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What is a good and flavourful set up to use for dark elves?
I've never played this before. Which version should a newcomer play first? Vanilla, community patch, Caster of Magic?
Any of them
Vanilla has a ton of bugs that are fixed by the community patch. It's the ideal way to play it now. Caster of Magic makes gameplay changes and should be played after you're done with the base game and wants ot mix things up
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warlord is my favorite, spearmen benefit a lot from experience and the dark elf spearmen are already so good

community patch doesnt have a lot of bugs but you can still find some
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took a fight with a horde of spiders and a colossus. my orc and minotaur mercs made short work of the spiders but the colossus almost killed my orc lord in a single blow
Always remember that Thrown doesn't proc for counterattack. Your unit/hero needs to be the one attacking, for the extra damage from Thrown to apply.
Definitely not Caster of Magic. It's a very different take on the original
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am I getting bad RNG or do base-stat spells do fuck all against anything? I just cast Fire Bolt on some spearmen and they didn't even notice.
a fully charged firebolt can kill a unit of spearmen if you are extremely lucky, if they are veteran or above its basically not gonna happen tho
fire bolt is basic spell, spells have the same rule as normal damage aka 30% hit chance (unless its something like chaos bolt) and get reduced by armor, when hitting multi figure unit its better to use something like fire ball cause it hits all units at once
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I think I see now. I used the minimum power with my spell, which rolled poorly and only would've targeted a single spear-men anyways

I guess I'll keep trying to git gud. Scourging cities from afar is cool and all, but it just doesn't soothe the soul like a combat spell would
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Chaos Rift is great, since it makes a strongly defended city ripe for conquest. Just dont forget to switch it off, after you sack it.
Full chaos run with halflings is one of my favorite strategies, but very high in micromanagment. Casting chaos channel on every slinger, then sorting out the ones with demon wings. Flying elite slingers are no joke, and it gets really mean with chaos surge and warped reality.
>chaos channel on every slinger
>Flying elite slingers
absolutely horrifying. Base slingers already melt anything that isn't hiding behind a wall.
That's why I just open a rift over walled halfling settlements and wait; there isn't a mortal army on Arcanus or Myrror that can storm such a place without staggering losses, and most summoned creatures fare just as poorly
Slingers have only a few shots per battle and there are spells like warp wood which disable them. In close combat they suck. Also a fast moving hero (buffed with spells) like Torin or Fang will make quick work of them. Last option for chaos sorcerers: flame strike. really mean.
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adamantium centaurs with flame blade + eldritch weapon killing everything in my game, they are durable enough to function as a core unit as well
Wish the Deity Empires dev didn't abandon his shit, that was the closest I've experienced to MoM in recent times.
there is a Civ4 mod "Fall from heaven" that is quite similar, but since it has the awful Civ combat mechanics, I never touched it.
It's pretty good. I used to play it all the time, back in the day. There are a few mod mods out nowadays, I should pick it back up.
>since it has the awful Civ combat mechanics, I never touched it
The combat in FFH2 is better than in BTS thanks to some adjusted values like a warrior's base strength being higher and promotions being essentially twice as effective. You can also use spells to create swarms of expendable summons or cause area damage before combat begins, which lets you conserve your living units.

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