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Will they ever nerf Body Cultivators? As things currently stand there is literally no point in the other two.
I doubt they'll bother with balancing like that given they're presumably focused on the upcoming sequel. hell I was surprised they bothered with new features in the february update
Will they ever fix the dogshit translation? The answer to all these questions is no. We got scammed.
ACS2 seems like an impossible dream. They just fucked off to mobile.
Learn Chinese.
I've got a question for you all. How many of you fags read Qi like Key when it's actually Chi but spelled in CCPinyin
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>muh balance in a single player game
Piss off.
Also, rookie number.
Amazing Autism Simulator is so goddamn retarded.
It's a cultivation game, what do you expect?
The default cultivators have the most "content" for them, but if there's no point in using them it's a huge waste.
The cultivation genre is absolute cancer.
Its as bad as Isekai, the only way it gets worse is when the two are combined into one.
Don't think I've ever seen non-isekai cultivation.
Frog in a well, you court death!
Well can you name any?
Untold thousands of cultivation novels exist that take place in not-china settings and don't involve a random dude being hit by a truck to get there.
Literally every single one I've read was an isekai even if it's mentioned precisely once and is never actually relevant for the rest of the novel.
>The default cultivators
What does that even mean?
The player can start the game either with a body cultivation or a xiandao law.
Therefore you can pick 2 out of 3 cultivation path from the start. Also xiandao isn't weak by any means and has higher power ceiling.
Be upfront, are you asking for recommendations or are you just baiting?
I'm not really asking for recommendations because I haven't even finished the ones I started (I Shall Seal The Heavens, Reverend Insanity, Top Tier Providence, Human Emperor), but they all turned out to be isekais even though I wasn't specifically searching for that so I'm curious if non-isekai ones even exist.
>I haven't even finished the ones I started
>I Shall Seal The Heavens
>Reverend Insanity
>Top Tier Providence
>Human Emperor
Fascinating. I usually focus on a single book until I finish it (IF it's a finished book and not a work in progress).
Never red any of these though, but the Human Emperor is kind of upfront about being isekai (right in the description).
There's no point in even reading any of them if you aren't a chinaman, the entire genre is ridiculously inbred cliche-ridden twisted powerfantasy garbage.
It's shameless, unironic power fantasy and there's not much of that nowadays (it's all ironic).
There's tons of unironic power fantasy media catering to the lowest denominator around in the modern day still.
Cultivation is just that but more likely to contain ridiculously contrived rape and highly brutal murder from a MC who still claims to be a paragon of morality that condems other characters for comitting the same acts.
Wow, what an insight? Are you fucking 13?
Point me to a post or an article that claims xianxia genre is a literary peak, fucking teen high on his farts.
>1/8 bait
It's an 8/8 at least you stupid reactionist leprechaun.
>i just pretended being retarded
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Get rope.
>but more likely to contain ridiculously contrived rape
An oddly specific thing to be hung up on.
Do tell,:
Are you simp, by any chance?
What works are you talking of specifically?
What do yo consider regular rape vs. contrived rape and can you provide an example?
>Are you simp, by any chance?
>Are you simp
At least try and write in proper English when you are posting on a western imageboard.
It's okay if you can't answer either of those. Words are hard, I get it. Maybe Xianxia is too hard for you too, after all. That's also fine. Have you tried picture books maybe? How about manga?
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How about picrel?
I think you'll like it.
We actually have a no-joke salty chinese anon in the thread now.

No one mention Tiananmen Square or Taiwan, in case he loses points off his social credit score.
>There's tons of unironic power fantasy media catering to the lowest denominator around in the modern day still.
Not really.
>ridiculously contrived rape
Rape doesn't bother me.
>MC who still claims to be a paragon of morality that condems other characters for comitting the same acts.
That's based.

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I found THE book for you.
I simply can't stand the remolding mini game for body cultivators. It's too much micromanagement. Easy to fuck up and requires specific essences you don't even know you need until you level up.
I don't want to follow a 1 to 1 guide either. Just have a rough idea of how it works. Which doesn't seem to be enough.
>no point in the other two
Nether guard shendao is unkillable if you don't equip the artifact.
Physical cultivators can't do shit against spells.
Xiandao are most versatile, vital to the actual functioning of the sect and are kings of endgame.
Here's a good thread "documenting" how one guy attempted to do high tribulation run with a xiandao
they're both shit compared to physicals
Are there any other games like this, that focus on this kind of power up related autism?

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