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Do you plan on starting a family? What's your ideal number of offspring?
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My gf is pretty much perfect but she doesn't want kids. I tried to get over it but every month or so it hits me that if I stay with her I'll never have a real family. I used to never think about having children but as I get older it's been on my mind a lot. Do I get rid of a perfect woman for a chance at a family?
Sabotage condom
no, 0.
people like me shouldnt have kids.
stop forcing your little brother to watch soyteen memes and stop pretending to be his father.
and incels will say that you must be a chad if you want pussy...
This, or alternatively, rape.

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why are euro phenotypes like this?
Love me manjaw girls
the girls on the left are more attractive lol
No kidding, the hairstyle they're wearing on the right is universally unflattering.
on the left is a bread eating face : the glutinous substance damages the teeth and blocks the esophagus, causing a mishappen face
on the right is a potato eating face : the highly digestible and nutritious substance promotes proper facial developpment
>blonde hair
>brown eyebrows

Is there any cute for them?
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Even if you're ugly it's still worth trying
The girl is Polish
Oh no no we got too cocky Asian bros
Only if you're socially skilled and have enough self-confidence. Otherwise, it's a humiliation ritual.
i meant its vibes like their youtube shit

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Here's your Nordic gf, bro
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Why do some Nordx people look like Albino Africans
This make brownoids cum, shit and piss simultaneously in their pants.
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Put this on and she's good to go.
prototypes of the ancient mad scientist.
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wow, thanks anon!
gods... I bet she has a full blown bush down there

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Is Brazil the country where people dance the most?
Nah. We Puerto Ricans dance constantly
prs are trashy, brazilians are sovl

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Taylor Swift in Paris yesterday.
90% in the public were foreigners. Basically people buy tickets to watch this woman in a foreign country.
This girl think she is Michael Jackson. She points to the audience with her finger and everyone screams. Cringiest shit ever

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>and we have this thing called community here
you said you hate people thoughever
i do.
but i would shoot a nigger trashing your house and i expect the same back, then we share a beer as we compost him and go back to hating each other.
my girlfriend went on a tirade about how taylor swift is ugly and how she can't understand why anybody thinks she's pretty

I sat there quietly keeping it secret that I think taylor swift is pretty
They went there to masturbate
girls will never understand the
>i drool at the meny but happily eat at home thing
you want the best steak out there but will be happily content with the sloppy burger she is
girls want to be the best steak on the menu... but biology and nature made it so they rarely are. they cant live with the fact you looked at a prime steak, got hungry, then broke every speed limit to eat her sloppy burger, because you got hungry looking at prime steak. no, they gotta be that prime steak.
and when they dont think they are they can only talk it down or cause a scene.

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In Serbian countries, people regularly use the Italian "ciao", more often than the native "zdravo". This is due to the fact Italy and Serbia are the two successors to the Roman empire and developed together.
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Okay Slav(e)
Slovene women say čau because ao is not a Slovene combination of sounds. But everyone says 'ajd(e)' (not hajde, that's again not Slovene sounding).
Both "ciao" (when spoken by non-Italians) and "szervus" (the former A-H greeting) sound gay and retarded and it is even funnier to find out they even come from the same thing.
Ajde ajde Turkobalkanci

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Yuropoors are about to become Ameripoors.
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I would vote Andy Ogles for president with my new citizenship rights
>implying such discriminative law could ever pass
It unironically could.

>Singapore's founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, sent high-ranking officials to the United States to study, but they did not return after getting green cards. He sent them to London and they returned to Singapore.
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You sthound like a pusthy.
el chicano
We just need to start caning people like Singapore and a lot more executions.
Please send Singaporean gf.
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>Lee Kuan Yew
The only man to rape and mind break us politically to our benefit. RIP


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Russophobia on /int/ is a big problem and it needs to stop NOW.
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putler will nuke europe to the ground if he gets the wrong banana from the supermarket one day
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Say no to homophobia
and that's a good thing unironically
Go back to plebbit
particularly the multiple ones behind VPNs and diaspoora like OP

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My dream is to move to Spain

America is an inhumane country full of mystery meats who still adhere to germanic retardation and the protestant "work" ethic.
I want to live in a country with third places, with people who actually live life and are not obsessed with competing all the time.
I can imagine Spain being filled to the brim with synthwave cyberpunk techno megalopolises operated and propelled by extremely smart genius Latinxs, Berber Nafris and West-Central Africans with glasses and clipboards or any combination of them with fast paced electric flying cars zooming past everywhere and everything done with ease according the Spanish lifestyle with a push of a button. It would be literally the Kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem on earth
most schizo post I've read today
Isn't this Cyberpunk:Edgerunners?
I want to move to Spain as well but sadly I’m not brown and I don’t speak Spanish

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How popular is anime and manga in your country?
holy fuck

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monke do edition
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I’ve got quite a collection now
Collect planar speakers myself
Have an original pair of quad esl 57s but they’re in storage
Also got a pair of HD650s that must be almost 20 years old
I have WF-1000XM5 does that count
I looked up the best in ear headphones and they topped every list so I got them
I’m gonna listen to YouTube rips of rare doowop singles cuz I can’t afford the 45s
Yeah it counts
It’s all about trying to get the best sound you can afford
All the esoteric shit is just gatekeeping by rich boomers
Looks better before (but then I am Irish diaspora).

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Tunisia initiates TND.
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Why can't we do this in the US
because walmart would have less customers
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Last man who wanted to do this was assassinated
Why do you want to kill me exactly?
Brown bros...what are we doing?
We have to unite with the buraku pipo to destroy whitey once and for all.

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why do indians love being stepped on by white people?
don't they have any integrity?
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go home poojesh.
it's more than that. Humans in nature are hateful. We're hateful more than we are even tolerant of degeneracy. However jeets and other brown subhumans have resent that comes from envy rather than intrinsic disgust. Whereas whites and east asians want to kill all those they deem subhuman, jeets and jews want them to continue to live but completely enslaved, ridiculed and under their control. They want to humiliate whites the same way whites humiliated them and they'd do anything to receive that pleasure. I'ts why brownoid normies are hyper-fixated with race while whites ignore it and just assume it's an irrelevant social construct. It's not the attitude with jeets it's the genetics. They're a subhuman locust hoard. They bring street shit and mediocrity wherever they go and they know it. They just don't want you to be aware of that as well.
Based, but that's a given. However, that Aussie's advice is practical and actionable, so everyone needs to have it drilled into them.
cheers to that anon. But ridicule and bullying works since it's plays with a person's insecurities and drives them to suicide out of shame. Since jeets have no shame they'll never kys so a nuclear war with pakistan or brits beating them like dogs are the only solutions to the jeet questions.
India is so shit you fled to Africa for a better life

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