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Anyone voting for ziondon is an idiot
>Inb4 Israelis and jeets spam "still vooting for ziondon"
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there isn't. but voting for don is retarded as azog voting for jews thinking it will save your country. time to cut losses migas and azogs and realize the reality od the situation
There's like 1 statement about this from Harris
Trump is sucking kike cock in the press about 3 times a day and has literally unironically said miga

Go get gassed, kike
We have states rights. The feds have been irredeemable for decades, but they have less impact on our lives than our state governments
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stfu, jeet

>1 Corinthians 11:3
>1 Corinthian 16:13
>Collosians 3:19
>1 Peter 5:8
>Proverbs 31:3
>Proverbs 6:26
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this is what demonic posession sounds like. the mere mention of Jesus sends them into a frenzy.
Yeah, add India to the list of nations to be glassed.
>This is a lie pushed by the Jewish Encyclopedia.
What of the Herod dynasty? They were definitely Edomites. If the Pharisees and Sadducees were the right-wing Zionist jews of their day, the dynasty were like the left-wing secular globohomo arm of jews. I don't think suggesting the New Testament kikes got admixed with Edomites (especially after the Fall of Jerusalem) is unfounded.
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>Jesus literally said goyim are dogs
Wrong, she was a Canaanite, learn more about them maybe, and He still healed her, just like He would still heal you.

(22) And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
Mat 15:22
Galatians 3:28 is where Rabbi Yeshua endorses transvestites. Jesus supports troons and thinks trans lives matter.

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To all the anonymous people expressing racism on 4chan, I just want to remind you that there are good people in this world as well. It’s important to judge a person by the content of their character, not by their skin color or appearance.

Love, peace, compassion, and empathy will always triumph over hate in the end. I hope that whatever unresolved pain or hurt you may be carrying, you find healing, peace, and love in your life.
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Still, the problem of racial nepotism remains.
It is biological. Only some can overcome it at great cost. They get crushed by the nepotists.

So the problem is the diversity.
> The Turk is like the snake that is invited into your house, that grows up inside your mothers womb filled with poison, ready to kill and its own mother.

There is no love without hate.
pol is a board of satire unironic racists are human scum.
I'm fucking constipated.

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I mean there are advantages and disadvantages between living in a suburb and a city. In a suburb you might have an annoying neighbor playing nigger music or in an apartment in the city you might see them daily.

Also suburbs are dependant with a car and the apartment has the advantage to walk everywhere.

Would you rather live in an American suburb or in an European apartment?
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Acerage on the edge of urban area with major shopping center 5 min drive away is the absolute best.
US suburbs are nicer but euro towns are better. If you could actually afford a US sized house and yard in switz it would be the supreme choice, but alas.
Why are you letting niggers into your paradise ?
Well you brought up London which is hilarious when you consider every single major US city is minority white. Ever single one.
can listen to my stereo and don't have to hear my neighbors plumbing.
I fucking hate hearing plumbing, flushing, showering, slamming doors, people in hallways, at 6am when I'm trying to sleep.
Gassed by neighbor food. People stealing from the storage units in the basement.
Fuck all that apartment bullshit.

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>City Comissioner Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC
>Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio
Mayor Rob Rue is evicting residents of Springfield, Ohio and then bringing Haitian illegal migrants to the tune of A THIRD of the cities population to rent out his properties to Haitians using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the federal government
He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the Government Gibs go straight to his bank account!
Rob Rue then takes the properties which he purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars and then has them appraised (top left of pic related) for significantly lower than he purchased them for to avoid having to pay property taxes

This is the story they didn't want you to find out about.

SOURCE for county records: https://clark.oh.publicsearch.us/results?department=RP&recordedDateRange=17000101%2C20240912&searchOcrText=false&searchType=quickSearch&searchValue=Littleton%20Properties%20of%20Springfield%20LLC
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/ZnInG
SOURCE for Robert Rue ownership of Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC: https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/springfield/profile/funeral-director/littleton-rue-funeral-home-and-crematory-0322-7006074
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/EVVyH
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Haitians are not working. They get gibbs. It's about running organizations or businesses that get fat checks from the government credit card and you take on the debt.
keep digging anons
Bump. Incredible how the catalog looks like a leftypol raid 24/7 now with the occasional exception of a thread like this.
Wow no way, welfare is a giant embezzlement scam?? Who could've figured that out?

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Be honest, our chances are basically 0 at this point aren't they?
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0 that he'll lose.
100% he'll invade and occupy Yemen after he gets his 2nd term.
no israel needs him to win
You goys are so pathetic.
Not only do we get your women to fuck niggers, we're going to make you fight muslims.
We're laughing and calling it world war incel.
Yeah. It's a wrap. He's done nothing to attract new voters. He's done a lot to lose Republican and Independent support.
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He seemed so genuine and trustworthy. I can't believe he would just say anything and compromise everything he stands for in a desperate attempt to try and appease whoever is in his vicinity.

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The stars came out for Kamala Harris and they are united to defeat the wannabe fascist trump
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John of God
Trump may condemn Epstein, but he works for the same people Epstein did.
There are no political solutions, the tree of liberty demands its refreshment.
Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it as legal punishment for the crime of treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason).
God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
Even the NPCs can smell somethings fishy
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Based stars, without them we wouldn't know what to beleive!

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Why does the US still have the death penalty while civilized Europe has it outlawed completely?
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There's already tidal waves. Half a million people passed through there just last year. It's literally an open border with various paramilitaries like FARC and AUC running toll booths for anyone that passes through.
it's not civilized to let the enemies of civilization live
>center left labor party

>Psychologist Pål Grøndahl stated that Breivik's personality was so fragmented, that he moved, psychologically speaking, at the edge of the states between various psychotic and personality disorders. Grøndahl went on to say that "[when Breivik] throws forward odd ideas like that he was brainwashed in 2011, radicalised by descendents of German SS soldiers, and ordered by a right-wing 'collective' to re-establish the Third Reich, he sounds like a person that has a lacking sense of reality", and that "it is not difficult to notice statements from Breivik that are characteristic of psychosis."

>Breivik still has [views or] opinions that are Right Extreme
Lmao based. schizo killed leftoids and got away for free. one day he woke up and heard voices of hitler telling to kill and bomb faggots
The punishment for a crime cannot be worse than the crime itself. The Supreme Court has held repeatedly that applying the death penalty to any crime that did not result in a death is a violation of the 8th amendment.
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No death penalty in Alaska. I think people should die from old age.

Why do healthier, more attractive people always tend to lean more Right-wing?
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the nationalist cant show his face, thats pathetic
because the healthy and fit have less need of civilization.
Civilization was developed to protect the weak.
the strong could live on their own, without civlization, without technology, and been fine, just hunting and gathering, it wasn't until there was a need and desire to protect weaker family members that an idea of safety in numbers and agriculture so less reliance on physical strength and more reliance on community became a thing.
So the right, see things as "I don't need help, I can fend for myself". If they had to, they could be a hunter/gatherer and their stomach would still get filled
and the left sees things as they need help, if society collapsed they would die.
ah yes im sure the dude with the face mask and nationalist symbol on his shirt is really a liberal guys
This guy looks genuinely sweet. Although I doubt I would agree with him on politics, I could certainly find myself enjoying his company
the problem with nationalism is that is another inorganic creation by atheists to replace monarchies with nations. nations existed before atheists took power, but nations as a basis for a political system is a leftist invention only to subvert the previous system. Like anything made up by leftists, it turned to shit quickly and leftists killed each other over this lol. Nationalism is so devoid of any substance that you have right wing atheists defending nationalism, just like you have left wing atheists defending it lol, and this since the first day of the revolutions. LOL.

Here is the cope of the nationalists: people who said nationalism existed said it was the language who unified people. The truth is that languages were so numerous that basically only a tiny group of people spoke the same language. The paucity of languages nowadays stem from the revolutionists who killed people who didnt want to speak the unified language. During monarchies, there was a humongous quantity of languages and the kings didnt give a shit about unifying people thru languages. and they were proud to speak differently form the peasants, whereas they lived in the same tiny area.
After being BTFO, they move on to saying nationalism existed due to folklore. folklore is by definition very local. folklore at the north of a ''nation'' is completely different than the one at the south, same with counties, boroughs whatever.
Then they seethe and their last cope is ethnicity which is a very vague idea. If there were mass migrations, then ethnicity is meaningless and if people didnt migrate a lot, then ethnicity just means ''my tiny shitty village'' which has nothing to do with nationalism.

Don't forget it's the french leftists who created nationalism. And, just like today, the only way they did it is by killing anybody who shitted on their dogmas, ie being pro pro democratic republics, ie pro mercantilism.

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>Trump: 'I am the best friend of the Jews, and I will spend my entire Presidency defending and protecting the State of Israel, nobody loves Jewish people more than me'
Holy fucking based.
>Trump: 'If I do not win the elections, Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years.'
Hear that, chuds? Better get voting or Israel might cease to exist!
>Trump: 'With all I have done for Israel, I received only 24 percent of the Jewish vote. I really haven’t been treated very well, but it’s the story of my life. If I don’t win this election, and I’ve been very good, in my opinion the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss if I’m at 40%'
Jews might be ungrateful but they are still the best!
>Trump: 'In the past, if you said something about a Jewish person or something about Israel that was bad, you were out of politics.'
Ah yes the good ol' days when it was illegal to criticize Israel. This, I presume, was back in the day when America was """great""", so making America (((great))) again means going back to 100% kike worship across the political spectrum.
Alternatively, Amerimutts can vote Coomala for Total Amerimutt Troonification.
Hahaha sucks to be you.
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And it's beautiful.
Meanwhile in the Kamala Harris campaign:
>here's our deal with for white men
>we promise to assist white men in their struggle
>white men for Harris
We live in bizzaro world now.
>everything trump says is honest
So why are you against trump deporting 30 million illegals on the first day?
There will be no mass deportation. He's already walking back the rhetoric and preparing to cuck out. This is a good thing tho because America deserves to be overrun by a horde of 100 million browns. Start learning Spanish.
ohhh so he's just pretending to be against illegals.
4D chess uh huh

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She thinks she’s going to be president lol
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She know's she won't and the elite do too. They are just siphoning money from donors and sending it to down ballot races they think they can still win.
The globalists are so far down the road with their agenda that there are literally trillions of dollars at stake with this election, not just Trump delaying things by four years but they're facing a drastically changed republican party, a big tent as Kennedy called it, most of the Rhino's are near a long overdue death and the younger ones coming through aren't as easily bought or compromised.
They're not out of dirty tricks just yet.
Damn Trump has such a fuckable mouth, its going to be uncatholic the things i do in my room.
Come on man we’re all voting Trump.
>Trump looking like an idiot on national television is actually a win!

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Post about mkultra, pedowood, monarch, trauma based mind control and jack parsons believing reality could be manufactured was removed in less than 2 minutes.

They spend all their time talking about fake and gay wizard new age shit.
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this site isn't what it used to be. nowadays coming from /pol/ and posting in blue boards at all is likely to get you banned when a tranny mod looks at your post history and gets triggered.
it's still the fault of luggage lad for pussying out just when things were getting funny
why do you consistently misspell this?
the better question is, since this is a publicly traded company, WHY would the board resign over a spat with the CEO?
they have the authority to appoint another CEO for fucks sakes
it's not that, they left because some consequences are coming down the pipe
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who will be left holding the bag?

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>Another day, another escalation
- Without NEXIT no opt-out from EU migration
- 400 year old loan on dikes still brings interest
- 80% of the market merchants will stop in Den Bosch if they do not get an exception from the 'zero emission zone'
- 95 million for border control, family reunification will be more difficult
- 130 km/h on highways will not be reintroduced, train tickets more expensive by 6%
- Hardware stores will now report to the police if you buy crowbars
- Ajax supporters attack police station in response to cancelled matches due too police strikes
- Municipalities ‘struggle’ to expand payed parking zones because of resistance by residents. ‘Expert’ Giuliano Mingardo calls people that say that cars = freedom ‘emotional’
- ‘More work should be profitable’ +0,7% more purchasing power
- BBB betrays the farmers and is losing members, EU rules being pushed through, farmers pissed off
- NSC leader Pieter Omtzigt quits temporary, making regime Schoof unstable
- Schengen DOOD, after Germany reintroduces border control, the Netherlands wants to do it too
- GamerGate wins after 10 years
- 18% is for over throwing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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>Dode bij steekpartij bij Erasmusbrug, 'verdachte riep Allahoe akbar'

deel en pakket, koop stok jongens

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>Previous threads
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Left coast losers think they matter. Lmao.
I was stabbed there
I fucked a Latina qt there once Shit was so fucking cash, bros.

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What makes Russians simp for Europe?

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Justin Mohn chopped off his father’s head. When asked by a news reporter why he did it, he said, “I tried to perform a citizens arrest. He resisted that citizens arrest. It’s lawful to use deadly force in that event.”

He said it so clearly idk what to believe is he crazy or is he correct

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Fake and gay
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I have all of President Mohn's literary masterpieces, a rare collection indeed!
How much you think I could auction it all for, as a unified collection?

Gay dads deserve this.
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Fucking kek, what a scholar you are
>Tried to perform a citizen's arrest and he resisted so deadly force is applicable

Citizens only have the right to detain. If you hurt the other person, you can still be charged/sued. It's retarded but it stops shit like this from happening.



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Ohio is a shithole. When I drove through there, some asshole trucker near totaled my car. It was barely driveable. He hit me and fled the scene. The cop that helped me was nice. ...but the cop that was called on me at a podunk gas station was an evil fuckng prick.
>Be me...white, normal. Not a druggie or anything like that.
>Stop at a gas station and politely ask the people gathered around the counter if anyone knows where the exit to the Pennsylvania Turnpike is.
>Cops get called and act all aggressive towards me. They threaten to arrest me if I don't leave.
>Mind you, all the roads are fucked from construction, so gps and maps are useless.
>I ask the cops if they can point me in the right direction. They refuse to help and repeat that I'll be arrested if I don't leave.
>I leave and drive around til I find an actual human being. Old lady gives me directions. She's very nice. I thank her and go on my way.
Sad that cops are such pussified faggot assholes.
They're so cowardly even little old ladies have more balls than them.
Fuck Ohio. I just hope the nice old lady moved to a better place.
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Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan are all shitholes and basically identical
Ohio Gozaimasu~~ •√•
Cops are just dickheads here in the midwest for no reason. I think it's our shitty water.
I also got into a car accident driving through ohio
Hey! My water's fine once you reverse-osmosis it....darn rusty if you don't!

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Fashion isn’t the point any more. People are a reflection of their nation and how well it’s doing, the fact that you see tons of people wearing sandals now is the fact that a giant dark looming nihilism has plagued the west for years now and it’s only getting worse. Back then people had hope and ethics and a future to look forward to, but that isn’t the case. Imagine sandals and video game shirts as brutalism for the human soul.
Some things can't be stopped. I started using color LEDs, flicker bulbs and blacklights for normal lighting and I think it's caught on in the neighborhood. Once they realize that your house isn't on fire, it's cool. Roll with it!
they are cool and look cool like you don't care
it shows you are casual but athletic
t. Hill billy

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