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>wake up
>still not a 10/10 girl with a pornbody
life as an AGP incel is so painful
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>So dreams of being NHKd back into society and finding a fulfilling life with your qt3.14 gf have more weight of them and therefore seem more painful.
is it? isn't it worse to feel like it's over and not happening
women are living goddesses and the new aristocracy. we bow in their presence
>we bow in their presence
cancerous ways
I wouldnt actually know. Maybe I am just coping, but that is the way I think of it.
Anonymous does not have decent opinions, wisdom, or worldly advice

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Man here, I have a question to xx chromosome fembots.
How does it feel knowing that men aren't attracted to you unless you look like this?
With a fine waist-to-hip like this young girl.
Look how nice her skin looks? how she doesn't have scars? Men want her, they don't want you.
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What's the appeal of the video? They're just standing there and talking in sign language.
female here, fuck you incel
>How does it feel knowing that men aren't attracted to you unless you look like this?

lol bruh
They are nubile fertile and innocent
Nah. Girls like her are grotesque. I'm not interested in putting my dick in a woman thats more silicone than flesh.

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My thing is this, not that I care about what you nobodies think. Whether you spectating worthless lames think I'm "ass" at whatever fighter I'm "playing". You pussy niggas would give your left nut to say you've played me in a game, and "beat" me to feel good about yourselves. Remember when it's all said and done regardless of the outcome. You still wake up the next day still a useless NPC.

Find purpose
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Love yourself, NOW.

>Australians speak English differently from us
"Oh wow what a cool accent and interesting culture!"
>Canadians speak English differently from us
"Oh wow what a cool accent and interesting culture!"
>Scots speak English so differently from us we're barely speaking the same language
"Oh wow what a cool accent and interesting culture!"
>black Americans from the South speak English differently from us
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>australian english
>canadian english
can be good or bad, there are many different black american accents
>Australians and Kiwis
Learn proper English but have a funny accent
Learn proper English but have a funny accent
Learn proper English
>People from London
Illiterate people trying to speak proper English
Learn a weird hybrid of proper English and bastardized English
Have a bastardized form of English
>Basketball Americas
Too stupid to even learn bastard English, resort to constant slang and need to develop their own lingo

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Bruh I am "white" but I identify way more with Black culture than English cuz I am AMERICAN muthafucka
My president is black and my lambo is blue and if I see you in the street I'm slappin you
Fuck off with your hierarchical thinking Wu-Tang Clan btfo anything British and desu even literal Black nationalist type music like Jeru tha Damaja was pretty lit
You are a spiritual nigger.

the idea of AI rendering all human accomplishments and individuality pointless is somewhat comforting
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well the alternative is AGI never happens and everyone gets old and dies and all human accomplishments are less than worthless
ai posters are such massive fucking faggots holy shit shut the fuck up it's literally science fiction
Imagine having your job replaced by science fiction and that's just the surface of what it can do
You should be worried about it being built by a for profit "corporation"
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>muh AI
Even if AI could do all the things you pray for you'd still be ugly and a virgin so your station wouldn't improve at all, we all just would shift down a few notches together

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i need to stay off this site cuz it gives me tranny thoughts but i have nowhere else to waste my time
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uh what i'm doing makes me pretty sad actually i don't know why the fuck i'm doing it besides i'm scared of balding.
it might be making you sad because you judge yourself so harshly though, no? don't you think that if you just accepted yourself for being trans you would be happier? i can tell you right now that me and all the guys i know are afraid as fuck of balding. but we would never even consider taking estrogen because we don't want to be women. i think you need to do some introspection and get off this site because it's not going to help your mental state.
people get brainrot and start to think differently bc of the internet all the time though
>it might be making you sad because you judge yourself so harshly though, no?
no i just literally shouldn't be doing this anon
>don't you think that if you just accepted yourself for being trans you would be happier?
i'm a cis male though like at the end of the day i'd never want to present as a woman or anything. people say i should want to because of the way i act and stuff but it's not like that.
>i can tell you right now that me and all the guys i know are afraid as fuck of balding. but we would never even consider taking estrogen because we don't want to be women.
idk the moment i noticed i was thinning i lost my shit. maybe it's more important to me because i'm a fucking manlet and i really wouldn't have anything going for me if i start fucking balding.
>i think you need to do some introspection and get off this site because it's not going to help your mental state.
well yeah of course i'm just not sure how to get myself off this fucking site lmao
>no i just literally shouldn't be doing this anon
why not? there's nothing wrong with being trans
>i'm a cis male though like at the end of the day i'd never want to present as a woman or anything.
would you not want to present as a woman because of the negative judgment you'd receive? or is it truly because you just don't want to be a woman? if the former, you're probably trans. if the latter, you're probably cis.
>why not? there's nothing wrong with being trans
i'm not trans though lol
>would you not want to present as a woman because of the negative judgment you'd receive? or is it truly because you just don't want to be a woman? if the former, you're probably trans. if the latter, you're probably cis.
i don't want to be a woman i just don't want to be balding and hairy

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osama my slime we used to braid each others hair
penis vagina butthole nigger faggot cunt

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i dont understand how my friend is able to operate on a day to day basics. his mindset is somewhat triggering
because he basically goes against everything ive read online so it conflicts with my ideals.
the best way to describe his personality is that he just doesnt care about anything.
nothing really seems to matter. he has no problem making a fool out of himself infront of girls and talking about
the most random bland shit with normies either. hes the type of guy who doesnt conform to ideologies, he
doesnt care about social status, its like this faggot lived under a rock his whole life. i tried bring up red pill ideologies to him and
he would spout the slang words at me cause he thought the words were funny but he doesnt seem to care about it at all.
he also has this air of arrogance about him and has no problem shitting on ppl either(he openly mocks me about my height). its like this dude is living on auto-pilot with nothing between the ears.
hes not particularly handsome hes about a 6-7 range. hes not tall either just 5'9 and hes asian.
ppl seem to gravitate towards him for some reason, but alot of ppl eventually end up hating him in the end. like hes the guy who holds everyone together like a glue.
5 ppl in a group? they are all their cause of him. none of them are friends but with him. girls? he never seems to have a problem. hes doesnt like to party and stays at home ALOT yet when we do hang out
he always has a girl around his arm.

So what the fck is going on here???
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It sounds like your friend has big dick energy.
So what you are saying is that he's engaging people. That's how you hook a girl.
the quickest and easiest way to solve your problem is to fuck your friend, you can thank me later
OP you are some special autist
Please, please, please, don't change that guy. He is genuinely happy, don't blackpill him.

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What did you get?
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ke te mei ka shi te
how am I supposed to pronounce this?
Jimoshitemoto Takijirichilumomochi. I am back from beyond the grave.
aritokukuteari lukukute katote arikukute lumoshirinkushitana miridomimeari
I'll only tell if Akari agrees to go on a date with me

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every sad loser will become some kind of psycho one day. this state isnt meant for the brain to live with
I'm a broken sigma

the last few reasons I had for living went away recently. what do
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If you've run out of reasons to live anyways, I'll see you soon.
fuck asian women and enjoy it
that was my reason for living and is gone now
did you get yoir dick chopped off by a angry chinese female police or something ?
There are like a billion asian women, dude.
You can get another.

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As a brown guy (latino) shit like this >>77186105
Makes me not insecure but it lets me know girls from my race are insane and they are my enemy (everyone is but this is different)
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>t. Bay Area resident
I've heard stories coming out of the Bay Area kek
Yeah the white chicks around here are either busted they/thems or a "Talent Manager" with an entitlement problem. There are some women with their head screwed on straight in Contra Costa county, but I need a car to get to them and I'm a poor robot going to university (Berkeley).
you're basically a jeet to me lmao
You should become a girl
My dude, hating women of your own race will make you a permavirgin. You should simply use them for sex and lose your virginity, or so.

Reminder that women like all types of guys
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only happens in Japan
Sure, but 20 year old women still fawn over him, so it stands to reason they'd also fawn over a guy who had the same hairline at 20, but was otherwise as attractive as Cavill.
There's a pretty huge fucking difference between "being into the Witcher" and being the fucking star of the show, jesus
This is always funny to me because do people seriously think that the default man looks close to henry cavil? Do they seriously think you can look like him if you lift weights and get a trendy haircut?
Who makes these fake twitter accounts?
I don't get ut. I'm not sure if these are bots or r9k users using some random instagram picture of a normie girl and just posting shit they never got (yous) from in here but on twitter.

It's obviously a bait post using a term like Whitepill and bad grammar aswell coming from someone in a dress taking a selfie.
This is not how normies talk.
This is thr same.level of fake as when I ask for females here to add my discord and they are all just males trying to one up me and "larp for fun bro" with enemies or random quirky instagram pictures as profile pictures on their discord while they write like litterly ever man I ever played WoW with.
Am I wrong?

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I checked /pol/ and actually bothered to check to see what the posters are saying.

I swear I don't remember the average /pol/ user being this stupid. I know it has been dumbed down since large influxes of new users came in from 2016 and 2020. But man, it feels like they are even more braindead than before. I swear I can tell some of these users are out of touch 60 year old boomers, and retards who are terminally online 24/7 who also constantly browse twitter.

I am starting to miss the Ancaps and Stormwienies since they could actually provide insightful discussion and try to use a half decent argument to justify their views.
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/pol/ is complete brain rot and always has been and always will be. it's only fun to larp but anyone who seriously posts there is beyond saving
>The funny part is that I remember half of them talking about how great of an idea "accelerationism"

Turns out accelerationism doesnt work when you have complete control of the media. As they can memoryhole something within a few days if they want to.
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Yeah no shit.
Not only that but accelerationism is stupid because it gambles on the potential of the normies you hope to bring to yourside to miraculously see your side as right.

Which gets even more ridiculous when they hope normies will adopt national socialism ad their ideology when it really does nothing answer any of the problems brought on by leftism and wokeness as it is called now.
And even if it did somehow convince a few normies by chance they either will be in such a small number that they are irrelevant anyway and the media would double down on their indoctrination out of a panic of those few people.
I always thought the natsoc part was funny, the majority of users on /pol/ were never primarily natsoc.
If I remember correctly until r/TheDonald getting deleted wasn't /pol/ basically a 3 way split between NatSoc + similar ideologies, Libertarianism, everything else?

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Maybe im a schizophrenic but I feel like covid was a sort of false flag where people didnt take idea of pandemic seriously so that when next big one happens no one will actually care since media and institutions overblown a mild cold . Then they can release their super bug
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It was an obedience test to identify who would refuse government orders. They have their list now.
You cracked the code. Welcome to the club nonny
Addendum, pandemic->tiktok. They created an artificial social environment only to pull you out of the cave naked and afraid. The cave feels safer so people still act as if they were in it. Cyber warfare is not people sitting in a war room yelling im in, but rather. Slow integration of themselves within our critical infrastructure and culture.
China has weponized the uncomfortable relationship our primal brains have with this exponential technological advancement we have. Keep in mind the first text was sent in a very primal and inefficient way. That was only 20 something years ago.
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It was more a caving to social pressures. It was a decision of "stop this virus spreading at incredible speed or sit back and pretend everything is fine". More government reaction lead to more people being scared, which lead to further government reaction, etc. etc. This quickly scaled into lockdowns, masks, travel restrictions, and many more policies that are stupid in hindsight.

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