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Post pics/videos depicting things that look like they belong in a video game but are real.
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Reminds me of the posters you'll see in Portal 2
I would add - it actually works the opposite, lack of perspectives has harmful effect on development and motivation. And kids are much eager to "escape" when being told stuff like "you will get up 5am and look after cows like generations before you and you will be happy".
>bamboozle and finesse your way into becoming the supreme puppetmaster
>all your "assets" turn out to be glue-munching retards that are INCAPABLE of NOT fucking you and your gay little bigbrain plans in the ass
kek'd heartily
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They made him an enemy in Postal: Brain Damaged
god, this is the best thing I've seen this month

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Retvrn to Teamspeak, white man
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There's a browser version? Never knew that.
>Can't explain why he wants slower programs
Why not anon? Why do you want all of your software to be slower?
>clicks random links some rando pastes into his chat
>downloads and installs random software without checking
appstores have turned zoomers into drooling retards.
i like it when the programs i use can do more than "run fast" like have actual features for people to use, i know it's a hard concept to grasp for you distro hopping troonix tards that a program could serve more purpose than looking pretty when you take a screenshot of your desktop and terminal but some of us actually use our computers
It's OK, it's just a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
Why do you care just buy better hardware

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Nobeta... Nobeta... Nobeta...
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Well yeah, but come on.
she is but she got modded into a better game. and soon
what's the present
i need to know
The most deranged shit you can think of, now multiply it by 2
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Remember when the official Twitter posted this?

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Sexy Archive
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the purple ticket is in the game files, but it hasn't been added to GA yet. no idea how they're planning to implement it when they do. the reward for 3 color clears is already scuffed, being a timed ticket instead of 1200 gems, having to clear 4 for the same reward is just bullshit. maybe it'll have 3 out of 4 colors at a time depending on the boss, still annoying as fuck either way
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anniversary soon
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Mika love
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Niya what?

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It's(vanilla Skyrim) good.
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>just play a decades old brainless first person hack and slash game bro

There are even mod packs for retarded purists but man are console fags truly fucking deranged.
For me, it's the Xbox 360 Skyrim 11/11/11 version with the bug where the enemy ice shards spells get stuck to you in third person until you reload the game.
Remember how in the PC 1.0 version you couldn't finish the game, because the main quest was bugged? And about half of the dragons were missing textures?
It just worked.
You really don't need to play the game if you don't want to. I've tried modding it to something it's not and it just ends up being a shitty version of something else. You'll have better time playing something like Gmod or Roblox.
I pirated it right on release, played it to completion for like 80 hours and never touched the game ever again. It was okay.

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Why is yuri so popular among gacha players?
>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
>Every time there is a new gacha game, multiple yuri ships instantly pop up.
>There are no gacha games that don't have yuri fanart
So why exactly gacha players love yuri so much?
My dick can cum on both of their tongues whilst they kiss, and that's hot
I'm gonna break this down for you real simple.
Gacha is 90% anime girls. People literally pay to collect anime girls. If there are more anime girls, people will pay more.
People draw fanart of characters fucking regardless of series.
If all the characters are girls, then the girls will fuck.
I think a girl having sex with a girl is fine. There is no competition.
A guy having sex with a girl? That isn't me. I don't like it.
Plus I can always have sex with both of the girls, and the more hot girls the better.

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>playing a game
>actually having a ton of fun with it
>suddenly a female character in the game steals your heart forever and you're in love
This ever happen to you?
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It does really suck but it is what it is, I guess.
And, yeah, it’s nice that Towa’s VA has stuck around for so long. If I’m not mistaken, the Trails franchise spans quite a lot of games
That’s understandable bro.
I like Skye’s voice as Mythra but I heard her voice acting in dead island 2 and that shit threw me off lmao, it was exactly the same as my wife.
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Love my adorable demon wife!
Not really, but I'm not really hurting on the swimsuit art side to be fair.
Have you tried vograce? iirc they let you order in small minimum batches.
I've only used them for stickers before, but I know some waifufags who've used em for keychains.
I'm afraid it's too late for you.
I too absolutely adore my wife's voice, she just wouldn't be the same with a different one.
your wife kinda reminds me of my own. which is the highest form of praise I can give her.
she almost looks like a big sister or something
catchin' flies
>never played undertale
me 2, so I don't get any of the memes.
that's okay, I have loads of crusty old memes that nobody else gets. :)

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Huh. I didn’t know she got a gig in Dead Island 2. Good for her though, I always kind of liked her. Though I guess it is kinda awkward hearing her voice like that lmao.
Also, hi, Mythrabro. Hope you’re doing good

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Holy shit why is this so good. Shame it's stuck on PS3
>$30 on ebay
why do fags sit on games they don't play and don't let me play them either
fag this shit is like your typical take two games and the cheapest one is free type of shit at your local gamestop from a couple of years ago
or the $5 games cart at the entrance at some stupid ass mall
>just hack the ps triple
I have a slim but I don't want to hack it, I want to keep as pristine as possible, call it autism if you wish
I'm kinda on the fence whether to cop out a cheap ass super slim and actually mod it tho, so that's what I would do
Yeah, I remember someone made a pixel perfect Link in the character editor.

Atlus would see a nice success with a Switch version.
I paid $30 for it in 2015, you might as well buy it.
It's alright. It gets old though and that's saying a lot for a game that isn't even that long. They should also stop letting Japanese people come up with English game titles.
>Where's the value in an item they'll never make again

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how do I get good in RTS games? I learnt a few build orders and could reach age 3 in decent time but how does one tackle the rest of the game which is very dynamic.

can any RTS pro explain the methodical process of how they approach a new RTS and how they adjust to the meta? I am starting with age of mythology right now so I can play comp in aom retold to be game specific.
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>"watch countless guides"
>watch a cool eco boom rush build
>follow it to the point
>enemy rushes with low level units when I am in the middle of the eco boom and kills all my villagers
on that day, things did not go according to plan.
1) Most important thing, figure out the economy. How to most efficiently collect resources. This is the first thing that seperates casual players from non-casual players
2) Practice micro-management. This is kind of universal across all RTS games. You need to learn to multitask, keep your base production going while you control units, and you need to learn to micromanage your units. Kiting, staggered attack moving, forming concaves, pulling back damaged units
3) Learn the meta. This part upsets a lot of people but it's probably the easiest part. If you lose a game, watch a replay and observe what they did. Learn what builds are strong and what are weak. Take the strong builds for yourself
>how they approach a new RTS
they don't. they keep playing the same game they've been for 20 years. that's why the genre is dead and that's why the comp scene has such a high skill floor.
Expand fast and get as many resources as you can.
>I just lost a couple matches in ranked.
RTS are for sick single player campaigns, not multischlop

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why are future murder victims so cute?
I knew my purchase of Of The Killer stocks would pay off.
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I don't care how many monkey paws curl I wish it was more popular. Granted there's just enough weird stuff to turn away a lot of people but... Damn it's just too good and I want more. I even started doodling again cuz of it.

What's so good about Diablo 2?
the music
act 1
everything else is nostalgia cope
Sorceress' death screams.

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Etna's mount is erupting, what means?
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oh my, how did Etna end like this?
What happened to this guy?
Nothing, I'm right here.
And the guy who made the animations?
He's taking a shit right now.

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What made the coffin of andy and leyley such a cultural phenomenon?
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>romeo and juliet's forbidden romance is hot
uh, no. it was retarded
Sharty going on a witch hunt against the creator thinking they are a tranny, onmy for it turn iut to be an actual woman.
Nothing. No one outside of /v/ gives a shit/knows it exists.

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Who killed Iji?
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Its what ranni does she betrays their companions all ranni fags are irl cucks.
Snape kills Dumbledore
the game explicitly says so through the characters involved that the ultimate sacrifice is to take into consideration, Iji himself mentions it

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>High production quality
>Great visuals, music and art
>Satisfying combat system
>Attempts to incorporate elements of classic DnD
>On the surface a worthy successor to the Infinity Engine games and NWN
But then you actually play the game...
>Abysmal writing
>Dialogue written like a high schooler
>Almost no cutscenes that help establish any kind of plot
>No antagonist shows up until Act 2 and everything happens off screen
>Lazy mystery box writing, nothing is answered until halfway through the game
>Gays and nogs everywhere
>Nearly everyone is ugly despite the game world being visually beautiful
>Female companions are a trainwreck
>Male companions almost force gay romances on you

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It's Larian's meme writing + WotC corporate shenanigans + 5e Forgotten Realms. Literally the worst case scenario.
Waiting for Dragonirian to lose it ITT
It's considered good because it's good.
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What are you playing? Do you have favorite games in this genre?
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I wanna replay 3 now. 4's MOdern times expansion was just the ugliest shit. Bitch basic blender models with no texturing, absolutely broken edicts and building, that gay timeline shit where you couldn't put down basic shit anymore. They lost someone in between games, 3's texture work was fantastic.
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>make queen angry
>have to grovel before her, get stepped on and insulted before she lets me go again
Ostriv is really similar.
Workers and Resources has been fun, its very much an industry first more than any other city builder.
You might like Captain of Industry. Both games I tend to run out of potato pretty fucking fast.

filename thread
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We are just a few days away from EVO. What are you looking forward to the most?
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The best NRS MK is X, 1's main gimmick is a striker system like MvC1 or KOF2000. If you want NRS games that are marginally better than MK there's both Injustices.
>You're right, I gay.
I play Marduk but I realize he's an anti-hype reveal to most people. Even in 7's stacked Season 2 he had the most tepid reaction for his reveal.
NRS games are literal garbage. Casuals and pros hate MK1 the most.
can't they just jump the border?

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>millenials supposedly experienced the "golden age" of gaming
>become passionate about games and get jobs in gamedev
>gaming goes to shit
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what generation are you from
Zoomers sure like to blame millennials for everything.
it's because millennials are all pathetic woke fucking nigger-worshipping fucking faggots.
because zoomers aren't the ones making the games
>they're the target audience
zoomers are in their 20s and games are targeted towards young teens. and the main target is shareholders anyway
It's the rich maaaaan, babylon must fall!

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