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Heh nothing personal commies
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"Tide goes in and the tide goes out . . . you can't explain that."
>You cannot prove the theory of evolution in a lab. You cant show one species evolving into another, you need to just trust the science goy.
You can do this in a lab, funny enough. Observing micro-organisms evolve to eat plastics while previously being unable to do so is something that's been known for years.
>the controlled op media personality for the right suddenly starts saying the most retarded shit imaginable when everyone on earth starts hating zionism

lol its not even funny

evolution is painfully real if you compare a white european to an indian or an african
>the fossil record is incompatible with evolution
Publish your work and let people who are not retarded have a look at it. Then, go get your Nobel Prize.

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Was this an "Official act of office" ? Does the mayor and his goon squad get immunity ? its clear nine of them ever established their identity or made any declaration of legal authority but I still think they get immunity under the progressive liberal hebrew legal theories of "its okay when we do it" and "we have immunity from any crimes we commit, in fact our victims are the criminals".
>If leftist media picks it up they don't have immunity
>If leftist media ignores it they have immunity and are invincible
Basically works like this, the nigger on his own isn't good enough no matter what he does to threaten them, they've been abusing their power for decades at this point and they have the entire legal, logistical, economic system behind them. If leftist media picks it up none of that matters and they throw their guy that has been abusing rights of others for decades under their direction under the bus.

I mean they're clearly legally in the wrong, even if they did identify themselves they have no right to stop the man from entering a coffee shop and the mayor literally tells them to stop the guy from entering a public business.

The only question left is whether the media cares enough about it, which is a 50/50 since they're so occupied now with other stuff.
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>Nigger Attacks
Looks to me like the African American citizen was just walking on the sidewalk minding his own business when some racist liberal democrats accosted him and started pushing him around. Lucky he escaped without being lynched. Like Emmitt Till he should have known better than just casually walking down the sidewalk and going into shops in the white area of town.
>plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
>the nigger didnt do anything ILLEGAL
FTFY. Being a nigger in public should be a death sentence
Mayor Niggerlover is why his city is full of niggers in the first place. He tried to order his golem around and it turned on him.

Quite the pickle for the 32 year old singer…
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They never move.
>Checked and she has a vagine. There is a video of her vagine.

Not exactly. They are all blurry pics. Probably a neo vagina axe wound they keep on photoshopping to hide.
She's definitely taken black dick.
You know she still your dream girl
Hasn't she already moved out to Dubai to suck on oil baron dick?

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In 1915, while serving in the German Army on the Western Front, Hitler
wrote the following esoteric poem mentioning the pre-Christian Germanic
deity Wotan:

"I often go on bitter nights
To Woden's oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union -
The moonlight showing me the runic spell

And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!
They draw shining steel - but instead of going into combat,
They solidify into stalagmites.

Thus the wrong ones separate from the genuine ones -

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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"It is not important if there is truth in every word of the Bible. In general, it gives us at least an extract of the history of Jewry. We see how the Jews present themselves because the Jew wrote these words quite innocuously"

"So it was in Rome, as we know...that the Jew used Christianity, not out of love for Christ, but partly because he knew that this new religion questioned all earthly power, and so it became an axe at the root of the Roman state...
And he became its chief bearer and propagator" ~ Adolf Hitler
>A Kike wants to teach your children the Old Testament
Yeah, no thanks. The real Bible has 2 Testaments. Here is Hitler quoting the 1st book of the Old Testament, Genesis.
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>sources intentionally omitted
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you are a gay larpgan
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The Hitler Youth Proficiency Badge was instituted in June 1934 for Hitler Youth members who passed a sports test covering athletics, field craft and rudimentary political knowledge.

The badge consists of a swastika surrounded by a ring bearing the inscription: "For achievers in the HY" in runic-style script, set in front of a large Tiwaz rune.

The Tiwaz rune (ᛏ) is named after the Germanic Pagan God Týr. In old Norse the rune was called just Týr

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Why are boomers like this?
Jewish rape and Stockholm syndrome
>a table full of zogbots
>large clapping ensues
>"ThEy ArE a TeRoRiSt OrGanIzAtIoN. ThEy GoT nOtHiN bEtTeR tO dO"
they dont want to lose the country to niggers

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Imagine being Orban in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Eva Vlaadingerbroek, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my political facade and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Orban ..
Rule is you have to cover your head so god cant see you.
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Masonic hand shake.

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Police assaulting people in America is back and is even worse this time
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bitch should have stuck to white bashing if she wanted cops to kneel on the street
you aim for the nose and they'll kneel on your head
top quality entertainment
kek these people believe in the the white privelege narrative so much that they are shocked theyre now taking knees to the neck

>Protest where you are not allowed to and block people from going where they want AKA you use force and the threat of violence to limit their movement.
>Get warned to leave. Don't. Get arrested. Resist.
>Get thrown to the ground and arrested.

Not a fan of police, but people seem to assume violence and force is not how the law is enforced. It is the basis for all power. Comply or you will be made to. And police are not there to debate you. They are just some random assholes wearing a uniform being told to do XYZ and use whatever force is needed to get the job done.
Why don't you go back and take your friends with you?
Based. All these dumb libturds burning cities made me beg for the police state because I know it wont be used against me because I follow the law.

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/pol/ got BTFOed by Elon with facts and logic
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Did your boss cut your lunch break short for this thread?
You type like a diversity hire/ESL
Why would Germany invade Poland? Poland is a papist nation, and Hitler was a papal asset
>Russians training Nazi engineers
Haha Mark, what a fairytale.
Chamberlain was the one who gave Poland the fake guarantee, ESLtard. Churchill wasn't even PM until the Battle of France.
I make over 100k a year I'll talk however I want to you. Get me my Big Mac you faggot.

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Why do Jews do this? Now Avatar is apparently Asian.
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waardenburg syndrome
How fragile do you have to be to seethe over a non-white animated character being represented as non-white?
Asians dye their hair brown a lot.
>if only you knew...
Improvement. To my understanding in the fictional world of avatar, the water people were all Escimos. And thinking about BS like this, will just continue to hold you down.

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Redwoods are the white man's trees and they should be re-introduced in Europe.
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>Indian trees need to go back to europe so we can roleplay as pagans for reasons
aren't you losers going to die from russian invasion any day now?
californian here
redwoods are very resistant to fires in a number of ways.
old california redwoods have survived many fires.
redwoods get a lot of their water directly from the coastal fog. they suck it right out of the air, they also thrive in the mild climate of california.

if you never have id recommend visiting an old redwood forest.
theres something amazing about it thats hard to describe
keep in mind that only a certain soil and temperature allows the tree to grow, its also good to not re-introduce diffrent species of plants and trees because the species could be invasive or just fuck up the entire ecosystem
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Picrel is what it looked like 4 years ago.
I remembered, it became tilted because there was an infection or something on its stem that made it curve a little. It didn't grow that fast in the first 3 years, but it's gradually picking up the speed, and last year it grew roughly 40 centimeters.
I think sequoias and redwoods are capable of surviving extremely harsh winds, but not alone. In the forest, the roots interweave and support each other. I read somewhere that forest service in California fucked up hard and cut down smaller trees around larger ones a few years ago, so the bigger ones could suck up more water, but this only caused the older biggest ones to fall one by one after heavy storms hit the forest.
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They speak to eachother. It's been scientifically proven.

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Is listening to rap music a sign of low IQ?
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This beat is hype.

Attention newfags: do not reply to the namefag
Why? You afraid imma speak too much truth? I understand that the sheer magnitude of me makes people uncomfortable. I very much understand that my mere presence makes people uncomfortable, that's because I am the truth and the truth is painful.
Rap isn’t even musically talented. It’s just some retard speed reading.
Americans raised in big cities are taught to speak this flat A tonal version of english

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Wyte peepo is has a low KD ratio.

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I'm voting for Trump solely to accelerate the destruction of Palestine. Am I based?
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Considering history I think Palestinianos would be easier
>See fellow goyim, I denounce the talmud but love the the holy state of Israel.
Post nose timestamp.
US is a totalitarian state. Finally someone gets it.
>Everyone who calls Trump a zionist is a tranny!
>Trump is a zionist, and that`s a good thing!
Yeah Jews better vote Trump

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You guys know nukes unironically don't exist, right? Just sit back and think about this logically for a second.

You all concede that jews are pure evil and do anything to obtain power correct?
So imagine that a super powerful weapon exists that can destroy entire cities, and this weapon has existed for 80 years, and yet for some inexplicable reason, despite jews' track record and jews' behavior, this weapon has only been used twice in the same week (effectively once).

The idea that a weapon like this exists and 80 years went by without some rogue kike pushing the button is literally a stastical impossibility. Like 1 in a billion impossibility.

How do you explain that nukes exist and there hasn't been at least half a dozen nuclear wars by now? It's the elephant in the room that no one seems to give a good answer on.
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aight glowie, launch the nukes on Iran if nukes are real. You won't and can't do shit.
Thank you.

>He stole his relativistic calculations from Lorentz!
>Relativity is fake and gay!

SR and QM are consistent with each other lol. Are you slow? GR and QM not being consistent is a problem, but relativistic quantum mechanics is just quantum field theory. Do you know anything about what you're talking about, or do you just want to one-up someone everybody agrees is correct?
"Nukes don't exist" and "Russian slavs couldn't maintain the nukes they had captured German scientists build" aren't the same thing
Nukes are real. You just can't cope at how powerful they are. Now whether the nukes of Russia and the US still work is another question, but they probably still do.
>You, a private citizen, should start a nuclear war
>Ohh whats that, you cant?
>Looks like nukes are fake huh
Hey retard, drive an Abrams onto the lawn of the whitehouse and take your dick out and wave it around.

Ohh whats that? Tanks are fake and gay and youre a dickless faggot.

Into logic.

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>Mr Ye, who was born female as Andrea Ye but now uses male pronouns, previously was sent to hospital for one month in 2022 for threatening to "shoot up school".
>According to BBC news partner CBS, he was supposed to be released in January 2023 but was considered a threat to himself and others still. He later was referred to a crisis centre.

What is it with trannies and wanting to kill children?
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That explains why they stopped her then
What happened with the other tranny's manifesto?
It got leaked, and the social media outlets tried to memory hole it good.
I could've saved her
why does it always have to be elementary schools?

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Jews want the Noahide Death Penalty for all goyim that protest Israel.
To be fair the government warned there could be a terrorist attack on US soil.
They didn't say it wouldn't be the US government doing it.

What is your excuse now, /pol/?
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OK but why even keep the trex arm? Do humans like this not objectively benefit from just having those limbs amupated early, and thus they have a stump/nub vs that vestigial arm that probably just gets in the way and makes her look weird?
it's literally that bad
Disgusting white shit. Sex with dogs, children and amputees arouses them. savage fucks!
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I feel guilty for masturbating to her when I was a kid. Same for Britney.
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She probably uses an automatic toilet or some adapted grappling gadget for her feet that reaches her butthole, the same thing is probably used in her periods. Why are you guys so dumb sometimes?

Why is consciousness denialism becoming popular again in mainstream normie culture? Why do NPCs get an emotional boost from proudly denying their own humanity?
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>the brain is a components of consciousness
>consciousness is the sum of brain
>t. literally you
Forget about the soul, think about the instinct. What instinct can it have?
Instinct is the materialist view of the soul.
It is in your DNA, is subjective and circumstantial.
The computer can only have objective "thoughts"(commands).
>the brain is a components of consciousness
>consciousness is the sum of brain
>t. literally you

Do I believe that? Obviously not, but if I were a normie you wouldn't have convinced me in the slightest bit that the position is wrong.



What is "instinct"? If we were to reach into the reductionist hat yet again (and this is wrong, but gets a pass anyway) it's a binary scaffold of trial and error, and generational/contextual predilection based upon on this scaffold. A computer can absolutely emulate this, but it's only an emulation comprised of as you say objective commands.
>consciousness is a sum of brain, brain is a components
>t. literally you, saying the thing that you actually said
Learn to form coherent thoughts first before you argue with your superiors.
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>"Many people think"

Learn to read, or maybe follow your own suggestion of not "latching onto one sentence" before throwing a little hissyfit.

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>We don't need men
>help me, I am being robbed.
Reality will smack these women in the head someday.
When yo' social contract so broke you cain't even spell it right
>Tough call, not sure what I would do.
Whether or not you can "get away" with defending another person depends a lot on which state you're in.
one single day, 24 hours of collectively stopping all of the clown world participation would end all wars, all poverty, all hunger, all disgusting satanic schemes. But the "GET BACK TO WORK GOY" orders have to be ignored.
>nigger with a gun robbing a woman
>i have no gun, that would be illegal
>watch as they fight, possibly to the death, over a few weeks of wages
>she manages to win
>social contract is broken
sure is, supposed to have the right to defend yourself but its stripped from americans.

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If pitbulls were eliminated what sector of society would suffer?

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good, more room for Juan.
Another day another pittie owner dead. Life is good.

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