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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
I wish more mods followed their formula.
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Posting the Yockey codes again, since I'm pretty sure the last thread had the only repository of them on the internet.

>Code 1
>Code 2 (Yockey/Byers)
>Code 2 (Yockey/Madole)
>Code 2 (Yockey/Crommelin)
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I get white screen for some reason. Are the links dead?
>astro is making a director's cut of End of History
Literally who cares? Its by far the blandest cyoa mod out there. If its creator didn't practically own the subreddit nobody would even know about its existence.
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The nicest thing I can say about EoH is that I kind of like what they were trying to do with the cyoa on wofford's side (how you answer question 2 sets your strategy, and depending how you answer later questions it can succeed or fail) but it's wasted on the empty, characterless writing.
LMAOing at the fact I've so far found two ways to die in the Long campaign.
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Reuploaded them.
The image links don't work anymore, which is annoying, but otherwise it should be fine.
>Code 1
>Code 2 (Yockey/Byers)
>Code 2 (Yockey/Madole)
>Code 2 (Yockey/Crommelin)
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three left
Let's hope Kerry is available as a candidate.
For the images, you can try replacing every discordapp dot net/com link with discordapp dot xyz.
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It works.
Here's the updated codes if you don't wanna bother replacing the links.
AD is used in the loss endings (oddly, including the ones where Cortez's agenda ultimately fails), and CE in the win endings.
Huh, I never noticed that before. That's actually a pretty clever little touch.
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I have to side with QPQ on this one.
Whenever I check the subreddit, it'll have a post about some mundane campaign event, and all of the replies will be talking about how this spells doom for the candidate because they aren't appealing to the center enough.
They genuinely believe this to be a magical "win election" button.
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Is it even possible to win with Lindbergh as the running mate?
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my honest reaction
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QPQ's style (or the style of the team he's on) is only one step above what hes complaining about. The majority of the TCT community does indeed act like middle schoolers in that they think low effort edgy (or "cursed") jokes are funny and moderation is the key to politics, but the writing team behind PWH acts like a bunch of high schoolers that think establishment=bad and "u were the bad guy all along" is profound writing. Actual maturity is not taking a gay browser game and its minuscule community so seriously.
>Whenever I check the subreddit, it'll have a post about some mundane campaign event, and all of the replies will be talking about how this spells doom for the candidate because they aren't appealing to the center enough.
Like 99% of that is just overblown reactions to Trump's silly quotes. It doesn't represent an emphasis on appealing toward the center so much as it does a very specific reaction towards Trumpism. Pic very much related.
It definitely is on an easier difficulty, on normal - maybe. You'd need great RNG
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Lol hes not actually making a statement about the community. Its just thinly veiled seething at Children of Dusk. Pic related is where he screenshotted a moment where you get told to kys by an advisor. God forbid you get a lil goofy with your mod every now and again, if you do the fun police will ban you from the community forever.
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VGH finally matvre vvriting in my matvre political sim...
Yes, you can win on Normal, just need good visits and probably RNG.
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You now remember 1948 Identity War
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Why is this guy the second most difficult candidate after Kennedy? Why is he so good?
My guess is that it's related to that "credibility" score.
You get Byrd when you invade Iraq and have max credibility, and Gephardt when you invade Iraq and have min credibility.
What mod is this?
it's a teaser for a coming W. update
I really fucking want them to have Kerry.
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Are there scenarios that you wish were completed and/or needs rework?
Favourite mod? Does your choice when playing as the USSR in the first turn of TEoH 96 do anything?
I think it supposed change questions you get later on but I think it's broken.
I want them and their dev team to die
1976TFC just dropped, sneed it or feed it?
I appreciate it for actually having both candidates playable, and not just being a 1 player candidate vs. historical candidate mod where you are destined to beat the historical candidate.
The foreign lore gets really wacky, and Reagan feels more like Nixon at some points, but I liked it.
Was he actually a good leader?
Reaganwank that doesn't understand Reagan. Not terrible, but not particularly interesting, especially given that its premise had potential.
No. Reagan is a no good fake conservative RINO faggot cuck who's responsible for some of the worst gun control laws in American history, who killed Rhodesia and South Africa with sanctions, and who grant blanket amnesty to millions of illegal niggers and spics turning them into democrat voters. Fuck him.
A lot of the shortcomings Reagan would've had if his presidency were in the Nixon era are just completely written out by reverse character assassinating him.
Either that, or through the full-scale war between the Soviet Union and PRC that seemingly only happens to make his foreign policy more successful.
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one left
Is it possible to stay as Pete Wilson in TEoH 96?
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1960 Kennedy
What's the point of this scenario?
The point of view is Bobby the campaign manager, not the candidate himself. Also it's a sneaky prequel to 1964 Scoop. Also a shitty W. reference with the father hating his sons (although this one I pulled out of my ass I have no idea whether it's a reference or if Joseph Kennedy Sr. actually hated his children).
>During Robert's childhood, his father dubbed him the "runt" of the family and wrote him off; focusing greater attention on his two eldest sons, Joseph Jr., and John. Kennedy's mother Rose found his gentle personality endearing, but this made him "invisible to his father." She influenced him heavily and, like her, Robert became a devout Catholic, practicing his faith more seriously than his siblings over his lifetime. Joe Sr. was satisfied with Robert as an adult, believing him to have become "hard as nails", more like him than any of the other children, while his mother believed he exemplified all she had wanted in a child.
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If you guys could make a scenario what would it be?
I'm a HOI4 autist so something from one of its alt-history mods. How do you mod scenarios, anyway?
1932 scenario where Hoover is the last hope against Father Coughlin.
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Would Hillary even been a good president?
Me and some discord brony are very slowly making a Ron Paul 08 mod.
The core mechanic of it is that depending on if Ron Paul moderates his anti war positions, or doubles down on them, Obama reacts and changes his foreign policy stance.

So it could be radical pacifist Obama vs Paul, a three way election between a hardcore pacifist splinter and a wishy washy Paul and Barack, or a peacenik Paul vs a warmonger Obama.
She would have been worse than George Bush. She'd be the number one world wide war criminal and doom this country
Sanders please.
Fuck no.
Explain how.
She was and is one of the biggest war hawks in the entire country, and domestically she didn't advocate for anything which would have actually helped people.

She would have virtue signaled about progressivism a lot. But only about feminism and gay rights, shit which doesn't actually help the poor or require money to do.
In 2016 she wanted to place a no fly zone over Syria, which could have caused war between either Russia, Assad, or Iran, or maybe all three.
>No Kerry
It's over.
W is a bad mod made by even worse people
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No, not at all. She would have been another Bush / Obama, which is to say completely subservient to the war machine in all ways. Given how aggressive she was towards Russia and her intentions of turning Syria into another Iraq / Afghanistan style Forever War, her victory would have probably brought the biggest thread of World War III since the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm no Trump cultist, but this dumb bitch was a threat to humanity as a whole, and the Democrat's biggest mistake in years was nominating her. Even Biden would have been a better choice at the time.
>Verification not required.
>the biggest thread of World War III
*biggest threat of WWIII, sorry
basado y redpilledo
Mechanically its one of the best out there. Writing wise, its incredibly gay. A mod with the same mechanics, and writing that isn't just baby's first subversion would be great.
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Bob Dole '88 just dropped on CTS.
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I love how this one ad is so savage that airing it is enough to literally nuke Dukakis back to the stone age.
W is the honest opinion of the devs coated by a thin layer of satire to deflect all and every opinion. The only funny thing about that mod is how when Bush was leaving office, the average dev of W was like 4 ~ 6 years old, barely old enough to be sapient. Their hatred for Bush is just yearning to LARP.
Like I get thinking that Dubya was one of our worse presidents, I'd have to agree. But the personal vendetta is quite odd, given that I doubt any of the devs (bar maybe one or two) is old enough to actually have a personal connection to the administraition.

I'm a young man, 21 turning 22 in a few months, so I only remember Dubya as a figure of my early childhood. So the only personal connection I have is positive.
Even if, rationally and historically, I think he was a disaster.
>he was a disaster.
Do you have anything valuable to say or are you just here to shit up the thread with vapid low-effort questions that can be answered with 10 minutes of googling?
Hi and okay Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan.
pwh and W. are both overrated af imo. They're technically impressive, but the writing sucks
Well look at how his nation building panned out. We spent ten trillion dollars, give or take, on setting up democracies, but all we did was piss money away.
Worse than money, lives.

Iraq was a war fought for lies, if our goal was just to remove the dictator of Saddam, then why not use the CIA like cold war times.
4,500 American children died for nothing in Iraq. Tens of thousands came home fucked up mentally for life.
Tens of thousands committed suicide as a result of PSTD, their lives stolen from then, and their families scared forever.

That's ignoring the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, all of them innocent given that it was a war waged on the lies of WMDs.
Or the deaths associated with the rise of ISIS which was a result of the retarded war.
Or the deaths that came from the terrorist actions caused by ISIS.

That alone puts him in a league with the presidents who led to the civil war, or Woodrow Wilson as some of the worst leaders we have ever had.
Politics would be frozen in the last two years of Obama's presidency up until COVID.
COVID would give her a boost, but I'm not sure it'd be enough to win.
Would be below average.
Who would be the republican candidate?
It's very up in the air.
The Republican primaries would be a clusterfuck as bad as 2016's.
The criticism of W. is fair, but what's wrong with PWH's writing in particular? I didn't come across any particular screen that made me cringe.
Why do you think COVID would benefit the incumbent?
Has anyone tried 68 Too Right (Romney)? Is it supposed to be difficult?
Why did you lied?
I have. Yeah it's a pretty hard mod.
I played with with cheats enabled, picking the best answers, and I couldn't get a great lead
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What are your guys thoughts on Dole 88?
I was pretty drunk last night and didn't notice that I clicked "save custom mod" instead of "play custom mod" so I thought someone else put it on the mod loader instead of me.
Yes. It also uses CYOA too so some decisions you make early in can either bite you in the ass later or help you depending on what ypu chose.
The writings at least engaging, I fucking hate the 1990s mods who act like a neo-lib vs neo-con election is exciting somehow.
Whose the pacifist splinter? Ralph Nader again?
How do you usually play this game? I hate how sometimes what happens after a choice is almost impossible to predict. I usually choose a president and VP, then if I lose either
>Give up if I don't like the scenario
>Replay with the same party and VP immediately if I like the scenario
>Replay with the same party and VP in a few days if the scenario is just good enough
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This is how I play
>difficulty level: cakewalk
>open console
>optrng on
>answerhints on
Just select good, liberal responses that will surely motivate your base.
CTS any day, it's just so much more modern & well-designed that you'd actually have to be stupid to use NCT
Probably Kucinich
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Nice North vs South results here
Is it even possible to win a Long?
I don't know. How many times have you tried? If you get assassinated, other Dems can win. FYI it's basically impossible to win as Landon in the default 1936 so I did this as an alternative.
>Trying to figure out a map problem for my mod where the error messages are absolutely opaque & there's 0 documentation
Coding for TCT is surprisingly flexible but man is it pure spaghetti sometimes
NCT is way better by the sole reason that you can the enter key to answer a question.
Why does CST not have this?
Also BIGSHOT is way easier to use UI-wise than the benefit checker window.
I don't think we've decided.
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I thought that hadn't come out yet
Apparently some people got early access.
That's a fun ending slide.
Given that Bush won the popular vote massively and came close to winning in general, I'm guessing it's really hard to lose to Byrd. Which makes sense.
It probably should be possible to win every state + DC against him.

It seems we have changes to the third parties.
RFK Jr. is a new right wing splinter. Interesting.
Did the update come out?
It will come out tomorrow.
I guess since it's so close to release, a tester of a dev gave this thread specifically a sneak peak to increase interest.
They did that before when they released the Byrd DNC question in the previous TCT thread on this board before the reddit and maybe even the discord.
I'm not on the discord so I can't speak to that.
>a tester of a dev gave this thread specifically a sneak peak to increase interest.
Lol I found it on the reddit yesterday and saved the image before the thread got deleted
I think one of the devs said that Byrd starts out with basically no support but starts building momentum after he wins the primary. Hes probably Sharpton tier, where its easy to landslide him, but even in the best case he manages to hold onto at least a few solid states.
I'm guessing whatever path allows you to get Byrd results in Bush getting hit with some issues during the election campaign that hurt his support and make Byrd more viable, at least in the electorial college.
Which candidate are you gonna go for first in W+?
Byrd, I wanna see his screens
Byrd. Honestly the rest aren't that interesting. Hart is basically diet Tedward and Gephardt seems like Lieberman with a sprinkling of Hildawg. Clark could be good, just depends on how hes designed.
Definitely Byrd. Then after him the military guy.
I often enough see questions with 3 of the same answer and 1 unique answer. Does this mean anything?
They have different effects, usually one of them is beneficial while the rest are detrimental.
Those are 'RNG' questions. Used most often for debates. While the answers look identical, they have different outcomes, so you have to gamble to see if you got the good outcome or not.
Great day for a lot of annoying people on twitter and reddit
and for me
How the Hell do you get Byrd? Fucking impossible.
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>if you visit Israel in W you get redirected to a site to donate to Palestine

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my honest reaction
I hope someone make a mod with an option about aiding Palestine that redirects to a site that immediately downloads a crypto miner
this guy made a guide
I hate Israel as much as anyone else but this is just fucking autistic.
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>larger and more deadly guns
Did an 8 year old write this?
Entirely possible.
>the ending where Byrd prints a 1 trillion dollar platinum coin without telling anyone, then whips it out in a press conference and says "big daddy’s got a big coin" to btfo congress
Byrd is so cool its unreal. The whole mod should've been about him
For me it was Santorum seething
the byrd side is easily the best part of the mod, his ending where he pisses everyone off during war by not shutting up about roman warfare is peak
ESLs wrote this.
Props to the W devs for finally accomplishing what the mod failed to do before and making me root against Bush. In the timeline where Byrd became the nominee I'd enthusiastically be a Democrat voter.
He notably also balances the budget and revives the Southern Democrats as a thing. He kind of goes further and revives the New Deal Coalition. He’s the real “Democrat wank” ending.
Anyone knows how to get WW3?
There's one with Clark, when you piss off Russia and China
There's another one where GW triggers it while facing off against Ted kennedy
Apparently there's three ways. Although I don't know the specific answers you need to get them.
>With Clark
Have high jingoism (foreign policy SotU + NYT leak) and then pick the questions which you compete to see who's stronger on foreign policy with Clark, then lose to him.
>With Sharpton
Do certain options (I don't know them) which make Cheney form a shadow government against Bush while going against Sharpton.
>With Kennedy
I think you need to do stuff regarding India, visiting there and getting Pakistan to take in more refugees.
>Even larger
as if the deadliness of a gun is based on physical size.
It feels like most of the new questions are like that one where you tout a policy and the feedback says it's bad actually.
Was charming when it was just one (I am a lib, admittedly), but it gets grating really fast.
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>Did an 8 year old write this?
There is an 8 year old on the dev team and his name is Ettingermentum.

as a huge Mouths of the South fanboy I'm unironically hyped for this (it's going to be by the same writer)
Mouth of the South was fun as fuck, I hope it comes out.
This is a nice surprise since a few days ago I think I saw him tease it with a post called "The Obamanation. Coming Never."
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Do you guys like Al+?
>An althis mod where Gore won 2000 and is running for reelection in 2004
Not a bad idea actually, since he was less interventionist than Bush and the whole Green thing would be controversial then even if 9/11 happened.
Mouths of the South made me realize a playable Vince McMahon mod would be amazing
Has there ever been a running mate from failed election becoming president?
FDR was the Democratic nominee for vice president in 1920
It's come up before I feel, but never got made. It would be pretty fun, I feel him going up against Clintion in 1996 would be interesting.
Wasn't he nearing bankruptcy at that time?
W's WW3 jumps the shark. Going in on Bashar/Iran/Venezuela/Best Korea worked much better as a final escalation of America's wars. Not to mention the gay post-apocalyptic endings that are right out of TNO (ha ha future civilizations think that laptops were religious artifacts do you geeeeeet it???). Clark's ending where American troops get sent to like 13 foreign conflicts works much better as a dark jingoistic ending.
I only like the Bush one desu.
Are there scenarios that you guys are hopeful? I'll start with this. https://www.reddit.com/r/thecampaigntrail/comments/17w0to0/mod_announcement_19171918_russian_provisional/?rdt=61660
It feels somewhat unnecessary. But not too crazy.
It meets the concept of the mod being this 2006 resist lib editorialist lens.

>Bush, without his staff, can be a moron and cause WW3 with China
>Clark, in a jingoistic America, can start WW3 with Russia
>Cheney, given that he's evil in the mind of the narrator, starts WW3 of tensions with Russia are high enough
I agree honestly. It's gay and retarded, but it's consistent with the internal logic of the mod. There are plenty of things W fairly deserves to be criticized for, but this isn't one of them.
W. Doesn't present a real world version of George Bush though. It's all about the image he gave off in the minds of those who hated him.
The real George Bush had a great relationship with his father, he was an intelligent man who impressed leaders like Vladimir Putin, and while hawkish and idealistic, he had an stable and comprehensive foreign policy platform.

But to the minds of the anti-Dubya left, he was a bumbling idiot, a stooge and a puppet to Cheney and Rummy, and a dangerous actor on the world's stage.
Each WW3 ending plays into a misunderstanding of George Bush
I discovered this game similar to the campaign trail about 1930's germany, if any of you want to give it a shot.


It's about controlling the German SDP and attempting to stabilize the country and prevent fascism.
The war with China ending felt like I was reading nu-SCP
Prevent fascism? Why would I ever want to do that?
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1988. Young charismatic governor of Washington State, Ted Bundy, attempts to revive Rockefeller Republicanism on a national level. Meanwhile, rumors regarding his youth begin to emerge during the campaign.
Wouldn't Ted Bundy have been like 42 in 1988
42 is young in politics.
What would been fall out if he had won the presidency?
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
Yes but do you?
Western Beria
I played it, it's pretty fun but I wish the endings were more detailed.
This game made me realize how fucking soulless american politics are.
So a chad.
1960 Joseph Kennedy Jr. vs. Richard Milhouse Nixon.

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