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Best HoI4 mod there is, can't wait until the Russia update comes out.
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They will find a way
I'm still bitter about the lawrence coup
this is a goyboss mod
Not sure if even EaW is immune to that shit. Its autistic crowd might help but it probably won't be enough in the long term.
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still no new teaser since february, this progress report from 2 days ago is the only sign that the mod is still alive.

Who is 'ThatAnxiousGamer' and why has he made the worst review video on SG Beta so far?
Just watched the absolute worst review of SG Beta, and am totally shocked that it hasn't been taken down by YT yet...

Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen.


Clealr has literally no understanding RTS genre, or game development. This guys is the biggest joke on the internet right now
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>played for 10+ years
>peak: diamond 2
but true sg sucks
You gookclickers need to be round up and executed. You stupid genre wrecking retard assholes haven't the slightest clue what an RTS is.
Your post reeks of shill.
It was shit, though.
Whatever manner of reverse-reverse-counter-contrary-Psychology you're attempting here, I will neither play your game nor click on your channel. Thanks.

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I know know hoe logistic works
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The coolest models in the game don't have formations because they are late game technology.
The coolest shit like walkers, robotic infantry and shields can't be made into their own formation.
Can't you raise a robotic light infantry formation?
I checked myself, yes you can.
Is there a better way to grind Government than Xeno Diplomat? Because it really sucks. What would I do if no xenos?
>start leaders who like government i dont want (enforcement and autocracy)
>think to myself i will just fire all the shitters and reform into my usual meritocracy, + government)
>all events and decisions are +enforcement or some other shit i dont want
i hate the RNG and how the game doesnt let you play like you want
conquer a crappy zone and leave it in unrest to grind meritocracy via investigations
goverment I still have no clue, you can get +5 from the contact syndic church card but I'm still grinding xeno diplo. maybe i should just let commerce get its way

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Hopes? Fears?
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I'm not saying that RTS-sanc community are victims. I'm telling you that after ESO shutdown, there was always something that made the community split when everyone should have moved to EE.
Kinda makes me realize how fanatical the AoE2 fanbase is overall. I mean it's still not as big as Starcraft per say, but at the same time Microsoft doesn't give damn shit compared to Bobby & Blizzard in everything.
What are you talking about? AoE2s playerbase has long since eclipsed SC
Microsoft has been very cautious trying not to anger the fanbase too bad but it's not working.
Citizens gather less than villagers per population used.

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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>I'll just let how its executed be a surprise
It's going to be overpriced and barely have any content.
Why is it negative? I thought the content was fine.
Probably because the dlc is super overpriced.
Just e rambling about my last playthrough.
tldr: small choices are more fun, when you can compare to the world around you, and see how being an angel, or a fuck to your neighbour, reverberates through the world in small waves, possibly tipping things over somewhere else

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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This one?
>he said while posting generic plastic bitches
>neither won due to crystal aids
I'm still mad.
>>he said while posting generic plastic bitches
you're GSE-brained, fix yourself before the Jews get you entirely
>doesnt like Aryan blondes in skin tight suits
>simping for non Whites bugs
>capitalizes "jew"
Shalom rabbi.
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It's been always her

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>needs more flavor though
They should have made the campaign last past the beginning of Christianity and had some kind of decadence mechanic so that you have something to do once you've großed out, something that starts out slowly with some debuffs and eventually snowballs into what Total War Attila did. Instead the campaign just kinda ends right before you get to the good part.

I don't remember if EU: Rome went past the death of Jesus. I didn't play it much, but I remember one of the start dates was Rome blobbed out almost to the fullest extent it achieved in OTL so maybe Imperator could have a bookmark like that, unfortunately we live in the Paradox era where they're against multiple bookmarks (or pandering to history autists over larpers)
>people eventually find out it really was fixed but it’s too late
This is not what people said at the time. What people said was that the game was beginning to be good, but it was still flawed, and with Paradox saying the game's development was put on hold everyone just assumed the game will forever be in this better but still flawed state. No one who played it ever said it was fixed like how Victoria 2 was "fixed" after A House Divided.

This is what PDS has been doing with most of their titles since as far back as HOI2 (maybe even further back, but HOI2 is the oldest Paradox game I've messed with so I can't say). Crusader Kings 2's launch was lightning in a bottle for them.
>They should have made the campaign last past the beginning of Christianity and had some kind of decadence mechanic so that you have something to do once you've großed out, something that starts out slowly with some debuffs and eventually snowballs into what Total War Attila did. Instead the campaign just kinda ends right before you get to the good part.
Invictus + Extended Timeline + Crisis of the Third Century. Playing vanilla Imperator is like playing vanilla Victoria 2: there's no reason to do it.
Funny you should say that; I almost exclusively play vanilla Victoria 2 because I don't really like what most mods add to the game. But then again, I have my own mini mod I always play with that plugs up the hole in Canada so that the US doesn't blob into Yukon, so you're actually right now that I think about it.
I played vanilla Vic2 for years before getting bored enough to really give mods a try, now that I'm used to them l can't imagine playing without stuff like PDM. But Imperator had so little development post-release that it really needs them to keep the game interesting, and Invictus at least is so seamless I think of it as a sort of semi-official continued development of Imperator.

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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So when should we expect a playable prototype to be out then? Also I'm not particularly a fan of Simul-turns, but you do you ig.
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Sea zones should be finished now.
I'm extremely bad at setting deadlines. This spring happens to be extremely busy for me, but hopefully I can whip something out during the summer break.
Why do you need sea zones anyways? They're not countries are they? Do the fish people live there?
How do you handle naval control and pathfinding, nigger?
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just some place to have sea battles

Just a working idea, this might just be too complicated for the players to understand, but...

The gist is to find a movement system between Total War's free movement and PDX's abstracted movement.
Imagine this:

>each province is connected to another by one path
>The length of the path is based on pixel distance
>armies/fleets have two modes, "stationed" and "moving"

When unit is within the center of the province, they are "stationed" there, and can be given orders.
When unit is given the order to move somewhere, they are "moving", and can't be given new orders until they reach their destination

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Thoughts on the Academy and Nakalim rework.
I personally find it to still be a shit expansion, just less offensively shit. After a couple of games with it on I decided to turn it back off.
Nakalim still don't have enough drawbacks to justify the ludicrous start and benefits of relics.
The Academy actions range from extremely busted to utterly worthless with little in between. If you take out a couple of pirate lairs as one of the empires that gets a broken one, it becomes way too easy to abuse it with the relations per turn you get from killing the pirates.
Even if you're not an empire that gets access to a busted one, the Academy also makes early military investment a worthless endeavor with how strong and easily attainable the Academy fleets are.
That being said I really hope Amplitude returns to this franchise for their next 4X after Humankind was such a massive flop. I find these games infinitely more interesting, let other franchises fill the "real world" 4X space and embrace the sci-fi fantasy niche.
>Thoughts on the Academy and Nakalim rework.
It's a lot better than it used to be and actually decent fun to play right now from a singleplayer perspective, but if you care about balance at all you're still better off just turning it off.
>EL's last expansion was a broken and poorly balanced mess
>ES2's last expansion was a broken and poorly balanced mess
Ideally they break this pattern with the next game but we'll see I guess.
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I honestly can't think of a setting in strategy games that has been wasted more than the Endless setting. Those Frogs could at least make something compelling back in the day but even back then they struggled to add in enjoyable mechanics. Now they straight up can't make a good game to save their lives.
Both of those expansions were outsourced to a different studio which explains a lot.

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Get in here and talk about hoi4 modding.
>OWB 5.0 update dropped
>TFR 2nd stream on March 29th
>Kaiserreich Ireland rework incoming
Also share your modding tips here as well.
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LaHL dev died in Ukraine
bro none of these goofy ahhh total conversion mods are ever gonna come out fr fr no cap
what is the mod about?
was this the one with the sandstorm that consumes the world

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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>another day another forum post complaining about how admin is repelling and offending the Russian community
How long until a Russian rip of the game pops up?
what did the admin do
Formerly Jutes' Glutes & Chutes
I made my heir found a parish and now he has a parish but no buildings, no money and can't even train clerics in the church (it is property of my lordship). What is he even supposed to do then?
>buy some gold in the town then eject it and store it in the parish
>sell gold
>send parish owner and lord who owns the temple to the temple
>have the parish owner purchase the church in the two shields menu
>send a unit to the temple to be trained into a priest once the parish owns the temple
>have the priest then a sculptor/stone mason then a painter/potter/armourer consecrate the temple to a deity
>set the priest to automate prayer including automatic purchase of any needed items for the prayer
>enjoy prayer benefits

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What am I in for?
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It's not so bad from what I'm seeing, and I love the comic book artwork going on. Very soulful.
Oh I bought this years ago for like less than 2 dollars. I know because I had pennies left on my account and I was looking for games I could buy for that amount.
Are any of the mods good? I've seen that there is a completely new Arabian campaign available and I want to play that after Russian one.
Wow I didn't notice that the price exploded. Even in my shit currency I only spent 2 bucks for it a few years back, now it's 40
>Are any of the mods good?
It's either too gimmicky and too much of a fanfic or "fuck you and your mother"-tier masochism which literally FORCES the player to resort to exploits
doesn't help that one of the mod creators wants to be really fucking serious about it and shills it as the 2nd coming of christ to the point of sending BOX RELEASES AND MERCH FOR THEIR MOD to streamers.
normal people play multiplayer
>doesn't help that one of the mod creators wants to be really fucking serious about it and shills it as the 2nd coming of christ to the point of sending BOX RELEASES AND MERCH FOR THEIR MOD to streamers.
>normal people play multiplayer
...lol, the steamchart says that there is like 4 people playing this. How big is the community for this game, exactly?
many don't have it on steam because they still have box releases; patches can be downloaded straight from the guy who has the source code and does all the work for free
it's hard to calculate because as always there's the sp/mod and mp split, but realistically, there is enough people to play 2 3v3 or 4v4 games simultaneously, as long as they show up. sometimes when one of the streamers casts MP games there is not enough space in the room for everyone to play.
If you want to play, you'll find the people for that. 1v1 is low-key dead. That's all I can say.

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Deport yourself and I may.
Found this thing and thought it would be a great mech mothership but ArmaA WINGCOM doesn't function properly with it sadly because of the left and right of the ship are separate modules.
Put wingcom on one half and put alestes/valk exes, put pd/bombers on the other half. What ship?
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Galaxia-class colony ship, WINGCOM has to be save-edited in the center of the ship, its actual purpose of hauling crew is probably not happening as much as the big number makes me want to S-mod berthing.
I hate mod devs that just add 0s to things. Its like they didn't even bother to compare scale on anything. Ship holds over 10k people but it is smaller than an onslut. Right sure.

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Last thread was live for 6+ months, with anons posting quality content and good advice for those struggling with command, let's try that again shall we?
New DLC dropped, set in September 1941 and features windmills and oil rigs as well as a rather weird Sunday release date.
It's been over a month since the operational phase update release, so there should be plenty of opinions to share.
As usual, share your victories, defeats, rants and stuff you struggle with, so helpful anons can lend a hand.
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Here's what you can expect from the newest DLC - I'm 4 turns in playing as the Germans.
>you get a plentiful force with some good units including a few Stugs
>the objective is to take the hills across the river that is in the top left corner of the map
>it appears the Commies got mostly cav units
>seems easy
>first turn battles it turns out they have KV tanks and you're fucked with only PaK 38s
I swear those fucking tanks are indestructible
Why would anyone play this janky slavshit when the superior Combat Mission series exists??
Combat Mission is an actual MP-focused game. GT is a "click a few times and sit back watching a movie" wallpaper generator.
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>should you pay $70 for a barely functioning game engine with questionable mechanics or should you play graviteam
they're two very different games? Combat Mission is alright but its for hyper micromanagement autists and not for tanklovers

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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>get Sicily as a puppet abusing Austria alliance
>infinitely spawning independence rebels in my puppet
>AI seems worse, just has better tech
>conquer haiti
>try a million times and finally eek a tiny win against china and get a province
>event pops up limiting me to a port
im giving it 15 more years and then im going back to vanilla
i hate it, all the mod options seem like they are for bugmen, either adding trans rights or adding hispanic nazi larp
>adding trans rights
Elaborate, I thought Crimeamod was made by some anon
Crimeamod is made by a ziggerfaggot serbroach.
cool shark

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