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What is a good and flavourful set up to use for dark elves?

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Neat. Thanks for the suggestion.
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You're welcome, also they call the vassal states "Friend and Ally of Rome" which always makes me smirk
The Virtual limes mod is designed to fix this.
>suggests mod
>shows proof is good
Based. I'm taking a pause from Imperator since the minimod I was making was rendered useless by Invictus modders and their alt history bullshit, but if I'll go back to it I'll check for this mod.
>alt history bullshit
What do you mean specifically? I'm looking at their stuff and it seems like they have a few big mission trees.

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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>guy who united Grobgermanium looks as if he shat his pants
This is why people hate 3d portraits in Paradox games.
I am running on low graphics but yea, 2d models would have looked much better
Reminder that only reddit fags like this game
>I'm a multicultural, anarchist, secular land!
>how does this help you build a nation?
I wish having nothing unifying your nation actually hurt you. Authority loses its value the more developed you are and does not work well when you have a normal amount of states.

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What went wrong? I never see discusions about this game
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>if you miss a drop you can just watch the alien infiltration graph and go investigate buildings the moment that line goes up.
Or you could do it the oldfag way: pause the game and write down a quick note regarding which building got infested.
This is like the only game that plays itself, you lie down and watch as the world runs itself without your input, sure the aliens will take over eventually but that's the interesting thing, the corpos will struggle by themselves without your help, the world will be lost.
I dislike proximity mines.
They're always armed it seems so are deleting all equipment I wish to recover and make stunning enemies a bad idea. Very sad.
I now entirely use alien guns and plasma pistols so poppers, even when there are 4+ spawning, are not as scary because only ballistic weapons blow them up.

A slum dweller alerted X-COM to an infestation because he thought "Huh, that's odd, no-one ever comes or goes from that room, I wonder if there's anything worth stealing?" and from the building's CCTV it's clear he pushed the door open, it got stuck, he poked his head through the crack, and screamed as a chrysalis was blocking the door. All aliens were stuck in there waiting for their mate, Steve the Alien, to finish gestating in his pupa.
Coincidentally I have discovered flats in slums are very flammable.

>Alternatively, the ayylmaos wrecked some of their buildings with stray UFO shots.
This was probably it.
The Mutant Alliance now loves me too and I hate it because all my recruits are USELESS hybrids.
>Stick to hoverbikes
This went well with plasma and upgraded engines. I downed an entire wave of Assault ships and Fast Attack ships.
Then the aliens decided to send 5 Scouts and 1 Transporter... and I did literally no damage for some reason and lost several bikes. I am not sure how the game works though I'm not focusing on if my shots are connecting when I'm watching for drops.
>you're not going to win consistently until you research shields and ayy weaponry

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Alien missiles fuck hoverbikes up something fierce, so you might've run into them.

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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How relevant are the regen options for ships, in combat? Like is the healing any relevant mid combat, or is it just a post combat recovery thing?
People like this should be executed by firing squad.
Anything cool come from the nanotech shit?
Are there any addons that will scream at me when my science ship are idle or when i just finished building a colony ship?
Man the new menu music is a fuckin banger.
Granted, it feels rather out of place in a game like Stellaris, but I don’t particularly care because I dig it.

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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Yes but do you?
Western Beria
I played it, it's pretty fun but I wish the endings were more detailed.
This game made me realize how fucking soulless american politics are.
So a chad.

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How long do you think its going to take before its polished? IMO probably a year at least, perhaps longer if DLCs slow things down and then need to be fixed themselves

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so releasing unfinished bugged shit in price of full game, then adding content which should be in base game as DLC is accepted practice now
I still think Eras should have ripple effects even after they're moved on from. Went through the Age of Heroes? Myths and legends are now real. Have fun fighting dragons and shit with your knights in the Age of Kings. Procced the Age of Aether? You've possibly permanently changed the way human technology will develop and now we get to see how a steampunk world adopts to the modern age.
Multi has been in since day 1.
This game needs a guaranteed set of techs like Sword of the Stars. Skipping normal eras skips normal tech you'd learn even in a special era too much.
That's been Paradox' entire business strategy for years.

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Where should my people settle?

I think im done with rp'ing as a band of violent gypsies and britain was not as welcoming as i had hoped. Preferably somewhere we wont btfo by other migrants like the saxons
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The cute woman can settle in my cock, the man can fuck off to a slum
good morning sir
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you declare war on a nation and non-reinforcing troops then if you win all your previous titles are destroyed and you take over the kingdom title you declared war for
time for jew rp now that the game keeps crashing on that save
woah you can modify culture in this game? damn that's cool, imagine the possibilities for fantasy races in mods.
Someday I will get a computer that's not garbage.
Is CK3 worth it for this mod ?

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Anyone playing this?
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>fuck around with my save file
>discover that you can actually find the location of all tarkhans in them
They're easy to find in game though
>take one of the spare stripped down scouts you started with (you did start with spare dirt cheap scouts right?)
>put on a fire control radar
>enable ground scan mode
>fly around the likely areas
The hidden cities show up on your ground radar
>game files contain the data of the things in the game
True if Big.
It's definitely their bullshit armour and the 3 Vamps
Just noticed that their command bridge is very close to the bottom, only protected by a single square with a vamp
Most dangerous to least for small light ships
>100m proxy
>other proxy
>Normal artillery
A gladiator with proximity rounds will drain my fuel like a motherfucker

Any bros played this?
Turn based strategy with squad compositions and perma death. Story is generic and rubbish, but gameplay is good.
I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Game is a bit easy even on hard though, clearing most missions with S rank and no casualties.

A lot of cool units, although its weird how much dragons suck ass. Foot archers, Samurai, Light Infantry(Other than Swordsmasters) also all seem like traps.
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But most importantly, it just felt like a slog. I was pretty bored from missions pfft 12-26, which is 10+ hours of gametime.
I was dogsitting at a relative's house playing this on my surface without much better to do besides painting minis, else I would have dropped it.

Diana, the big blonde lady, was so awesome for the first 2/3 of the game, and once she turns into a giant she looks awful, what were they thinking.
i enjoyed it, great game imo
storys a bit vanilla but i wouldnt call it bad. desu it felt like i was playing something from the good old days
trannies complained about inclusivity so unfortunately the 2nd one will be full of niggers and faggots
horrifying, but that seems to be the way with so many sequels that I've grown accustomed to just playing the first entry in a series
I think one problem of the game is unit variety and they stop evolving into bigger ones too early. It's always more fun to play, when you're working toward that next big upgrade or have obvious additions to make to your squads instead of "uhh I guess I'll just add one more of those guys" which you do toward the end. Also again a bit more variety. Upgrades would feel more satisfying, if a dragonrider didn't do exactly the same thing as a dragon whelp but bigger and better.

>storys a bit vanilla but i wouldnt call it bad
Personally I wouldn't necessarily call it boring, but extremely poorly constructed.
unit variety felt good to me, some more wouldnt hurt but at some point it would be bloated. i got exactly what i wanted out of this game, which was something resembling ogre battle. they hit the nail squarely on the head as far as im concerned. i played it 4 or 5 times and i'm looking forward to the next one even though i suspect it will not be as good

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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You know the person who made this is brown
>fuck grobgermania memes!
>plays le epic ottoman empire conquest all of india spain and austria for the 20th time
>weirdly coded AI colonization behaviour makes it possible for me (Mexico) to get both Oregon and Oklahoma and delay the US so long in Idaho that I am able to build enough ports to compete with them over Washington and cause a colonial crisis just 5 years into the game
>they pussy out after the UK sides with me
heh, nothing personal, amerifats
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If can somehow find yourself being insulted by this, anon, you're taking things too seriously
>if can somehow
good morning esl
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Fuck, I've lost this battle by forgetting to include a (You)!

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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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Nobody is ever going to make a real V2 clone because it's obvious now that nobody with the skill to do it is going to have the humility to do it, vs making an almost clone with a bunch of personal "improvements".
it's 20 mb just try it
>at this point i have my doubts that it ever will feel like vanilla
indeed they don't have any interest on it, apparently the lead dev didn't even want to have stockpiles and debt implemented
why do you need vanilla feel when you can just play original vic2 for it?
in practice, performance improvements, qol and bugfixes alone would remove the feel of vic2 even if the rest of the game is a perfect copy.
>why do you need vanilla feel when you can just play original vic2 for it?
for this:
>performance improvements, qol and bugfixes
but that's not what people talk about when they say it feels different. they talk about the AI acting weird. i think there's differences in other mechanics like the economy and rebels that makes it different too but idk about that.
>ancap dixieland
vgh god why did the SJW libtards have to steal this from vs bros fvck,,,,

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
I hate those models.
Otherwise I have no opinions.
I feel the passion in it (i.e. remodeling the buildings and unit to look like WC2, using WC2 music, etc), but everything also feels very cheap (i.e. Stiff animations, reuse of models, etc). Also I felt some parts of it could of been left out or expanded beyond the humble homage of the original, as naval combat sucked in general for both WC2 and WC3:FT.
To be fair naval combat was such a defining part of WC2 that they couldn't just outright delete it.
But it's true that it's janky, like for example loading all your troops in transport ships often requires several clicks. Also it does feel like the AI doesn't know what to do with the naval mechanic at times.
How would you expand upon it though?
Something like a naval hero would of been nice, as lost isles is just you transporting units from island to island and sea battle is bit tacked on. Although I do credit them for giving ships abilities at least.

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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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all of earth should look like this
What is dystopian about Magnasanti?
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But enginecucks told me Unity is fine for strategy games.
It's a dystopia in the sense that when a competent government exerts control and the citizens obey without contest it creates a utopia.
This is a liberal nightmare, hence dystopia.

Am I stupid or is the pathing in this game kind of nonsensical?
I have lost like 3 runs because before my walls are set up my soldiers would flat out refuse to move through a housing block to where they're needed, instead they'd opt out to move around the mountain which results in people getting eaten before theyre there and the situation snowballing to hell
I'm still on the first survival map in the forest because I bounced off the campaign years back, it seems so slow
Units can't move through the buildings. Usually there's a free space between the two lines of houses, since you can't place buildings adjacent to one another if it blocks building access. But you can place a power pole or a wall there, and it still blocks movement.
>Am I stupid or is the pathing in this game kind of nonsensical?
It's crappy (was never fixed even after all the success, EA games, m'right?), but there's also plenty of room for user error.
Regardless, a cool game even if campaign is a bit undercooked.

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