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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!
>Springtime Bingo - Random daily chores around the Town Square!
>Spiky Tornado Race - Simulate OvenBreak's Gameplay in the Town Square!
>Added Strawberry Crepe Cookie's Magic Candy! - Release erotic crepe energy for those in need of correction!
>Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s Cake Shop coming up in April 13th!
>Town Square - Town Square!
Witch's Castle
>Gacha system reworked! Now it's still shitty, but not as shitty!
Puzzle World
>Has not NEEDED any updates!

How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle? Have you spent any money yet? How long will it be around? What do you think of these games' various current updates? Town Square? How is 2024 treating Cookie Run? Have you maxed out all your treasures yet? Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes? Discuss all things Cookie Run!
Tax Time! Have you filed your taxes like Birthday Cake Cookie? Remember that the filing deadline is in a week! Don't get tossed in the slammer! How then will you enjoy Cookie Run Games? Faster filing, faster tax refund! Make sure to have your essential information ready to go! If you file an extension but don't pay what's owed, you'll get charged interest from the IRS and penalties on the debt until paid off! I'm sure Princess Cookie is grateful to recieve your hard earned coin and will surely use your funds to make your life better! Keep your information secure as well! Imagine identity theft mixed with tax returns! It's your money and you need it now! Use it when you need it! Specifically for Cookie Run Games!

Birthday Cake Cookie would like to remind you that the g in /crg/ stands for GAMES, not general! The rules state that threads that talk about a specific game are considered generals, which belong on /vg/! However, these threads are centered around MULTIPLE games of different genres! Cookie Run: Ovenbreak is a runner! Cookie Run: Kingdom is a townbuilding RPG! Cookie Run: Puzzle World is a match three puzzler! Devsisters is currently developing a multitude of new genred Cookie Run Games right now as well! These threads have never been to talk about a singular game! These threads are not generals and do not fit general specifics! Please keep this in mind forever, thank you!
>Hey, Coconut, wanna come over and try my new sparkling juice jacuzzi?
>No way, Sparkling Glitter, Coconut said he's coming over to my place so he can cover every inch of me in body paint for my new grunge/industrial album!
>But girls, I always said Coconut was going to take me out on Friday to get some new clothes from Sour Belt's and then pound my paru-paru-pussy until I can't walk right!
>Rockstar Cookie comes in out of the blue
>Hey Coconut, wanna have hot no-homo bro sex on the couch while I practice?
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>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
Was fun for 20 min and then I got stuck for 2 days on the same level, didn't got the horny cat so I stopped playing.
>Have you spent any money yet?
I wouldn't spend a cent on that god awful gacha system.
>How long will it be around?
No idea if those kind of game are even popular nowadays, cookies are cute though, so maybe a few hardcore whales can keep the game afloat
>What do you think of these games' various current updates?
Same old event in OB, but with a RNG kick so it's extra painful.
Glad to see GCL back, it's time to tryhard again.
Tough Cookie is somehow worse now.
Fucking april's fool event, I want to die
But I like Schneeball so it's all right.
>Town Square?
Don't play K*ngdom.
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
Normally I'd say.
>Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
Yeah, I needed it for guildruns.
>Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
I don't play with sounds, but OSTs are pretty decent in OB.
sea urchin cookie as a bomber than a charger does sound visually interesting. she attacks by lobbing her spiky grenades and uses that black tiger shrimp bike as an unguided ground bomb drone of sorts. eh, like choux, quite storymoders. hopefully for the beast raid she shines. Push it! she must position herself well.
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>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
Very on and off not gonna lie, i play either 1 stage or 20 in a day depending on my mood and time, i'd rather play other game with CRK or CROB in the background/phone instead of another that actually needs me to think for each piece sometimes.
>Have you spent any money yet?
Nah not planning on it, pretty much can get around with the infinite hp when booting up after a day and the gacha is so hopelessly bad i'd prefer not to roll on getting the common rat guest visit than any actual cookie i want instead.
>How long will it be around?
Currently with how Devsis is able to operate, they can make basically all games stay alive in the death bed maintenance mode staying up without updates anymore and just cycling auto-events, but hopefully it'll last 2 years giving actual stuff like new cookies.
>What do you think of these games' various current updates?
The designs and themes are pretty nice this time around! Kind of fucky that it's almost not much great in terms of new or varied content, mostly chores and same repeating events with all games now, game is really saved by the designs and stories.
Town Square?
Town Square, Town Square!
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
I'd say nicely but I haven't felt the "boom" that CRK's first and part of second year was, with how much money they seemed to be bleeding last year, they're playing it safe which is alright, if a bit boring for the usual audience.
Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
Aside form new legendary one, yeah!
Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
Kiwi Cookie has a really good tune that's different from all others they do with high energy instead for the relaxing sunset background they got
Timekeeper's is one of the very few songs that I hum and remember, that theme is real fucking good
I wish I could like Sorbet Shark's trial version music more, the skill one is of the best and there's a reason why they even made a version with lyrics in the OST.
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>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
It's.. fine. nothing spectacular, nothing terrible. Will probably play it during downtime.
>Have you spent any money yet?
No. And there doesn't seem to be any sort of package that just straight up gives you the cat cookie so I don't think I will.
>How long will it be around?
I don't have any ill will towards games but if Witch's Castle's upkeep means less attention to Ovenbreak or the upcoming worldwide Kakao relaunch, then hopefully as short as possible.
>What do you think of these games' various current updates?
I've been enjoying the TBD update.
>Town square?
There are various reasons for why I dropped Kingdom so I don't have an opinion on this.
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
Pretty okay? Actually, pretty well. Super super excited for the comeback of the original Cookie Run, really hope they'll put out some sort of announcement about it soon.
>Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
Not quite, but getting there!
>Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
Hmm, hard one!
Cheery Blossom, Popcorn, Adventurer
This just reminds me of the snippet I compiled last year. Kinda wish I had included those mentions of Parfait Cookie and Rockstar Cookie too, but now I don't remember if they had the same kind of interest in him compared to the other two in-game.
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Also, great to see the effort in the OP image this time, not only having all of the games in here but a lot of jokes incorporated, funny to see my art used as the Plato's cave allegory Shadows with extra thick cookies shown in there lol, amazing work on it, Birthday Cake Cookie Anon!
We all know that neither Parfait or Rockstar could resist the charisma of Coconut
Parfait got the short end of the stick, her route is the shortest of all of them. But it was neat to see in the anniversary portrait for the event that Coconut is still in touch with the musical cookies
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She's... not a Charger? Dam, no Charge wife for me.
Please give me the cookie moba devsis.

>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
Enough to want to stick around and go through the story.
>Have you spent any money yet?
lol no, fuck that. Only mobile game I spend on is Pokémon Unite and even then I play on Switch
>How long will it be around?
Eh who knows, probably longer now that it's not as scummy. I think they'll be able to tell the full story.
skipped some questions because witch's castle is still device incompatible
>What do you think of these games various current updates?
pretty cozy update for kingdom, stressfull for ovenbreak since its GCL season
>Town Square?
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
with plenty of content coming out, i'd say its beung justly fed
>Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
i have yet to max out the sand bottle and the better monocle in kingdom
for ovenbreak, i have like 7 treasures left to max out, working on those
>Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
Timekeeper, Carol and Shining Glitter
this is factual and objectively correct
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>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
Played enough to get the Ovenbreak rewards and left!
>Have you spent any money yet?
No way lol, i don't even spend on Ovenbreak
>How long will it be around?
Probably not too much.
>What do you think of these games' various current updates?
I only play Ovenbreak and the update is alright, mostly just stressing because of GCL
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
I'm hopeful they will be treated nicely!
>Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
Only missing the newest legendary treasure and I'm done!
>Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
Blueberry, Scorpion and Gim
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kept thinking about this, she eats A LOT no wonder why she's called Blueberry PIE Cookie for a reason.
>Less than 2 days for GCL main round
>Even 2nd place makes you lose a heart
What are they smoking, last one was too easy and this one will be a pain in the ass.

>Original Cookie Run
Tell me more about it, I never played it.
Is it really different than OB ? Should I go for it on release if I'm obsessed with OB ?
BCCA is the treasure of those threads, always putting lots of efforts in new OPs !
And always forcing fukken Sandwich in them too
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The best trial themes are actually Birthday Cake Cookie's, Macaron's and Leek's! Honorable mentions are Sauna Egg and Candlelight Cookie!
>check gcl upper rounds
>tk with pet, ananas, pitaya, legendary treasures
its so joever... i literally can't proceed further without spending all into max tickets
So, the original cookie run could be seen as a "lite" version of ovenbreak. You don't get trophy races, no storymode, no breakouts no nothing. You just run your cookies and can unlock different worlds to run in.
The gameplay itself is the tried and true cookierun. You run, you jump, you slide, you use your special, you enter bonustime.
Every cookie can be bought with coins and upgraded with coins, but they have an unlock requirement. They can be bought with crystals before they're unlocked.
The pets are all walled behind a crystal gacha. You have to roll for them and there is no way to guarantee a certain pet. Once unlocked they can be upgraded with coins or by pulling dupes.
Same with treasures, you gotta gacha. They can be upgraded to +9 and some of them have OP evolved forms. Every cookie has a treasure associated with it that you unlock for free by getting that cookie maxed (level 8)
The social features are very important to this game, as it makes it easier to get lives. That's right, since this is a mobile game from the early 2010s, the life system gives you 5 lives and you gotta wait to replenish. The lives apply to your entire account, unlike ovenbreak's system where every cookie has it's own lives.
Theres alot more things about Kakao/LINE Cookie Run that make it stand out, but I find it to be a really good game and it differs enough from ovenbreak to where it's worth playing even today.
Here's a gameplay video featuring the new cookie and her pet, as well as tiger lily as the relay (did you know that she was a legendary in this game?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0cq1Y-LMZ4
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Finally got around to updating the archive
>>>1428818 and...
>>>1432817 (despite Millipede Dragon Cookie using the colors of Centipede Cookie, it's from >>1422406)
Okay thanks for telling me it's actually an OC.

>Add to Comics:
>>>1422259 - Unicorn Cookie is a CHILD-Huh?!
>>>1425936 - Firecracker Cookie attempts to "Escape from Puzzle World!"
>>>1427220 - Butter Pretzel Cookie "Notices a Mistake"
>>>1432362 - This Interaction with Madeline Cookie & Latte Cookie
Okay archived all of these, I missed most of these because they had very mundane filenames.

>>get archived no matter the quality
Would also like to know your thoughts on these:
>>>1441091 - Pilot Costume reactions
>>>1441705 - Sachasketchy21's Cake Wolf with a red bikini edited in
The second one just seemed like a Google translate screenshot, idk where's the red bikini, I can't see it. Archived anyway in the edits folder.

>Other notes:
>>>1435711 - seen this in a Discord
>>>1437767 - saw this in a Pinterest
>>>1441231 - ditto on >>1437767
And? I didn't archive those, they weren't made here.
How did the first round go for you anons? I managed to get first place at last minute
hello gamers, i've always been interested in cookie run because the cookies look cute but i've never played it
does anyone have a list of cookies or something
which game should i play
is it good if i'm a poorfag/light spender
There should be a whole cookie list on the wiki if im not wrong
As for the game, i guess it depends if you want a game where you actually "do something" or prefer to simply sit back and watch your cookies do shit
I've never spent a dime and i've gotten in a few top 100s in Ovenbreak, but keep in mind its gonna take longer for you to get to that point compared to a whale
>10min run
>2 bonus time
>non magnetic stars jellies
>hard as fuck stages
Cute dog though.
Thanks for the quick run down, will try it when it's available.

Good job stealing the victory at the last moment, it's my worse nightmare!
My group was full of shiters, second one did 915M. I'll most likely get obliterated in next round but at least the map was decently fun to play in, even if the strat was ass.
Poor discord guy who did 988 to only finish second because he got in the same group as one of the top 5 kek.
The new system is ridiculously bad for low rank brackets, way too easy to lose hearts for no reasons other than bad luck on matchmaking.
Don't i know about shit matchmaking, during one of the hardest rounds last GCL i got paired with someone from one of the top 10 guilds, i ate shit really bad that round kek
This round was really fun for me (the Choco Bar part at least, the Butter Squid part was annoying), i hope the next round is not terribly hard, i've got horrible memories from last GCL round with Lollipop and Herb
i got easily the 1st place on both rounds, i should be fine until semifinals 1 where the legendaries start to come up
kinda strange nobody on your group stole 1st, running ion microchip instead of dove is less points
you don't need to spend money to get good, your growth rate is just slower so don't worry about that, maybe buy a monthly pass here and there for extra resources
Ovenbreak is a 2d runner where you JUMP and SLIDE
Kingdom is a city builder RPG with Autoplay
Witch's Castle and Puzzle World are essentially the same game with a light twist on them
Darkest Night is VR
Tower of Adventures is Brawl Stars but with a slight exploration feel, also an RPG (coming soon™)
Ovensmash... doesn't exist yet...
>Ovensmash... doesn't exist yet...
Isn't that canned and has been getting reworked into Cookie Run Champions or something?
Were rounds that short last time ? I don't remember them being only 2 days, especially on weekends.
Every round for now on is going to be a pain, that's the whole concept of the thing.
yes, but ovensmash is a better name imo...
also, not canned, just moved for a later release date
all pre-rounds lasted 3 days, all main and semi 2 days on the previous season
they cut it greatly because people complained it lasted for too long
My group was pretty dead, hope it's gonna keep being like that, i'm really not in the mood to check the game every 5 minutes to see if some tryhard has stolen my place

I'm already tired of this man...
and i'm tired of MICROMANAGING THE 300 JUMPS
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What the fuck guys the shota shop
thank you guys
i think i'll try kingdom because i like city builders
this one round is too brutal. man, i don't think i'll be able to get lemon's sexo costume if it keeps being this painful (i didn't have cinnamon leveled up + the jump limit is insane)
This round was incredibly easy to me as i remember it from the Hydrangea GCL, managed 618M no problem and i'll try for a higher score
There's a video on youtube made by this guy called Jinx i think that showed how to score 632M on the map, maybe it can help?
Unfortunately anything blueberry and big I see can't help me I think of that silly Wonka scene, but nice pies she have nonetheless
Thanks for the response, and appreciate your feedback as always. Will be looking forward for new stuff made here, especially the comics, yeah.
>300 jump limit
>incredibly easy
Got filtered during the upside-down trampoline segment, but wow, it's perfect jumping to collect the green exorcist talisman wrappers to turn ghosts into jellies with high-scoring yields. Got about ~560m from that, but am tempted to nab herb cookie's super epic costume (I got cinammon cookie's super epic costume though. Max treasures too.) I hope to not have to spend plenty to get the GCL super epic costume exclusive for lemon cookie here. Very cool. Prismatic, even.
I like her video guides, yeah. Useful stuff besides her art of the cookies, yeah... Anyways, looking forward to getting (and remembering to score) that +600M, yeah!
I want that figure.
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Anons I just woke up in a Cold Sweat in the middle of the night, I had a weird fucking dream about OvenBreak, so they made treasure that seemed very simple at first, just a passive treasure that looked kind of like those star candy jellies that explode into a lot of small star looking confetti jellies that made it so every time you collect a jelly it gave +10 points to the next jelly and it was cumulative so next one gave +20 and so on, seemed pretty decent if a bit boring on what it could do, at first it was seen as a very shitty treasure because even basic jellies by now give like +100,000 or something, and in some maps, modes and certain cookies yeah it was the shittiest treasure even considering commons by far, but for others it was utterly ridiculous at the middle point of a run where if you got a certain setup you'd get 12 million points per single jelly, thing is that few hours after the update went live someone posted on this thread of finding an exploit related to bonustime somehow being broken and accidentally making so that a shit ton of jellies spawned from it, I think also had to do with another treasure that gave an stupid amount of magnet and iirc there's one that's the shield that does give you a lot of magnet in bonustime, thing is that it became so much of a broken mess that it was so easy to exploit that it became broken beyond repair, with Discords becoming flooded with people mad at devsis because of how much they fucked up while we were laughing our asses off in the thread and making shitty dumb memes like ">tfw you miss a single bear jelly and now you're 418,000,000 points behind everyone else" and laughing at discord people for how manyt strategies they had to make, but at some point people's devices started to act bad because of how many numbers were clogging the screen so their games started to corrupt, heat up the phones, lag really badly, crashes and the like, hell even the sprites started to get crusty and shit. It wasn't even scary wth.
If you're good enough at collecting the previous talismans, you can avoid most of the talismans in the trampoline area, you'll still have a good score
And in order to save up jumps, when you revive with Cinnamon you have a small period of invulnerability where you can just walk in the air
I'm not sure if you NEED Herb's super epic but i'd say go for it as it's really pretty
Just woke up to find out i had been kicked to 4th place so i had to do something
some motherfucking asian scored 638.5M
guess i'm using all of the remaining time perfectioning the stage as much as i can
losing a heart now could mean not making it one round farther
2nd with a 842M, I fucking hate gimick maps.
stole 1st last minute, fuck off
Marble Bread Cookie seems pretty powerful with the almost magnet-like ability. Might be a good one to invest into.
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Reminder that Creepy Kitchen is such a bullshit map. Fucking hate this map,
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I'd take it over Whipped Cream Cookie's area
>light spender
Yup, gotta admit this cookie run games (hee hee) takes immense patience and a four-year ""investment"" to max. In fairness, being a day-wunner helps with the f2p/baby whale experience, so that the funds are kept ideally close to 0. At the moment, Puzzle World had its latest update, the Cherry Cookie, S-Grade lass being the latest and one of the best battle mode cookie - since a 2020 ago. End game, I believe, is just 100% level 1540 and max powerup almost all cookie pets, and getting L-grades Sea Fairy, Fire Spirit, and Wind Archer (no Battle Modes for them, apparently) So yeah, I recommend OB for some casual reflex testing, CRK for a relatively "auto" experience, and Puzzle World for the possibility of "100%-ing" the Story Mode. Pic tangentially related, since Day 1 of WC, was readying for the updates and grinding the block puzzles and was able to get cutie Witchberry. She real mischievous, haha!
Whipped cream map is far more easier since it has more timed jumps with fair error margin
creepy kitchen is pain incarnate because the obstacles come from off screen at a mildly high speed and very little error margin
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I barely ever had a problem with CK after maybe the first 3 runs. Now I never get hurt there. It's all predictable.
Ayy, gotta keep it easy with some milky latte, mmm.
Sounds quite the fanfic, would recommend extra input in your imagery, preferably to excite the sense perception, like if your eyes are slowly filled with teardrops with how that treasure flooded each game mode map with those frequent bonustimings - each one looking stranger than the last one, like why is the BONUSTIME a HAPPYBDAY? or WTF, that ILOVEYOU doesn't look quite right. Spooky image too, haha!
Same. I feel like a Bear Jelly caught in a bear trap. Hate how the obstacle-to-coins jelly are winged, and how you needed to time your jumps, or do a slide-fall-jump in between those stove fire, or kitchen-knife (or other kitchen tool) obstacles. I do miss that last map from Longan and Wandercrab breakout. Think the Sugarteara, Yogurca, and Wizard City last stage breakouts are mean intense.
girl that shit spoils in half a week
Had a pic idea if you are still doing requests, Anon ordering a cake at Crepe's cake shop, then Crepe pulls Birthday Cake Cookie out from under the counter and hands her over, whom anon bridal carries away for some intense breeding.
anon i wrote literally the second i woke up from that dream just wrote whatever i saw in it before i could forget
It'll keep for months in the freezer
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she lives in the middle of a jungle whenever she's not being carrot's slave
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>How have you been ENJOYING Witch's Castle?
im not really into gameplay but i play for story
still waiting for more things to add, mostly for cookie rooms and interactions
>Have you spent any money yet?
on wc? no, and i probably wont
>How long will it be around?
few years maybe?
>What do you think of these games' various current updates? Town Square?
they are okay, i dont play kingdom but town square is one of the coolest things they added
>How is 2024 treating Cookie Run?
>Have you maxed out all your treasures yet?
>Which 3 cookies have the best trial themes?
hard to decide because i dont remember most of songs but im gonna say chess twins, centipede and shining glitter
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>the 4 worst maps in a row
player hate is real
she lives in a world where everything is a sugary treat
Genuine question from a tourist. How come I never see Cookie Run games on the monthly gacha revenue charts people are always posting? I imagine they're pretty popular from how much I see people talk about it.
If that's GCL, thumbs sore from precise jump and sliding, and I real don't wanna pay a whole lot for the super epic costume for lemon ahee hee
It's a vocal minority thing, really. If else, then it's probably limited to just Corea with their Kakao-exclusive Oldschool Cookie Run.
>Gacha revenue charts
Sounds like some stock market performative performance thing?
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I won't even be mad if i lose a heart here i got too cocky enjoying the previous maps and got punished with all the maps i hate...
What are your ideal charge wives btw? The ones that wield swords/shields, or drive a sort of Mount/vehicle to trample over enemies? Would be cool to see a variant of shining glitter cookie with her supercar come charging in.
Everyone seems to be struggling more than me though, its kind of a relief
Oh sweet. Think I remember it takes about 305 of both cookie and pet pots to max 'im. Wonder if he got a sweet super epic outfit just like frau sneedball? Love frau sneedball.
Wonder if there are second chances in GCL? Else, would expect to be locked out from earning those sweet GCL tokens for the limited cosmetics and a chance to go big at the next update's curious rainbow mine.
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>I don't care if you're a lurker, POST THEM!
Saw this yeast spore cookie while browsing for Pins, kinda reminds me of the first beast-yeast experience, and just glad to beeline right into beating that shadow milk prankster. The spores, oh, the spores in hard mode, crazy how they can overwhelm cookies so quickly, just as mean and formidable like those licorice spawns, yeah, ever-swarming and strong regen.
do you get the extra 18M points at the beginning too? those pixies that the fairy king ball tags along can be magnetized with the compass, very fun
Using Choco Bar with the compass definitely makes this round so much easier thanks to her multiple jumps, the real tricky part is with Shine Muscat and those homing enemies in the Yogurca map, so annoying
yeah, the only thing i could say is a bummer is the abundance of pet magnets, they do be messing up band aid potion skill
That's a neat Pizza Cookie!
>Marble bread
Yep, update coming soon, having another magnet specialist just like with Lobster Cookie and White Choco Cookie (when they both slide) is pretty neat. As always, new cookies powercrept over the two major update-old cookies. Honestly impressed with the utility and staying power of Electric Eel Cookie, Shine Muscat Cookie, and possibly even Blue Slushy Cookie.
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My days of chasing breakout title will finally come in handy !
I've made peace with myself when I figured out I only needed to get to the finals to get pet+cookie costume since I don't care for crystal mine and it's not worth the pain to tryhard 2 weeks to finally get fucked because I'm in a bad timezone and will get destroyed by koreans while at work.
some korean god scored 998 in my group, kicking me out of 1st
alright, tryharding for the 1B it is
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>gonna lose out on getting Lemon's costume because they're taking FIVE fucking hearts for not getting into the top
Fuck me I guess.
So glad to just follow the jellies, and probably sink an hour or so trying to get the best effort score in that Creepy Kitchen. In fairness, feels like there's too few shield treasures in this map, also pretty harsh to keep on tap-jump between the stove fire, the skewers, and kitchen knives. Gotta give thanks to that boomerang and horse treasure to clear the path. All these 10 cookies? Ok, they're epic.
did not make it to 1st place by 8M, the optimizations required for this round are insane
oh well, 6 hearts it is
Yeeeah i made peace with myself too when i realized i got kicked to 4th place and id rather just lose 1 heart than mald on this horrible map kek
I hope people keep giving me cheers because i'm close to getting that bonus heart and bonus medals
Got kicked down to 5th place. It leaves me with still 4 hearts but jesus christ what a horrible fucking map
Map wasn't all that bad since you could skip most of the hard parts with Chocobar's skill. Muscat was more annoying but you just had to jump very early to not get rekt by lasers.
The optimisation was ass though, because you couldn't skip everything anymore, and the hitboxes in those maps are terrible.
Oh coooool apparently we are getting Pitaya Dragon and Ananas Dragon's Magic Candy and buff, in the same update fuck me if that's real and even more if they decide to put a fucking legendary pet on them both.
now i wonder how a f2p or a light spender does get to upgrade them both at the same time. i still have xylitol nova at lvl. 3, too...
here's how:
you don't
either pray for 6* candy bear capsules for a whooping 1 (one) ingredient or anniversary season boxes
my lotus took 6 updates to get maxed
Nice candy and legendary sprite.
I'm not buying it, they aren't this fucking dumb.
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This, fuck me sideways if this is real.
The fuck kind of crack is devsisters on?
A f2p or a light spender doesn't upgrade them because we're smart enough to not waste resources on legendaries.
Well, buyer's remorse for me is def the legendarymaxxing through gems. Almost always the ones who played even before /vmg/ was a thing, no problem to maxing out the Legendaries, plus Hello Kitty and Mimmy. Just glad to have Epics as preferable alts in this breakout-TR grind.
Welp. Guess there's no second chances. Gotta pay up on those gcl tokens to get your lemon-themed (and hyper-exclusive) cosmetics, yeah...
i had to buy max tickets, fuck
i'm 5k down, but at least i achieved 1st place... for the time being
by the way, don't buy the instant boost chest for 2100 crystals, is a booby trap
Huh, don't get how I'm not getting L+ on the event. Got Lemon and pet maxed, using Cookie Enhancer relic, treasures maxed and candy blessed for +9190 Destruction Point in Blast Mode. God I hope it's not because I didn't get his new costume.
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>They say the Heaven Splitter was forged from the first lightning that struck the earth
>The wind and clouds carry whispers of its great powers...
>"The one who wields the Heaven Splitter will rule the skies!"
Yeah, sounds like a legendary coming up and from what I’ve been hearing, it’s another female legendary
a new kingdom original legendary? the 5th legendary another female?
hmmmm i think they want money
Costumes doesn't make a huge difference, it's maybe 1M at most for legendary/super epics.
It's just that if you see Lemon cookie, you know it's going to be a painful strat full of blast manipulation, rescues, precise jump to collect everything and other schenanigans.
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It would be nice if it was a kingdom original dragon. I wonder if this update will be the one to introduce those weapons that have been rumored about.
Now that I think about it for more than 2 seconds, this is just content to functionally replace the tower of chaos that's been gone for 4 months. I wonder if its tower of babel inspiration is part of the idea of knocking the player back down to the start once you get high enough and reset the season. That's fun.
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They are.
iI's real.
Two legendary magic candies and two legendary pets.
They are this fucking dumb
I feel like i'm gonna get booted to last place the moment i look away...
Welp looks like i'm skipping until they give a magic candy to Lychee or Longan! I don't have Pitaya or Ananas maxed.
>4/18 - 4/28
>says something about recruitment
My guess is it's just a banner for the upcomming IRL event they talked about in the last update video. P-please
Once again I'm stuck in a top 100 group, it's so tireseome. Can't wait to be done with this suffering.
This guy in my round is something else
I just don't want to pay money for Lemon's pet costume is it too much to ask...
that guild is currently running on the wild card for guild runs
both you and I have a rough way to go bud... moreso i than you since i'm going cheerless
just two more rounds to go at worst and one at best (depending on your cheers)
down to 5 hearts i am
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In the end people were surprinsigly calm this round, i remained in second place and i'm down to 4 hearts
I got 200 medals from cheers and i'm somewhat close to getting 300, hopefully people keep cheering for me!
Send me your ID anon, i'll cheer for you!
>Running all Epics
>Transferring mileage to max out the Legendary Treasures
Well done, anon. Yup, gotta follow the jellies to get that Master I rank in that breakout. Just like the Lollipop combi from a Wandercrab ago, pretty cool to see Electric Eel score in the serious BILLIONS to help save a weekly seat for the legendary gem gibs. Glad to have breakout and guild runs as a source of those legendary gems, think will spend it if I need to max out Sugar Swan and the dragons (sans Longan and Lychee.)
replacements for smores and gim?
sure thing... HFZMP9786
i do have cheers, but those are random or guild cheers
i do not count those, i didn't ask for them...
literally never pressed the button for that lol
give me yours so i can cheer for you too
Thanks! Real liking this electric eel guy. He's doing swell in both breakout and in some TR combis.
Pic related, I could suggest the following
>smore cookie alt
shine muscat cookie or cyborg cookie
>gim cookie alt
rebel cookie or white ghost cookie
Yup, the #FixedSpeed and #SpecialControl of these respective cookies should be able to match the total score (or greater) after their respective runs.
Cool effort. Do love to see Street Urchin ride that explosive-packed combat cycle.
...Is it just me, or does it feel like daily chest tickets are getting harder to come by in Ovenbreak?
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Reminder to check your posture, gamers.
the more chests you open, more missions you do
the more you do, the less is on reserve
Here you go! BTKDZ9120
I've been very annoying to my guild about getting cheers but considering how much i carry every guild run i hope they do not mind too much
I'll cheer for you as soon as the new round starts!
fortunately, the next round only contains one legendary treasure and only epics so it will be more relaxed... although its all jellies so maybe it'll be heavy on jelly optimization
i'm predicting muscat egg
Think the biggest determination in the high scoring at Battle Mode is with cookies that have matching jelly preferences, like that matching of 3+ blue/green jelly (for a total of 32 jellies) to get their special skill gauge filled. Else, it's the boss rng buffs like:
>100% chance to activate skill twice
>Skill meter -10 (this stacks)
>5 random boosters - dart bee, firecracker, bomb, rainbow cauldron per 5 turns (this also stacks)
>Skill meter +10 over 5 turns (stacks as well)
Getting (and remembering) the 60M+ high score is just through those rng buffs, or access to S-Grade special attack skill cookies, or with cookies with matching jelly preferences (will get Wasabi later for her Mass Damage over Time & Mass Stun like Milk), or?
>Leftmost pic in pic related
Admittedly with just the non-rare buffs, especially boosting those special boosters, having a solid stun chance does help in adding damage. Remembered a time with solid rng, it's possible to superstack the stun debuff that makes Milk admittedly solo these battle modes, yeah.
>I don't care if you're a lurker, POST THEM!
Neat pic related, like me some tech-based cookies, looks quite hip.
>Cyborg over Smore for this breakout
Yeah! Gotta love the way her pet periodically drops some small potions, and her skill has much more control than the good/bad choices in Smore's skill.
If it's jellies with the legendary treasure it could also be Donut...i have them all maxed anyway so i'm not too worried
yeah lmao, this is a destruction map, perfect for doughnut main
We need more tutorials from Pizza like knowing how to put on a condom.
Would honestly love a tier list of the best #Destruction cookies, aside from pink homer donut and the angry purple dude. Also, MC blessing has got to be a legendary "Destruction Pts +3300?" Or "All Jellies +300" is better?
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Welp, new legendary in CRK, Crepe and Herb Added to Witches Castle alongside brand new cookie in the files, and confirmed legendary candies and pets for CROB, this sure's going to be a fun weekend.
Yup, it def felt slow atm, but glad updates like this will make the discussions go faster and longer. Wonder if that means this Legendary is like Moonlight for not needing a Crystal Jam to be arena-viable? And also expected MCs for Pineapple and Dragon Fruit Legends in OB? (In fairness, surprised how Lotus got much more love from that compared to the other legendaries.)
Neat Pizza Cookie! Wonder if Gumball Cookie has always been this wacky? Rares definitely rarely get any reps in the update side stories. Starving Artist, perhaps?
>Super Epic Costume
Has been a while where both cookies get Super Epic costumes during their release updates. Think it goes as far back as Wandercrab release last year, Electric Eel Cookie and Abyss Monarch Cookie. I unironically miss the 20-cookie breakout since Cursed Kitchen is just too hard, you know?
doughnut needs extra jumps here
also, Yam is actually bad for destruction, its his pet what makes him better than the rest
Sounds about right, Yam can be a disappointment sometimes, since his skill doesnt generate "mercy platforms" like the other destructo-cookies. Honestly seeing to it that either Lobster and Electric Eel (very cool volt tackle btw) for that solid obstacle screenwipe.
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Meet Stormbringer Cookie soon
I tried Kingdom and dropped it within an hour. I really wanted to like it but it just felt overly complicated and overwhelming for me I guess. Does it get better or did I get filtered?
You're lucky you didn't get sucked in. I only realised the game was shit about 50 hours in.
It doesn't get better, there is no real gameplay in kingdom.
just started last week ago. its too late to buy the 3rd anniv package right?
early game in kingdom is always a very busy one, its only after you get like 50 good epics and toppings that it starts to get easier
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Easier? Maybe. More fun? No.
Strawberry Cream Cookie is among the only well-designed male characters in cookierun.
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You mean the town square pass? Yup, Four days less to go and reach pass level 40 if you haven't started earlier than just a week. Also, the Town Square View Tree Swing stops producing those "once-a-day" magic cookie cutters, and instead, EXP star jelly Lv.2 (valued now at 60 EXP per jelly) is pretty mid, even if you wanted (or needed to max out the ancients, legendaries, dragon, and specials to Lv.80. Honestly, if you're not too particular with the small, gestural or narrative nuances of cookies in the cookie kingdom, it's ok to skip this spin-off in favor of something easygoing, like OB or just looking at cookie designs. Pic tangentially related. Anyways, it's really either shared boredom or shared misery, but we make do with the minigame modes, and the daily resource grinds, in hopes for a new beast-yeast update, yeah. The magical, post-apocalyptic era is thematically consistent, no wacky modern day era shenanigans.
planning to play as casual but the new cookie caught my interest. ignoring the daily missed cooklie cutter. is it worth to get it just for the 40 lvl rewards? im not too sure how often they give deals such as this
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I want to kiss him all over.
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Can it be... the fabled CHARGE WIFE?
You'll get more mileage by the season pass, so it's better to get the crk season pass than the update-limited ones. It's definitely budgetary really. Also, that same crk season pass, it's like ob's monthly Royal Club with Ovenpass (except ovenpass seems like a weekly thing.)
Yessir, just like Schneeball, he's pretty cool. Real like the permanent mini-magnetism, in contrast to Lemon, Lemon has got a magnetic shield that replenishes after collecting a blast jelly. Back to Marble Bread, his special skill makes his magnetism area larger, despite winged jellies having the property of "ignore magnetism", gotta manually steer him to collect it. Think it's only the legendaries and the epic shield treasure that has that "ignore magnetism immunity" from winged jellies. Otherwise, a permanent mini-magnetism cookie like Marble Bread is ok, he's epic.
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How is your shortcake slog coming along?
Does it have a global version
I just need to get 300 medals from cheering and the 300 medals from this round's rewards and i'll be done i can't take this anymore last GCL was much easier
Forgot pic oops
Some epics have super magnet during their skill for some reasons, like Cream Unicorn, Lobster, Eel and Lemon.
Also, it's the compass that grants supermagnet, not the shield.
>Still stuck at 10K
Hope i'll make it, I just need to finish at least 2nd in this round and the dream is still possible.
Nope, just using a patch that translates the korean.
I got like 5th place in this round, everyone was too competitive, and i hated how precise you had to be in this map
all legendaries have supermag, that's a given
then there's the ones you mentioned + Tiger Lily and Captain Ice, desu Eel and Lemon having supermag feels correct since both are highspeed cookies
yes, i'm looking at you Knight cookie
this map was very annoying at the beginning, learning the hitboxes so doughnut didn't lose a shield sucked all my joy for this year's gcl
I didn't have too much trouble learning Doughnut's part, but the part with Sauna Egg was incredibly annoying for me. I still can't understand how someone got 902M in my group...
i got 890+ and i broke my ass off to reclaim 1st place 4 hours before calculations, beating 2nd by 10M
i didn't check afterwards so there's a chance of me getting booted again
that's a highly optimized run, only tops and whales share tech with themselves
That's a great score, i couldn't get higher than 870 and couldn't understand what i was doing wrong...
At this point i'll just hope i can get enough cheers for 300 medals because with just one heart i'm not getting past the next round
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Damn negroes at least attach some fucking memes or something to your schizo gcl rants, reading people pulling their teeth out with rubber forcepts to get 100 virtual coins for a god damn different looking jelly gets boring after a when it's a wall of old men yelling into a cloud of text
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Sorry anon i didn't realize how annoying i fucking get everytime this shit event starts...
I promise that as soon as it's done i'll post my art to make up for it
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we can pretty much kill ourselves now
they're that fucking dumb
lol, lmao even
Tower of Adventures is actually releasing, huh? Neat, I guess. Where the hell is Ovensmash?
Not looking forward to CROB S9 all that much, but Ananas and Pitaya are really shit, so I don't think a candy will help them that much. It'll probably ruin the trials though, so run them while you can!
And hey, look at the bright side. No new Epic Cookies means you can save resources and catch up. I know I'll be investing in some meta things that I wasn't able to get due to the endless update chase. Might even catch up with the trials a bit!
>It'll probably ruin the trials though
Lotus has 2 trials BECAUSE of her MC, don't see why they wouldn't get one more each
Who are the cookies getting costumes? That better not be another Orange costume
I enjoyed this round, yes the Doughnut part was a pain in the ass, but the most important thing happened like 1 min into the run so you could spam retry really fast instead of 4 min of snoozefest and then a hard strat right at then end.
>Nooooo you can't talk about your experience about the most anticipated and competitive gamemode of OB
Well, fuck me I guess.
it looks like its another orange costume yes...
also the one in the center is most likely Mala Sauce and the dude could possibly be Dino Sour
How many costumes does this bitch NEED
Are you fucking kidding me
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don't even tell me, i got booted out of 1st by 3000 points, i am both mad and impressed
anyways, this round leads milk and ananas relay, and goes to the billion points
i think i die here... with 20 on the board its near impossible to go further
I got a BurN member on my team i'm not even gonna attempt this, fuck this gcl and fuck the curious rainbow mine too
not only BurN, but also TWG and we are runners... yeah just forget about it
Just as much, possibly more than Gingerbrave and Moonlight? Wished they released more costumes as a bundle per update like they did with the limited "Alice in Wonderland"-themed costumes for Space Doughnut, Pirate, Zombie, Princess, Knight, and Strawberry. Nowadays, currently averaging about 3 costumes (possible max) per half-month, two in the new costume banner gacha (if the new cookie and old cookie are part of the story update, usually as Epic/Super Epic and Rare, respectively), and the other one's obtained from spending 5K gold gems for a cookie costume and 4K gold gems for the corresponding pet's costume of that cookie too. Last Wandercrab update got the fits for Lobster, Electric Eel, and Sorbet Shark. Recent update's possibly unique too with the costumes for Schneeball, Coffee Candy, and a minor patch that introduces summer Croissant. Pretty cool.
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Leaked Witches Castle cookie, Jesus Christ that's too over designed.
This is going to be awful
Saw a rare resident, twin cherry ladies, Scarlet & Rose, in Witch's Castle. Neat reference to Cipollino, with these Countess Cherries.
This cookie looks like if it was picked up from AI after thrown in the prompt for a "Phantom of the Opera and Prince Zuko as a Cookie" - Intense with the multi-colors, greys and yellows plus a coat cape. Current featured cookie atm in Witch's Castle is Herb, guessing your pic-related is after Herb, or a main story update fella?
Either a burnt cookie or a cookie left to grow mold like that one Krabby patty
>every time I upgrade a resident in Witch's Castle, the game completely freezes and has to be restarted
Finally got the headphones for the stinky yellow ball, i'm free
But you keep the upgrades? The residents just level up, like the OB escape level or CRK prestige for those 1-time rewards. Wonder what other cool things they can do? For me, just miffed at goods-producing furniture or decor that is depletable, no way to refill it, it's totally automatic.
Gratz 2 U anon! Honestly for me, will probably just hoard the cubes for the Super Epic wears for Crowberry and Lemon (if those get ever released in a far future update.) Not unless the gcl costumes are obtainable in those 3K Gold Gems / 3 Legendary Gems jars, still a Yikes for me. Anyways, gj on the grind, and to the next gcl again.
Just got it as well, I'll not even bother play this round, it's so hard I'm not wasting my weekend on it for nothing.
Hope the next GCL is more laid back.
>But you keep the upgrades?
Yeah, it's just annoying
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Bonbon works best as Pastel Meringue's Cocksleeve with that much ass.
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Yup, throws me off the dailies rhythm in Witch's Castle. Upgrade a cookie? a decor? a resident? game freezes and needs a reset. That's why it's quite neat to default to OB, CRK, and PW for their stability. Hopefully when WC gets stable, gonna be hoarding those jelly shine sprites, think I'll dump it all into the storymode after reaching level 450 or something. Anyways, glad to have Witchberry through the level grind. Breaking 8-tiles in a 13-tile area is okayish. Can imagine Legendaries would be the ones capable of destroying a sizeable square that is 9-tiles in area. Hope it gets easier.
They couldn't even get the head right
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I'm pretty sure its stated that gcl costumes won't be in those jars, but then again, Tiger Lily's gcl costume is in the costume gacha (wish i could buy it with mileage...) so they could just add them there
Ngl, I got Witchberry, used her for like 3 levels and then immediately switched back to Marble Danish. He just feels so much more consistent
Bountiful Bon Bon.
>Tiger Lily's GCL is in the regular costume gacha
>it costs 80 rainbow crystals to get her outfit
Neat. Guess that means will be hoarding cubes to dump it all in a limited gacha banner rerun (if it's paired with the rainbow cube piggy bank or that season 8 infinity box / Jellywood popcorn box) would love to buy her out that quick! Currently hesitating with my current number of Rainbow Crystals (already above 100 of 'em) because of the cool fits like String Gummy, Almond, and Adventurer, plus cheeky ones like Lime, haha!)
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that's because GCL Tiger Lily Season was cancelled due to it being in the middle of the absolute shitshow that was the ones with cards lmao, they cancelled that GCL entirely and gave everyone who was qualified to enter just get it for free, it's technically not even a GCL costume either, with that teal rarity costume they had for champions and all.
you wish. gcl costumes are like the pay pet costumes, once they're gone, they're gone forever. (and i'm salty as they're needed to complete their pages in the collections)
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Unsurprisingly, Zap dealing cookies have been upgraded to the new element type
>dark cacao promoted to pikachu
worst monkey paw
You got your wish anon
Dark Cacao as an Electric type? Weird, I thought he'd be part of some future Shadow Type.
B A S E D.
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>Log in-daily for apparently 100% guaranteed Stormbringer Cookie
Neat, wonder how's that going to turn out, one soulstone a day or something? that or just enough daily pulls to get her by the end of event if unlucky.
>tower of sweet chaos 2
I already have way too much exp to level up everyone at the current cap, I need more way to get powders tho...
>Epic versions of already existing treasures of scythe and paper charm
wow it fucking sucks that the scythe only seems to increase it for the new electricity types, even more that it's an epic version too, going to suck ass pulling that.
>Blueberry Pie and Twizzly gummy magic candy
Neat! Twizzly was kind of good already for the angel boss in guilds so this one's better probably, I wonder how it'll be for the thicc pie girl.
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i love that i hate it
and i hate that i love it
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Technically there are cookies with multiple types like whatever the fuck Olive skill is that makes her have the most element types in one cookie so far, ironic with how apparently CRK people were saying she looks like a rare, or now Frilled Jellyfish having both water and electricity, so I'd say they'd add it to other cookies it fits well enough in the future.
he’s miraidon
I'm going to puke that cake looks TERRIBLE
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Dark Choco is never getting a buff. God damn.
>login for 10 days straight to get stormbringer for free
>new banner that lets you pull for most of the electric cookies
>one of the new relics is just curse tag that deal electric damage
They really want people to get stormbringer and fuck around with the new element
At first glance, it feels like its tailormade to shred shit, but frost queen and the other dpses might put a stop to it
Cock dragon
if it's too easy to get it's not worth the investment
t. chili pepper cookie among others
shiet, longan is actually ugly in his dragon form, only Lychee remains unseen
is this for the update.
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Dino Sour, Mala Sauce and Knight.
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>pitaya and ananas fighting eachother in their dragon forms
although Pitaya's body structure seems a bit fucked compared to his Kingdom's self, this activates my story boner
is this fucker claiming another dragon tail? gigabased
Pitaya and Ananas
Dragon sexo
ananas is only for pizza sexo
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Ananas is only for getting sucked off by everyone for being the most powerful and regal of all.
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>mfw ananas dragon provides Pizza cookie the pineapple toppings so everybody knows that not only pinneaple on pizza is more appreciated, but also its a form of adoration towards him and his island
It may have taken a while, but mighty glad the harvest for Epic Beastcuits (source: >>1439456) plus new feller cookies like Creme Brulee and an MC-enhanced Financier makes for some fine grinding for CJ maxing for Black Pearl. Hope that a Juicy-appled Cream Puff, a Swift-chocoed Snapdragon, a Searing-raspberried Creme Brulee, and a Solid-almoned Financier is all Sea Fairy and Frost Queen needs to clear their Lv. 10 trial grounds, yeah!
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>Websearched the eng patch of Kakao
>Something about the .djb files
>Also make a Kakao account
Neat. Hopefully would try it out in the far future, functions quite like the OG LINE Cookierun, yeah.
Also found this pic, sans the sir buttercream and miss coffee (and their pets) would love to see more of them soon. They're most likely gonna be special, better if they're just Epic, since they don't release new Commons or even new Rares anymore.
>tin armor Pistachio
Cream and Cloud as specials are very likely. Special Force has been shafted for years, it would be really neat to see her back!
Banana Peel and Ginger Claus are.. weird. Banana Peel never released (but she was in the CROB credits at one time!) and Ginger Claus was an Ovenbreak 2 character with very limited Line/Kakao availability and can't be unlocked anymore.
Did you know... King Choco Drop was the only legendary pet, and Bean Drop Duo was the only "event" rarity pet? Interesting, huh?
Yeah, Think it's a public domain IP to base the Tin Man fit for miss pistachio from LINE/Kakao Cookie Run. For me, I just like the wacky Marvel ones, probably too expensive a crossover compared to the Disney collab about two years ago.
>Special Force Cookie being shafted, and neat to see her back
I share your feels, anon. From time-to-time, I cope with checking out stuff like that Tank Tiger Lily, and guessed the earlier threads had that bit with an Agent Birthday, then a Tank General Jujube, and an OC that looks mighty similar to her, a Battle Brownie and a Mint Beret? Anyways, real cool to already have them soldier cookies, Dark Flour War and that Dragon confrontation. Anyways, would love to have a copy of pic related, real wanted to see what's like in that issue 17 of Cookie Run Survival Battle, quite the military spectacle!
>Banana Peel's weird
Wonder if she's just wearing only an oversized black t-shirt? Imagination, go wild.
>Gingerclaus as a separate cookie
Yep, def strange, also thinking he's a gingerbrave costume in CROB.
>King Choco Drop
Would like to think that Drops are like the slimes in the Cookierun world, and seeing other variant drops reminds me of the legendary Drop of sea fairy. Cute and elegant, also the first legendary cookie and pet I maxed long ago, they're both real cute to have, haha!
>Zap cookies easy to get
Hopefully this new Electric-type will be just as viable as that Ice/Light Typing in arena, guild raids, and cookie alliance. Also, the current revamp of that cake tower of chaos event is crazy intense, even with my level 80 twizzly gummy + level 80 black lemonade (along with cream puff, creme brulee, and financier) not enough firepower to take out that mangosteen octopus boss-sized enemy. Will definitely need to roll for stormbringer, and asap (for best effort, lol.)
try red velvet dragon comp, but with crimson coral and a zap cookie
Prune Juice does not trigger the boss skill and does big DoT
Bruh wtf are these types fucking electric and light?? what is this pokemon?
grass type soon
trust the pokemon collab
Assign your favorite cookie a type. If you cant think of one make up a new belivable one.
elec wife is fun
There isn't a light type in pokemon. Closest is Fairy
Darkness is absolutely going to be one of them and I assure you all cookies of darkness like Dark Choco, Pomegranate, Affogato, Butter Roll and Possibly Poison Mushroom and Licorice will have that if they don't put another whenever the time comes to put Dark Enchantress or the closes epic+ devsis decides to add it with, it's already there in the lore.
Affogato, Mushroom and Licorice are already poison.
Anon... they can have more than one...
if only Olive had Ice instead of Earth she would've made the perfect Tri-Attack user
>Dark Cacao is now electric
Anyone thinks this can be a buff. The new electric scythe treasure looks powerful. Will electric became meta?
Stormbringer definently has the damage, and the element has a version of the curse tag
Itll definently be meta once everyone has wrapped their heads around her skill and how to actually optimize her, theres a lot of buffs and stack to keep track of
too early to tell, and if it does, cacao still is bad
devsis hate niggas like him
I have no idea what they're doing with this event. The hp shield can't be dispelled through treasures like the talisman they just added or skills like Affogato's buff cleanse. If they wanted the playerbase to invest in the new elemental meta then why make the very first boss so difficult? I can understand them needing money and not allowing any prior characters or abilities to be of use in this mode, but why make the characters you just buffed also suck at the mode? This update feels very greedy. I knew giving a new legendary for free like this was weird. I hope the reason for it isn't because they want more than just the crazy people to whale hard on her just to clear the content.
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I reached third floor in the tower with these teams
Honestly would love a romhack that replaces pokemon with Cookies, really.
>Assign your favorite cookies a type
Fire/Normal - Pizza
Water/Fighting - Orange
Grass/Fairy - Blue Lily
Bug/Dark - Centipede
Ice/Flying - Blue Slushy
Rock/Ground - Melon Bun
Electric/Ghost - Black Garlic
Psychic/Steel - Chess Choco Twins
Poison/Dragon - Lychee
Stellar - Sugar Glass
??? - Timekeeper
Closest we've got for this pokemon-like experience is this pic related that crumbseeker fangame. Real liking these cookies, Grand Angel Cake, Green Velvet, and Ramen (for style.)
Cute! Hope the anons get her to max like the fellow legendaries Sea Fairy, Frost Queen, Black Pearl, and Moonlight. All girlies wew...
Its not that hard
A basic glitter comp with black lemonade can beat it
t. on layer 12
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everyone fucking dies
the end
I really hope we get new dragons in kingdom soon
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>Survival Battle 17 with war elements
Wacky stuff, wished to read through it, also mention of Mint Beret, sharing it here! >>>/vst/1738601 for that bit with "No, I don't care you can't draw for shit" from >>1420779, yeah. Would real want for Special Forces Cookie to come home to CROB, haha!
Would like to see the cookie forms of that white and dark cream dragon from the Cacao Kingdom, and the red velvet dragon that we've kept beating up since the guild raids of the '21s yee
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Find it funny that in the story Croissant still develops time manipulating devices just to make mundane things easier, that's a slippery slope til' the point she ends up doing things like chest development accelerators or something.
Yep, tried that. Swapped Rebel with Crimson Coral, Black Raisin with Black Lemonade, and Royal Margarine with Twizzly Gummy. Thanks for that clear, and looking forward to the next comp, hopefully not requiring Stormbringer, will see her about 10-ish days from now, though. Also surprised this tower doesn't take stamina, but is a combi check with certain recommended cookies plus the best toppings and beascuit substats, yeah...
June 25th. You can pre-register now. From what little i played from the beta, im sure itll be better than witchs castle, its structure is more akin to kingdom
Red velvet dragon, no, but you might see the black white dragon get turned into a special or something soon, maybe even in this update, but only special, cause the epic+ banner spot is already taken by stormbringer.
What are the odds Latte ever gets added to another cookie game?
If a cookie from parfaedia gets added, id say its very likely
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>black-white cream dragon as a special
>not a dragon type like Pitaya
Sounds optimistic, also wondering if the next special follows the support/buff/heal function like Snapdragon and Icicle Yeti?
That would be mighty neat, if Rye got in at TOA, would be looking forward for Latte coming in for TOA as well.
They already confirmed rye to be in tower, so you are halfway there
>tower of adventures pre register rewards require your phone number and agreement for personal data collecting
Hmmm.... is that the case for other korean pre-register games?
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Season 9 is looking to start off grand with the dragon story.
Here's hoping it will be fun. Haven't touched WC in a while now after I got the new Cookie there.
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I just hope the dragon candies aren't too stupid to level up with how there's going to be the legendary pets added to that and all.
It's a first, surprised they started implementing that system unlike the launch of CRK and WC recently. Also, TOA pre-reg rewards, how's receiving the ~1.5K crystals and the 500 rainbow cubes (OB & CRK) and the 10 premium gacha tickets for WC?
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>The reason why we hear Thunder is because Stormbringer Cookie is getting her ass cheeks clapped by mortals who pray upon her to bring down rain.
>Nivel Maximo
Arriba my dude. Also a 5-starred Stormbringer? Expensively powerful stuff. Any recommendations for an alternative to her, or are those segments in the new cake tower non-repeatable?
Anything to make the mortals shut up with their prayers
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>I just hope the dragon candies aren't too stupid to level up
>Linzer Cookie decides that she needs to add a little extra spice to her next mystery story
>Something more sensual, something erotic. What good mystery story doesn't have that arousing tinge to it after all?
>Knowing that a good author always does field research to better understand a topic, Linzer Cookie enlists the help of Cookie Anon (or whichever Cookie you'd prefer) to show her the ropes of sensuality.
>Linzer Cookie gets more than enough information to write her book.
>Maybe a bit too much.
>Her next book, while rocketing to be a best-seller on Earthbread, seems to focus a lot more on the steamy, dough-tearing, sugar-caramelizing sex than it does the mystery.
>"And as the eager young Cookie lightly undid the lacy clasps of the writer's bra, the heavy, supple breasts fell against his face, his lips instantly brushing against the raspberry nubs that topped the creamy mounds..."
(not so much for the pets though)
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And it would be Rain or Wind Deity next (or both!)
Looks like it's jossed for the playable black-and-white cream dragon. Think the tale's a villain protagonist and his (does it sound like a lady?) suicidal hubris after devouring the elements and not being being to best the Stormbringer. Would be cool to see it appear as a boss with good loot, though. Thinking just barebones star jellies, really. Good on the fellas to root for the god-cookies, yeah.
Actually my Stormbringer is yet to have a star, just found her early but only once. It's just that in the new cake tower all cookies you have are put to five star minimum.
>Any recommendations for an alternative to her
I don't know for sure yet. I just got lucky with my team compositions early on (as well as managing to give them OP beascuits), but trays/floors after five got frutrating difficult so I just searched for team compositions in Reddit and Youtube. You may good alternatives there.
>or are those segments in the new cake tower non-repeatable?
I don't get what you mean. Did you mean if you can rebattle floors? I don't know, you may can, but it seems that the prices are only one time thing. Are you asking if later floors repeat bosses? I'm now stuck in floor 11 and I haven't seen any repeat yet.
Is this cookie a boy, girl or nb?
>All these element types
Pretty neat, so far there's no plans yet for type effectiveness yet? The only time elements shine in CRKemon is only in Cookie Alliance and in the Crystal Jam Trial Grounds? Kinda amazed element weaknesses shine in those modes, while the story mode and arena (meta important) is just a glorified inflictable debuff, like a defense down or stun or damage-over-time, really.
>Assign your favorite cookies a type
Electric Eel, easily has got to be an Electric/Water type in the way that he flows and blitzes through Earthbread, especially from his humble abode in Wandercrab. Potato's gotta be a Grass/Fighting, with that crazy sprinting and leaping towards his wild trio of pigtatoes!
Wind Deity is female, don’t worry
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I want.
Wacky meme. Do you reckon having one with a birthday cake or a popcorn? Maybe even a sandwich? Gotta love the smug aura this witchberry's giving, has the same prankster vibes as that chameleon fella from the Beast-Yeast arc of kingdom, haha!
>Assign your favorite cookies a type
white ghost easily a ghost type. Not quite sure about the grass bit, even if it's a reference to her cactus-like ingredient. peppercorn cookie as a pure fire type for her explosives, really.
Dark Cacao literally killed both Oreo dragons after this though
>Stellar - Sugar Glass
though not popular anymore, there was a theory that the Crystal Onix seen on the anime was its own type (that being Crystal or Glass), so Sugar Glass being any of those would be a great fit
Closest we got was a tongue-in-cheek reference as a pokemon battle between Caramel Arrow vs Affogato and Rye vs Chili Pepper. Cool to see their signature moves, like Affogato's poison-type "Sweet Scheme" getting resisted by CArrow, and CArrow's "Arrow of Resolution" as a steel-type attack that flinches Affogato.
>...(that being Crystal or Glass), so Sugar Glass being any of those would be a great fit
Gotta give points for it being an exclusive type for Sugar Glass. Honestly cool to see new types like Electricity are added into CRK. If element system were added into OB, guess each element will be a combo of being a blast, or shield, or obstacle-destroying, or fall-immune, or jelly spawning, or magnetism, or score-boosting effects. It's purely cosmetic (and dynamic)
that new knight costume is goofy aaah, he looks better with an helmet on.
>Her becoming super charged also has a variety of effects in her body
>Most likely making her breast size go from a modest size to an L-cup, to represent the lightning from above
Must be a killer paizuri, might as well use a rubber condom to not suffer any strong shocks.
Normal: https://files.catbox.moe/7wvpa6.png
Supercharged: https://files.catbox.moe/j09b0h.png
There's a reason why she's so good at writing, maybe even all those mysterious and erotic novels are field experience.
Golden hair, alright. Looks like quite a reveal, even for me! Wonder if there's something like that with other cookies, thinking like a skater, or a ninja, or strawberry with their "face reveals?" Also looking forward to the dino sour super epic, although during his new epic costume debut during the sour belt and chocolate bonbon event is real swanky, high classy.
this nigga so retarded
The color of his hair isn't a surprise, but the hairstyle is definitely a first for Knight, guess that's quite the village raider look.
Def inspired by TOTK Link
Baby Black and White Dragon is very cute and I want one as a pet
>killed both Hydrox dragons
Yep, the art book says it so. Guess being alive is a critical criteria for cookies to be "playable" in kingdom. If dark cacao can slay those creme sandwich cookie dragons, and dark cacao is pretty bad gameplay wise, those are some weak dragons, or the stormbringer, just immensely op. Both are cool.
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Anon what the fuck are you talking about? He's one of the strongest guys in the canon, by your "gameplay logic" of "good in gamplay = stronger then a dude who just happens to play piano nicely is way stronger than the king who was gifted with one of the most powerful things in the kingdom with that soul jam in the militaristic kingdom raised in an environment where it's almost kill or be killed if not making the walls to fend off beasts and whatever, it's just power creep doing its thing with time.
also onion is fucking dead and she's playable as a ghost
What is it with some of the fanart here that depicts cookies with large posteriors or large chests
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Have you ever had the pleasure of kneading flour dough?
Imagine that but with ass and tiddies of a big cookie girl. That's just hot.
Also the active artist that posts here likes cookies with big tits and asses.
Can't believe you missed this little one, guessing it's from the shift to OB's Epic rarity to CRK's Rare. She's rarely present in most non-spooky updates.
>Dark Cacao pretty bad gameplay-wise
Well, it can't be helped how Devsis nerfed him during dark mode 17-30, he's a real piece of work as a boss. Does remind me of the trope of "Strong as an enemy, but average as a team member" kinda fella. He still has his utility, mainly inflicting injury and ignoring (outright destroying) HP shields. Here, have an Onion I found earlier, heh.
>the first SB lewds
The anon below you has quite the comparison between dark cacao and creme brulee. Honestly appreciate the narrative effort in dark cacao, and creme brulee just having an slow burn atmospheric gut wrenching bone bing chilling mystically-enhanced, tactical assault keyboard. Seriously, gotta max out and give the best of toppings and beastcuits to creme brulee, goes well (and goes hard) with mint choco, or cream puff, and snapdragon.
>goes in search of Pitaya to ask for his aid
>almost loses her soul jam in the process and possibly her life in battle
Dark Cacao
>"Hello my friends, I have now secured the aid of the sky elements themselves in the upcoming battle agains Dark Enchantress cookie. All that it took was a 3-minute talk and slashing the sky with my allmighty Grape Jam Choco Blade."
the dude is really strong lore-wise, but gets denied game-wise
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Nice Onion! Didn't thought that she was deceased because she slept too long at that one tower. Regardless of the canonicity of these comics, it's nice to see that Matcha can see Onion, Matcha does need some love, perchance?
>OB's Epic to CRK's Rare
Yep that was quite a surprise. Wonder what were the decision to shift cookies like Blackberry and Onion down a rarity? Anyways, pretty amazed that Blackberry's shield and single-hit ghost summon attacks makes her quite mighty viable during that bit with the Avatar of Destiny, better even than the magic-candimaxxed Madeline for a team-wide HP shielding.
>niggas like him
Wonder if it's just a consolation to have him part of an Electricity-based team. Wonder what it would take to make Dark Cacao as a mainstay in the secondary content like arena. the guild raids/alliances. Honestly would like to see him have a chance to cut the enemy team's HP to 50% of their current value, yeah. Else, looking forward to the updates that make the CRK elements like an add-on system like toppings, magic candies, and beastcuits into new modes, especially a new master mode chapter. Enemies regen and with HP shields? Get Dark Cacao to block their healing and shields.
all he needs is a damage adjustment, passive dmg resist and make his injury a permanent stackble thing so PV is used more, that should shake the meta for a while
also 11 to 13 second cooldown
Also finally gotta mileage grind for almost a month to finally get the latest legendary treasure, the Hourglass Aeternus Tempora, at mal level 12. Hopefully it makes Rank A- possible in TR. Also got a few more Epic Treasures to max. Feels like this year to 100% the cookies, pets, and treasures into Max Level is possible. Sweet.
the question is - all f2p or you did spend something?
Think I'm a dolphin leaning minnow since playing at the ides of March '20, got in to purchasing the legendaries bundle back then, following royal club soon after (still subscribed to it) and the occasional rainbow cube super deals (biggest was with the super epic wear for Croissant and legendary wear for Timekeeper, and that bit early this year with the limited super epics for Chili Pepper, Red Bean, and Snow Sugar, used the pity for Queen of Thieves) and also a bit during the season gift boxes, yeah.
I wonder if you'd get shocked if you put it in like using a fork on an outlet and if you're safe if using a rubber condom
I like the suggestions, now looking forward to it being implemented in the far future. Gotta bring those Ancients a power scale higher than that of Legendaries, Super Epics, let alone the affordable Epics, yeah. The synergy bit with PV is a neat touch too, thinking about the limited combis from Arena and the Team Fight modes.
>pic related
Quite a mood, yeah. Newer entries like WC and TOA would feel like a full-day affair, especially with gaming back with CROB, CRK, and PW. Hopefully the collection gets easier, also a defined gameplay loop like getting the latest event cookie, hopefully maxing optional. Wonder what's the routine for these cookie run games?
Just do the weekly Breakouts, TR is best on days 1/3/5 for the burning time, and guild runs for a chance of gold and legendary gems. Dailies mostly focus on trying to get enough treasure tickets or those ad break rewards. Made relatively faster or easier with royal club.
The Battle Mode for Milk/Gems give decent weekly rewards, so is their champions mode with the medals for a chance of L-grade Sea Fairy, Wind Archer, and Fire Spirit. Dailies is just claiming ad rewards (x6 gems was nice), and the shop freebies for those hammers/boosters.
Just the bounty, and trying to max out soulcores for free epics in Master Mode Ch.4, and Beast-Yeast Ch. 1-30 hard mode for the beastcuit grind, get that daily 12 tries for the bounty (skill powders, mc crystals, star jellies), auto the materials and goods purely for coins, seashells to upgrade cookies with. Guild stuff, like alliance, the boss raids, definitely neat to get guild-exclusive Cream Puff to hoard mileage. Upgrade cookies & treasures to max.
It looks like it's just the daily free in their shop, and to do a bit of the block puzzle breaking, plus asking for guild and friends to lives, like PW.
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Got around to doodling Dumpling Cookie eventually. Hopefully I won’t take as along with Salsa.
Let's just hope you can get more than one ingredient for each candy.
>Affogato uses an attack that poisons his enemies
>Didn't cause the PSN status effect on Caramel Arrow, even when the battle would have ended with the same outcome.
Clearly missed oportunity there. It gives the impression that "it's super effective" and "It's not very effective" are the only things they know about pokemon combat.
its a damaging move, so it works on a chance basis... your case would've made sense if it was something akin to poison powder
It does poison based periodic damage very akin to pokemon (turn-based) poisoning, so I was saying that it would have been a good nod to having Carael Arrow poisoned.
I have to admit that I'm a little confused on how poison damage works in this game.
Season 9 update is out, here is my summary of the first half of the story because I thought it’d be fun

>Logan Paul lobotomizes Pitaya and Ananas, causing Ananas to give up entirely and making Pitaya more of a retard than he is right now
>Coping so hard, Pitaya tries to do one more slash against Logan Paul. He fails of course and has to retreat to his place.
>His place, undergoing the time reversal, brings back the Stock Tribe who were once extinct, alongside how his place used to be.
>The Stock Tribe cookies try to appease and heal the dragon. Even though he’s INCREDIBLY racist after getting lobotomized, he still accepts the help.
>Suddenly, Snakefruit appears. She bears a message from Lotus, who herself has awakened her dragon form and created COVID masks to mask against Logan Paul’s eyeballs.
>She proposes to Pitaya that he join the anti-Logan alliance with Lotus, but still bitter about what she did back at the battle, he declines the offer, still chasing the high of killing Logan once and for all.
>To make the offer sound more genuine, Snakefruit brings out Pitaya’s girlfriend: Mala Sauce Cookie. Mala greets her boyfriend, reminding him of the hot straight sex they still have to do, but gets distracted by the Stock Tribe who reveal that they are her ancestors.
>Mala hitches a ride on one of the Stock Tribe’s animals to see how her own tribe’s doing. They of course are frozen over from Logan Paul’s doing, to the tragedy of Mala. Her ancestors assure to her that they will help family, no matter how long apart they are in time, and Mala heads back to find Pitaya.
>Pitaya, still a racist retard, decides that he will heal himself in his land rather than letting the Stock Tribe do it for him. Once he arrives however, the land is just as barren as the Mala Tribe cookies frozen into stone.
>He tries to breathe life into the land again but fails over and over and over. Mala Sauce appears behind him.
>”Bro, where the fuck have you been? We still need to kill Logan Paul and have sex like we planned!”
>”WE? What do you mean we??? Your frail asssssss cookie sssskillsss couldn’t match him!”
>”I know bro, that’s why I’m here to get stronger with you! Now come on, we gonna do it or what?”
>”Hggghhh…. Ok then, try me tou ssssniveling bitch!”
>”SSSSSOOOO WEAK! You cookiessss are sssoooo weak at battle!”
>”Dontcha mean sex? And why are you speaking like that? That’s not how I remember my lovely dragon boy talkinng.”
>”Sssssay that aga-“
>mala bitch slaps pitaya, effectively delobotomizing him
>”Better now bro?”
>”…I get it now… you ARE good at ssssexsss… cookies are good at sssexxxsss..! I-i’m ssso ssorry my love for all thosssee thingsss I’ve sssaid! Pleasssse forgove me!”
>”Hey don’t fret my love, now do you think you can unleash your true form now?
>his place is lively once again, the gingergang observing from lotus’s resistance hideout
>”While you’re at it, can you melt my tribe please? So lone- uhh we need more power to fight against Logan!”
to be continued in 2 weeks
Thanks for the summaries bro, now i can finally skip updates without missing out on the LOOOOOREE
average genshin impact skin color
devsis make a different event mode gameplay in ovenbreak challenge (failed miserably)
What Crest Skills should I polish with my two hammers?
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devsis what the fuck is this wall of text for new skills... one of the best cookies when the game released was literally just huge damage resist buff.
Thats what power creep does to a meta
Pitaya's candy and pet are genuinely better than revamped Ananas
boost is everything
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Yep, Dragalia Lost had the same shit happen I believe. I just used whatever was meta for what Element and then maybe thrown in favorites, like Dragons-turned human (I think they were meta till shutdown though).
Really? I just chose his path because of his stupid determination to win.
That's a lovely dumpling, anon! Wonder what she's frowning about... The spicy? Appreciate it, here have your Salsa Cookie (with the Shield Pepper Pet) and Yoshi Cookie (with the Power Flower Pet.) That Heat and Greet!
Intense stuff! That's quite an overload of sub-mechanics to see if Stormbringer Cookie will (actually can) sweep enemies by super boosting her ATK SPD through her element, and that zap attack debuff. Cool to see Strawberry Crepe Cookie have just a big boost in that DMG Resist, how's his tanking btw? Just as neat as Crimson Coral Cookie, Magic Candied Financier Cookie, and sweet ole Fettuccine Cookie?
The worst part is that it works. As long as her crit% is high enough, shes a power house, shell definently help the element stand on its own, once the true electric meta arrives with the twizzly and blueberry pie candies
Im just glad my stupid meme blueberry pie laser spam comp that i had made not only is coming back again, but might actually be viable for reals this time.
Surely her candy will be just the thing she needs to get back in the meta. Its probably not gonna be bulk increase, cause stormbringers got that covered, so they might just crank up her offense
Honestly, it looks like they just share the archetype of just looking cool and defending their respective princesses. Always though it would be neat to have knight don the short hair look. Anyways, think it's the first time a lobby background, major update exclusive wear for both cookie and pet, is given to a rare cookie. Latest in given memory is the likes of Wandercrab 2023 with Sorbet Shark, then a White Ghost, Moon Rabbit, Red Pepper, Tiramisu, Cyborg, Grapefruit, Shine Muscat, Coffee Candy, and wow, now Knight.
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>Wonder what she's frowning about..
Appreciate the Salsa, but with Dumpling. I guess being a royal advisor and overall secretary work isn’t exactly a job to be all smiles about. Other characters (like Nastasia picrel) of her archetype are proof of that.
Why is fighting the Living Abyss so ass?
You waste time waiting for him to summon his first wave of globs and it feels like you can just get gated especially if you do too much and accidentally kill the blobs
Abyss is supposed to be burn meta, but fire cookies lack their own Prune Juice to be worth
Wait, did they get rid of selecting lands to run in TR? Fuck, I don't want to use Pitaya in at-stakes TR, I don't have the pet or candy maxed.
what did he mean by this?
do you think they did it when he was in his dragon form
all this power stuff was the main reason i dropped kingdom after one week lmao i don't have the time to read and understand all this combat shit + pay attention to lore plus play shitty simcity
Cramming two breakouts in one night (especially in the first, third, and fifth burning days) are intense. Would love a substitute for Marble Bread (those "Tyranno-platforms" in Main Ep. Stage 6 - Dragon Valley Battlefield have some pesky speed and "safe zones" to 'em) and also Covfefe Candy seems like she gets her head thumped in during that kraken - pirate ship raid (stage 2, shorter breakout.) Anyways, just glad to finish this OB weekly, will grind for Gold Gems now, or help out in the Guild Raids.
Because coomers, noted in the image of >>1453402. Try not to cringe too much the hyper autism and schizoid erotic speculation, too.
Didn't expect a quick response. thanks, the hyper art always looks off for some reason... Yeah, hope we get more cool art of stormbringer yeah lol
Alright some Special Force Cookie love! Big fan of the potential she has based on her army-like background. Just as cool as sheriff Rye Cookie, the delinquent Twizzly Gummy, and that pistol-wielding, submarine-piloting Captain Caviar! Yessir.
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Well, once you reach a particular rank in TR, say, 10k trophies, there used to be the option to "pick" a land to run, but that option got patched out (along with practicing in lower level lands) in the recent update.
>I don't want to use Pitaya
He may appear in combis higher than (and as early as) Emerald 3 because of this update. So far, just aim for the "closest best combis" in the three lands (sans Snowbell Winter Village, it needs Legendary 5) using your highest-levelled Epics. Been in the game since four years ago, only maxed the Epics, Rares, and Commons, will be hard-pressed to be burning gems and crystals to get my Lv.12 Pitaya and his Lv.2 Sword fella to max, ayy.
he started in his cookie form but ramped up to the dragon form the longer the hot sex went on
what is he doing in this clothes and setting he looks so FANCY it’s like he’s ready for his marriage with mala sauce
Honestly, will wait for Day 4 to pass and probably try the honest, hardworking potato or this sweet sea salt of an electric eel feller to obstacle-skip those dinos. Having to repeat more than 10 times for a "perfect run" does compound over time. Having to lose an hour's worth of breaking out? Oh lmao that saying "Running the same combi and expecting a slightly different result? Insanity."
>marriage with mala sauce
That's a new ship, yowza, Was fully expecting a hollyberry mention, or that cannoneer lady tarte tatin yee. Would love to see unofficial costume alts for that fella, real liked his villager disguise during that Snapdragon side story in kingdom, more pls hehe
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Can't have shit in Doughtroit
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We'll have more cute stuff with her getting Supercharged that's for sure.
That's why it's efficient to just run both the red velvet dragon and avatar of destiny, really. Honestly, what would you consider are "healthy scoring margins?" Mine's just settling for those bosses to be of Lv25+ and dealing relatively 150M+ hp damage using combi ref >>1438606 for Red Velvet Dragon and using combi ref >>1436852 for the Avatar of Destiny, although swapped Maddy with Blackberry.
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Glad you're looking out for the latest legendary in kingdom. It's honestly even a first for me to get her for free soon, Anyways, checking the story, she actually pummeled that cake tower, incredible... Here's some cool interactions I found.
stormbringer cookie
Despite not noticing her tattoos until now I cannot help but be bothered by them. Why to they just... end at her upper arm?
maybe they go to her back, just like Avatar's Air nomads
Did they run out of budget for these title screens? I noticed a drop in quality when the White Lily update was implemented
Oh fug, yeah. Noticed. Peak CRK title screen has got to be the Golden Cheese Kingdom one, real cute with the running Fettucine. Goodness, would love to collect all the Live2D title screens of CRK, preferably the ones with major narrative updates or the ones with lots of cookies.
>Drop in visual quality
Yep, and there used to be a time where the font of cookie name (featured in those banners to upgrade their ascension or magic canndy) was mighty customized to fit the personality of said cookie, nowadays, it's just the regular CookieRunOTF nowadays. Gotta compare and contrast that title text of this update's Stormbringer to the title text of Twizzly Gummy from their respective promotional banners.
>Assign your favorite cookies a type
Hoping when they introduce a Wind type (wind archer) and a Wood type (millenial tree) would be cool to see pancake cookie as a Flying/Grass type, like with the gliding and dropping mini-acorn bombs to his foes.
>Adding TOA would feel like a full-day affair (after playing OB, CRK, PW, and WC)
Yeah that's gotta be intense. witch's castle dailies are fortunately like a less-intense version of puzzle world. At least the guild obligations aren't too demanding, and even in the most competitive ones like ovenbreak and kingdom are relatively chill - even with the substantial rewards in redeeming the legendary + gold gems in ovenbreak, and passively receiving the crystals + guild gacha tokens in kingdom. gotta collect all them cookies, yeah.
Same, maybe like a Cacao Kingdom-exclusive dragon that can tag along like that swell Skeleton Dragon that helped beat those guild raid bosses. If it were up to me, real wanted another dragon that turns into a cookie much like a lychee dragon or lotus dragon. Sweet ladies in their own way, and this buttercream wyvern cookie, one can dream.
i love storm bringer so much, mai new waifu
can't tell if it's the outfit, the snaggletooth, the attitude....or all of it
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ANOTHER FUCKING ONE? What the fuck is wrong with these devs? They do realize that their entire fucking playerbase isn't going to hop from one game to another right?
They were already working on this one for a while, along with witchs castle
At least im sure this one will be better than castle
this game had an open beta test months ago, and another one a bit before the official announcement
besides, this is another kind of game that appeal to a different kind of playerbase, its your own choice to play them all
rarity within rarity dear god, they got away with adding the mystics already so it's no surprise...
bear in mind that they're just recolors of already existing rarities, so nothing changed, just a cookie + a soulstone added to the pool
also, cute pond dino
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Big Cookie tiddies are just good.
>Open Beta
Wonder if any anons got to play the open beta? Only time that I'll be able to play 'em is during the release, much like with Witch's Castle. Just waiting for Shop freebies or the daily ad rewards till the next puzzle. Marble Bread mighty consistent, and the new Herb fella can do almost that Full Row clear power up, the Star Arrow by clearing 7 blocks in a row.
Based devsis coming in with a ton more Kakao freebies.
As a thanks for the warm reception of the 11th anniversary, every player gets 500 gems.
As a compensation for a pricing error of one of the new packs, every player regardless of if you bought the pack or not, will get a ton of EXP potions, 3 rainbow doughs, and a bunch of free treasure draws.
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Ew damn, foxy's OBESE
>awakened ancient
That's like mystic costumes, guess this one applies to the last, no plans for latest? ancient cookie white lily. She got those enchanted shears power, from that elder faerie
>better than castle
Well, it's a totally different genre to tower of adventure, it's a comparison like apples and oranges. Anyways, wonder how do cookiegamers here manage to play (and main, and daily) these cookie run games?
this is like, the first alt of the entire Cookie Run series, for a really old and forgotten ancient
think of it as test subject, if it lands we get more... if it doesn't then it'll be a once in a blue moon deal
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sounds like it's a "new" cookie that's just an stronger better version of the older ancient one without giving them a buff or the leader power should that has to be leveled up like the legendary ones.
she a cute fat fox
Always a treat to see new Dumpling art! It's pretty cool to see other types of food get a different Cookie OC interpretation like pic related.
>overall secretary work's tedious as it is routinary
Yup, almost always love a modest reference to Blueberry Pie keeping to herself in the Wizard City archives, holding pretty potent magic! Also that time with a stylish teacher fit for Blackberry during the halloween of a year before last year ago both are plenty strict! Kinda surprised you went with a Nastasia ref, heh heh! Anyways, looking forward to what you'll do with Crowned Cupcake, Dumpling, and Salsa plus wishing you the best!
>Abyss is supposed to be a burn meta
Thought it relied on the likes of Space Donut, Milky Way, Captain Caviar, Squid Ink, and Cotton to have a decent clear (but I was only able to manage reaching less than 100M HP damage, and went 9-9 on the dragon and avatar, yeah.
Hopefully it doesn't become either a convoluted system or something that is akin to a non-repeatable limited event! Too much artificial scarcity is one hell of a fomo, takes me back to being grateful to just nab the Sonic, the Disney, and the BTS lads in Kingdom, since they're not gonna reappear ever. Also noticed the audios for the crossover-exclusive structures stopped playing their audio, like with Disney's leitmotifs of their princesses, and the BTS music. Anyways, mighty glad those are optional content, and the last Town Square update, none of the Sonic, Disney, and BTS are available as avatars at all
Burst Abyss is just hard to land, forcing players to have just enough damage to not kill blobs is tiring...
in all honesty, abyss should be a giant fucking hp shield and injury thing
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Yep, quite a hassle to max him now, wished I got the mean grind on during the guild token days (maxed out only longan dragon and lychee dragon out of all the dragon cookies) They're quite a mean gem sink, heh. At least the storymode update got purple yam cookie as choice playables. The legendary sword pet I got for pitaya dragon is just at a meek level 2 so far
where is his wings
These threads are just full of coomers and hyperfags, people will respond to your questions and discuss the games, just don't expect high quality posting when there's a female Cookie.
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Thanks, guess will look forward to the memes and the other content, especially now that there's an additional game like Tower of Adventures that has that "core crg energy" to it like ovenbreak and kingdom. Witch's Castle is made marginally tolerable thanks to the "watch ad" options, was able to collect the gacha-required furniture through it, and complete levels with just 2-4 moves instead of spending a retry ticket or 300 gems.
>Anons will respond to my inquiries.
Sweet. Got a requirement for this current breakout, was able to get 1,700 gold gems and no legendary gems. Also using the red pitaya dragon path > yellow ananas dragon path, wonder what would be the best 10 cookies? Looking for options in only Epics, not in the market for legendaries, thanks.
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As always just use the top combis and replace the ones you don't have with newest, maxed ones
Looks like it's quite a full manual experience to kindly time dealing damage to the abyss. Already loved imagining the practicing spectacle of having a fire comp using Pitaya Dragon, Capsaicin, Tarte Tatin, Cream Unicorn, and Snapdragon to napalm it back to ash. Saw earlier of a Prune Juice, would be cool to have a Fire-type Summoner to make Abyss worth raiding again.
>Abyss should of been a giant HP shield and injury thing
Yep, it would be quite narratively consistent to Crispia's Ch. 13-30 to have it vanquished by Dark Cacao and his fellow zappers. As it came from the sea, pretty neat if it's mortally weak to the Electric-type too.
>Spinach Cookie
Based beyond belief
Trying to "daily" six crgs is def intense. At least, currently invested in only ovenbreak and kingdom (really for the sunk cost and playing it close to four years ago) and puzzle world is just a non-updated terminally online single player game (consider a completionist after stage 1540 and getting the three L-grades) as the tertiary crg in this experience. Experiencing the dark pattern of sunk costing in witch's castle regarding those "infinite lives" so powering through those block puzzles are plenty intense. Anyways, kinda glad to cram the pitaya dragon half of ovenbreak's recent update exclusive mode, and got my first pity of stormbringer in kingdom, gave her best beastcuits and a hall boost of Lv. 80 so that's nice for this May.
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Are the dragons true forms the size of a small dog?
depends on the size of the cookie cutter
the average cutter is 6cm, and judging by their dragon forms (based on kingdom's size comparison), they should be between a chihuahua and a pug, or a small poodlle if we're generous
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We all do, Anon.
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what an arrogant, smug, lazy little 'sky goddess'.....

King Dark Cacao needs to correct this BRAT immediately!
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How big would that make Black Pearl then?
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The cookies are pretty big, although one could rule out the BTS crossover as a non-canon event. Having the cookie versions of themselves join this pic for a reference measurement, these are big cookies. Goodness, two years ago they are in the meta because of their incredible healing support skill, but glad to have snapdragon, icicle yeti, and magic candied cream puff plus magic candied parfait to take the lead in "best support/healing cookie" from them.
So far, closest is pic related, a lot of it involves the fusion of Gardevoir and Meloetta, they make the tallest cookie or cookie-like appearance. Neat to see 10 cookies get their rep here, small victories, sharing quite the psychic or fairy typing.
Think Affogato here's a poison-type, and Caramel Arrow's a steel-type, and that's why she's able to resist (and flinch) Affogato.
>...how poison damage works in CRK
Isn't it just a standard, stackable Periodic Damage debuff? If it STACKS with Burn and Zap it would be great, especially faster enemy kills, always a treat.
toddler at worst, kid at best... this is based on the assumption that Sea Fairy can potentially be human size
i can't really take this as measurement since its promotional art... i am basing my claims on things like forks and knives as seen in Ovenbreak maps, gingerbrave fitting in a cookie cutter in kingdom, and although i can't play witch's castle, i figure that the cookies are very small if you recall a cat boss and the witch itself compared to the cookies trying to possibly climb a teacup board
who do you guys think impregnates Lychee Dragon so she can unbirth all those lychee monsters?

And if it happens to be the unsuspecting cookies she brainwashes, then is this an example of bestiality in Earthbread?
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i think you're in the wrong side of that line of thought
>When all the Dragons have the they/them pussy
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Same for that reveal trailer with Witch's Castle regarding the promotional art, the cookies look to fit snugly along the palms of the witch. Think also there's also a height chart in the previous thread, so wonder what you'll do with the information, yeah.
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This one?
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That's the spice. Honestly loved looking at that along with the concept images from the ovenbreak side (t. used to work in an animation company once, height charts are the best) Hopefully the relation between the Tower of Chaos cutlery or that witch capturing Dozer in Witch's Castle gives us a solid grasp of the true cookie size. Else, the official plush, like these ones, may be another neat size reference.
fuck you none of them are nonbinaryniggers
potaya longan and anans are males
lotus and lychee are females
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According to Kentucky Fried Chicken April Fools and totally LEGIT and CANON twitter posts, gingerbrave is 1.78m/5'10" so they are actually the size of a real dragon!
So is this a brand on her ass, or is just a stamp?
Topkek! Although currently replaced creme brulee with stormbringer in the arena revenge-farming (still used devil as easy defense bait) kinda glad stormbringer with golden cheese with crystal jammed black pearl. Regardless, love the piano boye, he ain't allergic to success and has successfully expelled the avatar of destiny consistently.
Kinda surprised with the repeat one-time puzzle block-breaking skills featured in witch's castle. Rosemary here's similar in function to Marble Bread with regards to breaking 9 blocks in a cross-shape, pretty consistent stuff. Wonder what's with the repeat skills?
I think the duplicate skills are just down to there only being so many ways you can break blocks within a designated area
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Dragons more like Drags-On, we sure are slow on threads even with how many lightning Cookies there were, can we just get to the next update now?
Kind of annoying that they took away practicing on previous lands. How am I supposed to get max coins for the infinite chests now?
Yup, and was thinking to up the variety in those skills, could be nice to have a chance instance of spawning a firecracker, or bomb, or those other power ups like that mallet, bow, rock, and puzzle cube, yeah. On top of that an additional mechanic of replenishing moves would be great. Honestly gotta love the special skill spamming and recharging in puzzle world, and the powerup to "customize" placement of the match-3 jellies make it sweet easy in puzzle world over witch's castle puzzle solving.
but the next update is also about dragons
there is no escape
Yup, glad it's all fine epics for this Pitaya portion of this major update. Still a long way to go for me to max Pitaya and his Wyrmfire Blade. Earlymaxxing choice treasures and the likes of Purple Yam, Mala Sauce, and Habanero did help make it easier to take the "L," or rather the "L+" haw haw!
>Max Coins
Well, gotta run that 3-cookie breakout, then if you've got maxed Epics (cookies and pets) they can be claimed for coins instead. Pretty sure the generic suprise bears always have a "Just Run!" to claim those bundles of coins, and also, converting a bundle of gold gems for coins?
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Fucking hell, Blueberry Pie using Jellybeans for the magic candy is fucked up, that's one of the resources everything to craft wants and in large quantities of.
Its worth it, the extra damage she gets does wonders, and she can buff crit% for all electric cookies, just make sure your scythe is high enough, the extra damage from her skill comes from her crit%
Ill share my stupid beam spam meme comp, that can actually do work now, it can handle standard triple tank
Her candy is at 10, but i will get her to 20 eventually.
I can see where those Jellybeans ended up too

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