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Isnt it just the industrially produced cigarettes, which are essentially goyslop?

I started smoking at 17 and 35 now. Not vaxxed. Lost some teeth but everything else feels fine. No meth just booze. Whatever.
Nah, it's mainly about money and class. Poor people tend to smoke. Working class people tend to smoke. It has nothing to do with health at all. Otherwise, we would see a lot more effort against obesity and unhealthy foods, if it were truly about health and saving medical costs. You would turn on the TV and see a commercial saying NOT to eat candy, like how there are anti-smoking ads. People can smoke and live to 100. People who are fat die by age 50, man. Hahaha.
are weed vapes bad for you? what's in them that could be bad? Polypropelene glycol? PFOS/PFAS?

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Also lmao look at that second nigger what the fuck is he doing fucking pack animals
Lol, little ass asian boy no match for the tall black man. His reach BTFO'd that little bitch.
Brown v. Board of Education
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Nigger is 30 years old and in the 7th grade.

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Damn.... that's pretty based..
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>necessary chlorine dioxide dump
Chlorine dioxide : CLO2
>400 cases cured with chlorine dioxide
>difference between bleach and chlorine dioxide :
>how to make chlorine dioxide at home:

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Any typical city's municipal water system in a first-world country should not be teeming with bacteria like that. That's gotta be a sample of someone's well water, or a hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Juarez or some shit. Here we have trace quantities of chlorine added to the water to sanitize it and the worst that happens is hard water, due to insufficiently extracted dissolved solids, which isn't harmful to the body, it just creates calcium deposits on the inside of the pipes. That shit in the video looks like something you'd get from a horse trough or a pajeet swimming pool
It’s a good starter. But Once you start to distillate your water you will never go back to filtered water.

We care more about the future of tiny cave fish than the future our nation
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>We care more about the future of tiny cave fish than polluting our land and killing our citizens with cancerous mining procedures following short term (Chinese mining company's) gain.
Cuck thread from the weakest race?
Show us your rat.
>nooo i was totally gonna live in bumfucknowhere dont make a mine theeeeeere
Lithium will not be used in any theoretical battery of the future, it's effectiveness has already reached a plateau. If we haven't fully realized safe, man-portable nuclear energy by the time we run out of lithium, it's already over for humanity.
okay jew
keep worshiping money and destroying nature for no good reason

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A Missouri man is facing a felony theft charge for allegedly swiping eight “luxury” vibrators from an adult toy store and then trying to fence them via Facebook Marketplace , according to court records.

Christopher Michael Booth, 34, was named yesterday in a felony complaint charging him with stealing the vibrators--valued at a combined $1539.20--from a Hustler Hollywood outlet in Berkeley, a St. Louis suburb.

The purloined sex toys, which retail for around $200 apiece, are manufactured by Lelo, a Swedish company that advertises itself as “one of the world’s leading designer brands for intimate lifestyle products.”

Booth last month allegedly took the vibrators from a display, placed them in a white trash bag, and raced out of the store.

Employees told police they recognized the suspect because he had been in the store a day earlier and had argued with them before being asked to leave. The man, workers also recalled, had the number “314” prominently tattooed on his neck (314 is the main St. Louis area code).

Items “consistent with those stolen from the store” were later “offered for sale on Facebook Marketplace under defendant’s Facebook profile,” police allege.

Booth’s rap sheet includes multiple theft convictions.

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Bump for dildo theft
He just looks like a nice young man who is down on his luck. I'd let him live with me,
>and drain my bank account, steal all my stuff, and probably kill me
as long as he let me suck him, and rim him, and he fucked me.

I'm sure with all the meth he'd probably have no problem doing it. :)
dildo thief?

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>A Black substitute teacher brutalized a young high school student over what sources say was the alleged use of the “n-word.”
>An investigation revealed that the suspect was once a former 5-star basketball recruit who was highly regarded as one of the best youth players in the nation.
Wow, kids can't even relax around their Black teachers.
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>This guy hears you say the gamer word

>Tells you to leave the classroom

What do you do, anon?
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. That kid had it coming for daring to state the n word.
He definitely did. A low IQ negroid got so frustrated at his own lack of impulses he gorilla slammed a kid on video. Not the smartest but what can one expect?

>What do you do, anon?
I would kindly apologize to the nice African American fellow and get on my knees and kiss his feet.

How fucked is Putler?
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Who paid you to post this low quality thread?
This anon is 100% a dog-and-cat eating chink based on the way he types. I don't even think it's a vodkanigger from some Russian farm, the typing is just too off.
Usually in a fight; when you need to call basically every one of your friends to come and help you because you don't stand a single chance on your own.... And you still get your shit pushed in. You're seen as a pussy. But in Ukraine's case this is stunning and brave.
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Israeli's can literally gain an entire income from posting on /pol if they post daily as their full time job.
each jew in israel carries a bag of gold and a usb drive of bbc around their neck.

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Everything he was alleged to have done was bullshit psyops
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Convex vectors are not a plane la sallete and bronstein and then fatima then fallout new vegas old world blues and yves Dupont and father roux vs we are the true organ harvesters and kiddy diddlers
While I sympathize with the resistance to dogmatic beliefs, the message was a divine one that you know is divine by how much the evil in this world seethes over Him
Shia got this one right we were so proud of him not Fuentes
were you there? how can you know that for sure without being there? faith?
Zionism is going to win whether anybody likes it or not...To oppose it is to oppose God's plan.
t. christcuck

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Remember when being a lawyer was on par with being a doctor?
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They're niggers. When white men get stopped at a checkpoint, we get out of the car and lick boots.
idiot fuck... first of all, there is no stupider idiom on Earth than "don't judge a book by it's cover."
Do you expect a book with a map of Europe on the cover to be about unicorns?????
Second of all, look at her words dipshit.. the cunt went to the exam DRUNK!!!!!!!!!
shut the fuck up captain save a hoe, she would never even look at you.
Didn't the covid scam teach people that doctors are just low IQ conformist commoners now? They know nothing of chemistry besides the basic courses they gloss through that provide a lesser education then reading five pages of a chemistry textbook in private study. That's why medical malpractice from mixing medications is one of the leading causes of deaths of Americans
And yet look at what she managed to accomplish wither her life!
You pathetic /pol/cel's never cease to amuse me with your foolish "Meet your future lawyers" threads!

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I’m stressed out. I’m young and I’m responsible for a wife and daughter and it makes me feel like shit. Like do they even love me? Why do I get so angry at my wife in my head. Why do I just want to get a gf? A girl from high school who has rejected me over 5 times was flirting with me when she saw me at the park with my daughter. even though I got everything going for me for a man, I feel like shit because I can’t tell if any of these people are genuinely interested in me or like me.
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Women are fucked that’s why. I’m married with a kid on the way. A few months ago an ex girlfriend of mine tracked me down on the only social media platform I had left. She messaged me to “catch up”. She is married too. Spoiler, ex girlfriends or former love interests never just want to catch up. Especially if they’re married. I told her it was nice hearing from her, then blocked her. Then went a step further and deleted that last remaining piece of social media. Why? Because that type of trouble is not fucking worth it. Be the man you’d tell your friends to be.
Go to bed
Nice, I'll see you there. We can be racist in Greggs together. The lamb may not be alive by the time I make it there
Curse of humanity,people allways want what they cant have.alot of people literally kill themselves because they can't have the life you have op,with a wife and children.stop being a little bitch.

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About inflating roastie, waller, burnt-out femcel population?
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women still enjoy dick, even if they are small and cute
gundam, the Manga version of chars Counterattack, forget what it's called but you could just watch the movie on Netflix. probably have to watch all of the original uc gundam, zeta. you can skip zz(the next show after zeta, char doesn't appear in it I think. for some people it is still important to the story.
Sounds like you have a self-fulfilling prophecy going on in your life then.
Their careers, the amount of stress they get doing stupid administrative garbage ages them even more than women with children.

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How did he become the most famous man ever?

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It is playing out before our eyes in live time. Better pull your head out of your ass.

Nice find.
>mark sykes was a jesuit
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Sadly, you got it right. But we're not supposed to know about this.
I think the only good Jew is a dead Jew.
I think all Jewish men women and children should be skinned alive before being incinerated

>wheels are faster than legs
>wheels are more efficient than legs
>wheels travel over rough and uneven terrain better than legs
>but all animals will have legs instead of wheels
>titanium is much stronger relative to its weight than calcium
>but bones will be made of calcium instead of titanium
>you WILL be fruitful and multiply
>but the best orgasm for a man will happen from getting fucked in the ass
>and pregnancy will take forever
>and childbirth will often kill the woman
>and it’ll usually produce one little shit who has a 1/3 chance of making it to adulthood
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sand demon yhwh lost to wheels
If you had accepted Brahman you could have been born with caterpillar treads like a boss.

There's no such thing as a free lunch you say? Nonsense! Just start a cult.
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Who are the actual Israelites?
Probably the people that built everything.
Do they get a free lunch?
they *are* the lunch. that's why jews *must* live among them and cannot go their own way.
that's what he said (Roman)

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you are one so you tell us
These threads are objectively bad. It's very clear Ukraine can't really win here, and eventually there will be a ceasefire or Russia will just take Kiev in like 40 years.
Glowie hands typed this gay ass post
naw, these kind of threads only decrease support for ukraine. either this shill is badly trained or more likely op is a russian shill pretending to be an annoying ukraine shill so we come to hate ukraine

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bunch of fags
>skulls for the skull throne
undeniably based

For the billionth time, that pic is fake. There are plenty of real stories to show off about kikes, don't post hoaxes.
I'm so glad jews have let their evil out since October for the world to see. Israel, as Kissinger predicted, will be flames and ash within ten years. The fat of every jew will be dripping through the floorboards of burnt synagogues not long after that.
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Shut the fuck up retarded mudshit ape

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They need to fix the Louisiana to Florida route though. Only freight can go that way.
Rail is shit. Go be a faggy yurotwink if that's your thing.
> catch up

the americans won the world with the ICE and road system they have as opposed to an easily broken infrastructure such as high speed rail…trains can’t decide to go off road as even a prius could if need be
Props to them, really. That's a great accomplishment.
Still, they're not going to build rail where it doesn't make sense. The PRC is much more densely populated than the US, so passenger rail makes much more sense on a national level. Also, consider that most PRC transportation infrastructure has been built in the last 30 years, whereas the US has enjoyed robust automotive and airplane industries for at least double the time, and that inertia must be respected.

China has twice the size of highways that the US has


Shot by "Controlled access roads"

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I feel so bad for this kid. What are the odds that police will follow through with finding this guy?

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there's not much more to say
his main thesis was crypto was a ponzi scheme and that they are looting corporate coffers and extracting the money through crypto
I guess this would fit with The Great Taking, which is a bit more grounded
some of his other stuff was about cons and blackmail and his suspicions
the snooker connection to blackmail was through a book that isn't easily available
he believed it described blackmail operations in terms of snooker
>I wish vigilantism would make a comeback.
Would you dress like batman?
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What's the book called? After everything that's happened this past decade, this seems very possible.

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1000 Russian soldiers are dying every day.
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>good general
Not very common in Russia.
Russian do this hilarious thing where they pretend they control 90% of Ukraine their army is 30k people and they are fighting all of NATO right now. It's pretty funny
>trust me bro
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>1000 Russian soldiers are dying every day.
It's a more or less accurate figure, the russoid MoD itself reported it the other day IIRC

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