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Why's it ok to be racist against Asians in the West?
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Is this the new soyduel?
Apparently the chink guy is an insufferable cunt irl, its not because he's a chink
Racism against asians is an internet meme. Only encountered one person in my life who didn't like them. Most people are at most neutral towards them.
is it?

>finns think they are experts on military history after six months of military service
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russians only fuck their recruits though?
After seeing those häröpallos at the start of the war, maybe " you people " just take longer to train
Why are indians like this?
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is it true sexual slavery and bullying is common amongst finnish conscripts?

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are high rise pants/tucked in look back in your country?
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i like pants on the waist but not necessarily high. more comfortable. the original design.
For upper class rich attractive people
what about poor attractive people?
they dont dress like posh twats
looks shit

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Today I witnessed
>boomer gets offered a discount by a store
>complains that they don't keep their books properly and probably don't pay their fair share of taxes
Is this a normal reaction in your country?
no we are not germans so asperger's is a rare disability
I hate germans so much
I'm going to kill myself before i turn 40 so boomer disease won't happen to my brain
Old people are knowleadgeable and aware that complaining is satisfying

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Why are brown women like this?
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cherrypicking and you know it, the kids are also most likely to not look white in the slightest
Honestly? This. Children often have blond hair or blue eyes that darken with age. Those childrens hair will darken, and their eyes will become a darker shade of blue or stop being blue completely.
this. pale skin with brown hair and T50 eyes
hes gonna be bald soon

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How would this place look like nowadays if it was NEVER conquered & colonized by Muslim Arabs?
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European colonies
Probably catholic/Orthodox
idk like the balkans maybe but with more sand and oil
>How would this place look like nowadays if it was NEVER conquered & colonized by Muslim Arabs?
- majority christian (in the fifth century northern africa was in fact the biggest hub of christianity)
- egypt would speak coptic; eastern libya would speak greek, tunisia and western libya would speak a new romance language; algeria and morocco would speak berber languages
- sudan would be much smaller, libya almost certainly would not exist
- european colonialism would probably not have been as brutal
saint augustine was tunisian
they would probably be catholic. if they werent catholic, they would be protestant.

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I fedpost for free
Se should double your salary

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I wonder what the secret power of Indonesian soccer team is
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>I wonder what the secret power of Indonesian soccer team is
You mad?
What is even the point of SEA countries using these naturalized whites for their sports representation? They aren't locals so there's no underdog charm, and still annihilated by Japanese athletes on world stage like Olympics. It's just self-humiliation of SEA monkeys like any point of their history.
Good morning sirs, hows the weather in madarpur right now? Good sirs?

How common is this in your country? I predict that by year 2100 white people will be all but extinct
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Oh I thought you meant you lived in America. I don't think it's our fault if that's true. Communists promoted interracialism in Russia.
>The amount of these pairings is unprecedented in the west
it’s not that common
As long as Russian women are pairing up with Nigerian, Sudanese, and Congolese migrants and producing children with them, then I'm all for it
The number increases exponentially year after year. The future is black. The future is africanized.
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>Introduced into first world environments in the 1960s in the form of packaging, pesticides and food containers
>Stunts and blocks testosterone receptors and thus gene expression linked to proper physical development
>Increases oxidative stress and thus fatigue and aging
>Crosses the blood brain barrier and can cause dementia and stroke

How fucked are 3rdies going to be when this sludge is pumping through 3 of their generations veins?
its not banned worldwide yet?
M8 you're just as affected if not more lel
It's in every single receipt
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BPA is like the Epstein of microplastics, a highly publicised compound that has taken the fall whilst even worse ones slink into the shadows protecting their producers from litigation


>Microplastics found in every human testicle in autopsy study, three times the rate it was found in the testicles of dogs


>Research from the University of Miami revealed that the penis is especially vulnerable to microplastics ingested and inhaled because it is a spongy organ and due to the high blood flow during erections.


>The study, published in the journal Diabetes, found that the chemical BPA used to make food and drink packages, including plastic water bottles, can reduce sensitivity to the hormone insulin which regulates the body's sugar metabolism
probably time to ban it
seems a bit schizo but ill believe it

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Sex with asian women
minutely basis
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Whiteness test: If you wouldn't sex her you're not white

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We won.
Thirdies lost.
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just a few more threads anon, people are almost forgetting about all the poo
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Sorry for your loss sanchez
our side won
Brasil bros, wtf. Importing porra now?
they'd rather have kids in Brazil rather than a green card in the US
i didnt even start

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Why does this trigger Europeens so much?
they can't consoom thats why theyre called yuropoors
it doesnt though

Thoughts on azeri gfs?
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Had a coworker, an Azeri woman of 30+ yo married to a Russian guy, with 2 kids who look like 2 Azeris. Very lovely woman, both in beauty and demeanor.
Can't remember now
Just search her name on fapelo
it's see through crap
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its true
nobody cares about them
local armenians even participate in beauty contests here for our country
no comment

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מהדורת לילה
115 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
There is another less controversial problem that is more of a diaspora problem but if two jews mary then divorce there the secular legal system without issueing a get and then remary it is considered adultery as they never truly devorced
aren’t you that one muzzie finn that spams saar?
אוקיי התחלתי לראות
Those Who Can't

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