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I'm running out of material.
Time for you to learn how to use AI so you can generate an infinite amount of coom material.

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>be r9kcel walking down the street
>this 6'2 250b lbs SIKH BVLL approaches you and says 'you turned da wrong co'ner yt boi !'

how do you respond ???

I tell the nearby Muslims that he burned a Koran and insulted the prophet, and tell the nearby non-Sikh Hindus that if they help me kill this guy I will give them the contents of his wallet.

Then after the giant three-way fight wounds and cripples them all, I conquer them and rule them as colonial subjects for hundreds of years.
i should really filter the word bull and all it's variants
I tell him come on put your hands up then bitch and lets scrap
absolutely nefarious and genius. please teach me your ways anon

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Do women deserve to be the victims of sexual slavery?
>It was practised for thousands of years
>Women have barely average to slightly below average IQs
>Most women have rape fantasies
>Women orgasm during rape
>The incel population is growing and rape/sexual slavery might be an effect of it
What is wrong with women?
>guy literally saved her from a totalitarian hellhole and working in underground mines by paying top buck
>"I didn't like the man because he was short"
I hate women so much it's unreal. I'm not even short myself yet this makes my blood boil.
Good thing that's not her picture, I saw the video it was from
Almost felt bad until i read that last quote
I wish women didn't have rights
Even if I bought a wife I'd have to move to her shithole or she could just call the cops and it would be over
This country sucks
The incel population is another big part of it. In the past, we actually had bullying and it got rid of most incels. Now, all these moralistic assholes prevent bullying

Chads are not real. There is no such thing as an attractive man.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, incel scum, but chad is an idea that cannot be real due to the patriarchy.
The bar is so low for men that other men have the audacity to call a man who uses basic hygiene, a "chad".
This is actual insanity. The most chadlike men are ugly trolls compared to the most stacielike women.
An actual chad cannot be real because that would require men to make an effort.
This is why incels claim there are barely any chads or that women only want the top 10 percent.
They will pin anything on anyone to escape being sexualized the way women are.
This is also why in media, peacocks are portrayed as gay, as if it's weird for a man to try to look attractive, when according to almost every animal on the planet, the men should be the ones trying to scrape themselves off of the wall.

Chad isn't real, society killed him, he exists in fantasy, cope, seethe and dilate.
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>Not being beaten or arrested for it
Trannys beat and get us arrested for not letting them use their male power to do whatever the fuck they want, what are you on?
Who are these fantastic people you've made up?
Women should be grateful that they aren't being beaten?
Let me re-iterate again for you; The bar is too low and women live better with other women.
Thank you for proving me right once again
>Men who wear makeup to make them look less ugly
Okay, I agree. He doesn't look like any man that exists and he puts effort in.
>Women live better with other women
Go work in an all foid job for a while.
They don't give a shit about you, or your well being. They will pretend, but when their time comes to backstab you to move up the ladder, they will.
>The most chadlike men are ugly trolls compared to the most stacielike women.
>I have a boyfriend. The issue is that I mog him brutally.
>There is no such thing as an attractive man.

>these are not the ramblings of a lesbian
You are clearly not a faggot

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ok i lied im gonna keep posting
anyway im gonna get high again
lol everyone left you
like your dad

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holy shit this anime was mid.
>protagonist is said to be a hikikomori with severe anxiety, however is shown leaving his house and dealing with others just fine on the regular, constantly counteracting the characterization the show tries to give him and desperately wants you to believe
>boring meandering plot that goes nowhere, no point in the end
>characters are shallow and lack depth, their motives and inner workings are barely expanded on or explored
>the "comedy" is never funny and falls flat
>animation and art style were inconsistent and generally unpleasant to look at
>the literal name of the show, the NHK, is barely brought up at all and is literally forgotten until like the last episode
the internet promised me this would be a depressing, relatable, realistic, and life-changing anime, but instead i got 24 episodes of nothing. the protagonist wasn't interesting and the animes desperate attempt to paint him as a mentally ill hikikomori just doesn't work. the plot goes nowhere and is just a boring slice of life. the characters are so shallow and any depth they could've had is just thrown out the window. any and all tense or emotional moments feel hollow and are too few and far in between all the fluff. what a waste.
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Read the novel, anime adaptation is pure slop for ironic weebs.
Get off my anime website faggot.
Get off my robot board, normie
Braindead zoomer opinion discarded.

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what a lucky bastard. He fucks amber heard, goes to trial and ends up fucking his lawyer. Jesus what a lucky bastard.

Can any femanons fill me in on whats so good about this guy?
beloved attractive male star with a positive public image
like a bad boy keanu reeves

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I wish I wanted to do things. Anyone else feel this way
>try to get into drawing, wish I wanted to actually have this hobby, but I'd rather browse the internet / youtube, I dont actually care about drawing at all
>try stop motion, I don't actually want to do it at all, I just wish I wanted to, so I stop
>repeat with like 10 hobbies

Like I wish I actually wanted to do anything in life other than wasting time on the internet doing nothing, but I dont. This is all I've wanted to do in life since I was 8 years old. But it's spiritually, financially, and socially empty, and I'm a husk of a human.
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If you have ADHD, you can't, it's genetic. Best you can do is take medication to increase the amount of dopamine in your brain so you can pursue normal goals.

And replace them with what? The reason people with ADHD are prone to get addicted with those things is because they provide constant stimulation that makes them feel normal. If they were capable of pursuing normal goals, they'd have been pursuing them already like everyone else
>people with ADHD
But I don't have adhd
Well I'm glad for you, I hope you don't. I didn't think I did either but after becoming an adult and literally accomplishing nothing with my life getting that diagnosis made sense of everything
Kind of. I don't necessarily feel about it or anything. In a way I consider lazing about to be my passion because I never feel as fulfilled as when I am doing absolutely nothing of note, but I do sometimes wonder what it is like to have a passion for something. What does it feel like to want to fight for something and pursue it at all costs? I'm sure it has its ups and downs but it must be a fulfilling way to live even when it doesn't go well.

Oh, absolutely. I don't have the insurance to get this treated so it is what it is and I simply have to live with it.
It's worse to not have a disorder and be in the same situation. There is no reason I should be this way, yet here I am.

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We should kill all frogposters.
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Lurk moar you newfag
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All of you, perish!
>The average robot the first time a girl lets him kiss her
High fructose corn syrup is my one weakness. I will have my revenge once I awaken from my diabetic coma.
Dog is hungry please understand

Are armpits good for you?
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What even is this question? Just start an armpit fetish request thread for fucks sake.

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It's crazy how these subhumans have literally ruined the english speaking internet. Like of all the immigration that conservatives and /pol/ screeched about, such as the migrants to europe, the one that actually has had the worst impact is pajeets on the internet because they speak 'english'.
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Here's the peer reviewed data to back this up for all you science lovers
that's basically just the population of the world, retard
Nah I still owe pajeets those tech tutorials that saved my life
yeah that's the problem
the internet shouldn't be globally available

another day in my piece of s word retard incel freak evil pervert life
hi anonymous
you're okay??
i have them on my wall

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The gay thoughts are starting again, I don't think I would ever have sex with a guy though
when you graduate from trannies to regular guys there's no denying it. do you also like women?
You're trapped in the closet with R. Kelly.
Yes, I find them really pretty
so does every gay fashion designer.
Genuinely good plot twist.

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How does one differentiate between a girl that is being nice to you and one that is interested in you?
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No girl is interested in you
>How does one differentiate between a girl that is being nice to you and one that is interested in you?

You can't because women operate on hints and shit, basically stuff that disavows them of responsibility, but could be interpreted as basic friendship.

Accountability is kryptonite to women. You are always supposed to make the first move after she gives you hints that you probably never even saw.

>Stand up
>Walk to bathroom
>Look at self in mirror
>If Chad or Tyrone is not looking back, the girl is just being nice.

Easy peasy. Takes mere seconds, and leaves absolutely no doubt. It's completely foolproof.
When she farts when youre near that's a sign of butterflies in the stomach
By learning to recognize body language signs, and responding accordingly. Treat women you aren't even interested like this, and just get some data to start noticing a pattern. As in, if you actually wouldn't date her, still test and see if your hunch is correct or not.

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What is the technical term for this condition?
Erecto petronum
Wtf that mean?
One last ride.

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