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everytime I see my friends I'm like "shalom my niggas" does this happen in your country too?

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sovereignty edition

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i wish i lived in a chicken coop like this
gawt dam
that coop is balling
Heart health:




Cholesterol can be bad (LDL) or good (HDL) but red meat increases LDL specifically:

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am digging out a huge mega room in terraria, why? just feel like it
>Weight gain was only weakly related to the intake of red meat [M3: β (95% CI) = 15 (1, 28), P = 0.03].

>Participants with hypertension were older, had a higher BMI, were more likely to be diabetic and less physically active.
>In nonhypertensive participants, neither unprocessed nor processed red meat intake was associated with changes in cardiac parameters or carotid atherosclerosis.

No negative effect on healthy people.

Meta-analysis, not a study.

>Just accept that it’s not good for to
Naw, man. The folks telling us it's bad want us dead. I won't accept it.

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One of us on this board is a JEET and I know for a fact it's not me.

Nobody is allowed to leave this board alive until we find out who is the SAAAAR.

It could be anyone. It could be any flag... The SAAAR is a deviant shapeshifter... Maybe you could be the JEET and not know it...
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It ain't me ; )
Actually, only one of us "isn't" one.
Who is it?
there's s turkjeet in here
fuck it, I'll say it, I'm fully 100% Indian
pajeets are going full falseflag mode now, beware.

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How did Indians manage to have so much power over the west?
People are afraid of saying bad things about them online
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how is hezbollah related with india
How is Xi so powerful bros?
only in anglo saxon countries
people in most of europe dont know anything about indians other than uh oh stinky + brown
EU is getting flooded with them too, even places like Poland and Estonia are jeeted to maximum. Germany has more jeets than Turks
How? Germany has a lot of Indians

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China's current territory is too small. We need a larger
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Take North Korea.
Nobody would care if you took all the Muslim shit holes to your west and southwest, plus whatever parts of India you could viably take.
Can the US give us their West Coast? If the US doesn't they are racist.
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sorry wang, california is soon to be rightful bharatian clay
Do a 100 year deal with San Francisco like how the britishers had Hong Kong for 100 years

Anterior >>202416304
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aqui no chan
já cumpri minha pena sinhô, to limpo
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Faz o novo aí


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>I am Indian
lmao saar do you work in IT? what a fucking loser
>I am Bharatian
I'm sorry for making fun of you, please impregnate my wife
Why are white people like this? Why does the name Bharat induce so much respect from them?
I am an Indian

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Is it true that they write Serb as "Srb" because of Arabic influence? Because in Arabic you don't write short vowels? Czechs and Slovaks do it too
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Serbia won, Croatia and Albania lost. cope and seethe
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you are joking right?

also kill yourself already
Self-hating Ustasha forgot the fact that Croats are Slavs too.
Based Sqiptar gigachad
hes a well known schizo by this point

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>Russian are speaking in your country

Holy shit !!
What does they talking about ?
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Ask her, she's still there.
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otters mostly
Gay sex.
That's all Russians think about.

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>Went from no one even knowing it exists 3 years ago to the fastest growing country in Asia and the fastest growing first world nation
What can other countries like Japan or Europe learn from this?
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Not op but I didn't know they existed until like 2019 and even then I was in the minority with most mutts not even knowing it existed until 2022 when Pelosi landed.
By the way for those wondering its a middle ground between Hong Kong and Japan feel wise. No city is as big as Tokyo. My favorite city has been Kaosiung so far.
Go back Timmie. Go back to not knowing I exist
Too bad. Just had Gua Bao and the girl who served it to me was kawaii. I'm going to go back and tell all my white and hispanic friends to visit. Now that mutts like me know you exist your going to be seeing a lot more of me and my kind.
Taiwan has actually been a influential country in tech since the early 80s

>NOOOOO how can you let other browns into Europe w-we are the true Europeans
>NOOOOO let us in instead NOOOOOOO *racial slurs despite being minorities themselves*
why do they do this?
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That explains why these thirdie dogs are so uppity, they think they're better or any different than anyone else in their continent of latin america

You'd think the fact that escaping their shit tier sapir whorfian brain damage of being an iberophonic native would be enough to teach them their place.
That's a retarded meme, every other middle class latinx knows english nowadays, those unhinged takes mostly come from middle class retards who think they're rich (sindrome de doña florinda)
Not true, here you only find middle low class with nerdy passtimes, true high class types are too busy having fun with their money in luxurious parties.
Love the name kek

It do be like that
Also this, every Favela rat learns English from video games and the internet

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game is up now you can join
dont need any DLCs host has all of them
you can hotjoin too even if the game started

choose nakama crossplay when launching the game

game ID 5289bb59-4b76-4740-864c-ce0a9720f70e.nakama-0

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Is the Israel-India relationship improving?

> tfw no shepard gf
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You just know
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she has poop in her body

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my life is messy
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then clean it up
Va' in palestra
ci andrò
Your life is what
my life is Messi

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