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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
uh yea hopefully this foreign investment shit works well so you don't have to conquer everything and you can play tall, and that power blocs allow for interesting choices.

combine that with a big performance improvement and it'll be a good game.
>still has a less engaging war system than any other paradox game
lol, lmao
no the war system is perfect
that is how it ought to be
Still need to replace buy-sell orders with actual units of goods.
systems are alright yea, but where is the genocide mod
You can't an outright genocide mod without getting banned.
You have to do a overhaul and sneak it in as a mechanic there.
This game will always be irredeemable. Those that have the guilty pleasure of playing Vic3 should not breed.
just post it on moddb or loverslab or something, paracucks have no power there
Wizdrone spotted.
>move army to Zanj HQ
>it is now stuck there for all eternity
Works great, ship it.
fuck off dumb paradrone
the core systems of the game are retarded, it will never be good unless the redesign the whole thing from scratch
>make an agitator general of an army
>send the fucker to rot in madagascar for the rest of eternity
Sounds great. Now they just need to add in armies and generals revolting, and then he'll be able to make his own apartheid shithole state in Madagascar.
No you retard, they literally cannot pathfind out. Because the system is broken as shit.
>Optimize it
You mean take a core feature (pops) and rework them into the vic 2 style. The current style (same as stellaris) slows down the game massively.
>Fix the late game
Honestly more an issue with the series than the game itself. Last 20 years of any vic game isnt great IMO.
>Balancing and flavor
Events are as boring as 2 and journals are shit.
>3 patches
3 patches for a competent dev team. Its more like 5 years worth for pdx
What do you think could be done to reform/update the pop system into something more realistic and fun, without slowing down the game? Also, to expand on this question, what would a perfect pop system look like in a perfect grand strategy game?
>Sphere of Influence delayed
Will it be enough to save Victoria 3?
>is that a bug???
>yep the system is clearly poorly designed
Have pops be treated individually instead of grouped weirdly but idk if thats possible for vic 3. For a perfect strategy game it would be vic 2s but more realistic
No. They have a long way to get back to 2
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>the war system is perfect
>Naval invade a one state country
>Fully occupy them a few battles later
>Enemy they called in can take the front territory before my troops reach it and then my troops can't catch up to the front so I have to re navally invade
>the war system is perfect
>Unciv in inner africa revolts
>I can't order my army to go to the border for ???? reasons
>Relocate their hq there instead
>War starts and the unciv occupies my colony before they get there
>Army magically teleports all the way back home and will take another 100 days to get back
>the war system is perfect
>Go to war with the turks who are in Austria's market
>Occupy most of turkey and they are at -89 and will capitulate very shortly
>Austria capitulates and turkey entirely unsieges so war support stops ticking down
>Turkey then starts occupying my territory while my armies slowly move back to the front so I have to not only reoccupy most of turkey but retake my own territory as well
>the war system is perfect
Perfectly shit, you mean.
>make his own apartheid shithole state in Madagascar.
Despite Liberia, Oranje and Transvaal existing, new colonial administrations cannot detach from the metropole without collapsing to an event.
And despite the fantasy New Africa tag existing, dynamic tags aren't created for mass migrations of cultural blocs and resultant discrimination just causes radical spirals... in fact secessionist movements seem to only occur for recent conquests.
>Austria capitulates and turkey entirely unsieges so war support stops ticking down
Not being the war leader fucking sucks, win or lose.

>Sweden declares unification war because you own Finland
>Finland is released because of shenanigans
>Sweden remains at war with you despite none of the goals being achievable
>railroad it towards historical borders and wars
At this point all Paradox games should just have two game modes. One historical mode that forces events to play out according to real-world history, and one alt-history mode where you can have all kinds of random nonsense and you take over the world as Nazi Germany or whatever fantasy scenarios people want to jerk off to.
dunno, didnt play it. Nu-cucks just lost its entire appeal once it was taken over by the globohomo PR division
Got a new one to add.
>Aotearoa managed to become a nation somehow
>Declare war on them to take South Island
>Can't plan a naval invasion
>Move an army and navy down to my colonial holdings
>Still can't plan a naval invasion
>Using the context menu I can select naval invasion but I can't select any armies or navies
>Uhhhh you just can't, okay!?
>the war system is perfect
>Austria capitulates and turkey entirely unsieges so war support stops ticking down
fucking criminal I tell you
In HOI4, as axis or comintern, you can be about to win WW2, all the big countries are dead buy suddenly Brazil becomes a major and you have to fight the US and invade South America and do a WC.
>bugs and user error = system's fault
It's the same glitch that makes Alaska immune to naval invasions.
The point is none of that would exist if it was a v2 war system. Because you can manually move your soldiers. You can't be pushed out of a state before your soldiers reach the border because your soldiers are in the state and can engage the enemy. You can't be prevented from landing to protect your colony because your ships are on the coast and your soldiers are in those ships. If your occupation magically disappears it won't matter because the enemy armies are already dead and your soldiers are still in their lands, and you can't be prevented from launching a naval invasion because you can just tell your soldiers to disembark.

All of those problems only exist because the war system is garbage.
I thought making Alaska impervious to naval invasions was deliberate on the part of the devs to nerf Japan cheesing recognition/war reps.
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I thought so too at first, but other random states are also affected. It's also done in an odd way, as instead of making those states landlocked, they just don't appear on the dropdown list at all. Not to mention it's not much of a nerf for Japan, since you can easily take Siberia from Russia without them doing anything.
>feature is months old
>still broken as shit
>th-they're gonna fix it any moment now
Concede your failure and put in movable armies or game will remain dead. Your choice.
Best WC nation?
oh boy I can't wait for 1.7 to release bug free!
I really hope they don't. Moveable armies are a bad element of Paradox games.
Cookie clicker in 19th century. This game is Marxist dreams of controlling the means of production right now. Why should the entirety of privately owned buildings change their methods of production because of the government. Hopefully they rectify this in the update where they add shares to buildings.
Front-based warfare is way better than moving individual armies. As a concept.
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>revolution to end the monarchy and become presidential republic
>somehow it becomes a Napoleonic bowl
this fucking game
2 years since release and they're just adding spheres of influence?
Much like CK3, this will be worth playing over 2 either by 2030 or never ever.
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The new war system is heckin' realistic and valid OK?
You just want to move your toy soldiers around and game the system, so gamey and arcadey, completely unrealistic.
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nothing works in this game as it should
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how progressive
Why is there only one option?
the saddest part is not a single dev will ever read anything here. they are just comfy in their mass banning echochamber forum.
no one will ever fix naval invasion.
they just wanna add more dlc train meme bloat.
the coom brains will just keep buying whatever to circlejerk on reddit about it
cant move any army between rhine hq and poland.
armies auto teleport into landlocked rhine hq over every minor thing that happens.
not a single person playtested the most popular nation. its all just auto run observe mode hoping nothing crashes.
i have no clue why they just dont make it abstracted like in vic2 or aurora 4x. just make a meme number of 2342k split it to a presentage of 10% agriculture or whatever.
do simple integer multiplications for society wide figures.
why the fuck would u bog down the cpu with billions of meme calculations and stalling single threading each pop just to be extra autistic.
they need to hire the racist programmer instead of the commie trannies.
its well proven racism is directly correlated to competence.
The meatball consumption must flow.
Yeah, they should listen to the threads where people talk about their diarrhea and other such constructive criticism. The game will be good then.

It's a shame. So many baffling decisions and just plain broken releases. Like another anon said, in the game of hegemony and imperialism, we're getting something as basic as foreign investment 2 years after release. Laughable.
>Decide to take Formosa
>With my superior navy a invasion should be almost unstoppable
>They magically assign 200 divisions that are still in the mainland to guard Formosa from a naval invasion
>There is literally nothing I can do to stop this despite having naval superiority
>Those 200 divisions are still guarding the mainland so I can't redirect my invasion to Beijing
>Even convoy raiding won't matter because they're on the mainland
>the war system is perfect
Stop playing this dogshit game and wait for EU5.
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Unironically making it so unincorporated states can't receive mass migration ruined the game.
Good example. Frustrating as hell.
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only actual opinion worth following here
The issue is they're not capable of implementing it in a not shit way, and it's also just unrealistic until the start of the 20th century (something that apparently matters).

I still don't know why they didn't just go with a hybrid system or something. An expanded (but more locked in) Army builder tab for single stacks early,(great big post Napoleonic army groups) and then once great wars or something unlocks for the first time have it swap to a front system. This would also make the tiny brush wars of the early mid game not as ass as they are right now, and theoretically boarders/fronts should be somewhat cleaned up come the later game.

Might be janky, but I'm not a professional game dev, and it'd sure as hell be better than the absurdity we have now.
Get good you fucking pleb
It really is soulless.
Slavery mechanics have a similar issue where the world gets colonised by Africans no matter how landlocked nor far away people are.
I'd even put migrations under soulless. That it's all based on awkward numbers means the AI constantly pulls more migration into Europe than out of it. And you never get things like using Indians as indentured colonial labour.
suck my cock garmented liberties faggot, I have militarized police I don't even look at radicucks
I remain convinced that something similar to HoI4 air warfare is the way to go in these sorts of games and when I get to the point of implementing warfare in my engine that's what I'll be starting off with.

You have a base. It has a range (based off of a mix of local infrastructure and your military's logistics aptitude) and you can add areas in range as its targets, plus pick some settings on engagement preference (such as direct battle vs gorilla warfare). Like in HoI4 air war, the assigned armies will fight each other - but instead of individual battles or a front line it'll just be the overall allocated forces. If you're maintaining the upper hand, you'll gradually increase your control over tiles in the relevant zone. Of course, losing control of the zone where a military base is located is a substantial disadvantage as you then need to project force from different bases.

Something like that. I plan for warfare to be a minor portion of gameplay so I don't think it needs individual troop micro or similar bullshit. Base operation may even be automatic by default with the player being able to send orders if they really want to.
why do u need singular stacks of armies per 1k even? why dont u just set the upper limit at 20k or 30k and have a % of it in strength.
u could just use a slider to split troops between armies or generals instead of clicking each 1k stack around.

just have 3 sliders with 3 subsliders splitting inf art aux so u can set 40 40 20 if u want.
the pops should auto sort into it by themself removing UI micro.
each subslider could be tier/era level or conscription vs professional.

whoever is a UX at pdx should be hanged.
its been 2 years and they still struggle with basics.

half the game is just fumbling with awful UI UX everywhere.
Based qween enjoyer
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>banana republic
but that is already true with all gsgs
Construction sector spam simulator will NEVER be fun
this game will NEVER be fun
It's fun to raise the construction capacity from 5 to 1000 in just a few decades, but the rest of the game is utter dogshit.
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>let's focus on making sure each bloc of power has a spiffy little customizable coat of arms
Why is vicky 3 marred by these downright odd choices relating to graphical design?
I thought this was a 19th century sim, not a 21st.
Victoria 3 fans be like
>sigh, I guess I'm just more of a fan of the intricate economical aspect of the 19th century
>*adds buildings to the hearts of iron cosntruction queue*
Those mannequins are disturbingly accurate body types.
>so many people are fat retards that they're now making mannequins fat retards
>Just optimize it
Yeah they just optimize it like...like they optimized uh...
Apparently regime change war goal does not work
I hate how many retarded bugs there are, people don't talk how broken this piece of shit is even years after it came out
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>Hey hey people
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>Seth here
what would his tax policy be
Tax exemptions for plantation (((owners))). Others foot the bill.
>Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars
Damn, just redo the whole thing and it will be a good game
good call
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they rigged the elections
Are name tables fucked or what
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>you can join diplo plays against someone who you are at truce wi-ACK!
max tax and max authority spend on consumables with graduated taxation obviously
Naval combat is nonsensical right now. They were going to revert it back to the victoria 2 where ships are an individual piece of equipment instead of abstracted into flotillas. Once they do that the war system will be fine.
Bugs are the system's fault.
Southern australia is impervious to naval invasions too,
as a france enjoyer, I can't wait for germany to get a dedicated DLC so they can be as broken and unfun as france is right now.
>95% of the country supports some form of monarchism
>silly little counter reaches target value
>instead of causing a civil war (where 95% would crush the 5% """intellectuals""") it just gives them the power outright
>now 95% of the country demands we return to a monarchy or they'll burn the country down
>return to monarchy
>the political journals are now invisible (you can't see them, but they're still active)
>funny number happens again
>rince and repeat 3 more times before I start a new save
does Vicky III have a production and trade system like II or did they get rid of the only fun part of the game
of course it does how stupid do you even have to be to ask this question?
do you not see all the screenshots
>instead of causing a civil war (where 95% would crush the 5% """intellectuals""") it just gives them the power outright
you mean the even where if you have any sort of revolution brewing you get monarchy overthrown no matter what?
why would I look when I can just ask
>And you never get things like using Indians as indentured colonial labour.
What? In my games every single British colony from Canada to Australia always ends up with a fuckload of Indians because they all share a market and thus get tons of immigration. If anything there's way too much, 50-60 years in and I consistently see Alberta being like 40% Rajput.
that's the one.
Can't wait till germans get a similar event called "The Bundestag breaks up!" That makes like half of west germany break off again
As a Prussia sufferer, I'm waiting for Prussia to be viable.
With a tech and army advantage, I'm still losing, mostly because other GPs join Austria and if you lose one battle for some reason your armies don't fight any remaining battles with more than 2 units as the enemy quickly carpet sieges your entire country like it's WWII.

If I try Prussia again I'm probably going to start by clicking on Austria.
I think they're talking about how Britain doesn't get Indian immigration in its uncored colonies without also getting it in the metropole.
>50-60 years in and I consistently see Alberta being like 40% Rajput.
The game is insane.
>and if you lose one battle for some reason your armies don't fight any remaining battles with more than 2 units
It's because of manpower.
the games kinda retarded and manpower is almost impossible to recover on the frontline. you either need to conscript your entire nation so your conscripts arrive at the front faster than you can lose battles or you need reserve armies away from the front that you rotate with the formerly active armies.

because of this issue the best way to fight wars that aren't one sided is to do hoi4 meta strats of line up your armies on defense and just let the ai attack you and run out of manpower because defense is significantly easier than offense, then you attack when they are low on manpower and they can never recover.
it's a lot harder against high pop nations like Russia or China because they have a retarded amount of armies but it still does work.
Manpower >>> everything else. It's why unless you start as a GP, fighting China after they get Line Infantry is suicide. It's also why conscription makes the USA becomes stupidly powerful
>historical borders and wars
it's called PARADOX not historical accurate you faggot
get the fuck out of here
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no you get the fuck out of here you retard
here is your sandbox experience
Ah yes, the partition of Germany in 1848. It would've been ridiculous ten years ago, but current day Paradox I can believe will do this.

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