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>Pendennis Castle news

>Infected blood still used in UK after virus screening began

>Keir Starmer to unveil Labour plan to tackle small boat crossings

>Bank of England boss weighs in on UK economy row

>Premier League boss wins anonymity in child sex abuse civil case

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Eh up you lovable ɓunch of rogues
Iv had a busy evening
Been all over tonight just got home .a good night
Out of rum now too
What rum you been drankin?
a've poo'd me bastard dressing gown
>He trusted the fart
Another soldier down
How come yanks get the tips of their dicks chopped off? What's all that about?

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White supremacists are already starting charities to repatriate Muslims to “visit” the Temple Mount. It’s the least we could do after everything you’ve done for us. Diversity is OUR strength! Ethnostates are very 20th century and Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural.
No, you must earn existence.
That sucks, she's just a singer, it's not like Bibi was onstage dancing in Yiddish.
Look this pilpul, lol.
>europe is full of sandniggers
Yeah so based.

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Meat, dairy in all its forms, and beers & champagnes.
Are you doing it yet anon?
I feel great!
Dairy Maxxing is a thing!
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>The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (238g) of fluid heavy cream.
>Calories: 809

>The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (8 ounces) of reduced fat (2%) milk
>Calories: 122
Champagne taste like cat piss
>drinking over priced vinegar to feel fancy
Im dairy maxxed restocked my cheeses buttermilks and kefir stash today

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LMAO you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "/pol/ humor time" threads; face it, most POCs will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers!
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I make more then like 90% of POCs according to the most latest statistics, also have a wife and several kids. Cope.
Damn what a good idea...sort of scam, but one no one gives a shit about.
my God how have I never seen this befor
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>Get over it, rosers.

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Why are the only people in America who support white nationalism either literal incels, or hardcore felons like pic related? Why are no normal people into white nationalism?
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Yep an did jrw oaid bot by anti christ clammed up no sakvation monsters of chi reminder birdsong and xarradine ok make them wait and issue counter strikes
the hebrew for adam means to blush, WHITER THAN MILK
you cant even ADAM (blush) so how can you be an ADAMITE?

you are brown and mad and you will die mad about it
Kikes trick whites to ruin other white peoples lives for having white pride
> Why are the only people in America who support white nationalism either literal incels, or hardcore felons like pic related? Why are no normal people into white nationalism?

the real answer is that telling the truth about race will cost you your job because canaanites hate the truth (especially about them lacking the ability to adam) and so only people already on the fringes of society can afford to put themselves out there like that as they have less to lose
but then it became obvious you meant to starve or kills us, so now we are damned if we do damned if we dont,

jacob mcqueen here btw. you will never be an adamite, because adam was white, and adam means to blush, SOMETHING YOU WILL NEEVER DO..i could get you to show adam in your ass if i keep spanking it, thats the closest youll get
Spics and niggers rape kids and babies more than any other race on the planet especially their own

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What would you do if you were a 5'7" NYPD officer who has to cuff a 6'10" giganigger while your entire "squad" consists of overweight women who shoot you instead of the perp.
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being a cop in america looks fun.
Massa Rothschild sho du like them rebellious bucks
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I hope you noticed the "BWC"..

>She said she heard the suspect say "I'm not going back to jail," before the shots were fired.
>NYPD officials say Butler has had a history of resisting arrest and domestic violence, with six prior arrests in New York City and one in North Carolina.
>His last two arrests happened in 2023: one in February for domestic violence and violating an order of protection, and another January for third-degree assault and domestic violence.
>His most serious arrest was in 2004 for attempted murder, for which Butler spent 15 years in state prison.


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You will be able to live a life free from Jews, Niggers and Globohomo.
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I have a day job.
Sucks being a tax slave.
I day dream about becoming a nomad that travels north and south building cabins and gardens along the way.
>you need to be where people aren't, and your network should be spread out
First idea is correct, second idea is wrong. In any situation where the grid has gone away, you'll need to provide all necessities yourself; food, water, shelter, security, etc. Doing any of those things in a spread-out network without access to a grid which makes spread-out society practical is shooting yourself in the foot. If you want to know how to live without the grid, look at what life was like before it; small villages where people mostly live within walking distance of each other. Usually, the more hostile your surroundings, the closer together you want to be, like a FOB in a hostile country. When you hear a bump in the night and seconds count, you don't want to be a mile away from your nearest bro. You want him in the same building.

The thing to remember about a homestead is that with a nuclear family you have two functioning adults and one fighting-age male. When are you going to sleep? Who stands guard while someone else works? These problems are solved by community. Humans don't live alone, we've never done it in antiquity.

Everyone resists this only because they're still attached to the suburban mental model and the idea of sharing a home with another man and his family gives them the ick.
power, water, internet
hiring a notary
hiring a lawyer
hiring an agent
completing the transaction
applying for permit to build
applying for water permit
applying for septic tank permit
paying for permit fees
applying for utilities hook up
paying for utilities
paying for and building a dwelling
maintaining the dwelling
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Bears didn't fuck with Kwai Chang Caine.
How do you defend yourself from bears?
>OK jew
Just saying.

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Hey all! This is my dinner, and I'm a favela NIGGER from Brazil!

Just kidding. I'm a white race dude from Rio Grande do Sul, but yeah, this is my dinner. Real photo, from now. How can anyone here say the brazilians are poor and have no food?
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(red fish)
stupid slav thinks spics can afford undyed fish
im disgusted by your poverty.
> Rio Grande do Sul
Notoriously affluent (and light-skinned) according to my coworkers. Imagine that.
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deep fried food make you gay, don't be a faggot.

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The nations last remaining very large encampment located at George Washington University, D.C is only half a mile away from the White House and many politicians have visited it in the last week or two to make speeches due to its proximity to Capitol Hill.


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Happening over
protestors cuck out
controlled opposition lmao why is everything staged in this world...
All I ask is for them to be brutally beaten on livestream for my own entertainment and they can't even do that
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Lmao its only going to get worse
Of course the Indian is thinking about poo

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You do not need a truck, chud.
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Yeah I only lived in it for 2-3 months wasn't going full van life, just lived in it while I was building my cabin. It's a bit of a pain to reach the engine.. did you take off the front left tire?
you can have my OBS Chevy when you pry it from my cold dead fingers, Jew. until then I'm gonna keep it running out of spite for your entire kind.
>And just like that all mexicans vote red.
And literally nothing changed
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trucks are pretty stupid, only need it once to move a tone of gravel (but I can have it delivered)

this is a perfect work vehicle, which I've had for 12 years now
The Datsun is gone forever.

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Generally, I hate TV and find it to be a complete waste of time. However... this show is one of the greatest pieces of art that America has ever produced.

Within the span of a single 30 minute episode, you can gain an understanding of the American experiment that graduate level anthropologists can barely begin to grasp. What would otherwise take a person years of study and countless hours of hands-on investigation, Hardcore Pawn effortlessly explains America by holding itself up as a strikingly accurate microcosm of the United States.

Highly recommended viewing.
tl;dr the show, i refuse to watch cuz of the gay name
It’s a completely staged shit stain of a show just like every “real” show. The fact that some people think it’s real is a testament to how unintelligent a lot of our citizens are I won’t lie. But some people just watch it cause it’s entertaining, despite how obviously scripted it is.
highly recommend never posting your jewish ad for your jewish tv show, featuring your jew shyster
it's not American to take advantage of your own citizens, that's strictly jewish behavior

who were you kidding btw? this heeb looks so jewish too, really sloppy
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For me it's the First 48. It gives such a unique view into the lives of niggers. It's fucking surreal.

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Yes, asianbro?
If you look close you'll notice the girl gets in the car with the assailants
You are thinking like a nigger.
Technically if you spend that money you are stealing it.
Is like if you find someone's wallet and you use his credit card, you are stealing and you get arrested.
Wasn't her fail, I guess all the shit she bought was confiscated? Either way, I hate niggers but I hate nigger-enablers even more
Because it was a setup, dummy.

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Why is no one talking about Vitaly catching (((Herschel Weingrod))) trying to meet up with underage kids??

This is political.
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Didnt the woman claim she was 23? Vitaly says she’s actually 15. When I was in highschool I fucked plenty of 15 year olds. Why the fuck should I care about this
Make a webm of it if it's so interesting
He's a Hollywood jew, that's how they've been operating for years.
No millstone. Justice not served.
He's live right now having a pedo doing lie detector

Buy gold or Bitcoin. All fiat currencies are a scam, and all fiat currencies die.
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Everything has to do with the price of eggs.

Which is getting exponentially cheaper under the Bitcoin standard.

Can't say that about food using USD.
Most of his money came from owning oil refineries, lowering his price in area / selling it at a loss to force other companies to go out of business so he could buy them for pennies on the dollar, then once they owned everything in the area they'd raise prices. The government had to step in and use anti-trust laws to split his company into 7 oil companies, now of those 7 a few closed down and the rest re-combined back into one company.
Don't send me btc.back.. send me bits of coin------


No but seriously .3 btc would help me pay towards my mortgage and 1 kiddo. Got #2 on the way. Praying for the best

Never gonna default, they're just going to print and pump our bags.

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not always, but always a leaf.

Covid barely did anything to the human population. Unless we see piles of dead bodies cover office buildings in major cities, its a nothingburger.
>it's about fighting back
First use your head.
Fight with emotions and you will always lose.
Fight with truth, logic and clarity and you will always win.
The Universal Antidote
Pass on what you have learned.
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Still not taking it (the vaccine).

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Jesus was a Roman not a jew.
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yes. i think that was the whole purpose of christianity. to get the world to worship their god, which is not our creator, but a fictitious invention of theirs, and to legitimize their station over all other peoples. and through jesus and mohammad they have done quite well for themselves. dividing and conquering their respective peoples, and when necessary, pitting them against each other. the fact that you, and most other christians in my experience, cant seem to grasp this, is.. to be honest, no surprise.
see >>467599674
do you know what a govern in? like on a car? once you hit a certain mph the manufacturer's govern kicks in and the car will just stutter. christianity, i think, is your govern.
Given how different Christians and jews act you would think they worship different Gods.

So no I would not say they've spread worship of their god.
Jesus has to be a jew for the whole prophecy to work.
Jesus and his followers were jews that bucked the status quo.
The Christians don't care about the jewish prophecy, just that Jesus is the son of God.
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Is it true guys? All of the anti-semitism on the board is actually just China and Russia stoking the fires. He and his guest also say you should be supporting tel-aviv instead of Palestine. How big of a role does China and Russia play on this board, making everyone hate Israel and the jews for no reason?
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Jew Rubin
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Yes, it's all me.
I did this.
He is right, Russia and China pushes anti-semitism in the west, but weirdly enough Russia banned anti-semitism.
It's part of their strategy to try and get as many educated jews out of the west as possible similar to what happened in WW2 where smart educated jews left germans for the US and russia because it was safer.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]

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There are plenty of retards out there.
Surely a large percentage can be convinced to support islamic terror after 9/11 and Isis, right?

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He's just saying what we're all thinking!

Dennis Prager discusses “Death to America” chants, the growing anti-America movement, and the "evil" Left in an interview with Steven Edginton. Prager describes recent anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes as coming from "weak losers" on the Left and from radical muslims. Dennis Prager is a talkshow host and the founder of Prager University. He also discusses President Biden, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and former Daily Wire host Candace Owens.
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he's right!
America is held hostage by menshevik trotskysts with pale of settlement background


What brainrot stalinism does to a MF

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Do you do anything for your local community anon?
Do you volunteer to do good in your community?
Anons on here constantly say its only white people that can build civilisation yet 90 percent of the people on here never even leave their room to do any good deeds or make their fellow mans life easier.
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Move to a majority white area or join a white church and help those folks out.
Like I said earlier you can always find your community out there that has your values and you can do good things for those people, instead of rotting alone you can build something autonomous of the jew enslavers.
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I catered a dinner for all the volunteer fire department guys and their families the other week, but I won't be on the volunteer fire department. So, I don't know, I do a little.
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In order to do something for your community, you must be motivated.

Since all the communities in which people live pay a percentage to the HIERARCHAL PYRAMID OF HUMANITY - to the Jews as a tax...monetary tribute - such societies will not be fully motivated.

Only a society built outside the pyramid of hierarchy... built inside Non-Hierarchal Individualism, is able to do something motivated for its community...

But unfortunately, only theoretically 1/10,000,000 (people) are able to UNDERSTAND and be sufficiently principled and intellectually developed to build such a community... AND ALL THESE PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER.

Conscious people were specially dissolved inside a giant 8 billion hive....
That is just an excuse to do nothing.
No non hierarchical society has survived for a reason.

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Previous >>467560234

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>A senior #Egyptian source: The Islamic Jihad Movement and the Popular Front joined the current round of negotiations in Cairo
>Fierce battles are currently taking place between resistance factions and the Zionist army south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombed crowds of Zionist enemy army vehicles in the Al-Shoka neighborhood in the city of Rafah with a number of mortar shells.
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed with heavy-caliber mortar shells the military concentrations of the occupation east of the Al-Shoka neighborhood on the eastern edge of the city of Rafah.
>The toll of the #Israeli aggression has risen to 34,904 martyrs and 78,514 injuries since the seventh of last October.


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>To this point I've only pointed out the surface white nationalist groups that are easily skimmed and hollowed out to meet a "media moment" are worthless
your first post was literally #notalljews
>Mobilizing" means meeting actual like-minded nationalists and working, not getting shit laser-engraved on coffee mugs. 95% of what I see is coffee mugs. It is depressing as it is true.
judging by your company, I doubt you're any different. is your Jewish friend the perfect type of white nationalist?
>what would "alpha" ever mean other than "do the thing and be the guy"?
converting to Reform Judaism according to your
You might want to organize your own campaign with some like-minded compatriots. I'm sure you could whip up something on Twitter or wherever. It's not like everyone else isn't doing that same thing. Politics is weird anymore.
>your first post
Was 20 posts ago. Are you really reaching for my WN Membership card? Want to speak to my manager now? Very alpha.
>I doubt you're any different.
You notice how criminals who talk about their crimes get caught?
>y-your Jewish friend is a white nationalist?
When did it ever enter your consciousness he would be?
Possible: yes, almost certain. Just look at the general picture: the western economies are hollowed out, western nations are in decline, the american empire is falling apart and is quickly becoming ovee-leveraged on debt (which is a classic terminal stage empire collapse symptom), white young men are an oppressed underclass in the west, yet they're the majority of those that can wield PHYSICAL POWER.
As for what will trigger/percipitate the collapse, I do not know, but the direction is clear.
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the news is going slow frens

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