelessly so the next generation can walk over their corpses and generate capital for the (((wealthy elite))) we are trapped in a spiral of human construction that started with the industrial revolution and (((they))) do everything within their power to absolutely ensure we can never ever go back to our "primitive" family based way of life it's all about separation isolation making us efficient undistracted worker drones while the planet burns and dies in the name of your electric cars and smart phones humans were a mistake and this pathetic predatory existence is a sham
all pretty true doe

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the thing is i live in an apartment so what are some frogs that dont make to much sound dont want to wake my neighbours at 4 in the morning whit a *CRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAK
Any recomendations?
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Go outside and pick up the first one you see it’ll work out trust me
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Get a Colorado Toad. If you are kind enough and tickle its neck it will gift you with some precious resin on its back that tastes very nice.
Most captive frogs won't make noise at all. But make sure you do plenty of research, herps can take more work that a lot of people initially think.

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The Dog Daddy https://www.youtube.com/c/thedogdaddy
Joel Beckman https://www.youtube.com/@BDTraining
Cesar Milan https://www.youtube.com/@CesarMillanOfficial
AVOID: "positive-only" snake-oil salespeople, anyone who critiques other trainers without video proof of them working with difficult dogs (examples: Emily Larlham, Zak George)

Raw protein (80%)
Organs (10%)
Raw bones (10%)
Vegetables (optional)
Supplements (optional)
AVOID: "nutrition" advice sponsored by dog "food" companies

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>telegremlins woke up again
I’m thinking discord notification delivery system wired next to their resting urination system
Dogs are meant to have claws that touch the ground, but not dig in.
Seen but not heard is a better description
Who cares total husky death now
Isn’t that a Sikh lmao
Had a nice rain bow last night

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>Paleontologists found multiple complete fossilized specimens of large Cretaceous shark Ptychodus in Mexico
ANOTHER Cretaceous shark? Otodusbros, i'm tired of this. After all these years, why does they still haven't found a single complete specimen of any shark in the genus Otodus? They were extremely common, widespread and lived for millions of years - way longer than any of these shitty Cretaceous sharks that were cucked by mosasaurs. I can't stand these oversized great white sharks megalodon paleoart anymore.
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>shark but long tail
>shark but long nose
>get pinned as giga nurse shark for years
>even sometimes get given fin spines for some reason
>really was a sleek fucker going around smashing turtles and ammonites
And people say science ruins old shit. This is way better.
Nobody who actually says that knows what they're talking about though. People used to say that dinosaurs were so dumb and stupid that they went extinct because the little mammal rats were too much for them. They also used to say that shit like terror birds were so shit at hunting that they could only eat small animals the size of rabbits.
>People used to say that dinosaurs were so dumb and stupid that they went extinct because the little mammal rats were too much for them
That's true though. Dinosaurs were extremely stupid and there's evidence they frequently died of starvation, which is why infant cannibalism was so common.
Dinobros… not like this…

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>be me
>have a spider in my room
>mf pretty chill, just sitting on his web just vibing
>i don't bother him, he doesn't bother me
>he leaves the web ocasionally. i like to imagine that he is leaving for ,,work,, (hunting shit) just like me to survive

idk about others but i'd rather have a spider in my house than a nasty Bug crawling and shitting over every sourface and jump scaring me running like a crack head when i turn on the lights. spiders are Nice and cool and they eat other nasty bugs. i named him george.
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Cool. They can't harm you, and they're fun to observe.
the spider is the one insect i'm decently chill with. i had one in my garden last year, i tried my best not to mess with him, but my retard cat would eat from the plant that he set his web on, so that would send him, but then he learned to retreat under a leaf and let his web get fucked. he always rebuilt it, that resilient son of a bitch. i hated that stupid ass cat, good for fucking nothing in an apartment where it can't even roam around and have fun, so it bothers me. i had the heart to give it a catnip plant, but the fucking moron loved to fuck with me, so she'd ignore it completely and just eat from my plants, then puke up all the plant on the carpet like the fucking braindead retard she was. i don't hate all cats, it's just super unfortunate the personal circumstances which caused that mess.
anything that enters my house and has more than four legs is getting killed
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I have a ton of jumping spiders at home, they take care of every insect around.
I live near rice paddies and it's mosquitoland outside, but my home is insect free.
There is also a shitton of webs and mantis in my backyard, I guess they help too.
Bless those critters.

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kek, nice
Keep on coping, dogfucker, but do it on another site.
The dedicated Troller, hahA!
Battlecruiser operational
Quite weird to look at. You tend to think the body is in great pain the way it's moving, but it can't be as it doesn't have a brain. I wonder how it feels to just be a head.

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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I didn't get it in that thread you're referring to and I still don't get it. There's literally nothing remarkable about that part of them.
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post and talk about wolves (non-sexualy) pls

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>Always wanted to scuba dive a coral reef

>Most are bleached now

>Within a few years they'll all be completely dead

Ive always been too much of a poor wagie to afford scuba gear, get certified, and travel. Now that my prospects are picking up, it's too late. Fuck this world, it's not fair..
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Costa Rica has some of the best reefs ever imo, particularly in the Osa Peninsula, has both shallow and deep reefs iirc
Other than what's been said above, there are tons of shallow reefs where you don't even need scuba gear (snorkeling is fine), like Maldives and the Philippines. It all depends on what your budget is and what your tolerance for travel is. Last time I went to the Philippines, it was 22 hours from my home to the main island, two hours to trudge through traffic from the international airport to the local airport, another two hours from for a charter flight to a small island, then another two hours to get from that island to my (even smaller) destination island by boat (El Nido, Palawan, if you're curious), and that's not including waiting for shit. Maldives was similar travel time but with far, far worse customer service lmao. My water bungalow was better there though. Literally had stairs that went directly into the ocean.

When you get really far away from people, the fish are a lot friendlier. Like in El Nido, there were fish that literally swam up to my ankles as the waves came in and out. Although, if I went far enough away from shore, the floor dropped precipitously, the water got a lot colder real fast, and the fish went from colorful and playful to enormous and ready to fuck my shit up.

As for the color of coral, it's true, you're often not going to see the color like in OP's pic, although there is definitely some color in the good places. However that too is becoming more rare. A lot of the places I went to a decade or more ago that had more colorful stuff are comparatively dull now (in the past few years).
10 meters doesn't sound like a lot but if you're that deep under the water with a problem, it could be quite bad. Some advanced divers might dive solo and have a totally independent secondary air supply. That's not common though, most people will be with someone else which is the safest thing. If you get into the training and learn some more about it you'll learn about the different risks and how to deal with them. Humans don't really belong down in the ocean and it's important to keep that in mind but. That being said, it is incredible and well worth getting into.
thanks guys, I'm gonna do the training and find a guide that can show me around. I underestimated it but I'd rather not take risks
We belong wherever we put our minds and determination to…

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What the fuck do you even do for 392 years?
Do sharks not lose their minds from boredom?
I can't imagine just aimlessly swimming the dark depths of the ocean for almost 400 years.
What the hell are you on about
Itll happen to you too
Sleep under docks in the rivers of maine and newfoundland to scare the local children
What mind do they have to lose?
They are simple creatures.

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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>pickle plants
>tfw pickleplant is etiolated even though its right under a growlight
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Is this crabgrass if not what is this? Thanks.
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Looks like tall fescue, not sure what seed the rest of your lawn is, though it looks like blue grass, possibly rye or a blend.
The lawn is bluegrass. I'm up north 6b could it be annual bluegrass maybe?
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Annual blue grass looks more like blue grass, until mid summer when it tends to get a lighter color, the leaf blades are about the same width as the kbg, the pic you shared has really wide blades light lime green color typical of a Kentucky 31 type tall fescue, could have been blown in off of a neighbors yard, or carried by a squirrel saving food for winter.

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This changes everything
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the buoyancy of the water helps them have sex
Actually the most terrible dinosaur reconstruction i have ever seen.
Just wait a few hours, we'll find a worse one.
The contrast between the cold water and warm body gives an interesting sensory experience that helps them cum

How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?
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It took toadlines anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand years to show up on the dog timeline, depending on where you draw the line between tame wolves and self domestication. Selective breeding wasn't even well established until the dawn of agriculture, and breeds as we know them did not really exist until the victorian.

The selective breeding of cats only got started in the past 2 centuries. This isn't even the beginning. They will get worse, while the regulatory hammer will come down on dogs and only dogs because specifying "any domestic animal" would piss off the farmers trying to select for brainless meat bricks.
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Common domestic longhair (felis cattus), 2268
>Brain reduced to bare minimum to minimize need for care
>Primary function is sitting in your lap and purring
>Fast reproduction to maximize profit margins
>Totally safe to let outside, won't hurt a thing
Thought this was actually a SLAMMED specimen for a minute lmao
Just an amorphous ball of fur
>he considers you a lower form of humanity if you prefer dogs
hey when he’s right he’s right
Sometimes you get an animal and it doesnt act the way you want right away so you have to either let it destroy your house, get rid of it, or confine it until you work through the issue
Hope that helps

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Just brought a $10 aud 70lt petworx tank from the landfill. No limescale, scratches or leaks but there's a chip small chip on the bottom corner.
Should I risk it?
Some people here kept them in the past and I remember the main problem being their longevity and difficulty to breed.
If it doesnt leak it doesnt matter.
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what kind of plants would you guys stick in a 5/10 gallon tank with a betta? i've been researching but the plants still have me stumped.
want it to be nice for the fish don't wanna go too crazy because of algae, unsure if will be feasible.
floaters and column feeders
They're efficient nutrient suckers and are good to keep algae at bay
also not sure what you mean by >don't wanna go too crazy because of algae
Plants don't cause algae overfeeding does
Hello /aq/ I have been setting up a 10 gallon native planted tank, and I wanted to get your opinion on stocking. Right now my idea is:
4-6 Chrosomus eos
3-4 Notropis volucellus
Wanted to keep things interesting while keeping smaller fish, but if things look hairy with compatibility then I might just do a species only tank with brook stickleback or just drop the native thing entirely. Really want to try keeping dace for once though. Also I'm not going to be collecting wild plants because I've had bad experiences with that in the past, and the only plants worth harvesting in my area are Eleocharis and milfoil.

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>made popular by Harry Potter
Yes, you are right
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I wanna save nature from the human race, where do I start?
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they’re already being disallowed
>per capita
What good is this metric when you need to set an artificially low poverty line where people barely survive in dirt huts and a 400 word literacy line to pretend 90% of china isn't poor and illiterate
This better be a typo or some weird sense of humor in action
There aint no point to this word
I was not expecting to find a person like you in a nature board
Alright, great. Nature is saved.

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