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fucked me up for good
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i didnt get the vax but i did wear the face diaper mostly so i didnt have to hear some faggot coming up to me and start yapping in my fuckin ear about it. people were overboard nazi about it here in nz like if you wanted to buy food etc, they wouldnt let you into the stores without your cuck shield on. ill metaphorically be spitting on their graves until i find my way there myself
I believe it. The new normal. This always happens with large events. Afterwards it's never the same. Before Covid people were getting more addicted to screens and it was hard to meet people, but it wasn't that bad yet. Covid accelerated that. After Covid, it's like a ghost town. I used to see other young people around everywhere and now i don't. Even spaces where they were, there are less. Before Covid you could find people everywhere, now it's much harder.

They go out less, they only go to certain places, they use online platforms. How the fuck do people even date anymore? How do people find each other? I haven't dated since right before Covid. It's been 4 years.
You also can't exactly prove who spread disease, unlike abortion, you can definitely prove who did it.
Then at election time he was "just kidding". I fucking hate WEF groomed "young leader" politicians.
If those kids don't become cucked, they're going to go Mob Psycho on Covid cucks in the future.

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You may think that hypergamy is a bad thing but it is actually beneficial to the human race and no you are not entitled to sex. You not having sex is a good thing because if that is the case your genetics are bad and should not be passed on. So take solace in the fact that you are sexless because it is for the greater good. Throughout history only a tiny fraction of males passed on their genetics :) the "male loneliness epidemic" is a load of crap. Most men are supposed to be lonely that is literally the default setting and trying to change that would be dysgenic :)
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I never said that I was? Lmfao
Aesthetics=genetics :)
And explain why that is a bad thing? Throughout history low value males still served society for the greater good despite being sexless and unloved.
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No, take the Irish elk as an example. The females kept choosing the males with the biggest antlers purely on aesthetic reasons until the entire species went extinct. If women had their way with reproduction humanity wouldn't last long. Numale k-pop faggots or justin bieber types aren't fit for reproduction. Women are extremely dysgenic. This is why rape exist and the reason behind forced marriages. Men know better. Might is right and looks has nothing to do with it.
Why are you here then ? It's certainly not to discuss this subject in good faith. You're probably a spiteful tranny anyway, you will never be a woman btw
>you are not entitled to sex
Sure, but in 10-20 years when we have sexbots with artificial wombs and replace you, you will not be entitled to sex
Hypergamy is bad now because it prevents high status men from committing to a single woman and having children. We are facing population collapse because so many women that want to have children can't find a man of equal or higher social status to commit to them as all the eligible men can easily find a new woman to fuck every day.

He can't keep getting away with it

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Life Is meaningless and God has a good sense of humor.
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Cringe methaddict fag
Christcuck golem low IQ faggot Jew Wannabe stick lover sucking dick mother fucker bloody bitch
space is not real

France and Germany just officially protested against giving nukes to Poland. They would probably want Poles to serve as a cannon fodder like hohols instead of really detering Russia from attacking us. Very two-faced and disrespectful.
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It's not about Russia. With nukes you don't have to listen to (((them))).
>They would probably want Poles to serve as a cannon fodder like hohols instead of really detering Russia from attacking us
it was always the plan.
do you retards actually thought they would ever see you as equals?
What's worse is that we don't even have nuclear power. There is one reactor in all of Poland - a tiny research reactor called Maria.

And yes, we are the honourary niggers of Europe. A title bestowed on us by Jean Jacques Dessalines for helping him vanquish the French army.
We were occupied by Soviet Union after 1945 up to 1990, and then occupied by the USA, from 1990 up to today, anc today even stronger than a decade or two ago. There is no space in such claustrophobic environment for development of national nuclear arsenal, it is practically impossible. Especially considering fact that Amerimutts and Russhits cooperate with each other im this field. They have such equipment that can detect uranium centrifuges even kilometers underground.

We tried to obtain our own h-bomb in 70s in secret using innovative and completely different technology using high energy lasers to create nuclear fusion, the technogy Amerimutts work on for decades and manage to achieve some successes as of lately. Unfortunately Ruskies killed a leading scientist and ordered to close labs working on it.

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What is going on guys? I found some speeches of him on youtube and within two days the comment section was disabled
Only because people like you have to force the issue because you've never looked into the subject beyond watching Denis (((Wise)))'s Greatest Story Never Told.
Do you know who gets censored? People that promote white identity that doesn't involve the mob stealing businesses and property.
Where is Jared Taylor on Twitter? They won't allow him, but anyone promoting nazism is allowed.
They don't allow The Martinez Perspective that exposes nazism as a kike operation.
None of this stuff is allowed on Twitter, because it exposes Nazism as a jewish project against whites.
culture follows the economy
you can't promote "white identity"(whatever the fuck that means) without having control of the economy aka the movement of capital, people and resources
>none of this stuff is allowed on twitter
but it's allowed on youtube judging by your link copy pasta

I was giv8ng head at 13 and they were guys 3x my age + because older guys can keep their mouth shut. Most of my friends were dating guys minimum 2x their age on the DL, but if u kissed a boy in your grade, everyone would know by recess. Society is a hypocrite condemning girls who enjoy having fun, while constantly promoting sexuality. Before the inevitable hate, just know that your opinion means nothing to me :)
show tits or gtfo
Lil b looks like whoopy Goldberg. That ain’t cute.
0% chance this is a woman
all fields

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IOszSS0IDKk

Psalms 101:3 - I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it

>Labour pledges to renationalise most rail services within five years
>Princess Beatrice 'heartbroken' after 'playboy' ex Paolo Liuzzi is found dead in suspected overdose after 'descending into drugs and gambling' amid claims he 'owed large debts to loan sharks'
>Prince Edward leads the Royal Family during poignant Anzac Day service in London
>Labour accused of failing to keep Britain safe ‘in a dangerous world'
>UK has worst rate of child alcohol consumption in world, report finds

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when i was 17 i slept with a 34 yr old french woman on the beach in south east asia lmao
i've been sober for a long time
big banana maybe
MAD, how did that happen
He got some (You)s and that's all that's important.
pure rizz lad
we fucked three nights and one time in the ocean whil people were sunning themselves on the beach
proper french and all

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Why hasn't Japanese moot made a religion board already?
People have always asked for it
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because itll instantly be taken over by professional clergy and become a hive of clerical heresy and clerical sodomy
Communism is already a religion.
Every time there's a post on pol about religion some asshole posts a blasphemous image
When there's a post on x. It's just some schizo.
We need a proper religion board
We also need geopol board. I hate this geoflag tag team tournament nu/pol/.

And also anti human. Pretty much they stand for nothing substantial and their ideology just boils down to being a seething manchild or hit the wall roasty who under all the lies about equality really just wants death to the human race.

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You mutts WON'T DO SHIT! :-)

Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene

Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'

Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Frees 825K Foreign Nationals into U.S. — Outpacing Population of San Francisco

After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap

New migrant caravan headed to US

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The jewish contribution to civilization.
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>Calls out others for "Not doing shit"
Proceeds to post on pol at 7AM about it

Oh, ok then...
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weak little faggots
What can be done? Anything of force can be considered an act of war.
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Stop back-sassing us, or we will remove your entire weapons budget and let the dune coons have their way with you.

I have asked this question many times from normalfags both irl and online and they can never give a logical answer:

Is there a single benefit to an older woman over a younger one?
Is there a single value that a 25+ year old (or lord forbid, 30+ year old) can provide but a 1x year old cannot?

You will find that the answer is nothing at all
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Any women can fuck up your life. With that said, the younger one has the best "potential" outcome for the man. But, as time goes on and I slept with multiple women, I dont really care about them anymore. I am really interested in making more money & cars.
Until their late 30s then you want to tie them in a sack and throw them in the ocean.
OP. Nothing is worse on earth than a menopausal woman. They’re insufferable. Tribes in South America used to eat them, that’s the level of their value.
A switch flicks in their bodies around 40, all rationale goes out the window, and them having to take hormone replacement and not being happy in life is your fault.
If I wanted to destroy a man’s life, I’d lock him up for a year with two menopausal women in a cabin in the country. Cunt would self delete.
Yes. Older women are barren. What little children they can produce will be a good candidate for abortion. I don't want children so this is a plus.

Also, older women are uglier. They have way less options. I'm not a 10 myself, so I like it when I'm not too out of my league.

Also, I like all the sagging around the edges that older women have. But that's just my acquired, subjective taste.
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>niggers and muslims
The Andrew Tate intersection.
Nah, it's mostly just jews.
Jews don't hold any political persuasions other than to create discontent, mistrust and societal destruction, so they'll be both feminist and chuds at the same time, just to make people fight each other and not jews.
No wonder they're breeding all our women, while we're reduced to simping for them on IG

Stand with me /pol/
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she looks perfectly normal and quite good for her age
no one is "bred to be fat", that's tumblr-tier cope
>i’ll never forget how unbelievably light-handed he was during the jew scene
glad i wasent the only one , you mean the one in the church with the lady right? it felt like it was specifically designed to make jews look as kind and as harmless as possible. felt completely off from the rest of the movie.
There is none. This is all done for publicity.
If she really wanted people to know the whole story without any parts edited out by the publisher, she would have leaked the original online.
That is of course if she hasn't worked for any intelligence agency in the past. I've read some books written by former intelligence officers, and all of them had a disclaimer page that it has cleared a pre-publication review by the government agency they used to work for. One of them had chunks of texts blacked out here and there. I can't remember the title, but it was a biography of Valerie Plame-Wilson, a former CIA officer.
She did an interview in which she indicated that the agency has the final cut, and that she cannot disclose anything about the redacted parts because of her agreement with the agency.
I figure people end up doing doing fucked up degenerate shit as a result of wanton pursuit of sexual pleasure with little to no self-control or moderation.
Just look at the people in Hollywood who has the means to fulfill their sexual fantasies as they come to mind.
It is no surprise that many of them - Charlie Sheen, Kevin Spacey, P. Diddler to name a few - turned out to have reached the lowest depths of sexual degeneracy (tranny, sodomy, cuckery etc)
A hooker gets to see it all, just like how a doctor gets to see all kinds of fucked up conditions.
I thought she was the guy from Little Britain.

I wish all Muslims and Africans were deported out of Europe
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Free Palestine and deport them there. You can have all the jews
>meme flag
why don't you take that off and reveal the real flag, Hasan from Berlin
based. It starts with a plan. The more people who at least even announce the intention to remove the shitskins, the more the likelihood of it happening becomes more probable.
Balkans are the niggers of whites.
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I wish all Muslims and Africans were deported out of Africa

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You have now been blessed with Mullah posting.
Respond with "TKD" to show your gratitude.
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dead jews will be the future. you played your hand too much jew.
this lowIQ faggot right here is most likely fennoswedo
Enlist now faggot, Russia it's coming for you
this is correct take in this thread

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They’ve indicted a former president and leading presidential candidate, indicted alternate electors for following constitutional precedent in several states, indicted lawyers for using legal theories with precedent, and when all is said and done, 2,000 January 6ers will have been arrested. Many have and will get jail time for charges that wouldn’t even be brought against the other side. Those who engaged in serious conduct get several years, and all have their names dragged through the mud. Humiliated, bankrupt and jailed. This newest Arizona indictment is just another escalation. Sitting Arizona politicians are now indicted, as are key cogs in the RNC’s efforts to win there in 2024. How does this end?
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Why are you shills always so upset if you aren't invested in anything. It doesn't even make sense.
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It ends with executions for treason. I'm going to guess tens of thousands of them. A lot of people will try to run unless you trick them into thinking they're safe. Sting operations are weird.
> trust the plan MAGApedes!!!
>There are people this delusional.
Just like Hilldawg will be in jail right?

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africans and latinos to make its blood better.

I read this article and think: must be a jew who wrote it, it can not be local. look down the text, the author is jew indeed. Russian speaking anons, send him a letter with couple of nice words.

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The left merging and fusing with the right should be a red flag to anyone that's concerned about politics.
Politics is theatre, and a front for the MIC. The uniparty was on the same page half a century ago. Please catch up.
What's more likely? The left is starting to hate jews since they are the enemy of all mankind? Or 110 countries across the globe, over 2000 years have all been wrong?

How jewish is the circus?
It has to be extremely jewish, it just has to, but Wikipedia isn't giving me much to satisfy my confirmation bias.
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Op the thread you seek to pull is shriners org.
Is there a name for that ritual?
The kapparot or scapegoat ritual of throwing all your guilt and blame on something else, then punishing that instead?

Also what's up with Jesus being portrayed as a scapegoat in the same way in stone churches?
I've heard before that Jesus died for our sins, that people can throw their sins and guilt upon him.
That's not how Jesus works.
Could a kike please help a nigga out?
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Eat shit, jew.
See Hartford Circus Fire
>ringling bros & barnum and bailey used flammable waterproofing compound on canvas tent due to wartime shortages
>insufficient staff to man fire extinguishers that weren't in the proper locations

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