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Fembots, how do you feel about the phrase "no hymen no diamond"
97 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
Based fujoshi
Cringe Coping whore
Roastie( reference to how some womens labias look disgusting like a roast beef sandwhich) is the term which came first, chronically online "femcels" came up with
Wurstie as a shitty come back.
Yeah but I don't like it. Wurstie sounds funny and unserious, roastie just sounds mean.
I held out for a virgin and got one. Don't give up, we're all going to make it.
Wait, it's not the opposite of "bestie"?

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I feel bad when I see ugly couples. I feel they're dooming their future children
She's incredibly hot
ugly people balance things out
or you could not handle attractive world or something

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>body type, height
very fit, 6'2 tall
I spend most of my time online... Yeah.
people, online culture, mental illness, incel culture, rightwing groups and communities, /k/, amongst other things.
>looking for
just general bros and/or gals online with similar interests

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>datamining thread
Nice try, CIA.
Not today CIA.
Nicre try FBI.
>people, online culture, mental illness, incel culture, rightwing groups and communities, /k/, amongst other things.
kek, you're not even trying anymore

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Most normies would, if you send them to war.

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How can I get females if Im 26 and I have no friends?

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Have robots heard that Yuki means snow?
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And what does Nagato mean?
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That is not, what we're talking about

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Why are slavic women so confident and bossy
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are you saying Slavic women fake confidence to get high status men? are you gay?
Every woman likes to play hard to get, its just that slavic women do it more.
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Damn, this cute boy is in dire need of some brazilian cock up his ass.
I would cum and make him cum 10 times at least, he wouldn't be able to live without my cock
I'm not a cute anon.
lots of societies were pretty egalitarian to women

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How much do you wanna bet that this fucking thing would turn down half of r9k if it could. "BTFO your not even Chad"
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Lord give me strength.
How does this happen
Doesn't this person have a handler or something, they look barely functional
What the hell means cg?
Cognitive gullible?
It isn't very nice of you to put down people like that anon. You are perpetuating the same toxicity that likely landed you in this site alone an incel in the first place
Child Grooming

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Why are "femboys" so popular? Any mainstream forum I go to, especially Reddit, it seems that there's a ton of people who are into "femboys" or want to be a "femboy". I'd expect it to be some super niche trend but apparently it's common. What gives?
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globohomo is response to overpopulation
- being gay helps the environment in the long term reducing human population
Nearly all young men (likely white) hate biological females, shun vaginas and prefer another man. Some prefer men that attempt to look feminine yet have a penis and offers their anus while others find their preference at the gym pumping iron.
It's a hot meme
I want a heckin rainbow kitty
>CIA Psychological operation to destroy the West and firmly install Jewish domination onto the West
Based glowies

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I'm decently convinced a large portion of the male population has dealt with rejection enough times it has induced mental illness.
Guys have been rejected and dumped so many times they have PTSD and start acting funny when women are brought up.
Same shit online too. All my online friends are like this.

How do I found low self esteem girls
37 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Of seeing you below everyone else
I tried summoning you the other day and you ignored me
Are you a moron or pretending to be one? Just curious.
bro there is no nudity wtf
I would have dated him in high school..... but im straight wtf is this

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How come so many white males are pedos
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White*. White men
Teen category on porn sites is 80% white girls and 20% ethnics.

and white people are actually a minority when considered as a world population
Those are mostly jews actually.
funniest thing ive seen this year
one very mentally ill korean man

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How do I change what type of girl I find attractive?
I'm tired of my eyes getting stuck to them and popping boner every time I see a "Latina". I'm not the type of guy who would be romantically interested in them.
I want to choose what I find attractive instead of letting my subconscious decide.
Any time a girl comes onto me she becomes my type for the rest of my life. I still lust for small mulatto nerd girls because of a chick from highschool
I don't think you should try to resist what you like. It causes weird issues with yourself. Just try not to point at them in public or they'll call the cops.
maybe you would. why do you think you wouldn't be romantically interested in them?
perhaps through peaceful engagement, getting disappointed and realizing they are just a fantasy

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I want a gamer gf to watch me play games and who i can watch her play games and maybe play games together. I need a backseat gamer gf.
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Someone who joined here, he is indeed very cool. Not very good at the video game, though.
Tbf I think you benefit more from being bad at games when playing shitty horror games.
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I'm the best gamer at game. The first pyramid head encounter is just really bad. Turns out i just had to kite it for 5 minutes until it got tired and went away. It was not an actual boss fight. Just a scripted event.
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bump because no gamer gf yet
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last bump because I'm getting tired of maintaining this thread.

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I really enjoy CYOA/Choice Image threads. Let's have another one! I especially like the "locked in basement" ones, I think they suit a lot of robots very well.
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This one is also pretty relevant I think, it's thought provoking. Not sure what I'd pick honestly but it's for discussion
This is a more involved take on the idea, with a neat scifi flavor.
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This is one of the more interesting takes I saw on this style because it deliberately avoids giving you human pictures, so you judge entirely based on traits, not appearance.

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