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Was it SOVL?
>battlereports from 90's white dwarf
unironically was soul

what is the best kingdom hearts game?
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2 is objectively the best, 3 is my favorite though.
Because everything needs to be a comparison and an argument. Both games have fans who think they're flawless and want to go after the other.
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Yeah I mean I really love KH1 but the dude will bend over backwards to defend every flaw in the game because he's played it dozens of times and has it memorized.
KH2 stands straight catering to a more refined palate, while KH1 dwells in the cradle of sentimental infancy

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Bread Sex
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Does she even have a driver's license?
I just can’t take Essex seriously
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But can you take her to the drive through?
I don’t know why you people play up her stupidity and pretend she’s some kind of retard when she’s one of the smartest characters in AL

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What is peak character design for you? Mine is women in armor.
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Femlet, lmao
The queen of /v/
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Good taste.

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Left = Indie games
Right = AAA games
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based toddler shitting on the onions manchild
Randy Pitchford
It's even more apparent when they show the real picture of the dog.
Holy shit it's exactly like video game remakes. Maybe we really are an artform.
Based marshmallow turd

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Bow Kid > Hat Kid
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Corn Kid
I do wish Bow Kid comes back some day.
they know
Yeah the design is pretty bad compared to the hat brat. She has a timeless design, but the nigger kid has no character, it's a mess.

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Mario if he...
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DaMario Lonquavious
Mario if he innocent and misunderstood
Mario if there's a hurricane in his city and he attacks the linemen who hand out aid and are working to fix the power afterwards
keepin' it real

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games you like that /v/ hates.
no judgements, anyone being rude to you just ignore.

for me it's ff15, 16, and 7 remake/rebirth.
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There are literally two different Aeriths in the game because one is the dead one from the original game.
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guys just post games you like, it can be ff or not; it doesn't matter. if you don't like a game just ignore the post. there is enough of this pointless complaining in every other thread.
For an action game it's mediocre
The story additions are bad
The graphics look great but many of the environments are bland
They added content, but mostly it's boring filler.
Tldr Squeenix sucks
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too many things to do
It's too good of a game

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>Total staff as of 2021: 336 people

>Administration: 35 people making an average of 4.5 million a year

>Game Developers: 181 people making an average of 1 million a year

>Steam Developers: 79 people making an average of 960k a year

>Hardware Developers: 41 people making average of 430k a year

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to akamai for hosting steam stuff
Aren't 180+ people working on a new valve game called deadlock or someshit
I don't think you know the pressure of the valves money faucet.
Aren't they making that hero shooter moba no one wanted?
Dude, Valve develop and scrap so many games. There's like an entire decade of unreleased games.
I remember reading they have like 5 different versions of Half Life 3 they've tried to make.
It's like the entire team has ADHD and as soon as development gets boring they move onto a different project.

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>want to talk about chinese stuff or korean stuff and the games they make
>invariably turns into seethe at japan thread
shit has been the meta for literal decades at this point and it's still lame af
board as a whole could do well with less /pol/faggotry
Which Japanense games do you like? I've played so many over the years that I ended up learning the language. Reading is easy but I'm still a bit slow due dyslexia

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Why is this game so blue?
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>The paths don't even feel like DnDs Law/Neutral/Chaos anymore.
Good, the DnD alignement system was always shit.
Even if they wanted to go with "the power of song grants power" and talk about modern idoltry in the music industry, they could have done it without making it only appeal to a hyper specific niche.
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bring the old kino back
I mean the endings are still using them but now they have romances slapped on top. A pig wearing 3 different kinds of lipstick.

It's not like it matters, you can get any demon you want whenever you want with the skills you want, demon negotiation is such a fucking joke, i i just fast forward and mash A to capture the demon. If they ask for more than 3 things and they are of a lower level you deny them and they join.
>Yoko achieved Vengeance for Yuriko and won the Adambowl

After 20 years, I feel at peace with chaos.

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Which is it, /v/? Mario Party 1, 2 or 3?
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I actually disagree. I think 3 has some pretty shitty minigames here and there but my main issue is it makes Magic Lamps way too easy to get. In my experience games just end up becoming everyone warping to the star every other turn and it gets really boring because of it. Whenever me and my friends play 3 these days, we ban buying lamps from the shop and it makes 3 a much more enjoyable game.
2 with 3's items would be the GOAT Mario Party.
2 has costumes
Sonic Shuffle is better than Mario Party 1.
Mario Party 4 is better than 3.

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>kill goblin
>goblin drops wallet
>open wallet, happy picture of goblin and his goblin family
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>Kill goblin
>goblin drops wallet
>Open wallet, happy picture of goblin and his goblin family
>His wife and oldest daughter are hot
>Track down his home
>Take his wife and oldest daughter

Just finishing the fight.
Good, where can I kill the family too
But where did the newspaper go?
>but its anime so they cant show that
tell that to kaguya anon
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check mate atheists
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fun thread
smash bros seems to agree
Old lady with an eraser is a gag character and shounen characters lose to gag characters. That's just how it works.
I'm sorry, my /v/egro

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/v/ what the fuck is this game and why am I only finding out about it now? It looks gorgeous. I wish it bought more ads here.

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And if the demo is anything to go by, it's good.
Ah shit I didn't realize it was on game pass, just as I was thinking about dropping game pass too
For me it's the weird camera. Is it the FOV? The perspective?

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they are the only good threads
fusing piccolo with all the random namekian npcs was pure kino
>bejitabro is a blackedfag
umm... bejitasissies?
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Loved this. Better than the original in pretty much every way.
What can I expect from Infinite? I recall seeing a lot of threads bashing the game when it came out.
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>What can I expect from Infinite?
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>What can I expect from Infinite?
in infinite you can only carry two weapons, there is no ng+ so don't expect upgrades to carry over. there is 1 ending instead of the 6 endings in bioshock 2, and no real boss battles. it's fine I guess, but coming off of 2 it will be very disappointing.
I suggest you play Minerva's Den DLC first. Honestly one of the best DLC's ever made and better than the main game. If you liked BioShock 2 then you'll love it. It's worth delaying Infinite a little longer. I'm solidly in the camp that Infinite is a good game, despite what people say, but it is a step down from the others in almost every single way.
Infinite is nothing like the first 2 games. It fucking sucks.

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Breaker breaker fellow EVE chads I'm going in for some shiny rocks do you copy
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EVE is one of a kind but I wouldn't recommend anyone to play it. The fun is hundreds of hours away from the start.
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I'm hurt real bad and server's about to shut down. What a night.
AI can't compete with the player at some point.
The main draw of EVE online is the player-driven economy. Starsector does not have a real economy that you can actually participate in. There's no resource -> ship supply chain. Attacking or protecting merchant ships doesn't affect a faction's ship building capability (they spawn in their controlled sectors regardless). They're just there to balance the prices for you to have a trading mini-game to play, or easy targets to kill when starting out.

In that respect, X4 is probably the closest thing to offline EVE that I've ever seen.
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I have a question. is there a good and finished mount-&-blade-like sandbox? doesn't have to be fleet based, single ship is also fine. doesn't have to be 3D, but preferably as few arcadey mechanics as possible. I've played X2-X4, elite dangerously retarded, scam citizen, star control 2, freespace 2, eve, freelancer, dark star one, and a bunch of forgettable rogue-likes

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>enemy has a secret weapon
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>game journalists playing a video game
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>game is best with friends
my mother in law
like wet garbage and bad, stale weed
kinda burns your nostrils, especially up close
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>buffing up your high hp party member

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What is wrong with Finland?
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It just makes you wanna stay inside and read a book so you dont waste your life partying and getting drunk that's all.
and less paranoid
i want to be infected by a mentally ill russian girl
Good kind of autism, as opposed to bad kind of autism in Sweden.
Those people are capable of surviving in extreme weather and resource scarcity with nothing but animal parts as material for their tools - there is nothing else in frozen tundra. They also have no writing culture, so any loss of knowledge about processes by which they survive means death. Somehow they still live out there. They are by no means retarded, only maybe hyper-specialized. However, they are incompatible with civilization due to lacking any physiological compatibility to alcohol, trying to live modern life they're effectively doomed to drink themselves to death while stabbing their neighbors. Same shit as happened to american natives to whom they are biologically close.

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