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if you are from outside the USA, what are your views on the USA? Do you see the average citizen as different than our government?

over all I have had good experiences with all types of people when traveling outside the USA but Its always in the back of my mind that anyone I come across might hate me for being an American. Im not the type of person to wear USA on my sleeve or anything and dont just bring it up unless asked. Ive met some people who loved USA and Americans. some people are eager to share which states they have visited when they previously traveled to the US. During Trump's presidency obviously more people would make an anti-trump comment here or there, but thats the majority of anti-american experiences ive had. If people dont like Americans/USA they usually just keep it to themselves or ignore you, or else they still treat you like they would anyone else and give you the benefit of the doubt at first.
>be american
>get shot
>spray paint a car
>get cained
>drop chewing gum
>get cained
We laugh at you. You have guns but still are overrun by negroes.

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>I teach a supplemental science program to 6th graders. Part of the program includes a questionnaire that asks if students are female, male, or non-binary. One student circled male, crossed out non-binary, and wrote “I don’t support this” with a big arrow. I want to address it, I’m just not sure how.


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Bizarre faggot fetishes do not belong in a school, especially a science class.
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Are these the kind of people who frequent Reddit these days?
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Some of the teachers in that thread are surprisingly based. They're basically telling this tranny lover that the boy is allowed to hate trannies, and she can't indoctrinate him otherwise. I was pleasantly surprised.
Then of course there's the faggot jew pedophile trying to enforce its "right" to groom and rape kids in every post. Every single time

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You can only post in this thread if you live in a grey area
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Florida man here, I just wanted to remind you that we Floridians own the whole world and there's nothing you can do about it.
we have thrace. north east greece. it's a local muslim population, the Pomaks, that converted to islam some centuries ago and stretch up to bulgaria. turkey obviously wants to be the pimp of every muslim in europe and refers to those populations are turks. apart from that we have immigrants in athens but no one gives a fuck.
why the fuck is there a mosque in my comunity muslims havent arrived here yet, or thats what i thought
poland and grease will carry on removing kebabs this time

What would you say to them? This isn't an ironic thread, what would you actually say to them in real life.
why do they all looks chimp like
I would ask them if they would be willing to assist the American people in weeding out the criminal ring controlling our country

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You can be a scammer murderer in India and still get into Canada easily because of Big India.
>because of big india
If "Big India" had its way they WOULDN'T be allowed in
china is responsible

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Pole humor. Let's get it going
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Ok I like pajeetas now
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"They don't target White people it's just random attacks."
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it's impossible to deny that these subhumans are violent and will never function in human civilization. The internet has proven this truth over and over again. We can't tell ourselves pleasant lies anymore, we are not the same.

It's the same way with women.... how do we know these things are true? Because they post evidence telling on themselves 24/7.
accidental bump
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God's creation fucking sucks bro.
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I don't think God had anything to do with these creatures
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Without nig we would not know ger
Imagine Hinduism is real and being reincarnated as an Indian is your punishment for sins in your past life.
cause you only need the light when it's going brown.
only miss the sun when it starts to poo
only know you love her when you're getting Jewed.

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Hear that lonesome whippoorwill
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train is whining low
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
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I’m gonna put you on to game, But you can’t be a poor broke piece of shit or this won’t work.

There’s an island called Saint Martin’s that is owned by the Dutch where prostitution is legal. And they import Colombian eight out of 10 beautiful women to work there. There’s a brothel there called Carolinas That has the hottest ones and it’s $60 for 30 minutes. They’re tested for STDs monthly.

If you go when it’s not peak season or times when people don’t want to go like holidays, Easter Christmas, etc., you’ll cut the price down to 60% at the resort, hotel flights, etc. My whole trip cost about $1500 for a week.

If you’re in good shape, attractive, and not weird, You can get their numbers after sex and hook up with them for free outside of club hours. If you don’t fit that description, for $300, they will spend the entire day with you outside the club like girlfriend experience.
Based catalog avoider, I also browse the old school way.
I lost my virginity at 28, you're just a few years older, don't give up. How many girls did you approach over the last year?
Happy Birthday, fren.
This song will probably offend you, very old.
But so am I.
Just give the words a listen.
Every day brings some blessing from the Lord.
You've got anons.
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Hope your day finds you soaring, anon.

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Most old families in the US, especially those with ties to the civil war and before, have a good amount of land floating around. Shit, even those that only really date back to the 1900s can still have a decent amount.
My family owns a couple of hundred acres all together and it always bothered me to hear them bemoan
Yeah fucker, if you use your family of 7 to tend to 300 acres + livestock, you will have a shit time. You could have literally lived like kings, divvying up land between your children, friends and family to make a thriving community but instead decided to do that shit on your own. You also managed to ruin the idea of homesteading and farming for many generations due to your dogshit ideas about how to tend land and run a farming business.
Were boomers and their parents just fucking retarded?
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>You’re crazy brah, natives were doing just that without money too
Nigger, are you high? Where the fuck did I say to abolish money. I said build a township or a hamlet, not a hippie commune.
Factories are better
At what point in your mind was it a hippy commune? You’re still growing food, hunting food, and sitting on your ass talking shit.
Because townships, hamlets and villages are insulated with their own internal economies and industry, as well as tethers to the external economy as well.
Factories are dogshit. They are ugly, noisy and smell bad.
Agriculture is contrary to literacy and development. Even the Romans had factories.
The mine, the workshop, and the assembly line are the marks of human labor. Not prodding around in the dirt

>Superpower by 203-
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She will never go back SAAR
holy shit , war torn syria looks better then that
India is a cataclysm on itself
i can barely believe these things are considered human
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That is fucking vile.
How come India is such a shithole if their IQ is so high?

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One of them wants to end world poverty and sickness. The other guy openly wants to put brain chips in your head but it's the first guy that's suspicious.
They are the same person. Stop falling for this shit. They both want total control over you.
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>One of them wants to end world poverty and sickness. The other guy openly wants to put brain chips in your head but it's the first guy that's suspicious.

Bill gates would rather kill everybody.

Elon Musk seems to like people.

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>tell a girl I hate people who are vegan
>"wow anon same"
>tell her I hate niggers, jeets and mudslimes
>"what the fuck is wrong with you anon"
Why are people like this?
>hate people who don't murder animals
Faggot kike
Found the woman tits or gtfo
She was secretly a vegan
thank u for teh sensible chuckle

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i agree, but you're not white, Yid
> jail commies
> use commies as slave labor
> allegedly gas commies and burn them in ovens
If you’re anti-holocaust you’re pro-communist and pro-crime. Simple as.
>rumour in displaced persons camp that Jews can collect money if they've got a tattoo
>suddenly lots of jews show up with tattoos demanding money
>all the shitty tats different numbers, locations, sizes, styles, etc.
Would kikes all of a sudden become white people when the inevitable violence against us commences? The answer is yes. But would you be okay with kikes supporting other whites when every white starts getting slaughtered mercilessly in the street? The answer is yes
But they haven't. They have made it clear even before Hitler that they are the supreme race Gods chosen. The utter smugness of this race, after being holohoaxed from 1,999 countries even, still prevails. Maybe they really are the supreme beings
Holy fucking checked o/ bless this thread HH

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To see drone video feeds operating in your area, these FPV Monitors can scan in the approriate frequencies, and can easily be had for under $300.

Did you know that video drones, due to their frequency range of 2.4-5.8 Ghz generally operate within a kilometer of their intended targets? This means that in the event of drones flying through your community, the pilot is sure to be close by.

Fun Fact: command frequency origins can be determined by use of an Oscilloscope connected to a proper reciever.

>Would you like to know More? [Y / N]
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You could use a radio jammer. If the drone can't get a clear signal then it can't be operated.
I build drones for living
>due to their frequency range of 2.4-5.8 Ghz generally operate within a kilometer of their intended targets?
Not really, they can go up 15km n that frequency and up to 90km on ~900mhz
Also, a lot of the feeds especially digital ones are encrypted and you can't just 'see' it, that's for the fpv drones, consumer ones are also encrypted.
Mono filiment fishnet can also be tethered to balloons for next to nothing, creating a minefield of antidrone intanglements for rapid deployment.

#8 mono filiment net is sold by the pound, and can stretch to over 40 square yards per pound, thus an anti drone intanglement could stand as high and wide as a football field, and passively deter incoming drone waves.
D-Day style blimp networks along trench lines to catch FPV drones, hell yeah
Low tech and cheap to produce. Drones cost hundreds to thousands each.

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And Revolution.
In 2 weeks the world will end
what's this from?
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Are you trying to fool me

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Robot wives when?
No, the real question is why are anons responding to you as a meme flaggot with a post trying to stir up shit?
you should add another phrase from this thread to the NPC chant:
>continuously Isolate and alienate ourselves
There was a vote and men voted more for women voting rights than women themselves.
jesus christ those psyop thread are depressive
not because of the post
because of all the morons it successfully fool
how fucking retarded do you have to believe OP post?
how little critical thinking do you need to bait ot that shit?
the 1 post by this ID trannie wasn enough
the shitty post not having dates wasn enough
it's 3 hour long
that kind of crap use to be confined to /r9k/
for some fucking reason, the filthy moderation refuse to moderate
it's fucking sad
the state of the board is sad

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He should of killed them all.
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Had a dream the other night that niggers were breaking into my house. But it wasn’t really my house, it was a giant mansion. I was hearing noises and checking rooms for an intruder, and then I opened a door and saw a pack of 4-6 feral negroes. As soon as I opened the door they began jumping out the window to get away, but I yelled

>I knew it was niggers

And that upset a couple of them who jumped back in through the window to try and fuck me up for being racist, so I had to stab them. Thankfully I had a knife already and then after stabbing a couple of them, all of a sudden I was in my kitchen, but again it wasn’t my kitchen it was the kitchen of some ginormous mansion, although in the dream I knew it to be mine.

Then I woke up having to piss. I can still remember how it felt to stab them though and it was pretty uncomfortable, I wonder what the significance of that is.
that stupid fat ugly chinese pig should have stayed home and smoked his weed. none of this would have happened.
So what was the verdict?
guilty. He's probably going to die in jail.

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Previous >>467650303 , >>467650303

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: The resistance is engaged in violent clashes in the vicinity of the incursion area east of #Rafah, coinciding with artillery shelling targeting citizens’ homes.
>BREAKING: The UN passed a resolution to admit Palestine into the United Nations
>Urgent British Maritime Trade Operations Authority: We received a report of an incident 195 nautical miles east of Aden, #Yemen.
>#Urgent The International Court of Justice announces that Libya is applying to join the case brought by South Africa against the occupying state for committing genocide crimes in the #Gaza Strip.
>Summary of the missile launch towards Kiryat Shmona: Launching 35 missiles. 15 interceptions. 20 missiles landed, damaging dozens of homes, vehicles, property, and infrastructure.


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Kek, now in hindsight kikes may start thinking it wasn't a good idea to plant all those pine trees to stop Palestinians
Honestly, America's entry into WWI and WWII were two of the most disastrous events in human history.

go fuck yourself kike

learn to have another instinct other than scamming. I swear it's like beavers to water...
For the rest of the world. Even if they stayed isolated they would have still recked chaos in our countries.
I present the kike apex predator. They had to airlift an entire squad because of hornets. You can't make this shit up
>my fucking sides

Cletus here, so i’ve been thinking. There are a lot of worthless yankees moving to the south and living in the south here lately. When are we going to get together and start deporting these yankee motherfuckers?

>Contribute nothing to society
>Move away from a shithole and attempt to change the south into a shithole
>most yankees are gay
>bring their gay accents to the south
>scared of hard work
>buy land just to develop it with subdivisions

They are completely worthless. I say we start deportation ASAP. Fuck yankee scum. Long live Dixieland and down with the yankee invaders.

>pic related
>me chillin innawoods
>my favorite tree stand
>my grandpas shotgun

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You will do nothing. That's the entire point of your lifestyle. You tromp around in the woods and brandish your shotgun at the trees.
If you were ever interested in collectivizing and dong real-world action, you wouldn't be a white tailed goyim hiding in the forest.
They need to be moved out of the North too so I can move back and not be raped by taxes and (((diversity))).
Tldr: TKD
They can stay up north idc as long as they are not in Dixie. The south would rise again without these yankees down here holding us back. Would be 50x more based. We’d also reclaim lost territory in the big cities and the entire state of Virginia back without those retards. I hate them.
The Carolinas
I never imagined someone could be this retarded.

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