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Why did he do it?
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Tager is pretty sane and amicable. Makoto is too, she's just Genki but not to a retarded degree, she's pretty chill. I don't remember Valkenhayn being a retarded/insane/asshole in any major regard either, just being loyal is all.
>Terumi could have just enjoyed his life once he got a new body.
He would still be enslaved. The world and all of it's creatures are still extentions of Amaterasu's will and he couldn't stand that. If anyone deserved to win in Blazblue it was him given the amount of shit he did trying to kill Amaterasu.
Deserved. They literally enslaved him using the mind eater curse. Nines and the rest of the six heroes got what was coming to them.
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Need one of these but with Terumi
Terumi go to bed
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>I can't believe Amaterasu did this, it's horrible. I need to regain my body to escape this hellscape.

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>*blocks you're path*
it's time for another playthrough anon.
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for maximum enjoyment of video games you have to ignore TES series completely
"have to" makes it sound like you're forcing yourself to ignore them, once you go through a couple caves and a couple gates you'll naturally just not want to touch them again
I guess it makes more sense the other way, don't force yourself to go into them, since they suck.
caves suck but they are manageable, gates are truly hell
genociding the denizes of the deadlands was okay, it gets repetitive after the fifth one

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This was just mean
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>I do not
well then you are no longer based
Can I get a quick run down? I don't watch self-fellating Jewish award shows.
Neil showed up, poses for photos, photographers loudly say “next guy” several times.
Would Neil be offended if that photographer said "next goy" instead?

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>vast majority of consumers, and vast majority of playtime is spent in only a few multiplayer games, all of which debuted before 9th gen was created, give or take treating Counter-Strike 2 as the same game as Global Offensive
>sudden glut of hero shooters, all of which will probably end support and future updates within a year
>everything else is just flavors of the month that seem unstoppable at first but then quickly die out

Is there room in the market for a new multiplayer shooter or is it just going to depend on something like COD, Fortnite, Apex, CS, etc. dying or losing its audience in some unfathomable way?
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L could have imprison Light from the beginning and the manga would have ended in 10 chapters.
But he didn't do it because he was an idiot pretending to be smart.
what about picrel?
Hero shooters are a misinterpreted flawed concept that the faggot side of gaming has been convinced into thinking is good.
Overwatch copied the wrong parts of TF2, overwatch turbo flopped way harder than anyone seems to realise. Every new hero shooter is trying to be a bad game.
No True Detectives?
Most modern games just don't use any kind of approach that would lead to player retention.

They don't allow communities to form in player hosted community servers because they to use matchmaking systems to maintain full control over player experience and engagement.
They don't allow mods because that would undermine their control over player experience and engagement.
They don't have solid aesthetics that could really draw players in because restricting themselves to an aesthetic would mean restricting the cosmetics they can sell.
The game pretty much dies out as soon as the company stops being adequately able to drive up engagement with updates because the design of microtransaction games is heavily reliant on the base game being "just barely fun enough" to tolerate.

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>go out of my way to open a secret chest
>its an opal

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Claim your videogame brownfu
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Need more elves
Yes it counts.
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sombra for me
Kirito's wife (True)

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>don't drink the water
>they put something in it to make you forget
>I don't even remember how I got here
How does he know the water makes you forget if he doesn't even remember how he got there? Something doesn't check out here.
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But his hands are clearly empty? The only bottle in his immediate vicinity is that one on the table in a brown paper bag. And that is commonly an indication that the bottle contains alcohol. So it is likely that man is an alcoholic and has memory lapses because of his alcoholism.
This is why always perform the lighter test on your water.
He's trying to hog all the water for himself
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>Slim Mr. Popo as MC
>You steal blonde Bulma from the white mid game villain that has a Nazi uniform
>Ubb clone as the thief companion
>The game is about liberating the people from the racist oppressors and abolishing religion.
>the other companions are a gay and a fat womxn
>You defeat an evil company owner and give the goods to the pipo
Welcome to DEI Quest XI.
Vearn is a secret post game super boss so it's okay
>schizophrenic spicjeetroon general
You're the brownest of brown gorillas you have no right to talk
keep seething and bumping your failed general you spicjeetroon nigger retard faggot lmao
Seething leftist so much tolerance

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Why is Tifa seen as weak?
I mean physically she's not obviously but if she had a spine there would be no aerith dates
because no woman can win against the dick

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Are there any games in the style of Dead By Daylight / asymmetric multiplayer survival games - but instead of a bunch of scared humans trying to survive against one big monster its a bunch of scared dungeon monsters trying to survive against one super skilled hunter/adventurer human?
What's the difference?
It would be more fun to play as a scared shit kobold, goblin or slime monster running away from the over-leveled gigachad 'protagonist'

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You guys should play it
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i bought this game when it came out when i was 13. remember reading about it on the gametrailers forums.
Somehow the only Souls game with completely normally told and understandable story
The hand torch is brighter and reaches farther than the hip torch. That's the trade off. Plus, the hand torch is actually a real weapon in Elden Ring. The torch was kind of neat in DS2, but without those cast shadows, it kind of defeats the purpose. Watching the shadows cast on the surfaces was the whole aesthetic.
Because it has an actual story, not particularly fragmented either, you learn all the story of the zone you are in through the items you find in said zone.
yeah they went overboard with the bass boost. the sounds are satisfying but just on a superficial nigger brain level. there is nothing iconic in the new sounds.

>this is an emotionless killer droid according to Japan
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genetic engineering
i'm a virgin
not obese enough
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>Nanaya, forgive me...
Bravo Micheal Zaki.

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Why are there so few video games where you pit opponents against each other? TABS and that's it
There's ultimate epic battle simulator
just an asset flip
Yeah but there aren't many options out there. I remember enjoying the clay soldiers mod for minecraft back in the day, which lets you pit teams against each other.
You can do that in minecraft creative mode with spawn eggs if you know which mods hate each other. Works even better with mods
yeah that works i guess but but i wouldn't exactly call minecraft combat entertaining

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Post the oldest video game screenshot in your hard drive

hard mode:the screenshot is taken pre 10s
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>S/v/en-coop with the bros

Good times brehs
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I wonder if Pirate hit this shot back in 2006
This is from around 08-09.
I miss Freelancer/Discovery
I switched to SSD in 2019 so this is the oldest one I have
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Oldest is actually this which if the filename is accurate I took in 2017 on my ps3.

It's finally over for 343
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Frankie needs to leave forever.
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More like 404 Industries
shut up 343 shill enough with the damage control simping lol
Hi Bonnie Ross
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I can accept hunched over elites as a necessary evil to make them playable alongside Spartans - another thing that 343 hasn't done despite all but one Bungie-era game (and one expansion pack) featuring playable Elites - as long as the game also features them walking upright in cutscenes or what have you.

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why is there so much soul and effort put into this game?
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>small indie studio
Only 1,038 employess, quite small compare to fromslop 200 employess hehe
For a while I thought I was sick of soulslike combat but lies of p made me realise I was just sick of fromsoft and their rollslop. Goddamn it feels good to play.
Souls makes the money but they should have taken a longer break from it, Sekiro and AC6 are great
I hope they are working on more non souls games
I presume Sekiro would still win, but LoP statistics will forever be skewed by Gamepass.
>Sekiro has lower requirements to play
>Sekiro has a larger parry window (11 frames vs 9.3)
>Sekiro lets you fight bosses repeatedly after beating them
>Sekiro doesn't force you to repair your weapon in combat EVER
>Sekiro's bosses have natural attack animations instead of delayed windups into nearly instant swings

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What's the proper way to deal with a bratty demon?
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Mutually exchange bodies so we can get to understand each other's feelings better!
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
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Fuse them away
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>/htg/ gets nuked
>but /bowgen/ gets to stay up
im still mad
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did the new flavor of the month just dropped or will bodycam be a timeless classic?
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Checked the steam page. Looks like utter shit and probably a scam.
more like flavour of the day it got released
I'm a graphics fag and I hate bodycam
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Post specs and prove your graphicsfaggotry.
don't dox me chud. I have a 4090

I think I beat him this time bros.
He's shit now. He was harder to beat in 2007
Anyone else just restart after question ~20?
It's like the PONR. After that point he just starts repeating old questions, or asking dumb questions that seem to ignore old inputs.
"Does your character have white hair?" No he has blue hair we already established that at the beginning.
can have blue and white at the same time
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>is your character a youtuber
>is your character dark haired
>is your character linked with music
How did they achieve AI so early?

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