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too many promises, I'll be disappointing.
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i cant play the first game because i dont want to invest hundreds of hours and everyone says thats how you have to play
I hope hardcore mode came back day 1, i prefer exploration without any map marker
what did they promise anon? whisper your sweet nothings into my ear.

Not enough POCs in trailer
listen for yourself

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dull, gray, depressing edition

Previously on /flag/: >>195495631

>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for users to blogposting about our trips, discuss flag collecting, ExtraFlags, and autistic activities while funposting.

>What is Extra Flags?
ExtraFlags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.

Instructions and video guides for installing ExtraFlags can be found here: https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Requests to add or change flags can be made here: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/issues

>Collecting flags? Filling maps?
World template: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/tree/master/maps/World.png

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Oh yeah, altough i forgot which one it was. Give me a minute.
Here, think it was this one.

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not indian but reminder that anti-indian racism emerged at a time
>when indians are hitting new heights of success as immigrants to the west
>india is becoming a viable offshoring alternative to china/sea
>timmycels online can't fix their neet-addled lives
>the ummah is suffering
the perfect motivation to try and whip up anti-indian hatred. stand strong bros!
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>when indians are hitting new heights of success as immigrants to the west
All things equal wouldn't this make sense? Indian immigration to the USA increased, more people met Indians, more people started making jokes about their habits or whatever. Same thing would happen with any immigrant group
>viable offshoring alternative to china
west just having fun jumpstarting entire economies lately
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I somewhat agree OP, It's like on /g/ where they're seething at Jeets constantly. I know how arrogant 4channers are, if Jeets were really as contemptible in their industry as they say, they would love having them around making themselves look better, and be more smugly posting about how much better they are than Jeets. More smug pepes rather than bothering to take the time to make shit and poo edits.
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>when indians are hitting new heights of success as immigrants to the west

>pajeets flood 4chan and Twitter
>No saaar is no us saaaar

You don;t have to be chinese to not like pajeet streetshitters

>github pull requests and trying to claim they've done work before

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>the depreciation of yen and its consequences have been a disaster for the japanese race

Americans are so poor they cannot afford to pay rent lol
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Good break in practice
it's called van life and the only downside is not owning a private bathroom (people that run water systems through their vehicle are retarded)
Rent is literally 2-3x more expensive in the USA, when compared to most western European countries.

Yes, you have techfag elites making 100k+ here, but burger flippers aren’t making any more here than in Europistan.
Plus social safety nets are weaker here. Politicians love to cut aid to hungry people, lie about them, and brag about running the country on a shoestring budget.
its only democrat states that can't build housing, your mental model is incorrect

florida and texas are building the most housing in the nation

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selamat pagi /int/
indonesian culture is growing
I hear kids saying this shit in middle schools now
I had no idea what she was saying until you posted this
Good anime
another jewish lies
we're irrelevant

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This is a high school class in italy
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Is the first girl from the left as cute as she looks?
>be bisexual
>can't decide which teen qt girl i'd like to smash most in each pic
>every teen boy looks like they smell bad and their parents are siblings

Why is the male gender getting mogged so hard, bros?
Looks like every classroom in a 56% face city without a lot of blacks
these threads are always fucking embarrassing, imagine exposing random classmates like that

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Morgen 4/20 bro's
Hij wilde gewoon plezier maken en dansen. Wat is hij toch verkeerd begrepen.
Ik heb stiekem met je gedanst
Ik hoop dat je het leuk vond
hitler was een meth junkie

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Nostalgisk gamer udgave
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utroligt at de stadig falder for det trick
Narrede engang rockstar og monster med netop dette trick i 2020 og det virkede. Fik tilsendt hhv 3 dåser Monster og 8 dåser rockstar energi drikke.
DOG vil jeg sige at jeg rent faktisk fandt noget ulækkert i bunden af min pose lakrids fra Carletti
mon det RASLER ned i dag?
anon her tror det
hører lidt skizomusik

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This is what an EU country looks like

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t. alibaba asparukhov
careful bro, you might get called a muslim
I'd eat a dog so they should call me chinese
ching chong ping pong

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why does japan have so many but's?
でも, しかし, ただ, ただし, ところが, が, けど, けれど, けれども
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on the other hand
That's a tranny btw
they sound slightly different from each other.
maybe japanese language is rich in emotional expression.
Vidya butts
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Theres something quite nice about a shapely butt, isn't there?

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His lurker status?
Maghreb is the greatest.

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The image has done more damage to Turkish reputation than the combined slander of all their neighbors
Why would gay sex damage their reputation?
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>Mehmed the Conqueror
>one of the greatest figures in the Turkish historical pantheon
>literally in love and a homosexual relationship with Vlad Dracula's brother, Radu the Beautiful
>Young men condemned to death were spared and added to Mehmed's harem, if he found them attractive
>the Porte went to great lengths to procure young noblemen for Mehmed
How do Turks cope with this?
it's not gay if you're on top.
by cutting pr losses through becoming secular I suppose
This is something Turks and Greeks agree on

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Come now before shit hits the fan
Bring your juicy dollars and white women
Once you do starvation (all causes), self-inflicted should take Argentina away too, better to head to Brazil.
>his country doesnt have a secreate underground backed bean facilities

billions must immigrate

Leftism started when the birth rates fell
When the birth rates decreased people stopped having large families and plenty of cousings they hung arround with. That meant that if any member did gay shit or someone threatened you instead of lunching him for himilliating the family the most that could happen is their parents scolding them with deception
Also instead of going and playin outside kids would spend more time indulging into gay shit closeted in their rooms alone
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cool. fuck niggers.
Birth rates decreased because of leftism, not the opposite
I gave birth to everyone itt
Come home children
>chuds "try not to think about trans people for 3 seconds" challenge [impossible]
Yeah, it sure must suck having other people thinking about you all the time

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