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Who is 'ThatAnxiousGamer' and why has he made the worst review video on SG Beta so far?
Just watched the absolute worst review of SG Beta, and am totally shocked that it hasn't been taken down by YT yet...

Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen.


Clealr has literally no understanding RTS genre, or game development. This guys is the biggest joke on the internet right now
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Your post reeks of shill.
It was shit, though.
Whatever manner of reverse-reverse-counter-contrary-Psychology you're attempting here, I will neither play your game nor click on your channel. Thanks.
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>Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen
how is he lying though when the Stormgate devs pulled a Peter Molyneux
in 3-6 years it will be gone forever because service game
Immortal Gates of Pyre looks like a proper f2p model game
>WOW GUISE THIS IS SO BAD IT'S SHOCKING SOO BAD WOWEEE [links the video and mentions the name of his channel]
buy an ad

These games were kino.
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haha no no
Doorkickers is quite different from frozen synapse. Even ignoring that you can always pause time and give new orders in the former.
And while I loved the first doorkickers I could never get used to the 2nd game.
wait is doorkickers 2 that different from the first game? i love the first game though it had some clunky ui quirks
How does this compare with Phantom Brigade?
You would've gotten more replies if you at least mentioned Frozen Synapse anywhere in the OP anon

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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>and if you lose one battle for some reason your armies don't fight any remaining battles with more than 2 units
It's because of manpower.
the games kinda retarded and manpower is almost impossible to recover on the frontline. you either need to conscript your entire nation so your conscripts arrive at the front faster than you can lose battles or you need reserve armies away from the front that you rotate with the formerly active armies.

because of this issue the best way to fight wars that aren't one sided is to do hoi4 meta strats of line up your armies on defense and just let the ai attack you and run out of manpower because defense is significantly easier than offense, then you attack when they are low on manpower and they can never recover.
it's a lot harder against high pop nations like Russia or China because they have a retarded amount of armies but it still does work.
Manpower >>> everything else. It's why unless you start as a GP, fighting China after they get Line Infantry is suicide. It's also why conscription makes the USA becomes stupidly powerful
>historical borders and wars
it's called PARADOX not historical accurate you faggot
get the fuck out of here
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no you get the fuck out of here you retard
here is your sandbox experience
Ah yes, the partition of Germany in 1848. It would've been ridiculous ten years ago, but current day Paradox I can believe will do this.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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How would you go about coding maneuverable columns of men in a 2D grid like what we have?
I'd really like to implement stuff such as constraining army movement by topography and/or local food supply.
I think this would slow wars a bit and make operations more sane/interesting.
Right now terrain doesn't matter much.

Plus, this would make village players actually matter somewhat to military mains (for securing local supplies) instead of only being vassalised for map painting / RP reasons.
Besides, (solo) village players have gotten away for too long. Even friendly armies ""foraging"" in their area should bring hardship on villagers. Hostile armies would be much worse.

I'd also like to make population a limited resource instead of settlers arriving automagically so that there would be conflict over population centers instead of wars happening only because of RP feuds / OOC grudges.

To answer your question, this would all be rather difficult to implement with how individual units work now so I'd probably chicken out and abstract away some aspects of those units.
I know it's kinda the point of this game that little is abstracted away, but the unit AI is braindead anyway and they don't add much in RP value for me (except for the physical manifestations of lords).

I guess you could keep those units as they are now, but glue them together into armies for operations.

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>lordships can't automate horticulture or forestry
immersion immediately ruined, game ruined
I did a spreadsheet to figure out what non-extracting business available to my village nets the most amount of difference of price from input to output. I came to the conclusion that if you're buying stuff to refine and then sell the profit margin is a sliver
>the (hay + water) -> cow -> meat and hides pipeline barely makes a proffit
>(wheat + water + wood + salt) -> bread barely makes a profit
>(hay + water) -> horses is a huge net loss
the only refining business that can be reasonably profitable is buying limestone and wood to produce lime. Other businesses require you to own the mines, forestry and farms and to cart stuff manually into the city to produce a sizeable net profit
That's why i stopped building schools in my villages. The villagers' role is to quarry stone, gather wood, hunt. Maybe rarely pick fruit, do vegetables, breed sheep or chicken.

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How long do you think its going to take before its polished? IMO probably a year at least, perhaps longer if DLCs slow things down and then need to be fixed themselves

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Some of the spirtis should be moved to the starting age, simple as that.

>Reduced Daiymo and Shogun Regional Efficiency bonuses (from 10% -> 5% from Daimyo, and 20% -> 10% from Shogun Innovation).
>Reduced the Samurai Combat Bonus gained when in an Army with a Shogun (from 50% -> 20%).
owari da
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Right now I'm perfectly happy with the state of the game but I really despise the chaos mechanic. Someone else declares war on you, the only way to get them to stop is to take a city, which guarantees you'll get a random negative event in 5 turns max. Very first event I got was a barbarian warlord attacking me, which spawned eleven barbarian warlord units within my borders, if I wasn't playing as the bow hunters I would've just been fucked. Once I can mod conquest to cause zero chaos I'll revisit the game.
Use culture to lower chaos.
Chaos feels like a anti blobbing mechanic gone somewhat wrong. I don't hate it myself, I just wish the interface was better.

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Dune II thread
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infantry can be pretty good? im pretty sure thats never the case in this game
Troopers have greater range than combat tanks (5 vs. 4) with better ROF (50 vs. 80). A trooper squad has lower damage (5*2 vs 25) but due to range and rocks protecting them from being crushed they can deal with tanks rather well. And their intended purpose is dealing with trikes and quads, which they can do great, and not being impotent and fragile when capturing enemy structures.
Also after the patch they can target air units.
I now realize that the soldier squad is called "infantry" in the game and that you must have thought of that. I mentally only ever refer to them as "soldier squads" analogously with troopers.
I guess soldier squads aren't completely terrible but they are bad, yes.
best house?
i remember seeing the Sardaukar portrait as a kid and thinking they were the coolest
> It's pointless to use infantry there
No? They are vital for blocking some early rushes the AI throws at you and are fantastic for clearing basses since turrets do basically nothing against them.

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Why does this keep happening to the city building genre? How hard could it be to get it right? Things peaked in the 90s and early 00s.
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>they're the loudest ones in the room saying "old game good, new game bad"
what are you basing this assertion on
>younger people pretending to have played what's considered to be the classics is incredibly common in a lot of fanbases.
The key thing is that they'll usually either pretend they played the classics while being obvious posers (Zoomers pretending to like Terror From The Deep because Nu-com went to shit), or if there's a low barrier to entry option of a newer game "like" the classics, they'll divert all their dicksucking to that (like all those "classic fallout fans" who only ever seem to talk about New Gaygas).
what's wrong with tftd?
I've been saying that for years about new vegas but no one has ever agreed with me.
>Why does this keep happening to the city building genre?
Bugs aren't exclusive to city building games, retard

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I don't understand.
Most of Victoria 3's starting laws are set in stone before you start changing the economy or turn everyone in your capital into an ahistorically wholesome mass-immigration university professor.
Except for citizenship.

The Devout and Townsfolk agree... but in most countries they're marginalised.
The Landowners don't care.
The Farmers think skin racism is better than national racism.
The Professors think speaking the same language, even in a funny accent and with wildly different slang, means you're a citizen.

Most leaders you roll will be a Reformer - women should be propertied, children should go to school (by the time you unlock schools, this leader trait is not only removed from the pool for two groups, it's flooded out by new ideologies everywhere else), and "I agree with the Professors on wholesome citizenship!"

Not only do most countries simply just not support this law, you can't get back to it. When the Industrialists take power, they don't give a shit, even though it directly affects how much they're forced to pay someone (33% pay cut for discriminated = more for the owner).

Why is it so hard to pass a law that actually makes people happy in a homogenous country of almost all in game are, especially with immigration and assimilation mechanics? (+Loyalists -Radicals)
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>"scientific" racism
Imagine thinking evolution ends at the neck.
Imagine believing evolution in the first place, lmao
Neither of you has ever touched a woman
The Intelligentsia are, in game the moral faction that used to push for multiculturalism immediately.
They increase immigration when happy.
They may or may not have been feminists when the game was first released, I cannot recall, but as soon as you research feminism they are.
They think that suffrage that gives more votes based on your IQ is as good as one man one vote.
They have affinity with named political parties that historically were against putting children in schools instead of workhouses, whilst in game they always want schools. This is not the only historical revisionism for party association.
When socialism is researched, it's almost impossible to have the intelligentsia not be one of four ice cream flavours of socialism. "Bad" ideologies are weighted against or outright disallowed for the intelligentsia to have.

By design, they are the group you're supposed to empower to get anywhere, even if it's just as a consequence of maximising research. And Paradox devs have on record said if they were an interest group, they would be the wholesome chungus Intelligentsia.
>Rural Folk I guess they need to sell to other countries
Rural Folk in game approve of Protectionism and Isolationism.
>or need cheap migrants
Rural Folk in game approve of migration controls (discriminated persons cannot cross borders or move towns), and closed borders (no-one can migrate, not even between towns).
Thanks to how discrimination works, I believe it's designed so that you cannot have immigration of discriminated peoples... and discrimination is the requirement for cheap workers... so, yeah.

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Mechanically yeah, Racial Segregaion is the best because most cultures don't actually have any tags in common with cultures outside of their heritage group, exceptions being new world "native" slaves and the Sinosphere tag. Segregation already accepts everyone of your heritage, so cultural exclusion just lowers your authority and loyalists for no gain. You ideally go segregation most of the game and then multiculturalism if you happen to roll an anarchist.

New RTS that looks like a relatively generic supcom clone. I like some of the art direction and the gameplay seems competent. What do we think? Can it compete with FAF and BAR?
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Ah yes. The art direction. In the kind of a game where you spend 100% of play time completely zoomed out, looking at colored icons.
You think some dev would get the hint and make a minimalist, hyper-optimized game that could handle literal billions of infantry, tanks, ships and planes.
that's not how it works, a game with billions of units would be CPU bottlenecked rather than gaining anything in particular by not having any meaningful graphics
it's multi-threaded so it'll run infinitely better than FA even with modern lighting and stuff
>modern devs
>make anything run better
>its made by some of the old FAF devs
I'll be honest this kind of makes me lose a lot of my interest in it.

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What's the verdict
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Looks like the same game released decades ago with a few UI changes.

Gates of Hell has surpassed Men of War in everyway
do you guys know if they made the building interiors better? especially buildings with multiple floors
Definite pass. I hate that.
Houses work more like in CoH now where soldiers distribute themselves. I'm not sure whether or not you have to still manually check there's still a guy in each window but I don't think so.

Redpill me on a-train.

Is it really the dark souls of economy sims?
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I liken it to roller coaster tycoon vs planet coaster. Sure one looks prettier and allows you to add detail, but the Nintendo released A-Trains just have more scenarios to chew through. 9.0 is just more sandboxy. I'm also salty about losing our on DLC, which really closes the gap between 9 and Tourism in terms of train variety. I'd find a way to get Tourism DLC versus spending a shitload of money on the full Atrain 9 version.
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Thank you for the feedback!
PC classic is the same as 3ds right? I would buy it on steam but apparently it doesn't run on linux. I got 3ds working just fine on citra.
I've got PC classic, let me check for you. And yeah, it's the 3DS game.
Yeah it's fucked on Linux, the Tourism is verified at least.

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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I feel like if they just made a competent AI almost all the complaints would go away.
They would be god tier games, if they would just do that and all their terrible business practices and scandals would be forgotten about.
actually depressing reading all this. TW:WH had so much potential and they literally half-assed every single implementation of every single feature and mechanic
>med 2 had the best recruitment system.
It's ruined by the AI. They do not understand how the system works and therefore most battles are against fucking militia with artillery. I imagine because the AI is copied wholesale from Rome 1 like most of the mechanics.
Easier solution is to just announce you will be deporting a bipoc family everyday until the games aren't shit.
Guarantee they'll have it done by the end of the week
>BUT assuming the AI isnt total dogshit Med 2 had a great recruitment system.

Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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You won't believe how little I have to hide



SR is still not done? I though they said last year they just need to port cutscenes over to steam workshop.
They still have a lot to do I think, but you'd have to go to their Discord server and ask for information yourself. I can't because I am permabanned and persona non grata there, and I personally despise the fucker in charge more than he despises me.
What passives should I add to Dong the grade one shlong?
> 2. Dawn Office Fixer Sinclair Adjustments
> Our intent in designing Dawn Office Fixer Sinclair was to have an unstable SP character with a high Skill Power ceiling.
> However, we observed that the instability caused much more frustration than we had intended.
> This was especially true for situations in which Sinclair could not Clash with the enemies or if the enemies had abilities that could lower their SP.
> Basically, the situations in which the player could not control the allies' SP.
> In our testing phase, we ran the tests with a SP-healing team that could support his SP loss, so we failed to catch this issue.
> This led to this character being far too weak in teams that weren't focused on SP healing, which we intend to address.
> - The following SP heal/loss conditions will be adjusted.
> Before : Increase by 15 after defeating an enemy whose level was higher than this unit's.
> After : Increase by 10 after defeating an enemy whose level was higher than this unit's. Also, **it increases by 15 after defeating an enemy regardless of the enemy's level**.
> - Skill 1 'Fierce Charge' no longer consumes SP.

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What went wrong? I never see discusions about this game
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Watching them summon it right next to the Cult of Sirius always is a great time.
I've tried playing it 3 separate times. Real Time mode is REALLY fun but the aliens dropping infestations is tedious to keep track of during a dogfight, especially with how big the map is, and (the critical thing) every time my playthrough died because my save got corrupted.

I really want to like this game, the battlescape is fucking great, but the geoscape and stability is just kinda shit.
>the aliens dropping infestations is tedious to keep track of during a dogfight
That's not really that much of a problem, only certain UFOs act as transports and even if you miss a drop you can just watch the alien infiltration graph and go investigate buildings the moment that line goes up.
>every time my playthrough died because my save got corrupted.
Never encountered that myself but that's not unexpected given the general state the game released in. It's a miracle it can be completed from start to finish.
>corrupt save
What version are you playing? I heard the GOG one has some issues
Steam's. With Dosbox.
>you can just watch the alien infiltration graph and go investigate buildings the moment that line goes up
I mean yeah, I guess you can do that, but it falls under the tediousness thing. Especially since you can investigate a lot of buildings without finding shit, which is just annoying.

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been awhile
is the game any different than it was at launch?
I remember the early game being massive slogs with its fake ass turn base shits
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Sorry, but this is Terra Invicta thread. If your goal is anything else than main objective of your faction, you are playing the gme wrong -or even playing a wrong game to begin with. This is a game about defeating/helping/profiting alien invasion. That and colonising the Solar System.
So stay mad a game about NOT politics doesent have any
>United States? Yeah, for get the plural, it's more like United State that doesn't have 50 states and is just one big blob.
It starts with no fucking unity and will inevitably go to shit unless you take over.
The worst that could happen is Puerto Rico joining the Caribbean.
For some reason.
They added all the Guyanas, but they didn't add an independent PR tag. Or make an actual Caribbean Union tag you could form using Jamaica or whatever.
>I want to micro countries in size of a front lawn and economy of a bigger city
Retards gonna retard, I guess.
If you really need this shitshow going, there is always Central America. It's probably the biggest of noob traps in the game and can gimp you really badly if you get there early, but hey, you do you, anon.
They've already set the precedent by splitting up bigger nations in Africa and Former Yugoslavia.
If Albania gets to be a country, why doesn't Puerto Rico? Why aren't the Lesser Antilles a nation separate from Jamaica? And so on, and so forth.

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