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Get in here and talk about hoi4 modding.
>OWB 5.0 update dropped
>TFR 2nd stream on March 29th
>Kaiserreich Ireland rework incoming
Also share your modding tips here as well.
>TFR shill thread
great start
Well post something else then? Maybe OWB update and stuff.
i transheart the fire rises
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TFR is vaporwave for all I care. At least MAA came out
LOL, not a real country, missing the orc meat wave tactics in your meme tree
I want to enjoy owb 5.0 but the walls of text annoy me
How big is the wall of text? TNO level?
>iphone tranny found another thread to seethe about
go back to your precious jewkraine and go die for gay sex there instead of shitting up our threads
ukraine lost
TFR late next year, BOTI 50/50 in fall, the other 50
So, how cancerous is copyright on steam workshop? If i make solynka - submod, russian style by snatching stuff around, and tying it together with my own pieces, will it be shot down? And if will, mod get deleted from workshop and that's it, or worse?
Eight Years War of Resistance is fun, but I never understood why people like adding in these weird secondary systems to HOI4 like supply health and ammunition.
>Nibbas playing strategy games but can't see pussya losing in real life
And you will always be a brown ESL
back to /k/eddit fag
Brown and faggot, kll yourself.
I bet the faggot watch powerpoint slide and thought he is expert in warfare irl. Kek.
Why u brown though?
I watched the recent Russia stream. mod looks all around great but the devs should pick up the pace.
Any mod with alternate fantasy ish guns like Fallout and the pony one?
>OWB 5.0 update dropped
Is this the midwest enclave update?
Best examples of fun and interesting mechanics?
no its another canada and female bos update
>boomers vgh about grossgermaniums and grossbyzantiums
>zoomers vgh about grossrutheniums
What happened?
>Kalterkrieg might actually come out
>No Italy Content
I don't know how but fucking Buchanan is behind this shit
Months ago when I was playing Red World Fan Fork a song that sounded like some form of stock music started playing over the usual music and continued to play even after I paused the OST in the music menu. The song kept playing until I closed the game and it really freaked me out. Does anyone know what this could be?
>What happened?
>i support the opposite of the current thing
as usual.
In this case I think it was to model Japan's logistical nightmare
But I heard it also comes with a new Enclave path
Is there, like, an option to disable all regions you aren't interested in? Or is it just going to be a sea of minor focus trees around big players, none of whom interact with one another?
There are options for unifying some of the regions at game start, which amounts to the same thing.
>Or is it just going to be a sea of minor focus trees around big players, none of whom interact with one another
From what I understand, they're eventually going to implement the Chicago Enclave which will have some kind of endgame boss or cold war mechanics. But who knows when that's going to happen since at this rate Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean will be complete with 100% focus tree coverage before they get around to Chicago, let alone the east coast
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What are your thoughts on Bring the war home?
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>rollback to last patch to keep playing
Do I just have to wait for the mods to update and start a new game all over?
Probably. Are you using East Coast Rebirth? Because if you aren't, that's worth restarting for anyway.
I was using the 'Enclave Reborn Redux' mod.
I'm assuming 'East Coast Rebirth' adds the east coast? Which sounds pretty awesome.
Yeah, it only adds the DC and Pittsburgh areas so far, but it's still pretty cool. The two mods are compatible and there's extra focuses and decisions for the Enclave if you have ECR installed
Cool. If they both work together I'll definitely play both of them.
the enclave mod guy said in the workshop comments not to start a new game since he's releasing an update tomorrow, so I guess I'll play something else in the meantime.
my thoughts is i'd like to play it sometime this decade. At the very least they could tooze a little more than once a year. that dev diary was what like last 4th of july?
What's this mod about and is that a new map or is it from MAA or NAD?
any good Southeast Asia-themed mods?
seems that the devs would not touch that region for some time
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Is the sword through the crown of thorns a real symbol or created for the KR/KX universe?
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Turns out the Germans were right about the (((russians))).
it's taken from this iirc
Isn't it dead?
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>not posting the map
kys annoying /gsg/ faggots
>Monarchist Ireland in kaiserreich
Boys, Kino is back on the menu
Ugliest borders ever, not even germs have pretty border wtf
KX did it first and better.
Kaiserredux will only be good when they fire the dev that makes Dogmeat porn
Guess (it's extremely obvious)
no seriously i don't know anyone on the kx devteam enlighten me
Pax Solaris update never at this rate, the rework will come out before the mod will.
>KX did it f-AAAACKK!!
Wait, I thought Pax Solaris got merged with EaW team and become part of the rework?
>Kaiserreich Ireland
>even under an united Ireland the faggots want the Irish to be the oppressed ones and protest
Amazing writing, very strong "The republic army is called La Resistance" of recent Star Wars
Hate this new update. I'll have to wait a few days for all the mods to get their updates.
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2 more weeks
isn't that the zigger shill mod?
I like it when paradox update DLC and everyone gets black void on their screen. Truly revolutionary stuff to break the game.
Some of these political posts remind me. Which is the best Ukraine war mod? AtD or ES?
I'd hardly say there Russian shills, they definitely make the Russian army more competent then IRL but that's more necessity for an interesting Europe war then anything else, the German military is similarly made more competent, but at a lesser scale
Make America Again mod just got a major content update back in January. Does anyone even care?
back to /uhg/ with you, pigger.
How's the latest update to Old World Blues? Worth getting back into it? Any fun new updated tags?
>Kaiserreich beta german translation public on workshop
>needs english version to work
I didn't notice because this is a different item on the workshop. Why did it move?
Oh, I guess it is a zigger thread. See ya.
No, we support Ukraine in this thread. Don't listen to that other anon.
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>map game thread
>people start talking about supporting slavic oligarchical shitholes
>slava ukr-AAAAAAACCCKKK!!!
>commiepedotroon seething that ukraine is losing
lol, shouldn't you be dilating in your lefty discord?
who the fuck supports ukraine?
besides state department and their lackeys ofc
People with white skin, and IQ above 90.
Get your Russo-Ukraine shits out of here you fucking faggots.
No, TFR is not a Z shill mod. We just like to tell things from the perspective of the country you play as. Ukraine will be similar when it gets content.
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>dead tranny mod
this shit has been in development since 2018 and didn't have oobs until last year
>People with white skin, and IQ above 90.
So globohomo, got you.
>illiterate retarded thirdie syntax
the only globohomo is all the rape going on in the russian military
neo nazi mod
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this mod has such potential.... but most of the focus trees lead to nothing and it's riddled with bugs. do you all think this will make a comeback?
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>posts an anime grill in SS uniform
It will always be fiction. You really shouldn't draw attention to it.
How do I tell if a paradrop order is, you know, working?
I gave the order to go. The arrow is green. There is a green checkmark. the only promlem I'm seeing is the usual "-10% Division still preparing" (does that EVER go away? All my hours into this game I've never once seen it go away)
Wait I figured it out. you have to mouse-over the over arrow itself. I was 2 transports short.
TFR will be releasing side by side with niggerojitkrieg: a society in chaos based on the haiti cannibal gangs and nigger transgender spics
>do you all think this will make a comeback?
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a man can dream
>crying this bad
Ziggers are very fragile creatures. Its like caling a nigger a nigger, they just go apeshit.
hmmm maybe you should release it baka and let me verify that information.
(Pls I want to play as US warlord so bad)
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
I remember when they were dropping toozers every day
>>crying this h-AAAAAAAACCCKKK!!
Was häsch grad zu mir gseit, du chlini Schlampä? Du weisch scho dasi dä bescht Militärpolizeigrenadier vodä schwiz bi, im Kosovo gsi bi mitem KFOR und über 200 ufem Gwüsse han? Ich bi ich Guerillachriegsfüehrig usbildet wordä und bi dä bescht Militärpolizeigröni vo üsere Armee. Du bisch für mich nüt als es witers Ziil. Dich wirdi mitäre bis etz ungsehne Präzision vo däre Welt wägblase. Du meinsch glaub du chasch im Intärnet so Chabis über mich usälah und chunsch no dämit devo? Dänk bessär numal drüber nah, du Lappi. Während dem mir eus da unterhalted hani scho es gheims Netzwerch us Spion kontaktiert, und dini IP wird gad zruggverfolgt, mach dich besser uf es riise Puff parat, du Füdlibürger. Das Puff, wo das erbärmliche chlinä Ding, wo du als „Läbe“ bezeichnisch, uslösche wird. Du bisch verdammt numal murks, Chlinä. Ich chönnt überall sii, ich chönnt dich uf siebehundert verschideni Arte abmurkse, nur mit dä Händ. Aber ich bi nöd nur im unbewaffnete Kampf usbildet, nei ich han au Zuegriff uf Züghüser vo de ganze Schwizer Armee, und ich wirds usschöpfe, zum dis elände Füdli vo dem Kontinänt zblase, du chline Wixer. Wänn duu gwüsst hettsch, was füre apokalüptischi Rache din chline „luschtige“ Kommentar provoziert hät, hettsch wahrschinli dini verfiggti Schnurre ghebät. Aber nei, du häschs nöd anebracht, du häschs nöd welä, und etz wirsch dadäfür zahlä, du huere Tschumpäl. Du wirsch ih mim Hass versuufä. Du bisch tot, du Pajass.
I don't speak low deutsch can you post this in Bavarian? Thanks
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Are there any mods that give countries different tech trees?
Like the British having cruiser & Infantry tanks, the Italians having decent small arms, etc.
KX has one autistic submodder who goes around making different infantry tech for everyone.
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so true!
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and this is the old PF toozer in comparsion.
mod name?
Autobahn nach 56 Redux
I still think Atomwaffen should have a >moderate path that doesn't ends in nuclear.
That's literally their only gimmick, also NO MORE FUCKING SCOPE CREEP, bad enough we have to release in 2026 now, DO YOU WANT IT TO BE 27
KR Tech Extension is better.
Did you miss the "Atom" part of their name?
New Kalterkrieg devblog
Just read on KF that this mod is 0% done lmao.
At least post the founder of the mod
Don't forget the whole lovingly calling a commie terrorist comrade thing that IIRC got them a visit from the FBI lmao
Dev mentioned that it was possible for the part 2 to be past release despite already started writing it, this means were like at most a month from release
How does rolling back reforms lead to innovation?
What's the moderate outcome? They only nuke brown countries?
>The Atomwaffen are real
What the fuck I thought it was just mod fanfic
Yeah we have moderate AWD path, it’s called NSM.
of course they're real you dumbass
you roll back bad reforms and implement good reforms.
>Those icons
Blud is stuck in 2016
Just like Kaiserreich.
I think one of the default education advisors in the Shogun mod is a troon self-insert. Can anyone confirm?
Why hasn't kaiserreich implemented subids by now?
Because it's "too much work and not worth the hassle"
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>Arms Against Tyranny not on sale
Any other DLC worth getting?
no step back and (to a lesser extent) man the guns are the only dlc most of the community likes
>Yeah we have moderate AWD path, it’s called NSM.
So AWD just destroys the world? They managed to assume control of the country and destroyed the "system" wouldn't they just govern like normal NS?
their entire ideology is RAPE PILLAGE KILL, they do not want to govern
How can a path like that be fun besides the initial shock value?
it's a war game. You're supposed to be waging war. The problem with killpeopleism in most mods is that killpeopleism only happens in events and not in gameplay.
You know what I feel is lacking in these toosers? Focus descriptions and effects. I think they'd be nice to see as an example of the writing style of the content and what to expect to get from those focuses. And some events too.
Also, the 2 last natspirits should be divided into paragraphs to make them easier to read.
what's up with OWB and knight LARPers? There's like a dozen different knight orders in the North.
watching literal sub humans pre programming kick in from their respective war propaganda outlets is never not funny
However it makes any thread unusable as a downside
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>Our Town is getting seven paths
I love this shit lol
they're there for british empire restoration larp as far as i can tell. isnt that so much more exciting than the chicago enclave?
I think that's still a great misrepresenting of what they believe in since TFR claims to at least try to understand the views of the factions they develop. Yeah sure they might act like that while they fight the system but if they win the war then they're now in charge and can govern as they see fit.
New to the game. people keep recommending No Step Back DLC, and it make me wonder what is so bad about La Résistance DLC? I thought the spy and resistance mechanic are essential for the game
They are absolutely fucking not
MSB isn't 50% off so that one will have to wait.
Is Man The Guns worth it if I don't care about ship design?
The only thing essential in HOI4 is getting boots inside the enemy's major cities. Everything else is either a means to get those boots inside the enemy's cities, or window dressing. Not even nukes will win wars, let alone fucking spies.
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>GrossLaPlatiums annexing Chile
Of fucking course, the mark of a shit scenario with shit research.
Have a shitty non-toozer from a mod that may actually have a chance to release sometime this century.
what mod?
Our One Province Superpower
>OWB 5.0 dropped
>OWB ... 5.0!
>Ain't naw fuckin' way these niggas dropped the Midwest when I---
>It's only Zhangada faggotry, less than in 4.0
>and 4.0 didn't add shit and only made the game more unstable and probably crashed the community and the mod development as a whole
>4.0 launched in May 2022
and the fire rises is just as mid and will literally never release
and if it does
it will never get updated beyond bugfixes and Brazilian sex tourism mechanics
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I'm pretty sure these toozers were suppose to be a joke poking fun at edgy donut steal me hoi4 mod desu.
Ok. then tell me the best mod that should be put on OP for the next thread.
“Twilight of the Anthropocene”
What are some DLC worth getting for OWB?
I only have the free ones.
OWB doesn't use most of the DLC mechanics, all you need is Waking the Tiger.
Alright thanks.
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Caps system on or off?
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Based nazi mod
Across The Dnieper
TNO thread got deleted, does it have to move to VG now because of the no videogame generals rule?
Just don't make a fucking general next time. It's not that hard.
he says in the hoi4 modding general
how new are you
Any based anons here kekked at a negroid or a tranny lately
I'm kekkin at you rn
Kek, tranny detected! The salt levels in this thread are rising, lads!
Made by troons who are more interested in talking politics on discord than actually making a mod
>4.0 didn't add shit
Lolwut? 4.0 added loads of stuff, even if most of it isn't any good.
We're getting Chicago Enclave in 6.0, r-right?
6.0 is Minnesota(yes really). 7.0 is the rest of the midwest
no one cares about your shitty nigger tier tranny mod. go fuck a glove faggot
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This is the best mod, stop playing dumb.
Would you even want current OWBs Midwest? These cunts are so ridiculously uncreative, slow and woke. Even Mexico was a mistake. They somehow made the most boring version of Mexico possible, dropped a half finished Texas and have been working on fucking Canada, which (outside of Cascadia) has no basis in lore.
There's a guy on the owb subreddit who filled out the entire midwest with countries in like 2 weeks and you can see the OWB devs seething in the comments about how much ~harder~ it was to spend a year making up monarchist and commie AI focus trees in Canada
Do you have a link for that?

Compared to the previous updates? Hardly IMO. I think the Canada content was pretty shallow and the rework to the NCR was mostly bad. The only good addition was the brotherhood and some Caesar Legion stuff (mostly bugfixes), and the brotherhood content was ridiculously buggy and linear.
It's not released yet as far as I can tell
is that a new Enclave submod?
>“Twilight of the Anthropocene”
LMAO I heard that mod supposed to get a major update back in February but it got delayed indefinitely because of the lead dev responsible for that update got conscripted.
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You now remember this
I guess trying to give proper ideological labels to their characters would expose how nonsensical and inconsistent the kaiserreich ideology system is
Whatever happened to this mod? I thought they released it already.
It got massively reworked, this isn't even what the Wilhelm path is anymore, they cut any sort of "Nazi" elements from it
Wow, a mod where WW1 never happened! That's a very interesting premise, I wonder what they will do with it
>Communists still take power in Russia for some reason
>Wilhelm is a nazi because he said 1 or 2 bad thing about jews, which means he's literally Hitler
>Everything is the same as it is in OTL because devs are too retarded to understand the consequences of WW1
I don't even know there supposed to be nazi stuffs in it, I thought it just another imperialist mod
>Everything is the same as it is in OTL
Mexico is in a civil war
So mirror Red Flood but shitty?
>Implying red poop isn't shitty
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heres rework summary if anyones interested
>tno thread finally getting deleted
thank god
it's because retards keep putting "edition" to the OP
Any other mods that let me change cultures like Pax Britannica does?
>Wilhelm is not 100% nazi anymore
why was he one in the first place? who made that decision
He said anti-Semitic stuff so he must be exactly Nazi ideology, it's for the better that it got reworked, now he's more of a generic hardline conservative, I actually do think the rework in general was a good idea but they took it a bit to far, definitely no release this year unless scope gets cut some more
TNO does has Culture mechanice and if I remember correctly Burgundy had mini game dedicating to replacing French, Walloon culture with Aryan stuff but that's about it.
Playing Old TNO cause fuck retcons.

I heard you can get rid of schorner and start a second GCW? How do you do that?
How do you go about playing that?
I think it's something related to the oil crisis where you don't do anything as goering instead of attacking superpowers
I believe that second GCW only occured on goering path
Nexus has old builds of the mod

So is it treated as a fail state? Tbh I just want to recapture the pre GCW borders and get rid of schorner before he makes Goering start ww3
Quick rundown on Tony Pro?
Who is he?
Why does he likes Hoi4 Alt Hist Generator so much?
Is he Indian?
I remember this. Creator was a libtard that thought wilhelm was a nazi bc he said stuff about the jews, completely ignoring how much of a wet wipe he actually was (even going as far as stopping kulturkampf against the poles)
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>20th Century Alt hist mod that changes because someone did something in [insert big war here]

At least Pax Brit and Twilight of The Anthropocene have cooler things going on, I don't wanna read 500 pages worth of text about how some leader breathes which makes automatically makes the mod good. The New Order, despite it's flaws, had something cool going on with Atlantropa until it was removed for reasons. Maybe I'm one for science fiction and would rather look at a lake in the Sahara, imagining how the future would play out with the technology that achieved this, than commit to some drama in a country that doesn't change until [insert forced event here].

Anyways, rant aside, anyone know any mods that have something more to them, or maybe changes the world up a bit? There was that africa and europe switching places in terms of history, but I think it's been dead a while.
Is there any mod which just de-memifies the fascist/non-aligned names for minor releasables? Retarded names like EMPIRE OF FIRE or NEO-SELJUKS seriously makes me not want to balkanize the Soviets.
Edit the loc files yourself.
What is a good mod if I want a sort of "Vanilla Plus/Enhanced" experience?
So If you have East Boast Rebirth will east coast and west coast ever have any interaction? they're too far away to do that, aren't they?
Road to 56
>Twilight of The Anthropocene
Why are you still shilling your broken and empty leftoid mod that no one except your Red Poop circlejerk knows about?
he doesn't even mention Extremis Ultimis
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Two wrongs don't make a right
Any news from New Ways? I'm still impressed with their Germany rework.
Can really only think of Godspeed: A Flame for Winter which has some fun stuff in spite of its death. Its more of an Alpha than a legitimate mod but it has the Angevin Empire, Moorish Iberia and Italy, Byzantium & HRE, Yue China, Christianity is split between Chalcedonian and Vesperian (American) Orthodoxy. There's also some cute little eastereggs, like Thelema being the leading religion in London.
NTA but Goodspeed seems kino. Sad it's no longer being developed. I remember hearing about it years ago.
I heard that ToA supposed to get a major update back in February but they have to delay it indefinitely because the lead dev responsible for it got conscripted.
This all sounds so fucking stupid.
why does it feel like hoi4 mod development time is mostly spent making focus tree icons
Because it's more time consuming, I'd say.
its just strange to me that so much time is spent on them when i barely pay any attention to them when im playing the game
maybe im the weird one and everyone else spends hours squinting at the icons though
it feels like it because teasers show you icons and portraits, not lines of code. Most of the work happens under the hood.
Is Pax Britannica any less retarded?
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Also like >>1709436 said. It's easier to just post visual image rather than something abstract like code. If your Focus tree looks good, people will apply to look forward to the mod but how will the mod hold up is different entire matter on its own.
I for one would rather have properly described and well written lore and trees than have professional level art on "CNT_event_desc"
That's your opinion anon but the majority of people here aren't /lit/fag who like TNO long essay about Lesbeans in Post-Axis victory Britain. Visual are easier to cater people to because they can see, Texts take more time and more abstract than Visual but also can make some surrealist story that's up to interpretation (See RF's Friend of Old France event)
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Anyone know why I still failed to pass the CRA as RFK?
I took the Slam the Door Path since I want the most radical bill to pass and grt RFK to grt JFKd before the 68 elections so I can work my way up to Gus Hall

Yet despite dominating the senate it still failed to pass
I'm starting to think this game might just be bad.
Why didn't you take a screenshot?
Anyone got a favorite new OWB 5.0 country?
Why does every other Hoi4 mod think its a good idea to make the wastelands in north Africa traversable?
Who the fuck asked for Miskito.
fuck you titor go finish TFR
Titor would namefag. I ain’t no spic.
Go and work on ya Israel and Nigeria already m8.
Me. I did. Got a problem?
Am I the only one that got filtered by the size of new content of KR's germany? There's simply too much stuff to manage for my simple mind.
Holy brainlet.
For me it's The Pioneer Company
I like Stratcommune, the Duchy and Laurenburg.

Skill issue ngl
Seconding Laurenburg,
R56: Does Communist China not get invited to the United Front anymore? I grabbed Shaanxi, Ma, and Tibet before Marco Polo and have just been sitting around with my dick in my hand ever since.
It benefits you to delay the 2WK as long as possible (1940) which means you can do more focuses. Also you don't need to worry about russia so much because your puppet army in the east can hold him off for a while. Once you get passed 1936 there are a lot less fires to put out, but there will still be some in the future like hugenberg or the prussian legal challenge, depending on path-- It's well-designed like that and in my opinion the most fun and refreshing thing in all of hoi4
What are some mods for gay homo niggers?
Equestria At War
Yea it's retarded and doesn't take into account the fact that you have to fight 3 proxy wars at the same time. They also gave kingdom of spain insane debuffs and made CSA win against everyone with 90% chance. Trannies will yell skill issue while it's really just a poor game design. I had to replay because despite conservatives holding 300 seats I got demcuck tree because I put down the rebellion while I had to make them win for some reason (which makes that retarded mini game completely meaningless)
It mogs tno and kr
t. tnotroon
>still using Vanila tier GFX icon.
Horsefuckers please update your GFX please... you are still using vanila icons on the main interface for christ sake..
If you can't carry your preferred Spanish faction to victory as a major it is indeed a skill issue although I agree it is lame that without intervention carlists are guaranteed to win this patch
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>remember I got goy 4 in last sale
>launch it
>mfw no 1933 or 1914 start date
So there are any mods to change that? No alt history memery just fleshed out earlier start mod
The great war redux is probably the best you'll get desu
>70 days national focuses
I can't understand the credit that mod gets
Darkest Hour is what you're looking for
>OWB STILL features no sentient deathclaw nations
Instead of the 37th AI turned le evil can we get sentient deathclaws
I didn't say it was great or even good, I said it was his best option
They went extinct in fallout 2. There are only two of them and both are male.
Kaiserreich Ireland rework releasing in "the next few days" probably Easter Sunday, as anyone could have predicted
Another Kalterkrieg PR
God I love these so much.
Is the Sonic mod going to be good?
Which meme mods should I try? Haven't touched the GAYme in years, but now I'm bored and want to blob like a retard.
TFR dev stream in 20 minutes.
I was gonna post that...
it's up
is it any good?
early QnA in discord before stream.
fire rising.
I love tfr...
Kaiserreich Ireland out
it's joever
stop posting this thread to discord you FAGGOT
kill yourself nigger
so how was the stream?
So. Kaiserreich - Ireland. What's the based path?
Natpop monarchist and totalist duh
no, o'neill is a portuguese nobody, cuinneagain regency is better
Is the new Ireland just all about choosing le whacky path, or does it have interesting mechanics like Argentina's immigration?
The new Ireland is about adding more depth and activity to the war by making you able to puppet it as Britain or Germany.
>le whacky path
Doesn't have any thank god, when i heard a rework was coming i 100% thought they were going to add celtic larping and invading britain/america or some shit
Celtic Maoism and Irish Integralism are pretty whacky though.
Imao you can release northumbria now
>He hasn't found the celtic confederation path yet
New OWB submod that added the midwest region is just released
I wonder how long it will take to get some focus trees. OWB devsisters are surely seething right now
That's hardly relevant given that most of the mod is already pure fanon.
6 months, at the least, especially if it's just him working on the mod.
anyone else having a lot of bugs in the new kr path like
paths not working for some countries because the game doesnt properly recognize the ruling party
>just chilling as China
>never bother joining the Entente because I only have like 12 total divisions left after fighting two civil wars in a row
>Entente gets dumpstered
>"Post-war demobilisation" event just deletes half of my factories
Forgot to mention it's Great War Redux. I thought a China playthrough might have been more fun than the Austria-Hungary and Russian runs I did beforehand, but wow does it feel like this mod has 0 quality control.
What about restarting the experiment? Could be an interesting formable/releasable.
After the first teaser with Italy judgment day only got worse and worse. Now it’s just a stupid version of TNO. They removed nazbol Panasia, and now Japan is just a Soviet Union in the Pacific lol.
Is there a new teaser or leak?
leninist United Socialist States of Japan
I think the Irish teaser is kino.
Who cares about Ireland?
Me. I've been reading up on some of these figures since I was a teen.
What ever happened to Twilight of the Anthropocene, is it still being worked on or did something happen?
Still at work
TFR cooked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wUTHY90VMU
see >>1705702
I am so fucking done with this damn shithead team, fuck TFR and John Titor, I’m releasing a leak of the mod tomorrow to own the fucking libs.

Sick of the stupid shit we have in this, like the Trump emperor route, dark Brandon mode and Putin sex mechanics
Favorite KR germany path?
SPD, Schleicher or DVLP?
TFR leak is up on steam

Spoilers. It’s dogshit slop made by retard chuds

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3126434365 What's this?
Total dogshit that doesn’t even fucking work

Buy an ad moron

Are you fucking inbred? That’s been in the workshop forever.
SPD is pretty fun while being quite challenging. If you fuck up the war badly you even get a secret republican path, though it's only a couple of extra focuses
It is normal for any mentally healthy male to think of history and wars.
Alt history is a cool genre that fuels one's imagination all while Orwell was just a whiny socialist bitch with a very overrated literary contribution.
Well the upload to the git of the leak is taking longer than expected, I think the dev team has caught wind of me and is jamming my internet signal. Hopefully I can get this leaked before the day is over but it’s getting riskier by the minute

Wish me luck boys.
I liked DVLP, it is essentially two retards fighting, it is really funny.
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> muh nationalism bad
> muh history bad
Orwell was just a whiny socialist bitch who didn't like fun
Well guys my bandwidth pipeline has become jammed and my router pinpointer has malfunctioned so no leaky leak of TFR TODAY.

Fuck the Jannies, fuck John Titor, trust the plan. We shall over one.
Well fuck you PrivateHazard and welcome to ban world. Brain dead moron chud. We fucked your router up so go to hell chud

Router pinpointer my ass....
You fags are trying so hard

t. the actual spic john titor
Namefags GTFO
t.Piss Flood developer

TFR Autism is truly the worst hoi4 autism. TNOs Reddit community is more tolerable. Embarrassing display.
You will never be anons.
ok nigger
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Is Red Flood doing the same as Kaiserreich and showing leaks only when they've neared completion?
could be. The big tip off that an update is coming is when devs start posting pics of new content finished games in dev builds on the main discord's screenshot channel. I've yet to see it happen yet for BM stuff tho so i think we've still got a while.
So what is the best mod that is not trying to be a visual novel? i want only war.
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I recognize this
Any tips for Black Ice Germany? Specifically division design.

I've played a Canada game and that was pretty comfy, obviously. I started a German game and it's a bit frustrating accounting for all the free shit you get from focuses while still trying to go relatively historical. Also my divisions all seem to suck ass and have super low org, which I get is a feature of the mod.
Mod is dead, less then 20 commits a month
That other what if germany won ww2 mod just got another update
imagine being conscripted
what a faggot
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Any recommendations for a good wehraboo mod?
Either historical or alt-history stuff is fine, as long as I get to do cool Castle Wolfenstein things and there is lots of flavor like many campaign events and such.
IPhone tranny above me
Holy fucking based...
What even is this?
What are some good redpillian mods
hoi4 history fags btfo
Is this mod good?
I though the the Turkestan legion was fun
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How do I fix this font?
>one of the most powerful
>and great
alt history mod?
these guys are looking at regular LARP players.
I'm surprised no one made a Command and Conquer mod.
Someone tried to make a red alert mod, but that fizzled out.
That's a shame. Red Alert would be excellent for HOI4. Especially if they go for 3 with its 3 big factions.
project ulysses is still alive
>Maria Theresia insignia
>Hohenstaufen collar tab
I kind of wish there was a Pokémon mod like how there's a pony and sonic one.
Wasn't there a mod for KX where you could bring Adolf Hitler back to power
I have access to the TFR git. Ask me anything.
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Get to work jannies, wipe this shitstain thread down.
Yeah it was called Uberreich. Kept getting taken down though so I don't think the mod creator bothered to keep it updated.

Leak the mod then faggot.
everyone can mod hoiv :)
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>He's in
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this is your main dev?
You could do a study about the people who make this shit and play it
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>Pax Britannica main dev in ukraine, probably dead
>TNO has infighting and never manages to update
>TOTA is just dead, any future content is never coming (I think the head dev was russian, you know what to expect)
>TFR suffers from TNO drama, expect nothing for another 2 weeks +
>Kaiserreich, Red Flood, and TWR, are still holding out

Anything else that could be added here? Also, has anyone here ever been apart of a mod's development that ended before it released, what usually leads to it's downfall, or what causes it to fizzle out after releasing? Infighting? Disagreements? Lack of coders? Burnout?
>Kaiserreich, Red Flood, and TWR, are still holding out
The upcoming Russian rework is being done by a Ukrainian, expect fireworks.
>PB dev is dead
Any confirmation? I got banned on their discord, they posted a Russia teaser recently so the next update will probably be out by summer.
Is he really ukrainian?
I thought he simply was the guy that also did the ukraine rework.
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>the big time mods got fucked over

Judgement Day chads...we won....
Tota is a worthless steaming pile of garbage, why do you keep bringing it up? I'm genuinely curious
He's Finnish.
Who is "you"? Please take your medication!
>>TOTA is just dead, any future content is never coming (I think the head dev was russian, you know what to expect)
Head dev is Brazilian correction.
>>TFR suffers from TNO drama, expect nothing for another 2 weeks +
One of the lead dev is an war autist who keep sperging over low quality mods on the workshop but other than there aren't any drama. 2 more weeks is true tho.
>>Kaiserreich, Red Flood, and TWR, are still holding out
KR? Maybe. Red Flood? Two teasers meh. and TWR? Nah I'm pretty sure they are dead.

The only thing ToTA has its going is the setting itself and the Internet Politic Eceleb angle. Everything else suck ass.
Schizo 1
Realistfag 0
Recommend me some mods that are either new or got recently updated. I love KX; it basically gets multiple focus trees once or twice a month.
Kalterkrieg is 95% complete and almost ready for their 0.1 release, the remaining 5% are being spend on bug testing and localization. at least according to their discord announcement
What'll they have when the mod releases?
The sad reality is TFR, Kalterkrieg, etc. are all cool ideas but are made by retards who just pump out “le funni” toosers to their mentally ill discord bros and even if these shitty mods ever release, which they never will, they are mods of Hearts of Onions 4 which is a fundamentally broken paraslop game.
Damn anon you hit the nail on the head. TNO model of not having a public git and hyping up their shitty updates seems to be the new meta for the modding scene - amazing how many mods are stuck in development hell with no real content and just crank out toozers.
Kalterkrieg is actually happening once we can get some more slaves for the loc mines, we have a few hundred pieces of loc left and then we can push it out
>Two teasers meh
Red flood's problem is that they act like a pretentious indie game dev team. "uhuhuhu we cant tell you because it's le epik super secret sex sauce we took 10 years to research!! Muh dev NDA!!"
>modern day mod discussion
>immediately becomes a political shitfling contest because they haven't added a ghost of kwyiff +10 gayness modifier
jeez, I wonder why the every modern day geopolitical game is complete shit
>Prussian Scania
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Did they genuinely not realize just how common antisemitism was before the latter part of the 20th century?
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>hadn't played for months
>get an urge to return to playing hoi4 after reading some history
>3 whole fucking nights spent staying up playing the game for literal hours nonstop on mods
>all while having to study for an exam soon
Not a single other game where I did this.
Yeah, I'm gonna uninstall HOI4. It's a very unhealthy game. Closing this thread too right after. Literally worse than alcohol
this happened to me too, I think those communist fuckers are using black african magic in their games, their obsession with black people always seemed strange to me
37 hours non stop playing this shitty game, no food no water just map painting cause I cant play this shit without cheats
Kalterkrieg has been "close to release" for years now
You'll be back.
But this time there's a tangible goal, 750 pieces of loc need to be written and then it's done. The tno team writes 5000 pieces of loc a month, granted only about 30 usually get approved but how hard can It be to get 750 done
working on a shitty submod for kx that is a portrait overhaul
what do you think
the portraits are either taken from base kx or made from scratch and enhanced using ai
I work on a mod on your list that is still being developed and I do believe will be release, but if our mod were to collapse, it would mainly be due to ego and infighting. Some people think they are better than others and try to take power or push out others. That is the main cause of the downfall of most mods.
Not true of TFR, if you actually payed any attention, they stream the game constantly. They also really down play their "le wacky paths" a lot and focus more on realistic scenarios.
Why are all the mods for this game being made by tranny discords? Where are the grognard passion projects?
Because you need to have passion and free time in order to work on a mod like this, and probably with the help of other people. This means you're probably young (under 25) and probably using Discord, and inevitably you're going to run into someone with weird fetishes or political views that are at first tolerated and then become mandatory when they attain any kind of position in the hierarchy.

tl;dr HRT went through zoomer autists like crack through the black community.
Red World
Black Ice I guess. Any balancing mod that doesn't focus on alt history writing.
Let's be real here, HoI4 is too simple for grognards, they're playing something more complex. What you're getting these days is writing exercises by trannies and/or chuds.
Gotta be kidding lmao.
This is probably the closest it's gonna get.
>What'll they have when the mod releases?
Countries that will be getting content for KRG 0.1 release:
American Union State
Danubian Federation
France (South and North)
German Empire
New England
Pacific States of America
Russian National State
United Kingdom
Italy will also have content just not at level
Long and Happy Life is still a thing
How many wars
Does Palpatine's Gamble still get updated? I know that's not a major mod but I always found it interesting.
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Mixed between Realism and vanila portrait. Can't say I'm a big fan but it look nice enough to be its own mod.
I hope LaHL release one day along with other zombie mod like EGD and etc.
Problem is a lot of hoi4 mod will never going to see a light of day due to low devs, irl issues and whatever the fuck drama they keep getting into. Which is a shame when you have some interesting setting people came up with.
>guy behind the Equestria rework is no longer on the team
>nothing from Pax Solaris in months
EAW's dead too.
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A friend who used to know a guy on the EGD team sent me a build of the mod back from November cause I've always wanted to play it. Unfortunately while the map is done there are no playable focuses. It's a shame cause it was a cool concept. Hope one day it regains it's steam and releases. pic is proof
LaHL dev died in Ukraine
bro none of these goofy ahhh total conversion mods are ever gonna come out fr fr no cap
what is the mod about?
was this the one with the sandstorm that consumes the world
What's a fun Old World Blues playthrough? And why isn't there more discussion of OWB since the release of the Fallout tv series?
OWB is as lore-accurate as the tv series.
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I've been meaning to play the Enclave in OWB. I'd want to go for that mod, right? Enclave Reborn Redux? Is it true the "purist" path is boring?
Red Flood most likely lost two devs in Ukraine.
wow another gay TNO clone, get better material
It looks nothing like TNO, what are you smoking?
>Is it true the "purist" path is boring?
I think that was more for the original ERB, from looking at the ERX focus tree it has about as much content as reformer.
I'm pretty bad at this game and only play it because I like Old World Blues and know how to beat the ai in it
I thought Pax Solaris is merged and become part of the Equestria rework
Theres already a dev diary in the works, probably greneclyf, our town or cats
>namesake nation of the mod will only be getting content for breakaways in their civil war
Imagine making a mod about Germany winning WW1/2 and then giving Germany all of the worst, most outdated, most restricted, least creative, least interesting content and making their most significant thing in the game be war with France, and maybe something like Hungary. No, not France, the UK, the Soviet Union, and America, only France. Imagine not only doing that, but going as far as to say that you will never be supporting content for a war between Germany and America because America is too far away.
What's even the point of your mod then?
>Is it true the "purist" path is boring?
Not boring but compared to the Reformer path it has WAY less content, supposedly the Purist path will be getting a big overhaul and a bunch of new content in July/June though.
play fallout 4 or some other shit you stupid faggot.
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The reformer path is pure kino.
Basically, but arguably the pursuit path is still more basic than reformers in ERB redux.
Simply a result of the og purist path, that the redux version is based on, being ancient and the modder being more experienced when he made the reformer path.

Nta but never heard anything about it getting merged. Latest I heard was PS continuing separately and getting adjusted after the equestria rework.

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