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Why don't muslims return home from western countries to fight israel?
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Beeb beep
Are muslims all bad people?
jewpipo did it as well though, you left yurop and usa to live in a desert surrounded by arabs
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you tell me

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Good times
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Yeah that's precisely what I thought, that a helmet is for when you're driving a car. I thought I was talking to a low IQ moron for a second but you redeemed yourself.
you wear the helmet driving your car? may neil degrasse tyson darn it, you're going hardcore on /r/cuckold
Traditionally it was centered around larping as Jews. That's why Israel's strongest support comes from boomers. Younger generations no longer wish to die for Israel. Times have changed.
Yes it's not like I can bring up a hundred things to humiliate you with and I was actually talking about using a helmet in a car. That's it.
you must be so good, how many meds do you take for being this good? i feel so humiliated right now, my emotional wounds need some penicillin or I could die

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Towel rack edition

Overdosed on Ozempic : >>202419057
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What was the opinion?
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>Now I have a headache and I'm hungry.
What flavour of kebab wrap will you be ordering? Might I suggest the chicken doner - they're perfect for hangovers.
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>to get a gf, you need to consider everyone, the woman at the bakery, or the one selling flowers
>Go to a cafe every day to drink one and talk to people around you, at some point it will work
>if that girl doesn't attract you, do it anyway, she could introduce you to friends

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tbps lost
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Men bros.. Why are we like this ?
Well yeah dude's like 1 meter tall without his prostheses
This how does a a guy with no legs pull or fuck for that matter
Black dudes shot on black women and then get offended when black women get white dudes
That's why they spam threads trying to psyop /int/ people into hating white women
She saw him at a track event in high school, decided "that will be my man" and pursued him
It's pretty cute

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does your country have famous influencers?

are they well-liked on a global scale?
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>telepathy veejay

how are pajeets this delusional?

Hugh Jackman is the epitome of masculinity while that pajeet looks like the millions of hindu "men" who were turned into eunuch slave soldiers for the Mughals.
Hugh Jackman is gay

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Checate a doña Lomas, como las viejas se encabronan de que dice que que las generacion x de hombres solo se dedica a proveer mientras las mujeres se dedican a cuidar a los hijos
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puro sinaloa compa

ojalá que tuviera algo de totopos. la neta es que prefiero una salsa tatemada aparte con aguacate pisado por sí mismo, solo con una pizca de sal.

toca partir mi lomo de cerdo ahora
tu la preparaste? tu Sinaloa esta en chinga con los carteles
compra tostitos y ya
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Cordoba es verdaderamente una ciudad caminable, mis respetos

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Maybe i am just a autistic German but i saw it on the map and it annoyed me: Romanian souther border should be this Mountain range in bulgaria when you look at the map it just seems so much more natural. But Bulgaria gets instead more southward and gets into the aegan. I tgink its pretty cool that a slav country is in the med and as far as i know historically slavs lived there. Of and of course Macedonia.
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It seems like a good deel to be desu
I think it's because you're basically asking to move Bulgaria half a latitude down lol
Yes i said this in my post.
I have also a plan for you
You wanna hear it?
gooning to this rn

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not /balk/
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he misses the poisoning episodes
there is no character in modern media that makes me seethe like trevor. I would sooner endure 10 thousand tranny self inserts
classic leaf hate reaction
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So true!
eventually these people will be bred out

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What happens here?
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Fishing for 6 months then living off welfare for 6 months
rightful norse clay
this place is most interesting part of that region
it used to be inhabited by frenchmen. then angloids came and kicked them all out or killed them. now it's a boring shithole where the only thing to do is fish
This is our Israel
>it used to be inhabited by frenchmen
We’re still here

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Which one is /int/'s favorite German city?
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kill yourself
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>The literal heart of Poland from the very founding of the nation
the one i get to firebomb first
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>Don't you Poles pretend that Berlin, Leipzig, Lübeck or Dresden were all founded by Poles too

Can you even provide at least one example of such statement? lol
I know this is banter but I'm genuinely curious if there are actual german who think that.
>Can you even provide at least one example of such statement?
Every second post made by a P*lish flag on 4chan.
>but I'm genuinely curious if there are actual german who think that.
It doesn't matter what Germans think. It's a factual statement about the nature of Polish delusions.

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This is a râpe.
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This is a Gothenburg Rapé, slim white no 1.

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What do you do in this situation?
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>K cletus I guess you should pull out grand pappy's gun and wax the whole car because Jatrayvious is off his meds. Notice how nobody did anything and neither would you.
>There are more people in nyc alone than there are in your entire country,
But you said leftie cities, and I was thinking about cities like Denver which is roughly the same size as Oslo yet the homeless situation isn't nearly as bad. Keep in mind that we're also forced by EU to give housing to literal gypsies.
since 3 weeks I need to travel with an inter city train trough cologne and I saw atleast 2 dudes since then that were completely tweaked out on stimulants since. the same dude multiple times. and I dont mean just some nervousness they were literally twitching nonstop and looked completely paranoid. both times they sat in front or otherwise close to me and since I have experience with drugs myself I completely ignore them calmly... but I think this makes them even more paranoid "why can this dude be completely chill while Im completely losing it." the strange thing is they were dressed like they were heading to work like anybody else
It's called Earth dipshit. POC get decades in prison for the exact same shit the local sheriff pats Timmy on the head and tells him not to do again.
>noooooooo why doesn't my melanin shield me from the consequences of my actions NOOOOOOOOO!!!

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ITT: /int/ in 1733
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How come your musket fires four times?
im a real gangsta but i got caught
theyre sending me to louisiana, said ill have to marry op's mom
c'est la vie
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>One Rebeka Chamblit ended up on the hangman's noose in Massachusetts on September 26, 1733. Ms. Chamblit, an unmarried 26 year old woman, was hanged for infanticide. The previous May she had given birth to a boy and claimed it to be stillborn, or at least she believed it to be. The baby was found dead near her home in Boston. Chamblit claimed she was uncertain if it was alive or not, but in any case she was convicted of infanticide and hanged. Some modern researchers suspect her confession was coerced.[4]
it's only 256 more years until Taylor Swift is born. enjoy it while it lasts.
ooga booga

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Do you agree? Which is most kino?
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I've been to Pécs many times, don't remember it being German
is there a reason why Italy isn't three different countries? It was never historically united in any meaningful way since the Roman Empire (unlike Germany which had the HRE)
Sardinia has nothing in common with Italy and should be independent. What does Sicily, for example, have in common with Lombardia? When people think of Italy, they always think of Sicily or Southern Italy. On the other hand, Milan and Turin are basically French cities.
>is there a reason why Italy isn't three different countries?
What an irony, considering your history.
My country is basically monoethnic and monoreligious, so don't start. Meanwhile you're asking an Italian anon to tell you who Vittorio Emmanuel and Garibaldi were, because I guess they don't teach you that in Swiss school.
In short, there was a lot of people who didn't think Italians from the other side of the country were basically aliens, that's why Italy unified.

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>Be 9 years old
>Be brownoid
>Go to 90% white school
>Get picked on for being only brown boy in school
>Become ashamed of my skin
>Try researching ways to become whiter
>White friend suggests I drink bleach because that turns clothes white so why not skin?
>Grab my mom's clorox from the washroom
>Take a whiff of the bottle, instantly burn my throat
>Try to chug as much as I can like hard alcohol
>Swallow half a mouthful before vomiting hard
>Mouth burns, throat burns, guts burn, everything hurts
>Black out
>Dad finds me 4 minutes later with bleach on my lips
>Rushes me to hospital, slapping my unconscious face

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no i’m not
You should’ve tried not being a fuckin sissy faggot
Fuck you whitoid.
i choose to believe this happened because its funny as fuck

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