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Post birds, appreciate birds
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I learned of the Hoopoe recently when they went a bit too far North and became a rare but welcome sight in the UK. I love it
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Awesome photo
Is there a reliable way to get rid of owls without harming them?
These ones probably have the coolest mating rituals
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Recently found a cockatiel on the street. Doesn't talk nor sing but after a couple of weeks of constatly being bitten, we're frens
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THE Cape May Warbler
They get in my roof and run around and scream all night.
Finally my birdies started to eat alone (zebras, 6th week). Handfeeding can be very stressful.
Don't bother. They totally fucked up Risk of Rain 2.
move out to a place without owls
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Sandhill Cranes have been moving through....
My bedroom is a converted loft. A while ago I noticed the same birds flying near my window, I kept it closed so they don't get in and they quieted down for a month. Now I've been awoken every morning at 5am by the sounds of screaming hatchlings. I can't sleep through it and adjusted my sleep schedule to sleep earlier. It's so fucking irritating and carries on throughout the day. I like birds, like all things, in moderation but this is too much. The worst part is it's loud enough for me to hear since my hearing is sharp but not loud enough to record. BTW I'm not a schizo, the recording has the bird sounds but they're faint compared to the background white noise, and I'm not bothered to edit the audio to isolate and amplify it. I can't bitch about it irl every day without sounding deranged so I'm posting here.
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THE annoying Killdeer
You won't get any help here. None of these birdfuckers have jobs or routines. Find where the nest is and put it in a shoebox and move it somewhere away from where you sleep and safe from predators. Don't let anyone see you, best to do it just before dawn when the parents are awake and starting to forage.
I shot a squirrel with my air rifle as I usually do and it looked dead so I left it. The ravens know the gunshot sound and always fly over to check out if I killed one. So whichever one flew over made its "found some food" honk and in a couple minutes they both (male+female couple) came down to eat.

Well fuck me it was still alive. It started squealing and rubbing its eyes but looks like it couldn't move its legs so the ravens started caw-ing at it a lot, pulling it around, and pecking it in the head for like 15 minutes until it finally gave up the ghost and now they're doing the usual, picking out all the meat and I guess the female one keeps bringing some back to the nest.

I've seen them eat many squirrels but never a live one. I love my ravens.
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>feed me faggot
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THE African Harrier Hawk
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What is this fellow called and does anyone have a picture of it stained with blood? It was face profile picture iirc
The Long Wattled Umbrellabird
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Bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus.
House wren found the bluebird box

It's over
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Black capped Chickadee
They're pretty cute.
That's actually awesome. Good that you rescued him
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the lads
Left one is coolest
Seems unusual to have Baltimore oriole and pine siskins at the same time
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I live around Latinos.
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they'll see you at home
when you feed the hens
the boorras will come
they can be your frens
if you give them some
they came for the food
for that is their wish
just not fruits or grain
they eat meat or fish
over it they coo
they will bring some pals
give some to them too
or the beaks will clash
you can pet them too
just don't be a jerk
the king of the bush
demands some respect
when he breaks the hush
expect no concert
this bird cannot sing
but they'll laugh with you
if some food you bring

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyU7I-rbS08
(vid not mine)
sorry to hear that
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posting some of my faves
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funky birb
Poor fellow, at least it seems chill with you!
He lovin the black & yellow color scheme
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the neck is long
Anons, I would love a pet BIRD, but I can only love animals that are SMASHED and SLAMMED.
I will name him CUMSTACK.
That there is a perfect name for a fancy pigeon.
the chickadees keep kicking up the seed i put out. they make a giant mess, like a toddler eating cheerios in the back seat of a soccer mom van. maybe they can't distinguish seeds too well in a pile, so they have to spread it out. they're cute, but i don't know what's their problem.
Is it some cheap garbage mix? They are probably digging for just the good ones they want to eat.
Female bluebird seems all alone
She's sitting in the house, came out to eat sunflower hearts this morning but that's it. She made a sad little call at the feeder then flew away. No male in sight, no male singing anywhere. What the fuck.

I want to like go poke some mealworms through the entry hole and see if she takes them but she'll probably just get scared.
go keep her company
Man... A bird just hit my window and died, and I feel like shit.
It happens unfortunately, I’ve seen birds hitting my windows occasionally but they all survived, one time it was a rare Canadian warbler but it flew off after a bit just fine
Question: Anyone have one of these oriole feeders? would like to try to attract orioles in NJ, and wanted to know what works best for attracting them.
example of the feeders im looking at.
fuck im high, im sorry
Like the other anon said, chickadees don't like millet or any of that stuff. So if your seed is a mix they are digging for the sunflowers. Black- oil Sunflower seeds are what they love.
They work, but I think the reward of seeing a few orioles before they go off to nest and have to put out such messy stuff that attracts ants is not worth it. They don't really benefit from feeders it's just for humans to look at them. So decide how much seeing an oriole is worth.
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anyone have a system of recording their bird feeder while they're out the house for work etc? a system of recording, transferring, editing down and converting/exporting?
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here's another
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so pretty, the tuft on its head really finishes it

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