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you stupid fucking miga shills. he literally just said it
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you know, youre probably right
yeah but feed these jew cunts a bit of heroin and they'll suck white and nigger dick all night long until they fucking OD. a fitting end to the jew whore fuckslut.
They specifically use nordic/slavic VPNs because they are further north and thus more "White". I'm not debating, I'm telling you what I've seen from hours of debating with their VPN bots.
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holy shit, what a level of copium. kek!
fucking neandertal-nigger mutts!
They will pay for what they did to our world.

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Anyway what’s farmer Chet gonna do?
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Nigger, I'm probably the biggest "all laws and systems of 'justice' are all bullshit (put in place by generational luciferians and satanic bloodline families to circumvent universal karmic laws, to rule via legalese and deception, and to legitimize the illegitimate)" type of guy you'll ever know, and even I know better than to fuck around on someone's domain and keep.
>Just go camping and fuckin' hunting on their land, hurr-durr; nothing bad will happen to you, you are "legally" in the clear because signage distance or you can argue the field looks "fallow"

"Laws" don't stop powder from igniting in real-time, nor do they put up an invisible forcefield to stop projectiles traveling at subsonic speeds.
Fuck that; Fuck you.
grass feed beef is a fucking meme,and doesn't taste nearly as good
lol your a noguns faggot posting shit bait.
Corn corn? Okay retard.
God routinely allows savages to smite those who become degenerate.
This outcome was perfectly predictable.

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Best description I've ever heard.
You're really surprised that adults 35/40+ don't know what the fuck they're doing/can't run shit for fuck?
Lol, some white guy probably had been planning his escape, and this dumb fuck went and caused security holes to be filled because he could just jerk off.
5 women in prison couldn't kill one dude?
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>Some days you crawl through the jail
>Some days you puff on a NEWPORT
>You'll steal what you can to SURVIIIIVE
>I'll use my knife
>not for honor, but for BOOOOOZE
>(wing eater)
>in my time, I'll do nothing else
>criiiiiime is the way I stay truuuue to jews
>(wing eater)
>*car horn solo*

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I was too antisemitic online, now my card is frozen. I'm able to withdraw cash but Visa hates me. I blame the jews.
Just so you fucking christ morons going on about muh non-jewish israelites understand something. We don't believe in your jewish bullshit. For us it's of no consequence if the modern jews claim to be biblical jews because we hate all jews regardless. We think your tribes of israel are all dick cutting faggots. We don't like israelites. We're not israelites. We don't want to be israelites. You're not going to appeal to us with this israelite LARP bullshit. A jew is a jew, whether it was 2500 years ago or today.
>blah blah blah
that's a nigger's card fren
wait are you the hungarian chitwood spammer?

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen - https://archive.today/bwzMt
>“We have been fighting with our last guard, and have thrown our logistics guys into the trenches.” - https://archive.today/KrBmX
>Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion - https://archive.today/mXFfW
>Russian forces have liberated the town of Novogrodovka in the DPR - https://archive.today/4osSZ
>Russian forces have liberated Kalinovo in the DPR - https://archive.today/yDLQn
>Zelenskyy launches biggest cabinet reshuffle (purge) since start of SMO - https://archive.today/wrqmp / https://archive.today/0BxbO
>US says striking deep in Russia "no game-changer" after Zelenskyy pleas - https://archive.today/RQ1BX

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no what? disappointed is not sarah gordon getting cooked in there?
I just don't understand why. Even venti makes more sense.
sadly correct
already, i should already be dreaming

I get it, shes a pretty girl with tons of footage and a welcoming demeanor in several movies. But at the end of the day its pathetic
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at least it's not the alpha kun guy

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What did Trump mean by this?

Is he saying that he supports Israel more than America? What’s up with all the Israel flags?

Why does he always sound like someone who is just waking up from anesthesia?
Why do jews HATE Donald Trump so much?
He's begging Mossad to "find the emails" the same way he courted Russian hackers to find condemning emails of Hillary's.
>Why do jews HATE Donald Trump so much?
It really is mind boggling considering how much jewish cock he sucks

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32 Hezbollah pigs got sent to hell in the past 48 hours with 3000 wounded

Nobody has videos of women and children with bomb wounds, it’s only hezbofaggots screaming on the floor

Israel fucking won
Actually sweaty, they got sent to Jannah to meet their 72 virgins
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>3 Hezbollah fighters recorded themselves getting killed by the IDF video

KINO VIDEO: https://x.com/osint613/status/1836780159828898116

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Why not? Explain yourself.
System isn't failing. It's working perfectly and thats why it has to be burnt down to the last piece.
The engineer will sacrifice every last cog to make the great machine run. You can either sabotage it by every little action and attempt to make other do it. Or just let yourself be consumed in furnance knowing the cycle will repeat for every one and thing you ever cared.
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The future is at hand
I haven't seen success anywhere at all. I've tried to change for myself, I don't care about leading by example, I just want to live what is ethical and true. But how can I live ethically when my occupation dictates that I must violate my own beliefs just to stay alive? How am I supposed to socialize when nobody shares my values? I can't maintain decent health without money, and I can't get money without doing things that hurt me. Every institution, every individual, every idea and plot of land strives to exist immorally. The only answer would be death, only then could one be free of such an immoral world; But I am unable to perform that action. So I have nothing to do.
Morality is a cage made by those who rule. In nature there is no good and bad, but merely a strong and weak.

They brainwashed you into thinking that being weak is good, while even approching idea of strenght is evil.

Bcuz, the truth is obvious. The weak shall fear the strong.
I just don't care
if you really wanted to, you could make the best of your situation. it's as simple as that. if you won't do that it's because you don't want to.

my guess is that you have an untenable value system that you adopted from too much internet usage and you need to snap back to reality and focus on the things that really matter (self control, charity, friends, family, day to day enjoyment). you're being tortured by your own false idols.
>Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (1 John 5:21)

your think after supposedly ruling things they would mate with some hot white girl or something

consistently hideoously ugly taking industrial strength level of surgery to look normal

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Because they're Jews
You haven't coomed enough to still think all jews are ugly
None of your business
I don’t care who you send, I’m not consuming Capeshit.

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this would be based actually
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give it time
and seethe
when did arabs have peace?
Greater Hell
>my imaginary, ethereal sky guy is bigger and badder than your imaginary, ethereal sky guy!
>no, my imaginary, ethereal sky guy is bigger and badder than your imaginary, ethereal sky guy!
>en garde!

This is the Mideast Crisis in a nutshell, yes? Am I missing anything?
If Trump wins, it will!

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Anyone else notice there's been ZERO mention of Biden in the past few months?
Literally radio silence from the media and not a single shred of evidence to prove he's still alive.

It's not that they're refusing to show him, he can't be shown
After he put on the MAGA hat they took him out


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No refunds
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How much extra did you get paid Doc?
biggest newspaper in Norway posted a similar story today. researcher named Ulvestad listed brainfog and heart disease as symptoms
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post link

>socialism dosen't wor-
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it's not even socialism, it's social-democracy, aka capitalism larping as socialism

that's funny, Sweden does and it's even better than Denmark - just don't tell the Danish, they hate being reminded
Cool, how much do they get taxed on everything and how much do they actually own?
your population is just about 6 million, we have about 43,000,000 niggers. it will never work
It works nicely when there is a capitalist hegemon spending blood and treasure for decades to protect your little Fabian paradise.
>pay up, Euros
yeah i guess god isn't farming denmark. hitler didn't go up there.

Why do jews love these stories of people trapped in a nightmarish hellscape where they're tortured by ironic perversions of their life and mindraped until they're effectively lobotomized? Stories like the Matrix, They Live!, and I Saw the TV Glow are just the latest in an almost endless number of examples. It's because that's what they're doing to us right now. That's their master plan. While we may not be trapped in some simulation or magical realm, we also aren't living in reality. Everyone we know and everything we experience has been carefully crafted by jews to destroy our minds and rob us our culture and the things we need to remember who we are. To rise up, thrive, and conquer.
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That wasn't the point, by the time the New Testament was written, the Jews who followed Jesus already were familiar with the idea of the Greek Tartarus and therefore hell was written down in your Greek book that you called New Testament, but beforehand like in the old testament, there is no hell.
A jew has no concept of the Word of Jesus Christ despite what your forked tongue may claim. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal Savior, and my body has become a Temple for the Holy Spirit. For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten son so that we may not perish but have everlasting life. He created the covenant and declared us as His Chosen People.

You have rejected our Father and serve satan. Nothing you say can contain truth, and everything serves only to undermine Christ. You will be forced from our lands and smote by the Lord for your wickedness.
I wish I could talk to Hitler
Id tell him all about when runescape banned free trade and then we could discuss what exactly the implications of free trade and restricted trade are.

See bots as immigrants
See flooding of respawning resources on market as inflation
Trade restrictions to stop rwt
Followed by the company implementing their own official rwt in the form of bonds
they must satisface their master, satan, so he gives them lot of money, nothing is for free.
All jewish lies and blasphemy. The concept of Hell was communicated by the Lord to John and it's mentioned on the Bible where it needs to be. All other religions are perversions of God's Truth.

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Reminder that Jim won
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>obsessed with shitty internet drama
>agrees with everything kiwitroons agree with
>obsessed with shitty internet drama
>agrees with everything redditors agree with

you are a 2 iq nigger if you watch this narcissistic kike
Jim hates jews you dumb nigger
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i lIkE bUkKaKe
I didn't know racism was allowed on there.
>Tranny porn on his phone
>Pushing away any white male that has sex
>Sold off people along baked Alaska after the capitol event to the fbi
>Supports pederast who literally molest underage boys
>Most of his hired people are literal yids
And much more

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How is inflation even effecting you on a personal level? Overall things seem better than before 2020, why do zoomers complain so much?
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Jesus would say to forgive her
Sure he would, he was a massive faggot.
mandeep shitskin is on the case. nobody sees anything because invaders are on the same team.
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Basically I'm convinced I want to switch to any BRICS currency alternative. I also will not be supporting nafo clowns against the BRICS nations.
I live in a car.

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I think it's safe to say that this has paralyzed Hezbollah and they are probably paranoid beyond belief. I'm pretty sure if Israel keeps the pressure, they will have won.

They are going to make movies on this operation, and with every right.

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>wins without a fight
>Locks country down before anyone else.
>Spams dystopian video of collapsing chinks and mobs of biohazard suit glowies enforcing draconian quarantine.
>Panics the entire globe, which imposes similar policies.
>End lockdown as the rest of the world panics.
>Stop counting covid cases and boast about how "Wise Xi Jingping defeated covid while everyone else failed, raff raff raff"
>Make massive profit selling medical shit to terrified westoids.
>Western world finally ends lockdown insanity due to massive backlash.
>YOU ARE HERE in the summer of 2021. What do you do?
Please choose from the following two options:
[ ] Keep doing nothing and pretend the covid bullshit never happened.
[ ] Restart bullshit and impose "covid zero policy," welding chinks in their homes and destroying economy.
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>>wins without a fight
without a fight what? they are a shitty globalist creation of the US and the jews offshoring our industry. And their usefulness is done. And they are scared.
Now they have industrial capacity and will lose everything if they don’t act. What do you think that leads to?

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no, not anymore
turns out jews are so fragile and crazy they needed psychiatric help, after being tasked with posting here
so isreali military instead decided to cut the shekel in half, and paid streetshitters to do it instead
you know, just jewish shit
It's their magic number even before WWII
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Man, if only they were bots.
that number is highly exaggerated
It doesn't really exist now except as an economic zone.

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