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looks like we are eating good tonight fellow kart bros.
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thanks for the heads up
Rings were literally the worst thing this game has. It feels like everything revolves around them, but it makes playing the game a complete crapshoot. If you bump into someone with no rings, you lose all your speed and spinout, even if you're the one who bumps into them.
By the way, does anyone else take issue with the quick dropping in the air? It's so shit, it makes you bounce and its just not fun.
>What's everyone's beef with the tutorial?
There's too much fluff, we didn't need dialogue between Tails and Eggman setting up some lore when nothing else in the single-player follows up on it.
Also there's no tip page or manual like in SRB2Kart to check specific mechanics without going through the whole tutorial again and some stuff like item parrying isn't even mentioned.
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"gaster" Tutorial Skip
"wi-fi warrior" Online play without doing Ring Cup
"McDonalds" or "mustard gas" without doing (i presume) Sneaker Cup
if anyone can force breake to get the passcode for all paintcans, that would be great.
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>Pepijn Aukema

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>Payday 3 is dead
>Everyone just went back to 2
How do we fix the crimer genre?
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>Meanwhile the last PD2 update broke almost every heist
I'm glad i got out when i did
It would take a miracle to bring people into this game but I don't see it happening. They screwed their first impressions and never recovered. Even they know it themselves
>sale for both games happen
>PD2 gets a banner change while 3 sits there untouched
If Wolves Den goes well it's absolutely over. Same if Crime Boss somehow manages to relaunch on steam
>didn't they already fire the CEO recently?
yes they did, and you know what? it's nothing more than a publicity stunt to appeal shareholders
the faggot furry is still in charge (who thinks it's the players's fault they complain and not that just the game is bad) and because of that the game will still suck.
the ceo is not responsible for making the game so nothing about the game will change
>the faggot furry is still in charge
Kek is this real?
>gay fat furry faggot

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is it better to play th eYS games in the release or chronological order?
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>all those versions of Adol that don't have his classic armor
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>That IX Adel
What the fuck did they do to him?
Is it wrong that I like Ys 7 armor best?
But Ark of Naphistim is on PS2 and PSP in full English
adol adventures to some new land where he defeats an ancient evil and saves the world
there, I spoiled every game's story for you. now you can play for the gameplay

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Will Starstruck Vagabond be a good game?
>Yahtzee trying to make Stardew Valley, but in space.
Eh, we'll see. His games are kind of mediocre in my opinion, but we never know.
I give it a coinflip. Hopefully it is closer in quality to his "Days" games than to the likes of Consuming Shadow.
Or perhaps I should have said, more fittingly, that it is hopefully closer to Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment.
he should find an artist to work with
No, but it’s a pet project and there’s nothing wrong with that. I like Yahtzee, he seems to remained sane after several years in the web, which is more than we can say about Jim.

>wealthiest country on earth
>0 notable games
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Grüezi mitenand

Switzerland is just not a very creative country. Society in itself punishes individuality. You go through a rather strict school system and mostly do some boring ass apprenticeship afterwards. The tiny rest of creativity that still exists within you then gets stomped out by the mandatory military service.
Few people attend universities in Switzerland compared to other countries, if they do it‘s mostly STEM, it‘s no surprise ETH and EPFL are world renowned.

This is unfortunate as the country would make a fantastic setting for many a great story, no matter the medium.
>farming sim
>transport fever
>some indie trash
sadly you are right
>lack of diversity
nice try. everything is full of niggers and 45% of the population is foreigners
my nigga
Fun fact; most of these stereotypical German simulator games are actually Swiss

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Since Vivian joining your party is a spoiler, don't expect any mention of her until after thr game's out
>What about Vivian? Did trannies take another L?
We have no idea yet. They left the cat boo instead of changing it back to a bunny so he might still be a girl in the English version.
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Nigger do not act like some cute marketing is the same as the tonal shift the games themselves took.
Find a piece of dialogue anywhere near as corny as this shit in the first two if you want to prove me wrong. (They thought so much of this that they unveiled the fucking game with this scene btw)
It's not good, but it's not a real significant issue and the reason TTYD discourse is full of it is because retards can't address the actual game rather than the memes surrounding it.

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>still no games that look like this
>not from indies nor AAA

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Lovely game. I wish the DLC wasn't ass. I found a lot of what it did with the story and characters to be fairly disagreeable, and the new areas didn't really offer much mechanically. The metallic sphere in the megadungeon that behaved differently based on each element was cool at least.
lunar silver star story
no, I really liked it
there is one (implied) lesbian but the game is mainly just a guy caring for his adopted daughter. the whole thing came across as very genuine and has some of the best-looking visuals I've seen in a while
you don't know what you really want jon
I still can’t believe it was miyamoto who approached them and not the other way around

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Literally paint skin to censor a bikini outfit
Look at the icon and the shitty paint texture they added onto the skin.
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That is fucking insane because you can make these icons in a minute in paint.net or gimp. Also look at the cheer leader outfit. The icon makes it look like the only part of the top is the ribbon and the collar. Are you telling me Eve was going to go topless with this outfit?
>other icons are in white
>menu selection changes the background to white
>It's white on white but still clearly has outlines
The icon matches the outfit. The white on the icon is the black of the outfit. The black on the icon is the gray on the outfit.
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Oh no snoy sister!
We have also seen the raven suit years ago and I really doubt that its supposed to have a complete cleavege reveal at the center. In fact the early footage makes it seem like a full body suit and was probably meant to be Eve's default outfit instead of the one we have now.
You fucking blind? It doesnt look like that at all
They even have the gauntlet lol

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your opinions
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Better than ark but I got bored really fast and it really does feel like you’re walking through an asset store most of the time. Combat is pretty bad mechanically and worse than some gacha games for how much arbitrary level grind there is. The pogeyman but dark angle is boring since we’ve had cringe pokemon fan creations like art, games, creepypastas, etc for 20+ years

Overall mediocre and nothing inspired or particularly well made
Well it clearly did so you are wrong.

Besides, most popular games incorporate several genres. Most games have rpg elements or loot or collectibles or strategy elements or fucking whatever. Pure games aren’t as common nowadays.
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And the KWABOTY Award goes to...
he said on /v/

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>Hunter X Hunter Fighterz literally exists
>still no One Piece Fighterz
When is his turn?
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>i don't think people even bother leaking boruto anymore
i noticed i was 4 chapters "late" to read boruto a few weeks ago
thats how much interest is giving me
Yeah, I wonder what the deal is. One Piece is a pretty big franchise worldwide at this point thanks to the Netflix adaptation (for better or worse). Part of the issue may be finding the best developer to make the game. People bring up Arc System Works as a choice but they are still busy with Strive DLC.

What would be the best studio to make this game?
I'd like to see what CyberConnect2 can do with One Piece. They did a good job with their Naruto games.
It's going to be a shitshow. People were salty that Goku got a bunch of forms (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Blue, base form, Ultra Instinct, GT, Vegito, Gogeta, SS4 Gogeta). Luffy could have multiple forms too >>674482639 like Anon stated.

You could conceivably make a roster out of each major arc. There are a shit ton of characters to go through.

For the base roster, you would have all of the current Straw Hats and add some of the major arc villains (Buggy, Crocodile, Akainu, Kaido, etc.) plus some other major characters (Ace, Sabo, etc.). Then you can add in everyone else as DLC. With how many characters there, you could turn this game in Xenoverse 2 where you just add DLC for years.
after gear 5, one shit doesn't deserve a single game anymore

You know what video games need ? More MILFs !
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oppai loli baba...
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Start dating older women, it's the best move you can make in your life.
Benjamin Franklin? Is that you?
It only works if they are 2d
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>here's an annoying eyesore in the middle of your screen that serves no purpose and disappears when you might actually need it(ranged combat) and can't be disabled
What the FUCK were they thinking??
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Who the fuck gets motion sick from a game not having a dot?
it can be removed with a console command if it bothers you that much dummy
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> Some people just want to watch the world burn.
people with inferior genes

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Is it normal for siblings to be this close?
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How do you impregnate Paimon?
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This anon's got the right idea
Is Lyney's bow really that good with Ganyu?
Still rocking her Amos and my way of playing her are just pewpewing mobs.
Haven't played in awhile - did aether finally get to bang lumine?
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>You must complete an optional 5* story quest to gain insight into the Traveler's feelings and relationship with their sibling.

Why don't we have that in the main story? In the Archon quest, we rarely see the traveler's feelings or anything in depth about their sibling.

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Half-breed domination.
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Bah, what’s the worst that could happ-
I'm really miffed that there was no choice to kill Sanatio. I'm guessing story characters like him still appear in cutscenes even if you kill him off in TZ?
Yeah, TZ doesn't really even have permadeath. Characters just gain the "retreated" status until you feed them some corne ash.
Does it not become permanent if you don't revive them before the battle is over? Is it literally just an ash penalty?
Yes, it's just an ash penalty.

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This is KoIin. Any questions?
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This design is the peak of fighting game character concepts, and his only flaw is having an existing character's moveset
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this is my own original character, say something nice
Where is her ass
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Yes. How do I get a Kolin gf?

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Death to the rubber menace
Post co-op lobbies, talk shit about beast handler, you know the drill
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The 140 druid wouldn't be able to pop the moabs by itself, if we had MOAB mine we could do it but I have no idea where that is
oh yeah true, I'm dumb
MOAB mine is in yellow territory so if that is not an option you could use Ezili for leads and go 050 druid, that might work since she should deal enough damage to the MOABs before sotf.
yeah that would work probably
if red is gonna keep being fags with that tile it's worth trying

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For me it’s rami, the vampire girl, or the tiny silver kitsune
I tried playing this ages ago but it felt really outdated. How do i get into this? Isn't it like a Rance situation where's there's like 10 different games?
Adding on to that: the QA explained some inconsistencies. Luka fought a Dark Elf, early on, which is a variant explicitly stronger than normal elves, while the normal Elf was fought by Sylph's forest and a harder fight. The Dark Elf he fought was average by their standards, while the Elf was the top that guarded the forest.
The opposite applied to the chimeras where the ones Luka fight were top of line, while the armies were composed of mass-produced cheaper ones.
It wasn't only, as Dark Elf was the average of her species. But let's put the view on the perspective of a war itself: it won't be a 1v1 battle, it won't be fair either. Luka and Alice actually learn early on how the enemy armies easily got disorganized and had to disengage when the commanders were taken down. While Lazarus does point out that's something normal in an actual war, on multiple occasions we see the monster girls and the angels didn't have a proper chain of command or analysis of the battlefield as a whole.
Humanity was quick to fight back or recompose in losing situations, while the angels were struggling to estabilish what they were supposed to do or lead when a commander was taken down and monsters became chaotic.
Only two races made proper use of tactics and could keep a good composure amidst all that: the Harpies which were benefited by a genius Queen and the Vampires that followed feudalism and a code of honor. The Mermaids HAD a proper hierarchy but they didn't make much of it unlike the aforementioned two races.
If you thought the first game was somehow outdated, don't even bother.

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Do you think video game voice actors get the respect they deserve? Do you think they deserve higher pay?
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They’re exclusively a package deal, never apart
anyone can make a voice, they aren't special for doing vidya
Has she done anything lately?
Why'd she have to lie?

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What's lore on aliens in Fallout
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Easter eggs that have no effect on cannon. I treat Mothership Zeta as an "what if" scenario like Red Dead 1s zombie DLC.
>Avellone hated the idea of aliens in Fallout
which is probably the most ridiculous thing ever conceived

Fallout is a faux 50's setting, and flying saucers, and little green men was a YUGE aspect of that.
>Fallout is a faux 50's setting
it really isn't
>Fallout 2
Aliens are all over the map in random encounters. Jesus, that game is so fucking shitty in hindsight.
It kinda is 50s retrofuturism

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I play as a girl in games, because I wish I was one
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I'm glad you're honest about it. But you will never be a woman, OP. Make peace with that and accept your body for what it is
You play as a girl in games because you're retarded and gay. Women are retarded and gay.
Girls are cute
Emperors are not cute
How is it hard to understand why someone would want to be a girl?
Because the real reason people go trans is plain envy of a better life, so anyone who focuses on the other genders experience is just uncreative. At least with male trannies there is some truth to the grass being greener on the other side, female trannies are hilariously dumb and just downgrading because they got memed by men being so much better than women, but either way the point still stands, the grass is even greener the next field over.
If I was Chun Li then I would twerk my big fat jiggly ass and fuck big dick black men daily

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