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Just found out santa isn't real and the person leaving money under my pillow growing up wasn't the tooth fairy. I'm an old man, 22 years old.
I found my presents in hidden places around the house a few days before christmas pretty easily as a kid.
You has every right to burn down the house at that moment. I'd be so mad. I am mad

What would yours be? No wishing for more wishes, or making people fall in love with you.

Mine would be:
>I wish to become the best in the world at any activity or hobby I try to learn within a couple of weeks
I essentially become the world's greatest artist, athlete, comedian, etc, within a year. No instant gratification either so it will feel somewhat earned.
>I wish I could change anything about my physical appearance whenever I want by writing the changes I desire on a piece of paper
Takes care of my physical deformities whenever I want

Not sure about the third wish. Money, girls, material possessions would come easily after these two wishes. Maybe some superpower like flying, freezing time, invisibility, or shooting Kamehameha blasts. I think I'd choose to freeze or slow down time for as long as I want.
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Mine would be:
>I wish to be omnipotent
that's the only wish i need

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>they deleted the thread
So the mods are paying them too, huh?
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This is kinda sad but I'm not surprised since they sometimes ask guys to make the threads for them and you can't really stop people like this from giving money to women.
Also some guy was making threads trying to get women to drop their throne links for weeks, he is probably the top donor.
Reported this shit thread for spamming. Based jannies delete tranny awareness spreading threads. Just filter biofem dumbass.
Still seething over one thread, huh? You are that pathetic, OP.
All you did was advertise them to more simps. They made money off of your whining.

tfw no gf with a shirt that's definitely not too thin
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Maybe something happened to it between the sentences.
Is this even a girl? The pic looks pretty androgynous. Could be a high school or college boy.
Eh fuck it, who am I kidding, at this point I would take a boy too.
He doesn't have that much. I have like 250 tabs open right now.
I mostly use a Chromebook, which bogs down if I have more than 3 open
Oh, that sucks. I'm using a desktop computer with Debian, 32 GB RAM, 40 GB swap, zswap enabled, lzo+zsmalloc at 25% max size. That gives me a lot of buffer before the swapped out pages actually hit the disk.

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watchin my cousin vinny
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I just watched Southland Tales.

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>your type
>what do you think of sluts
>are you a slut
>what is the sluttiest type
>who is the sluttiest reg

>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Typology

Suggested Quizzes:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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go to other websites for that, bro. hers probably aren't even all that.

-used primarily in systems where a seed needs to dispense into a womb
-a session can be initiated with mental and physical contact of greater force
-any initiating physical force can choose to explode inside at least 3 times to make a link or give up
What's annoying about it? Boomer pays me ~13 dollars an hour and I don't pay rent, it doesn't take that much time to accumulate 300 dollars if I really put my mind to it. It's no different from any other NEET buying 6 videogames or a Nintendo Switch. Regardless as stated back here I got a "loan" of 3000 pounds from my parents on the explicit condition I'm not frugal with it.

>You're just another midwit with a blog.
Hasn't that always been the point? Any ideas for the next arc if you're not a fan of this one?

He follows my blog of course, I believe that exposure to me is extremely healing for lack of a better word.

I think they're always useful, I'm quite attatched to turning back time in particular. Being able to turn back makes me feel like I can run further.
Anyway the frog isn't mainstream at all.

What are the delusional axioms?
When will /our/ INTellectJewels retvrn from the war?

what happens when you attack someone who can't attack back?
>you should not even be asking this
God curses you and your progeny for seven generations
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>dirty deeds
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>what happens when you attack someone who can't attack back?

You win obviously

>Wake up and see that you are stranded alone on a boat with them
What do you do?
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Give 5 blowies then pull out my device and contact the coast guard.
I fucking hate you and your shitty threads
<sup dudes
I have a feeling that this is an appropriate response
Why are the anons on this board, so gay?

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people were plain as fuck 10 years ago
there were no girls who looked like this 10 years ago
normies were BORING looking as FUCK
go through your old social media accounts and look at posts from 2014
niggas looked so fucking AVERAGE back then
No one had looksmaxx knowledge pre-TikTok. Incels developed it now its everywhere, thank u autistic virgins
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Idk what you are talking about, this is a pic of a meetup from the fashion board here
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Here's some more they look like fops pic related
Girls wore skinny jeans and beanies. They mogged all zoomettes

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>pay hooker on stripchat to rate my cock
>laughs and says its the hairiest cock she's ever seen
i dont think ive ever been more embarrassed, i thought women loved hair down there dude
The first time I(F) tried sex with a guy I got so nervous I just started laughing at his penis.
At least having a hairy cock is something you can easily fix yourself. Just shave, you hairy ape.
You better be an American anon if you are paying for camwhores. One, shave down there. Don't shave your ass hairs you'll get a bad infection. 2) go to an Asian massage parlor. They mostly are whorehouses in disguise and they have what you seek. Better service than anything a cam site would give you and for a lot cheaper.
The lady I have sex with every so often giggles and laughs when we get to penetration. I don't really understand it. I assume she is just ticklish down there. After a few minutes she stops giggling and moans etc. but is always smiling. My weiner is not small or anything so idk. I don't really mind it though.

I considered that it might be some kind of a trauma thing but I've never asked her obviously. She appears fine and "normal" at all other times in the encounter besides the first few mins of penetration
balkans bro, if i walk into any parlour ill probably get my organs harvested

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When even Chad-lites are sexless virgin incel freaks with no friends in 2024, what hope left is there for the rest of us? Even Chads will soon not be good enough.

How do we stop the ever increasing rise of female standards?

Western civilization is on the brink of complete collapse.
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Where is your girlfriend from? What is her ethnicity? Why does she find the Samuel scary?
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Many have claimed this. He is the Dreamwalker. A very powerful demonic entity.
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Why does Samuel not have a girlfriend/wife?
This is why you never ask other men for face ratings because they think masculine ogre = Chad due to the male gaze. Women only get wet for the rare pretty boy types with feminine facial features.
Based and Chad pilled
No more alcohol
The great crusade against this disgusting poison

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Damn, women really hate men shorter than them.
there goes my dream of getting a tall gf :(
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There's no need for racism here, friend.
We are going down for sure. At least, it shows the real nature of women. It also highlights how genetics is the final judge everything.
66 inches = 66 inches
A 5'6" man is 5'5" and a 5'6" woman is 5'7".
Men lie up, women lie down.

Anyone else suicidal just frustrated at how the suicide methods seem so fucking lacking?

I looked into jumping from a high height, but the problem is that I have a fear of heights in general. I think I just might choke and end up not jumping anyway.

I looked into hanging and it just seems.... Unsure. I'm scared that I'll fuck it up and just end up braindead instead.

So now I'm just frustrated. And yes, I would use a gun if I knew how to gain one. I'm so unbelievably retarded that even as an american I don't know how to get a gun.
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Is hydrochloric acid worth a try?
Seek help

Killing yourself makes no sense

Put some effort into healing yourself
Nah, sorry bro.

I'm kinda just done living. It never gets better for me, it just gets worse.
Exit bag, at your nearest Party City, for less than the price of 2 hours worth of work in California.
No excuses.
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>I looked into jumping from a high height, but the problem is that I have a fear of heights
holy fucking kek.

how old are you? do you have health problems or something?

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I think I'll masturbate in the backyard tonight. Anyone else do that?
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Mosquitoes are about to feast on your dick
That's half the fun
Nah. It's relatively dry where I am. And there aren't any bugs.
i masturbated in some broken down shack in some cemetery where all the graves were from the 1800s
a wank in the willows

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>weed abuse is slowly turning me into a more and more degenerate coomer

What the fuck is happening am I going crazy ahh shit

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