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Are you ready for the halving?
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the short story is the supply of bitcoin will be cut in half tomorrow. This happens every 4 years. Historically, this has resulted in price surges.
Sell on the news. There's gonna be a massive collapse in the short term. Who knows about the long term.
>the short story is the supply of bitcoin will be cut in half tomorrow. This happens every 4 years. Historically, this has resulted in price surges.
thanks did a search and seem to basically get it. so does this also drive the price up? i guess it must, because they now become more limited in supply.
>Some imbecile i know asked me about how to buy Btc.
I've been seeing line-ups of neck-tattooed roasties at my mall's Bitcoin ATM.
It's crashed every halvening so far

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This is Joel Davis, an Aussie white nationalist. He is part of a movement that includes Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell that advocates for the deportation of all non-whites from Western countries and just as importantly, the pro-creation of the next generation of Aryan warriors. He plans to have fifteen white children.

Are you doing your part?
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will do, just witnessing the heaps of semantic (You)fagging in this thread is telling me that kikes reeaaally don't want me to know about him
this'll be good
He looks and sounds cringe.
That nigger rapebaby needs a nose job
>She has tiny feet
the most important part
True racists have asian gfs.

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Pfagzer vaxtards are infected with 5G nanobots. They are no longer human. They need to be quarantined. When dead their corpses need to be dissected and studied to help find a cure. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/pfizer-admits-mrna-jabs-contain-nanobots-that-permanently-alters-dna/
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That's interesting, where's the information contained then? The telemerase?
If you want to can talk to me through instagram, I don’t use it much but I had to reactivate it again because a friend wanted to message someone lol. My ig is instagram.com/z28.310
It’s literally the code for unvaxxed, idk how I could get that name before everyone else
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Rest in peace nigger
>5g covert infrastructure rollout during lockdowns
>5g Marked assets are 100% traceable by local or non-local RF managed aggregators
>5g warfare aka Fifth Generation warfare where it's oligarchs/their pets VS the People
It do b addin up
Oh wow, a trustworthy news source. When did Pfizer “admit” this?

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And, look at him now.
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Trump's a Road Apple. The apparatus works so hard to get your attention because it's designed to get you and it mired and sunk so that the rootless cabal can extort you all like the slaves that you are.

Trump and Biden are just shadows on plato's cave, their mouths move, true, their statements powerful, yes, and their motions as real as anything, however, shadows on the wall is all they are. Nothing they do has any bearing on the government. They dance, they sing, they shout, they promise, they deny, and yet nothing they say will happen, does happen, and nothing they forbid from happening, is blocked from happening.

The president doesn't choose the supreme court, for example, even though that is one of his named powers. Trump can't change the choices and the ascention process. All they can do is talk talk talk. And if you don't pay attention, they work double hard to get it back.

You ever wonder why that is their primary focus all of the time? Clowns must be laughed at. If you don't laugh, it means they're gonna get replaced and he can't run around and be super rich and stuff so that the Zionists can poke him in the chest and say "excuse you" while filling your bank accounts with 5 commas of jewconfetti.
i am very intrested in the world hagiarchy among the Satanists.
There is no voting in America.
If your parents were smart enough to actually read you james madison's founding documents, you'd have made it up to chapter 5 on how to separate powers from the dipshits and provision yourself by issuing debt to non-believers at the point of a pistol. And how: "We the people" at the title, is perhaps the world's most misleading statement. We the gonna fuck you in the ass that's what. Doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
the satan flag and tattoo is the cringe goths and the real ones wear suits and drink blood in complete secrecy away from public attention usally.
Did you stop reading my post immediately after the first sentence?

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I will call White women niggers from now on.
>All women
Women are the niggers of genders

Wigger is the appropriate term.

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>Greetings from Africa
Semites are literally nigger origin, the fuck is she yapping about?
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She secretly craves the BBC
Larua loomer ran on "no one with dual passports should be allowed in the government." She seems like a legit good apple imo
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>t. Rebbe Ben Shapir Horowitz

Dear Jannies

As I am now going to do something that no member of The rOyal family, any member of the Judiciary or any Member of Parliament of The U.K., is going to do tonight, by which I mean, have a comfy nights sleep, would this thread be considered political???? There are enough people who can comment on this thread. Please do not shoot your load too early.
If you have not ransacked or closed down my thread when I wake up I may provide updates. Please restore my previous closed posts. They are political in the extreme.

Nitey nitey.

left british nobility, right israeli jew. its not churchill being corrupted by bribes, it has been the whole of british leadership pushing for war with germany back in the day.
not how this site works King
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Jewish_nobility_and_gentry
Now that's a drunk post. I can tell from the syntax and also having seen quite a few drinks in my time.
based schizo

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We can create a world where the AVERAGE female fights over the AVERAGE male. Hoeflation WILL be reversed.
Throughout history, there hasn't been anything more highly valued sociosexually than a young woman. And nothing less valued than a young male. This was good for the biological development of humanity in a natural state. But this brave new world requires a change that we must create. This general is dedicated to coordinating non-violent methods to decrease the social value of women and increase that of males.
Some methods will include:
>Slight but continuous remarks in everyday life to men around us about how they could be doing so much better, and that they sold themselves short. No matter who their wife/gf is.
>Support the growing numbers of self-hating women on social media (think justpearlythings, useful pawn).
>Increase the "simp" rhetoric online.
>Promote the "pick-me girl" rhetoric as harmful and antifeminist (hey, don't criticize that empowered girl!)
>Create a repository of studies that showcase male superiority in different things and continuously share and discuss them.
>Infiltrate feminized male spaces and slowly expose them to our views.
>Pushing traditional roles for both men and women.
>Showcasing how attractive conservative women are.
>NEVER antagonizing feminists. But never giving them any attention. Literally stop speaking to them the moment they vocalize their feminist tendencies.
>STRONGLY criticizing and mocking all males with a feminist wife/gf.
This is the way to fix the west.
>It won’t work, normies won’t cooperate, excuses…

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I don't believe for a minute that fat lardwhale got enough money from simps to go on any vacation other than her local McDonald's.
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Why can't you sympathize with their suffering, anon?

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Wyte peepo is has a low KD ratio.

Daily reminder that even most soldiers dont want war. And all of us are no different, soldier or not.

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Also destroyed all of europes movie making infrastructure
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*crackling breath*

*long wheezing exhale*

*lungs collapsing*
*slurped inhale*

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Get the peace treaty ill call it in

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>Why did the Jews do us this favor?
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never heard that, is that true?
They have nearly half the cancer rates, probably from not vaxxing their kids.
yeah, but they just need to take the wormpill and they'll be good to go. don't get me wrong, it's not like they are getting vaxx rates of cancer, but their lifestyle presents a different host of risk factors.
>AI about to replace white-collar labor
>Elites poison them and urban welfare minorities
Makes sense
>Right Wing /pol/ tards, Q Boomers, and some skeptical Christians largely get a pass.
Hard to rationalize without /ourguys/ having some involvement

Did they finally get nigger fatigue?
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They don’t even mention the 2nd victim is still in a coma. They slow drip the details
They had their little fuck around time playing their part in humiliating their men, destabilized their homes, betrayed their ancestors.. then realised that this is dangerous for them personally, and that their historic defenders don't see them in the same light anymore.
>Trusting a woman's words
if i heard a 'man' stating your plebbitry, i'd think he was a faggot tranny commie shithead.
niggers don't belong in human continents
They didn't give a shit when white men were getting dragged.... fuck em'.

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>White women Mkultra’d during the obama era to “please blacks”
>Negroids believed they could do & say whatever they wanted forever
>Negroids are still delusional
>Brain dead negroid insults future White wnba GOAT
>White women are out for revenge blood
What are the implications of White women on a War Path? Mind you that White women are more savage & vengeful than men.
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If she braided her hair and made her eyebrows more defined/feminine she’d look better.
I mean she is a public figure so ....., the shit that gets posted here .... anyone seething over this is a hypocritical faggot
lol at this zesty pubehead sorry a YT girl beat you people at the one thing you're good at.
Thanks for your valuable input rabbi Goldbergwitzstein. We will be sure to adjust our sexual preferences to ape women with giant asses going forward.
Its a joke about the guy not having a dad because he's black.

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Eat shit commie
QRD? Remember him getting killed but I forget why
The murder of Seth Rich occurred on July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.[2] Rich died about an hour and a half after being shot twice in the back. The perpetrators were never apprehended; police suspected he had been the victim of an attempted robbery.[1][3]

The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories,[1][4] including the false claim, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder, that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016.[5][6] It was also contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials[7] and by the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[5][6][8] Fact-checking websites like PolitiFact,[6][9] Snopes,[10] and FactCheck.org stated that the theories were false and unfounded.[5] The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post wrote that the promotion of these conspiracy theories was an example of fake news.[11][12][13]

Rich's family denounced the conspiracy theorists and said that those individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists "disgusting sociopaths".[14][15][16] They requested a retraction and apology from Fox News after the network promoted the conspiracy theory,[17] and sent a cease and desist letter to the investigator Fox News used.[6][16][17] The investigator stated that he had no evidence to back up the claims which Fox News attributed to him.[5][6][18] Fox News issued a retraction, but did not apologize or publicly explain what went wrong.[19] In response, the Rich family sued Fox News in March 2018 for having engaged in "extreme
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Bernie Sanders in 2015: "Open borders? That's a Koch brothers proposal"

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It’s about to get ugly friends. Hope you have 6 months of rent and expenses in savings. Pic related will be happening everywhere except healthcare in the next few months despite lies about a strong economy leading up to the election
Yeah, but the shareholders and bean counters made a lot of money off the collapse, so its okay :)
You realize the worse the economy gets, the less the courts work, and the less incentive I have to pay the rent jew. I'm sure he'll stop bothering me when he has to pay my rent in new tires every month because his end up slashed every time he replaces them.

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>Eurovision will be hosted in Malmo, the most Muslim filled shithole in Sweden
>israel participates for some reason and the shitskin population of the city is furious
>major protests and violence expected, police from all over Europe being brought in to tame the horde
>swedish nationalists have had enough of these sandniggers and will flood Malmo en masse to burn the Quran and desecrate mosques
The violence is already in the air. This might be what sets off the race war. Tensions are already high due to recent wave of migrant crime and Palestinian chimp demonstrations
>for some reason
So did Australia
Eurovision is just a gay festival
>two more weeks.

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The US doesn't even deserve to be called slaves, because slave implies it's against someone's will.
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Because they are anti-liberal Islamists, death-cult that do not deserve recognition, sovereignty or respect
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Most of your politicians receive donations from Israel.
Most of our politicians do as well.

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What’s the best place to encounter Serbians?
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Our coastline.
Based Serb.
The comment section of any YT video praising Croatia. Muh Jasenovac
>Muh Jasenovac
Nazi chudcels always amuse me, it's as if killing random people can be simplified down to an inconvenience.
Ask not where to find the Serb, but where you should put the Serb.

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Poor Baby.
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No source, no info, picture could be taken from anywhere. 1pbtid. Fuck this board
birth numbers in australia dropped like crazy during and after the pandemic, down 90% in some places
I know people who were trying for babies and none of them succeeded until a year after their jabs
Pfizer. The best plan B ever
would it hurt to scroll down?
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What the fuck is wrong with American's? (their women especially)
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I've got a sweet 5skin just like her boyfriend. When I was a kid I would keep a marble in it. Girls are fucking stupid. Don't let them tell you what to do.
it's the pharmaceutical drugs taken for all these women-plaining mental "disease"
swedish women prostitute themselves daily for their anti depressant drugs given to them by muslims
>parent must manually retract it
No. Leave it the fuck alone.
Sir, that is ham.
I would literally murder the bitch. I mean that.

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