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Hindutva terrorists want to KILL YOU for eating beef. They are just as bad as Islamic terrorists and now they are all over the West living within Indian communities among Indian diaspora in the West. Expect Hindutva bombings and other attacks in the future from these locusts.
Fuck Hindutva all my homies hate Hindutva.

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so you're encouraging people to be s streetshitter like pajeets

Guess that makes the Republicans MAGA the new streetshitter kek
hello my hijra sister. you must shit on their street as well. it should be easy with your gaping anus.
Like and subscribe, saars!

t. Streetshitter

I've discovered that the easiest way to defeat depression and suicidal thoughts is by finding something that is more important than your own life; as you keep working hard to defend/achieve that, your life will also gradually become more valuable and worth living as a result.

Do you have anything like that, /pol/?
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I defend white people
Ironically, too much alcohol and pussy will quickly end up preventing you from enjoying alcohol and pussy for a longer amount of time. All things in moderation.
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The trick is to pick something that will. Not fall apart. The foundation of your psyche is like that of a house. If you build it on shitty foundations the whole thing falls like a house of cards. But if you can find something inexorable to base your foundations on nothing this counterfeit world throws at you will shake you. A good start is oneself. Self actualisation is what leads to results. You can only help and love others once you learn to help and love yourself.
i give food to cats

most depressing shit. whites fucked up this planet
I said the easiest because it's the only method I know to actually work. I've never seen anyone in my whole life who became happier because of antidepressants or forced self-love.

Three videos were uploaded this week interviewing his son John Anderson. John said Steven Anderson is guilty of spousal and child abuse. According to his other son, Isaac Anderson, he has 4 adult children and Steve has kicked all 4 out of his "church". Massive Kike damage control in the comments.
>John interview #1:
>John interview #2:
>John interview #3:
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>I honestly do not have that much of an issue with the way my dad raised me. I do have issues with my dad that I will get into, but it really had didn't have that much effect on how he raised me, and all in all I think he was pretty decent dad, and I will say it hurt a lot more when he cut ties with me than when my mom did but yeah...
I just notice your pic, we look so much alike it's unreal kek, I will definitely look up the jew basketball connection to point out to my son.
no, you're wrong, faggot. either you believe the blood of Christ has saving power or you don't. either you believe his death was a sufficient payment for sins or you don't. salvation is a free gift and all that's required is you accept it. you don't ask christ for salvation as it's already a gift that His Father offered to everyone. it's there. you don't have to ask for it, you accept it.
what a dumbass
Do you think he takes after his mom or his dad?
alright i take back my harsh words for you both for your good nature which is now evident to me and because you showed your flag. im sorry man that kind of anger is meant for paid kike shills not for people i might disagree with. genuinely wish you the best

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But a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world?

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ding ding ding
time to make an alliance
make sure you take a few of the pajeets and brutalize them in front of the blacks first
at least they have a legitimate reason for being here, unlike all other brownoids that must leave immediately
Every illegal removed.
Every citizenship granted since 2020 suspended and reviewed.

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What comes after the pager and the walkie-talkie?

Let's see if /pol/ can predict it.
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Already did this
Everything at once. Multiple explosions in every home.
Nanobot Skinworms.
HAM and CB radios.

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More zigger propaganda I see.
That's so fucking stup...
niggers wouldn't exist without blacks.
i bet we could program this, where are the duds who did angry goy? i have questions for them..
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Previous: >>482121755
Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Pager attack done prematurely due to Hezbollah members finding out
>Rumors of random iPhones exploding all around Lebanon
>Air France, Lufthansa, and British Airways have cancelled all flights into Israel until tomorrow
>Lebanon invasion Soon(tm)


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>Any one who dose this is calling for the destruction of israel
isn't this a good thing?
>Any one who dose this is calling for the destruction of israel
this is a good thing all juden vermin are scum niggers
No to both
why not?
cucking Lebanon out of it's hills in the south is the desire of Israeli strategists but many factors have to be taken into account for that decision to be made

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How did capitalism convinced americans to buy half car for a full price?
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lots of trucks are used on farms, ranches, outdoors, type stuff but there is a group that buys trucks and maybe goes to home depot once a year. you can really spot them if they lifted their truck, because as far as usability lifting a truck generally makes it way worse...especially if you use the bed rather than just tow.
No anon, this is a full sized car. You can only buy them if they are a "light truck"
>we had luxury tax on passenger vehicles from early 90's to mid 2000's
>followed shortly after by CAFE standards that essentially ended sedans
>companies can either sell trucks or compacts
Picrel, old ameribarges usually and the same axle as trucks.
You could pull a 2 axle with them.
They convinced them they'll help a friend move a couch once every year or so, so they'll need a giant truck every day instead of renting a truck when they need it.
there's that boogyman word again
capitalism has never been tried
I don't know what 400s or 800s are but a 6 or 8 year old f150 or Silverado with similar options and miles will be many thousands more than the suvs. Stop acting like excursions are so great grow up there is nothing that car has or can do that a modern one cant...oh diesel so cool

an indicator of that person's conscious decision to not think deeper than a spoon in order to defend something just for the sake of getting attention from other radical bs supporters.

no nigga. nobody cares of that buzzword. it means nothing. you are a fat belly manchild with nobody to love or care. you will die with your dirty post-masturbation hands and you will die alone.
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>it means nothing
Maybe you should read for once, achmed.
Woher kennst du einen Arier, wenn du ihn siehst? Er ist so hoch wie Goebbels, so gut aussehend wie GΓΆring und so blond wie Hitler.
Faggot virgin shitskin OP impotently raging at the actual meaning of words he doesn't like lmao

Good image. Saved
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>nooo saaar you must engage in an academic conersation with a shitskin such as i!!!!!

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First of all, if we're using Aryan to describe Indo-Iranian descended peoples, you are more "Aryan" in terms of genetics than Europeans are

We genetically resemble the Aryans but none of us have actual Aryan ancestry, as they split off long before Corded Ware differentiated into the modern ethnicities of Europe

If we're using Aryan to describe Europeans, it would be better to just use the term European or white

Regardless, being an ethnonationalist or racial nationalist is perfectly valid, just like being a Turkish nationalist is, you just choose to define your nationalism on different terms than we do

Europeans exist as a racial cluster and if I decide that this cluster is how I define my in-group, that's as legitimate as you lumping yourself in with 25-50% Mongoloid central Asians despite being genetically Caucasian yourself

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>The Society of Protectors (SOP) is a secret group created by Keith Raniere to teach men how to be men

>It is an organization where men pay a fee to learn the truths of manhood according to Keith Raniere, a man who cannot function without the aid and assistance of a group of female sycophants. All the members of SOP must sign an agreement wherein they promise never to speak to anyone – male or female – about the teachings they receive from Raniere

>Its website claims it β€œhelps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support. SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”

>Among the teachings are:

>Men control the world. Women are subordinate to men

>Men are polygamous by nature. Women should accept the polygamy of men

>The stronger the man, the more women he can own and control

>Men cum on women’s face or bodies to claim ownership of them. If a woman accepts his cum, he owns her

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>paying someone else to teach you what manhood is
you already failed.
I wouldn't mind knowing how he gamed those jewesses into giving him tens of millions of dollars to day trade and fuck celebrities.
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>The fall from a real hero (or arch-villain to his foes and victims) into the fantasy realm of fake superheroes is shown in Burnaby, British Columbia, the main recruitment center for NXIVM and the location (standing in for Kansas) of "Smallville", the adoptive hometown of the lad from Planet Krypton named Kal-El. The DC comic book writer Jerry Siegel based that fictive name on his Lithuanian Jewish mother's maiden name Khaikel. As an alternative to the hidden name of God, "El" was the common (or corrupted) word for identification of the divinity, shared with the idolotrous Akkadians and Phoenicians. This corruption by the worldly (albeit another planet) enabled the creation of the Superman myth, and it accounts for the heretical tone and dark mood that pervades Smallville as a teenage Sodom and Gomorrah of troubled emotions and sexual guilt

>In this perspective, the temptresses Kristen Kruek (Lana Lane) and Allison Mack (Chloe Sullivan) take on a darker role in the seducation of the Judeo-Protestant youth Clark Kent. More than 1,600 residents of Vancouver participated in NXIVM seminars, a talent pool from which dozens of women were selected to join the cult's inner circle. It turns out that Vancouver has been a vortex for self-help groups that spun off from Scientology, teaching similar rationalistic approaches to overcoming negative emotional impediments to personal fulfillment. Raniere's doctrine of rational inquiry is likewise nothing original but a blatant copyright violation of Ron Hubbard methology

>Burnaby-Vancouver-Victoria apparently holds the key to the mystery behind the demise of NXIVM, not for its copycat Scientology method but for Raniere's dabbling in occult practices, as shown in his patented "Luciferian Detector", a means to identify potential sex slaves
Exactly. Everybody who tells you otherwise is a faggot. He's in jail and his bitches are dancing in the street outside his window. He's also like 60yo now.
>Their rotted souls need exactly what they've been dishing out to their sex slaves: a sound thrashing and imprisonment

Oh god now that sounds hot-

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I'm starting to realize that this Kamala Harris girl and the Democratic party... are not that bad. Anyone else feeling the same because of Trump's love for Israel and the Republican party's Zionism?
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>The vice president’s office did not immediately respond to a query Thursday morning about whether the vice president considers herself a Zionist and CNNreportedThursday β€œan aide did not give a direct answer” when asked that same question by the cable network.A deep dive into past coverage of Harris and her social media posts suggests that she has never publicly stated β€” and perhaps never been directly asked until this week β€” her views on the terms Zionist and Zionism. She does seem to have met various criteria for what might make someone a Zionist, though the very definition of the term has become contentious and elusive.

did you miss the debate? she announced her support of zionism dummy
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Don't care, Andrew Yang was better than any other candidates.
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Fuck off, pedophile kike
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>Just move to a small white town, bro! You'll be safe from diversit-ACK!
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Kek muh sides. Dems aren't sparing the small towns either. At least in the big cities, these migrants live in ghettos and the only time I ever see them is when they deliver my Uber Eats order.
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Devon Stack made a moving picture film a while back about jews moving gooks from Nam to small towns and the FBI raping anyone who was opposed to the gooks fishing where they shouldn't etc. This was in the mid 70's. Devon doesn't properly label his episodes so you won't be able to find this one but the jews and their FBI have been pulling this shit for the last fifty years.
What level of cope is this? They are also flooding small-town Alabama and Indiana with rapefugees.
Good thing DeSantis and Abbot were sticking it to the libs by sending all those migrants to the sanctuary cities
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Durr try dat in muh small town!

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what do we make of this?
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>Harris crushing antisemitic protesters with the full might and power of the us government at colleges
You know the VP has the power to cast a tie breaking vote in the Senate and that is literally all they can do right? You have a basic high school understanding of civics?
Ha Ha Ha
>Can't talk about Kamala
>Can't talk about dem policies
>Don't want to talk about Trump's pro-worker policies.


And I'm the one that sounds retarded? You're entire approach in this election is misanthropic.
Yep all Dick Cheney did was cast tie breaking... debunked bros... how do we respond?
>Kamala is a strict-constructionist constitutional scholar and classical liberal who believes in limited government who is secretly seething at all the commie and fascistic things Biden is doing.
He really wants to lose this election huh?

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The original post made no mention of a difference between mental and physical you fantastically retarded ape.
Keep coping for being a dipshit with goalpost shifting.
The bait is a resolution to the legitimate concerns of an increasingly squeezed and desperate labor class. The switch is just that if everything is owned by the public, it's de facto owned by the people who run the organization that represents the people; i.e. whoever is on the committee. Communists generally are social engineers who leverage the legitimate discontent of labor to become the new oligarchs, just under different pretenses.

Private ownership is preferred but private ownership is counterproductive where it simply concentrates all wealth to a small group of oligarchs because that's the exact same outcome as everything being "public" property under the command of a small committee of party members. Private ownership is only valuable where it distributes property broadly across the population.
when jews stop making laws that encourage women to ruin man's life and take half their shit and his kids
when jews stop fucking up the generation that until now, I can't find a proper wife material
Capitalism is by design to lead to such effects though. Capitalism can never be a fair system
>Thinks weed has no estrogenic effects
>Also thinks weed or other psychedelics only affect the 'weak' minded

You don't realize yourself how cooked you are.

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This is probably very close to the truth.
Bet anons can find the suspicious person.
>israelis filmed dancing outside trump rally
>israelis filmed dancing outside trump rally
>israelis filmed dancing outside trump rally
If these are the people the CIA gets now we should all apply. Damn near limitless immunity, every womans nudes, very comfy paycheck and much more. Just do busy work and other bullshit.
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>coping and seething on the chan
he is still doing rallies after getting shot at one of them you pathetic micropenis packing cricket fucker

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Holy shit Israel is psyoping the fuck out of the world today and it's amazing how many here are swallowing the pilpul.

Let me give you a hint: go looking for videos of cell phone batteries exploding like they did in the explosions we've seen in Lebanon. You won't find any. What you will find is videos of cell phone batteries overheating, catching on fire, and sometimes even spraying out flame. But that's it. They do not blow up like fucking dynamite, which is what the explosions in Lebanon look like.

Israel put explosives in a number of devices and spread them across Lebanon, set them off, and now they're trying to convince the world that it was the batteries and that they can blow up anyone, anywhere, or anytime. Plenty of both Israeli shills and plain hyperdramatic numbnuts on here are feeding that narrative. Do I really have to tell you to believe the opposite of what Jews say? They're threatening the world with a bluff.

Consider this: if it were somehow true, I can't imagine a more unifying act to get the whole fucking world suddenly hating Israel with a fiery passion, short of aliens landing.
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Don’t believe you.
or you use it to samefag on everyday basis but now you replied 3 times to same person as part of continous dialogue so you just admit it so you wouldn't come out as organized shill
how can we know?
>It's a dumb conspiracy theory that Israelis somehow infiltrated the factory floor in Taiwan to get the factory workers to install dangerous explosives into these pagers
I've been on here all fucking day and you're the first retard to claim that. Nope. Not that hard to buy a similar lot, alter them at your leisure, then make the swap as the Hez order is in transit. If they had any half-decent spy they'd have known about the upgrade months in advance.
voting trump

not getting the new iphone. Kill yourself kike
You sound like a shill faggot yourself so believe whatever you want. Jews suck at continuity, where I have excelled. Fuck, for all I know the feds are making my shit skip so I can never have any credibility. Personally, I believe in the message over the process. My message never changes

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Why don't rich people like Elon, Trump, Warren Buffet, etc tend to workout?
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Because its a gayop into shitskin socialism
Mass deportations would solve everything you fags bitch about.

It was the University and so-called gentrification that brought all the shitskins and homeless into my town.
Exercise is for women.
Do u even lift? You can use wads of cash as dumbells

It takes up a lot of time.

WTF I love Kamala now!
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only Jews and spiritual Jews are buttmad about that
There's genuinely zero justification for anyone even remotely conservative to vote for Kamala Harris. I strongly disagree with Trump and Republicans stance on Israel, but that doesnt undo the unending horrors that are a democrat controlled country. It's not "acceleration", it's not "making Trump rethink his policies", it's just unironically going to bat for Kamala over a single issue. It's braindead and shows that any body who follows this guy is a retard. He doesn't have the clout he says he does, he cannot influence the election just by destroying his own user base telling them to vote for the party that is actively trying to destroy us. It's incredibly stupid and Nick is throwing away an entire career over it. People are always going to remember him telling people to vote for Harris.
This guy is the Feds idea of what a pol user is like.
I don't really give a fuck either way, but I cannot listen to that bitch talk about things for 4 maybe 8 years.
Dont Care, Still writing in Biden

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