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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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Just to clarify, the Ming were officialy destroyed in 1644 but they were powerless long before that year, they kept losing territory to external forces and internal rebels non-stop after 1400's ( the game start date is around the period they were getting buttfucked the hardest).
While is a pain in the ass to deal with it's good for quickly removing small vassals that that are weak enough to let you diplo vassalize them
I'm afraid there won't be any start in EU5 as perfect as byzantium is in EU4
Yeah I can imagine it will get screwy just wanted my autism rp of ancient or late antiquity colonizers, desu would be quite boring as you more or less just mindlessly blob and dont even interact with other nations. I think the only way to make uncolonized natives on par tech wise would be to edit all the units they spawn to be fitting to the current tech and that seems like a massive pain in the ass.
I would love it if France is the Byzantium of EU5. A decentralised mess where the King has no power and a 6/6/6 chad is waging war on you. You are right though I suppose.
Doesn't matter. I think I'm going to be in Eu4 for years to come unless 5 releases in a better state (it won't).

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>all those poors getting luxury needs
whats the militancy like?
I don't know what makes factories profitable and after reading a few reddit posts I understand less
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>cotton weavers can't be trade unionists because... they just can't
Mostly throughput. Cheap and abundant inputs, highly in demand outputs and a population with money to buy it.

That's where "Liquor" meme comes from. People will always buy it, and you need coal in a province to produce glass with a bonus, and grains and glass to produce liquor with a bonus. If you have coal and iron in a single province, you can profitably produce steel and your great power status is nearly guaranteed.

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Now that manor lords has flopped, we are ready to discuss the best strategy larp game ever
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here you go, now reward me with screenshots of your campaign
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Appreciate the help, I shall now grant your request.
I think it's only like 429 so I know it's not the biggest of progress. It's my first grand campaign in this game so I'm still kinda learning the ropes.
Looks like the Gaets will give you trouble
Well they are inevitably going to be an obstacle for me, yeah. At the moment we're actually quite good allies and have a trade agreement going. Once I take all the other stuff in between the two of use I'll have to turn on them though.
Also I am now strength rank 1 woohoo.
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Same anon from >>1749177 here, holy shit
So the Huns finally arrived at the Mediterranean coastline, and Attila, like the foolhardy savage he is, thought he could step his Hunnic foot into MY ocean.
I jumped at the chance to isolate him with one of my naval fleets, caught him and another horde just outside of Naples. The autoresolve didn't give me good odds, but I figured the seasickness debuff would carry the day.
I ended up winning, but I paid far more dearly for that victory than I had expected. There were just so fucking many huns. Those horse archers might be dismounted and seasick, but when 6 units of them are all firing flaming arrows at once, your ships don't last all that long.
I killed damn near all of them, but my fleet has been utterly savaged. My admiral lies at the bottom of the Tyrrhenian sea along with the vast majority of his Hunnic opponents. Attila by all accounts was supposed to have joined them, having been grievously wounded by my sailors early on in the battle. But it would seem Tengri smiled upon his favored son and granted him the wherewithal to paddle back to shore like the dog he is.
The lesson I have learned is to have my arty ships target their archers first.
My fleet is going to take a while to recover from this. Nevertheless, Attila has tasted defeat for the first time, and the Huns have been cowed.
This battle was an absolute clusterfuck, I quite enjoyed it.

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What went wrong?
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>chemical warfare
>age advancing from WW1 to WW2
>research and drop nuke to kill everyone including yourself
>achievement unlocked: Scorched Earth
IV could've been kino in the right hands
>muh historical realism
I'm really sorry everyone
we can confirm that the retard keeps being able to access the computer. We're going to be looking into other options to stop this from happening.
lmao the aoe4fag still seething
game's dead now. Relic laid off ten billion employees after CoH3 went belly up.

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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Mine is still up https://pastebin.com/agwZu9Df
Depends which type of spear bracing it is, if it's the modded kind you have to check what the mod keybind is for it
If it's the NW/wfas kind then you just crouch with a weapon that has that item flag, like a like
It's not a normal command because another modder made the code for it, not the guys who made the formation mods
Eagle Rising is unplayable now. Whyd they have to make RBM mandatory? what were they thinking
They weren't.
Are there any mods that fix Carribean?
Its good but it just has so much missing that feels like it could be easily added. So its bad.

¨10/10 but i cant ignore the feel that could have more content.¨

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I preferred it before the big free update
some of the new vehk are just too gimmicky and don't feel like they "fit" into the rest of the game-- it feels a lot like a mod
The nupilots also have less dialogue than the old ones, which is the only reason why I bother playing around with different ones, and have dumb names like Rosie Rivets (DUDE ITS LIKE THE HECKIN PROPAGANDA POSTER LMAO) and aren't very interesting mechanically-- only some of the squads feel like a good bonus, but once again it feels very much like a mod, especially compared to FTL's big update which fit in to the game rather seamlessly
I really liked ITB and it kinda soured me on it, I'm glad they have the ingame options to turn that shit off
it also ruined my only perfect 100% achievement completion with the new update
In that sense, I feel like it could have used less content
Originally there was supposed to be a city building strategy layer but that got cut after the devs' nearly suffered an aneurysm trying to make it fun
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>favourite pilot
the robot who can do two attacks
>favourite squad
Get a chain of lighting through a building with the lightning mech, piloted by Silica, and you are doing a whopping six damage on every linked enemy every turn
i disagree i felt like for what it was it was graciously short
i didn't need the same puzzle ad infinitum the game is really quite easy to solve and then that's it you're done
if it is to ever have more content then it needs to evolve more and not just tack on a few new mechs, pilots, and maps
gz anon you're still getting better at games you aren't old yet
imo a huge problem with itb is the lack of rng
i essentially never felt like i was facing a remotely unwinnable situation in fact i was convinced the game made sure that there was always a way to win
besides new gear and pilots everything seemed very calculated to me which is both pleasant but also completely decompresses the tension and reduces it to a pretty simple puzzle game
The fact that it feels like a puzzle is a big plus for me since figuring out a solution to a tight spot is very satisfying, plus it puts the blame square in your lap when things go south. I agree that the AI does sometimes feel like it's holding back with how aggressive it could be - there's always a few targetting your mechs that could have done much more damage to the run by going after buildings instead. Haven't played on Unfair much though so maybe it's different there.

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Will they ever nerf Body Cultivators? As things currently stand there is literally no point in the other two.
I doubt they'll bother with balancing like that given they're presumably focused on the upcoming sequel. hell I was surprised they bothered with new features in the february update
Will they ever fix the dogshit translation? The answer to all these questions is no. We got scammed.
ACS2 seems like an impossible dream. They just fucked off to mobile.
Learn Chinese.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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But the very unit itself keeps autoscouting if you let it but can't go back to it if you stop when you advance. It's a bit awkward.
>Ioroquois warrior at the castle
>Cavarly Archer
>Xolotl Warrior
>Eagle Warrior
>No crossbow at all
>Tech to improve foot archers regardless
blud's trying to make a shittier dravidians
So why did it take so long to add (Western) Romans anyway
Goths and Huns existed at the same time so not like timeline is an issue

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016)
Everybody wants her huge tracts of land after her jobber dad dies.
Very good taste my friend

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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It seems sending diplomats to rival nations is OP because even though they are unfriendly towards me, Hayk gifted me two settlements in Scythia. Almost tempted to stop using it but it's hilarious when it pays off.
Rome killed Carthage off and note Egypt on the Black Sea.
Did you pick up any Rome 2 DLC during the sale? I got the Greek States.
Played Ardiaei. Turns out the Marines and Thureos Spears are secretly over powered.

Both squads carry 5 javelins, have the larger melee infantry sized squads (compared to the smaller Peltast or Velites javelin squads) and are also spearmen so can handily fight cavalry. Once the melee starts you just get every unengaged squad to move forward, surround the melee and pelt the crap out of them.
Late, but yes. Attila has a good tech tree. Many factions start out in late iron age and end in early Medieval. Even WRE ends up as a medieval kingdom/empire by the end.
WRE unit roster is trash.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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kek I'm almost positive these ingrates are hoarding food and meds and selling it to aliens.
Any mods that add consumer based economics?
Thanks buddy
No problem anytime.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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>having a good run
>lots of bros at level 5
>13 bros
>oh cool a witches hut
>get forced into legendary battle against 4 hexen 6 wolves 8 spiders and 3 unholds
>retreat lose 7 bros

Fuck this fucking game
for me its 5 nets and a bundle of javelins (regardless of ratk)
Since you haven't explored the game's legendary locations yet, I recommend that you skip any locations that aren't cities or camps EXCEPT the boat on the tree, the big golden statue or the lighthouse.
Those are cool, not fights and quite a nice read.
Right . Got the boat where the golden goose was . That was cool for lots of different reasons
Surprisingly, I've done that fight multiple times, and the only problem in that encounter are the hexen themselves due to their ability to stale a fight and preventing you from clumping up.
Snipe them early and it's a regular beast fight.

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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
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Is there a way to "buffer" workers? e.g. you have a bunch of industry attached to a bus stop, and you have large buses. Is there a way, when all the industry is full, to unload the workers anyways and have them walk to work when a job opens?
Yes. The simplest way to do this is to build a station nearby and have the bus make two stops at it where the first stop just unloads and the second forces everyone off. Workers will immediately walk to any empty jobs while the rest will wait an hour at the station and then check for any open jobs before teleporting home.

You can also build a pair of stations, link them to each other and the nearby workplaces, and set the stations' preference to 0%. Workers will endlessly circulate between the stations until a job opens up. This works really well for storing foreign workers without much issues, but citizen workers will get a happiness debuff if they stay there too long and they tend to have amplified needs when they finally get a job.

There are other methods too, but they are pretty complicated, and I don't feel like explaining them right now.
Wait, so bus stations work differently than bus stops?
No they're the same. Anon probably didn't realize he used different terms.
Any passenger station will work, you can send a bus to unload at a train station or passenger cableway without issue (if it has a road connection of course).
Thanks, it seems to have helped a little.
I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why? It seems to check out experimentally, when I started stocking hotels my income dropped by something like 40%.

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What are some of your favorite campaign missions?
I just beat this game and the final mission where both sides team up against the greater foe was really cool.
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I always enjoyed the one mission in Act of War where you're fighting in DC. During the mission you have side objectives to save SWAT officers fighting the terrorists.
The reason I like how Kingdom Under Fire did it is because you play through the good and evil campaigns and then the final mission you get control over both armies as they encircle and form an alliance of desperation to destroy the greater threat.
Not a unique setup but the execution of it in a strategy title scored some points.
btw how is the game? Any interesting gameplay wise?
It switches back and forth between standard rts fare of the time and very barebones Diablo-esque segments where you can find a few pieces of various equipment but you're not allocating stat points or creating builds.
While the final mission where you get to control both sides in one mission is interesting, if I wasn't already familiar with Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders I would not have gone back to play this one over a better title.
This game isn't going to blow your mind in any regard, especially not now. And it never gave itself a chance to grow with another game of this style since they moved to Crusaders after this.
Not a terrible game but I can't recommend it unless you're struggling to find something to play.
I liked in Kohan 1 where you fight several enemy heroes over the couse of the campaign, but in the final level you face all of them together. They all have something to say when you meet them again. It was really memorable to me

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I've played Rule the Waves 1 and liked it. I'm considering
>Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts
>War on the Sea
Which one of these is more realistic? I don't mean just weapon and ship stats, but the general idea and feel of battle. For example, the first night battle in RTW1 was a confusing clusterfuck for me, which was a great and realistic experience.

Which game leads to historical ship designs? RTW1, while good, encourages you to design overpowered a-historical ships, like cruisers with 4x4 10-inch guns and superbattleships in the 1920s and 30s. Its system didn't have enough checks and balances in place to punish those gamey designs.

I've tried UAD a couple of patches ago, and while good, I felt that the AI was too easy to beat, not least because their ship designs weren't able to cope with the system's checks and balances, leading to penalties to accuracy, speed, etc

I've never played War on the Sea but have played Victory at Sea: Pacific. Tried to like it but it was way too buggy and unrealistic.

Also played Gary Grigsby's War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition. In fact I modded the game by hexediting the .exe despite its community's weird obsession with keeping the game mechanics and calculations behind veils. It had the realism I wanted but it's really hard and time-consuming to mod, and some mechanics are deliberately not explained.
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Are there any naval games where you play as a captain? I don't mean shooty things like World of Warships or whatever. I mean you sit in a bridge and get information and send out orders. Weren't those old sub games like that?
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In Silent Hunter games you sit in the bridge, especially if you disable the external camera.

U-Boat Hunter for sitting in an actual ship bridge the whole time

I love Nagato's 1944 revision look.
This looks sick desu. If people made games like this and then added in voice commands, it would be perfect.
Dangerous Waters. It's a submarine sim, though. One of the very best.

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