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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
I've basically always played it where it lies with mapgen
>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map where I'm guaranteed a win
why are strategy gamers like this?
Just use cheats if you're gonna be that autistic
>want to start new game
>remember it's emotionally dishonest
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
>gambling addicts in denial are starting to wake up
Hell, about time.
How does the map affect this game?
It's mildly annoying to get a map without any ports or all the cities too far apart or too clustered together

but mainly I needed something to start a Battle Brothers thread with
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Skill issue
If the game has a Castle and a town within a day of walking, with no FOW in between then it’s viable.
99% of maps have this, so fishing for 4 towns + 1 castle rotation to farm money with trade/quests is not necessary, literally just explore the fog early since enemies are the weakest then.
TLDR: Don’t be a pussy and fight early and often. You don’t need the map to help you farm.
There's no way Menace isn't a flop that forces them to do a sequel so they can actually make money. There's zero hype for the game even among BB fans and it looks painfully generic.
Even if it flops, they'll just make a different new IP. By the late stages of BB development, it was pretty easy to see that they didn't really want to develop it and were just doing the bare minimum to fulfill their promises to their backers(example: rival mercenary companies)
I've never regenerated a map, it's not that important. Just PLAY
>By the late stages of BB development, it was pretty easy to see that they didn't really want to develop it
it really felt like that and i cant understand why, they struck gold with the game, so much potential for further development but they just seem to want to move away from it
its like if the dudes from starsector just stopped developing it after 5 years
Are avatars properly implemented in the game yet?
What do you mean? Event writing? No
Doesn't it use seed word system? Just find a good word.

Very little, OP is just a spastic retard.
>waaaah! waaah! everything needs a hecking sequel!
Menace looks kino. Keep seething.
Why did i get only a bunch of dropped garbage, no named items and no treasure other than 1 Furs from this Sea of Tents with 24 orcs?
I only find it annoying when there is one port that goes to nowhere, just a waste of a slot in the village. Otherwise every map is fine unless you're some minmaxing autist.
But now that we are doing unpopular opinions: this game needs an autoresolve /autopilot for certain fights... I cannot be bothered fighting peasants even if its free money cause ill need to click 50 times to get it
>make extremely soulful 2d game
>proceed to make soulless 3d sequel
same thing happened with Darkest Dungeon
If you're looking for a good map then just look for good seeds and that's it.
This game should be called RNG brothers. You can strategize and optimize your builds all you want but the real pro strat is to savescum every battle.
What now
They killed everyone, including the children

Why did you let this happen?
Restart the game every time you get bad RNG, win the game after ten times of this, say it was skill, then go on 4chan to gaslight everyone pointing out how RNG dependent this game is
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Which of these battle brothers is the best candidate for a hybrid? I'm thinking the Poacher
skill issue
Sounds easier to just deal with the RNG rather than make a new game every time
Have you tried actually thinking ahead before clicking? Of course you haven't you coping retard.
menace gameplay fucking when, everything out there about the game is quickstarter scam tier of shallow
Early game is about weeding out unlucky brothers. Every mercenary who gets his skull caved in was an unlucky fellow. If you kept him around, he would eventually doom the entire company. After a few battles, you start to build up a few brothers who are blessed by lady luck and can leverage that near-magical gift to achieve victory.
This game is about spending thirty fucking minutes dealing with inventory tetris and making careful decisions just to feel like you have minimal impact on whether or not any of your units actually survive.
Pretty much, 56 with star is roughly the same as the proejcted matk the sellsword will have
Hunter is out of the question because tiny is fucking terrible on anyone who isnt a stunbot with a mace and shield or a walking spearwall

Sounds like your decisions were not that good then
Install the mod that helps with autosell and the speedup one to make everything go quicker
>watch walkthrougn
>experienced players finish all the locations by day 90
>meanwhile I am on day 250 and still can’t earn more than 10k gold
>sell everything, buy only food and supplies when lose on tools
>rely soly on starting bros and some homeless bums
Everybody tells me i need to hire a knight but how? The shit I sell goes for Pennie’s and I spend 200 gold on a set of tools. I get 500 or 600 gold per quest and all the cash goes to heel and fix my party. How can I advance?
Most people who make videos about this game already know everything about it and knowledge is like 99% of Battle Brothers. I wouldn't give a shit about days after 40 to be honest (in day 40 nomads get a huge boost by getting the Nimble perk, raiders get something too but it's much less impactful).

Your best bet is farming raiders and easy camps (orc young, raiders, barbarian thralls/reavers) so you can get some money and buy up some better bros. What's your team looking like?
I try keeping it ballanced
2guys with shields
One with this two handed barbarian made thing who deals massive damage
Flag guy who holds a flag
An archer who hits things but does horrible damage
And two free niggas I picked up at events with pikes in the backline.
There were more but I lost six bros already and had to fire one because he was injured to all shit
How's their melee attack, and their levels? Do you have raider armor (chainmail and such) or something better? You're prioritizing leveling melee attack, melee defense and HP/fatigue right? If your guys are bad and can't hit things, swords and spears have a bonus to hit chance that's never explained anywhere until you can get better bros/more levels on them.

Try to fight as many raiders, orc young, barbarian thralls/reavers (be careful with reavers though) as you can so you can get some levels on your guys. I'm sure other people can give you better advice - I'm not an incredible player either. AVOID all beasts for now unless it's small numbers of webknechts, nachzerers and direwolves.
70-65% of my hits land but it takes about 4 hits to put down an enemy. Meanwhile the enemy destroys my shitty scavenged armor in the same amount of turns. I mostly wear stuff I took off bandit encounter quests. Barbarian armor. And one guy has that elite Skelton armor I picked off a graveyard. Lost a guy to those horrible legion pikemen
When I tried using one it did a fraction of the damage.
I try to level up the stats that has starts on it. Dogs are pretty useless. Ranged weapons do little to no damage. Most one handed weapons suck infact. The big hammer dude misses 50 percent of the times. Tactic that seems to work for me is finding a good location on the map and bunkering my back line there with the seuls bros
Yeah, avoid legion pikemen until you have maces, hammers, bardiches and 12 bros so you can actually flank them (they always keep formation).

>I try to level up the stats that has starts on it

Some bros just are never going going to be good fighters for the end game, but all their points should still be going into melee attack, melee defense, health and fatigue (depending on if they're wearing heavy/light armor). A lot of bros are going to have stars in less important stuff like resolve (around 40 is good enough other than on your bannerman, where it's his most important stat), initiative, ranged attack (for non-archers) etc.

>Ranged weapons do little to no damage

Crossbowmen are better than bowmen for this reason, javelins are also good.

>Most one handed weapons suck infact

This is somewhat true but most of your guys probably need the shield for survivability.

Can you show us a screenshot of what one of your guys looks like for example?
>>watch walkthrougn
>>experienced players finish all the locations by day 90
>>meanwhile I am on day 250 and still can’t earn more than 10k gold

I'm a very veteran player myself (played the game for years) and i also struggle to keep up with some pros on youtube, motherfucker manages to get 50k gold on the bank and 16 level 11+ bros with a bunch of named items by day 50 all on Expert/expert/ironman
colossus to prevent injury from getting farted on by anything
dodge to help with shitty mdef (you should still level it when you get a good roll)
dont position like a retard
double grip sword until you start fighting enemies who have too good armor
repair all weapons that are not shit before selling them
get 12 men as long as you can equip them with any thug drops, less than a full company is fucking horrible for clearing camps and random groups (at least on expert)

against what did you use the pike?
dont just autolevel the starred stats, if youre up front you need melee attack and melee defense, level those when they roll more than 1 and you'll live longer
dogs are in fact op but you'll understand it one day
give the twohander some accuracy perks like FA and/or backstabber if you want to use him for that role and he's too shitty at the moment

>getting the Nimble perk
dear god no
bowmen use fast adaption better than any other bros
To be fair, I'm not sure what else they'd add to keep things engaging without destroying the tone of the game.
Probably burn out.
I'm pretty sure nomads get the Dodge perk on day 40, not Nimble which came later (day 70-80 ish I think). Even so this is still a massive mdef and rdef powerspike so I just tend to move to another region to avoid fighting them.
Only the Leaders get Nimble and it's on day 40
If you can go from the southernmost point of the world to the top in a week you could add eastern faction (China/Japan/Korea) and maybe western indigenous tribes (Cherokee/Aztec/Maya) and it'd fit.
All of these were contemporaneous, though did not share space in the real world.

You know weebs would eat up having katanas in these games and the Aztecs/Mayans had some nasty ambush tactics and weapons IRL that would look good in this game.
Nah, problem is german autism prevents them from diverging too far from their original view of a european medieval fantasy.
You could probably stretch eastern factions out to Mongol hordes, but a full Oriental faction wouldn't really mesh well.
There is that one black book event where you interact with a Chinese mystic, but that kind of stuff works better when it's alluded to, rather than directly shown in game.
Indigenous tribes is a complete non-starter, though there's still room for a Spanish and/or Moorish style expansion.
Honestly though, given 4+ DLCs, along with 5 years of patches, it's time for them to move onto something new.
>Honestly though, given 4+ DLCs, along with 5 years of patches, it's time for them to move onto something new.
I understand, it's OK.
Why are indigenous tribes a non-starter? You could replace gobbos with the tribesmen and it'd work, and add a few more beasts of myth to populate the new world. If there was a modkit I'm sure we'd seen it by now.
No. We need more DLC and additions and improvements. There's still more potential to the game that they have not exploited yet.
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Sword master. From my limited experience the sword master appears to more expensive then useful. I know I'm doing something wrong, but this guy gets wrecked too often and too much. I've seen players using these guys and they never get hit. So what am I doing wrong?
>somehow screen moves up while i'm selling shit armor and makes me sell my named battleforged armor
Maybe because he has extraordinarily shit MDef, Swordmasters start with 15 MDef on average and yours has only 24 at level 18
What's his problem? He gets hit a lot?
His stats are OK but not for a fencer, maybe use Potion of Oblivion on him and re-spec for 2H whatever, take Reach Advantage and LW and stick him in a flank to distract.
>There's still more potential to the game that they have not exploited yet
There really isn't, for much the same reason the game can't handle more than a handful of mods. The more shit they add, the more unstable the game gets.
It'd be better for them to start from scratch, use assets from battle brothers to make a proper sequel.
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New shield brother build just dropped, now with Bags and Belts technology

The Bags and Belts let them carry a bunch of extra shields at no fatigue cost so they never get shieldless against axes, you can Shield wall instead of Indomitable which is far less fatigue intensive specially with named shields.
I've never got far enough into the game to understand why a megatank would be a useful char, he does no damage, he can't hit anything with the low attack, what's the point? Do you have a halberd behind him killing things?

To tie down enemies and take the heat off the rest of the team, ie they can neutralize 6 Chosen while the other 11 Chosen go 1:1 against your brothers
Very effective against Ancient Dead (see: Megatank usage in the Black Monolith)
Can neutralize multiple Lindwurms, Schrats
Game is not unstable and I have a ton of mods installed. Maybe you are unstable, but not the game.

Hm interesting. I was reading up on MDef and just realized this.
If you going to this then just use a seed from the Internet or something lol
for me it's when my starting bros have something wrong with them. i don't care if they have good things but they need to have no wrong things.
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So…eh wtf was the monolith supposed to be?
a stone
The old emperor wanted to rule forever so he commissioned a stone that would make his dream come true. He put it at the center of his empire, and the rest is history. His armor is too heavy btw doing BM is not worth it.
sex with battle brothers
you can have it all; my empire of dirt
Good for you.
Meanwhile, there's a reason why the Legends mod has been dealing with save corruption for the past year or two.
Battle brothers ultimately suffers from a memory issue caused by the 2gb limit. This can be somewhat fixed by using the 4gb patcher on the GOG version, but since this is a memory leak issue, it just delays save corruption.
Ultimately, this isn't a noticeable problem for vanilla, but adding too much shit inevitably causes those kinds of problems.
It is still possible to run into this style of save corruption in vanilla, but it generally comes from savescumming/edge cases like saves over 1k days.
Sounds more like a mod issue rather than an issue with the game, if it's not noticeable in vanilla.
Legends are for dorks and dinks.
Call me if it's an Epic exclusive release
Still waiting for Southern Mercenary companies
I just put the name of a famous battle as a seed and play whatever I get.
I have played in seeds such as Agincourt, Kulikovo, Marignano, etc...
> indigenous tribes (Cherokee/Aztec/Maya)
No, just no.
>You could replace gobbos with the tribesmen and it'd work
We already got goblins.
Interesting and it could work in some cases. On the world map there are areas that I can't see because of the fog of war, but these areas are out in the ocean and I can see some coastlines there. It would be cool if you could hire a ship and land on those islands and maybe they are inhabited by indians or something like that. Maybe it doesn't have to be indians, but ancient Germanic\Celtic type peoples.
Imagine for a second: a fight against 30+ enemies, not that rare in the late game. If you just stand in your cute "6 in front 6 behind" formation you're fucked as there will be 10 enemies in front of you and 20 just walking past the frontline to kill your juicy backline damagedealers

So you send 2 gigatanks that can never die forward and let them get surrounded: every guy can get surrounded by 6 enemies so that's 12 of the fuckers you dont have to worry about cause they're pointlessly hitting a tank for the entire fight

Also in some fights just need a big boy to stand in front of lindwurms/unholds/scrats
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fellas i have a bit of a weird question: what is the hardest fight in the game ( I suppose it's Black Monolith) and how much harder is it compared to the goblin city?

I've just managed to do the goblin city at the cost of one good bro and two permanent injuries on great bros, and it could have been much worse if those cowardly goblins hadnt paniced just in time... So how much stronger do I have to be to "finish" the game if Goblin city was hard but doable for my current party?

Also is that emperor helmet good? I'll wear it just for the drip ofc but it seems counterintuitive to have armor that wants to get hit so it deals some damage.
It deflects a certain percentage of melee damage back to attacks so I yes it's good.
Hardest fight is imo between the kraken and black monolith. The legendary location difficulty goes something like this: Kraken = black monolith > sunken library > witch hut > water mill > goblin city > ijirok > icy cave.

If you struggle with goblin city you likely will not be able to do kraken/monolith. Especially kraken can wipe you easily if you dont know what to expect and even then can be serious bullshit if you get some bad luck. The helmet is good and looks cool.
Yeah, speedrunners who actually know how the game works prove all the faggots complaining about RNG wrong.
If someone like Feedy can do Monolith by day 18 then it is most definitely a skill issue when anon can't do a mid tier bandit camp by day 100 without losing half his crippled ratcatchers.
Monolith is by far the hardest legendary location and it is way, way harder than goblin city.
Goblin city is about 40 shitty goblins.
Monolith is 40 high tier ancient undead, including honour guards, necrosavants and ancient priests.
Kraken can be cheesed pretty badly if you know the strats. For a long time I thought it was bullshit but once I understood how to fight it I realized it is pretty easy (though still a pain in the ass). I have done Kraken without suffering a single point of damage on any bro.
I'm gonna try a peasant militia origin, any tips?
consult the chart to see which lowborn backgrounds aren't shitters

Lumberjacks, farmers, militia, brawlers and thieves are your friends.
Graverobbers and houndmasters are fine too.
All lowborn backgrounds are pretty poor on resolve with the exception of brawler. Lowborns on the other hand tend to be pretty competitive on hp and res and militias are pretty solid jacks of all trades.
Get to 16 bros asap.
In the very lategame you can arguably make a stronger company if you spend a long while and a lot of crowns finding 12 top tier hedge knights, swordmasters and nobles, but 16 decent lowborns are going to be stronger most of the time. This gives PM the reputation of being the best background for legendary locations, which don't scale at all with company size.
So Poachers are the only available ranged?
Pretty much your only lowborn option for a dedicated ranged bro.
For a hybrid militia is good.
So I tried peasant militia, didn't realized you start with negative reputation so you get paid scraps which barely keep you afloat.
I can deal with bandit thugs well enough but once I start getting a raider or two, it's basically a game of
>can I stun/snare them long enough to kill them before they start swinging and delete half my company
But I can definitely see the potential in this one.
The beggining is a meat grinder, I believe the only way to make it more tolerable is to have high morale, win the first 3 battles with no losses and don't dip into the negatives, you'll do well.
Equipment is the choke, not levels, your characters will suck all throughout the game until they are maxed pretty much. You'll see why militia spears have +15 to hit.
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Alright tnx guys, i'll do the fights in that order, just did ice cave and it was indeed a breeze for my best bro. Will look for some more legendary weapons and lvl some more hedge knights/gladiators/sellswords before attempting to do the final fights. My current bros are all max lvl but some are beginning to show their shortcomings as bros from the early game and their perks aren't all perfect either.
Will also look up a full guide on kraken, normally i like to be somewhat unspoiled on the mechanics of the fight but i also hate losing to bullshit i could never predict. BM sounds like a nightmare but at least I can somewhat predict what fighting 40 ancient undead and some priests is like (its gonna suck)
>steal your friend's cleaver
>die in first battle because you are a level 1 retard who can only land hits with spears
justice will prevail
Surprisingly both are still alive atm
That thief can't hit the broadside of a barn but he have some surprisingly high m.def
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gigatanks and so on are necessary because 12 men only is too restrictive. you've got all this space and bros in reserve but you can't use them, so you have to metagame. it also means you can only grow in size to that arbitrary point while the game shits on your from a great height with 5-6 lindwurms. but there's also mods, thankfully.
Bowyers are mathmatically shitters but can still roll well
Bowyers aren't lowborn tho
Why is there no named lute? I want to break a legendary instrument over someone's head.
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>Hexes cap'n
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I sheathe all my weapons turn 1 when facing old women.
That or I switch to sticks.
>picrel: my bros when they see a woman in the battlefield
Do you load when you lose a guy or do you roll with it?
I don't want to make a new thread or attract shills, but War Tales is on sale and was wondering if it was worth the cost of admission. I care more about the simulation side of mercenary management in this instance since balancing a budget soothes my autism.
Roll with it, it's part of the experience.
Play Ironman if you can, it's a tenser experience and more of what the developers intended.
I only abandon a save when I lose half my company on a single match, otherwise let's keep going, it's more story for later.
Usually don't, part of the game is just accepting loss, and the habit of resetting will cause the game to turn to a drag when you reach the latter game and every fight is 12v30+

But then sometime the game just decide to fuck you over when suddenly a random bum avoid 95% death for 5 turns in a row and proceed to kill 3 bros with his fists despite having 5% of hitting, but not before destroying their legendary armors so you don't get them back.
Imagine how many strategy games there are that are actually good but people think are bad because they can’t help but do shit like this or savescum instead of just having fun.
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So the "Raze location" contract (not the one from nobles war) have a massive fucking bug, if you've ever wondered why the contract failed despite having killed all peasants, here's why:
Once you've spotted a peasant, if he walks into a non-visible tile, he'll despawn, and it's considered as escaping.

(And no, it's not related to being connected to the edge of the map, they can escape by walking into a single disconnected tile as well)

The worst part of this is that I found bug reports dating back to 2017, which mean this is a known bug since fucking release and it never got fixed.
You’re talking about the Southern lord quest? Kill the runaways?
The point of the mission is not to let anyone go, so next time bring a net or two you dolt.
It's a mental illness.
In their minds they're the best gamer ever and if they lose a game it's a flaw with the game rather than just something they need to learn and adapt from for a subsequent attempt.
It's the equivalent of playing a souls game and thinking you're never going to die before you have a few hundred hours and actually make an effort to attempt a no death run.
No, I'm talking about the northern noble contract, where they send you to raze their own location, which requires you to kill all peasants to not leave any witnesses.
And no, I'm talking about a bug, they literally despawn if they walk out of sight, but that can literally happen on a single tile in the middle of the map.
>Gerhard: You wanted to see me captain?
>The captain: Ah, Gerhard, yes, I was thinking of a new title for you. Now your name is-
>Penisman The Cock Diddler: ...
>From now on the men will call you "EFRONTLINE / BAIT". Dismissed.
I typically savescum during a crisis but I'm trying to get out of that habit. One of the harder things to learn in this game is that there's always another guy, it's just babysitting him back up to level can be a chore (and he can always be killed), and some losses are more difficult to absorb than others, particularly when it comes to timing or finances. I once fought a particularly nasty (2 skull) orc camp with the almost perfect mix of 20+ orc young, berserkers, warriors, and a warlord who would not shut up. I lost six guys, all experienced hands, but I just moved on because it was the end of the crisis and rebuilt. If I'd had that at the beginning it would have been devastating.

Another time there was, and I'm not kidding, 5 fucking lindwurms sitting on a well-traveled trade route eating every caravan that rolled down the road, including mine (I fucking legged it). That was a 6-7k crown contract down the drain. I was so mad I waited until a noble company patrolled into them so I had bait for my revenge. Still lost a bunch of good guys, many brutal injuries, and the drops were shit. It wasn't in the middle of a crisis so I laid off the crippled guys (with comp) and rebuilt. That's the mindset you have to have: you can (almost) always rebuild provided your losses aren't Pyrrhic.

In future, I'm just going to have to accept that my company aren't the protagonists of history that win every crisis, but you know, that's harder to accept. Plus, there's also taking fights I know are bad but still want to do. Like the lindwurms or pic related.
Why does every beast fight in this game seems to be designed around being as annoying as possible?
It's always either a really shitty gimmick that force you out of combat for multiple turns (hexen charm, spider web), a gimmick that just drags the fight (direwolf overwhelm, nachos full heal) or they simply have an unnatural amount of m.def, r.def and health, and to top it off there's alway a bagillion of them so every fight last 45 minutes.
It's the devs trolling metagamers who wanted a challenge. Honestly, that's the explanation that makes the most sense. They peaked with the lindwurm DLC, no one wants to fight those assholes if they can help it.
>every fight last 45 minutes.
I can help you with that at least https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/542?tab=description
>caravan contract
>almost reached destination
>out of nowhere, 3 bandit parties with 15 dudes each, 1 nomad party with 12 dudes, 1 orc party with 14 orcs, 1 serpent party with 12 serpents, 1 necromancer with 25 undeads
>they completely ignore each others and make a beeline for the caravan
>they're all counted as individual fights
I had to bail but what the fuck is happening in that place?
There's a ton of enemies next to a keep on the western side of the map, and they don't seem to interact with each others at all.
devs fell into the same trap the darkest dungeon devs did, saw a small subset of vocal players having an easy time playing the game after 1000 hours and decided it was too easy.

I straight up never fight Hexen. IMO that's by far the worst, there's never any situation where I want to spend five minutes shuffling my bros and inventory around so I can fight them and get 500 crowns. Fuck that.
Retard here, how to position to match my IQ?
i.e. what positions are obviously retarded, what positions are subtly so?
>1 skull Webknecht contract
>party shows 14 Webknechts
>enter battle
>actually it's 26 Webknechts
>actually there's also 12 eggs so it's actually 50
Did the devs literally designed that enemy to circumvent the difficulty scaling?
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I did it bros
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I love pulling aggro'd enemies into camps, fun times.

Congrats anon.
>a guy with a fighting axe gets killed
>he gets raised
>lost the axe
>16 vs 35
Wait, you aren't saying this isn't just a regular totally fair fight according to the game?
>buying weapons
Very wrong
also fighting axe can be looted
You think that's bad? You can lose legendary gears as well
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Started another campaign on expert + undead as Southerners
Allah Akbar
I stopped relying on looting except orc weapons
It's so dumb, like it's there to just piss off the player, no reason for it.
Just don't lose your brother next time
>get in town
>buy food
>grab contract
>caravan escort
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Hey, those can earn you good coin. Provided you survive the trip.
How do you use cheats to alter a map?
Yea, I play ironman and escorts are the one contract I will never do.
i take them all the time and this is factual
>get new Poacher bro because I needed an extra crossbowman
>average stats, nothing too good or too bad
>in 10 battles
>0 kills
>0 hits, never EVER manage to hit anything even if the target is right in front of him
>the only time he did hit something, it was friendly fire that nearly killed the other bro
>get targeted by absolutely all ranged enemies and often have 3 or 4 injuries by the end of a fight
And of course the one time he dies, he's still alive.
You have gold and you don't know it, give him anticipation and put an arab shield + javelins on him, he'll do wonders for you in battles to come.
This man takes 3k crown lindwurm contracts, don't mess with him.

Sipar shields are pretty heavy for a javelineer. I use them for my shieldbros because they'll take a beating.
Anybody got any good tips for filthy greenskins? Pretty new to the game, it’s my first time even making to a crisis but seems like it’s gonna be those assholes. I’m on day 55ish, got 12 bros around lvl 5-8 with raider gear and a pretty decent amount of cash. Only really fought orcs so far but my go-to tactics have been a few dudes w/ spearwall to stop their charge bullshit, flail headshot the no helmet ones to hopefully break resolve of stronger ones, and netting the warriors/berserkers. Goblins seem like they need a way different approach and the stronger orcs have just deleted a few of my dudes so not sure what I should be going for in the time before the crisis fully starts.
2 handers for warriors, kill the guys with cleavers asap
You're going to get demolished if you fight orcs with that team. Pick a human faction that you don't need for later, like one with 3 towns or something, and make an enemy out of them. Start farming army gear. Hauberks, Mails, the good helmets, etc, all goes. Without army level gear you won't make it. You'll swim in money, too, but the downside is that now Mercs may spawn to hunt you. Pretty tolerable until day 100 or so when they get too good.

>Sipar shields are pretty heavy
I mean Adarga shields, they have +20 RDEF for the same fatigue as the basic round shield.
You need better gear to start with. I suggest you check out this video to find out how you can do that. Also if there are young Orc you should target them first. Orcs are susceptible to moral lost and if too many of them die they will usually panic and you can easily kill them off. Young orcs are easy to kill. However, if there are berserkers you should target them first.

Indomitable is needed against unholds or even orcs. How would you counteract against those enemies?
>berserker swings axe
>beheads 3 of my finest bros in one swing
>half my army routs
I don’t even try to fight orcs anymore, it’s goblins and humans for me.
That's some weak gears, might want to upgrade.
Orcs are scary and strong at first but they don't have a lot of resolve and will fold once you start killing one or two of them, having Fearsome is very handy.
Gobbos don't last very long in melee but will trash you from a distance and the flanks, close the gap as fast as possible but don't let their wolfriders control the battlefield as your backline is going to suffer.
Pirate it and see if you like it.
If you do then buy it, anon, you don’t need to be told what your opinion should be.
Indomitable is in the build retard
It's a lite version of BB with its own quirks, not necessarily for the worse or the better mind you.
I played Wartales first and when I got to BB I stopped playing Wartales, not because it's bad but there's not really any replayability.
>similar combat system where characters have a health and armor, you need to break armor to get through health but status effects and certain weapons can ignore it
>can lock enemies into combat and breaking off gives the opponent an attack of opportunity, the game also use directional attack in that instance and some classes benefit from attacking someone in the back
>no random chance, if you target someone, you'll always hit, the only exception are bowmen and friendly fire.
>all weapons have their own attack (one bow will deal knockback while another will set the ground on fire)
>your men don't instantly die unless you pick the highest difficulty, they are in a downed state and the next damage they receive will kill them if they aren't healed
>can choose how to place your men on the battlefield, but the spots are pretty random (even if you ambush your opponent, you're sometime surrounded because fuck you)
>similar ressource management, your men need to be paid, eat, and need to repair their gears
>no arbitrary limit on head count, although past 10 it's usually a slog as the difficulty scaling just start sending you a bagillion enemies and there's no way to speed up combat
>characters all have a class, a spearman can't use anything other than spears. When they level up they eventually become advanced classes that gain an additional skill and can wear different armor type
>characters don't have moods but have relationships, they can hate each others enough that one of them decide to leave, or they can become lovers
>fighting animals, you can capture animals to fight for you, or give a pony the perk to join fights, and they can level up. But you don't control them unless you have a beastmaster iirc
>minor camp events, which is just a small line of dialogue from a character that triggers in specific conditions (get badly injured, won a fight without anyone getting downed, etc...) and you get 2-3 choices (which don't necessarily make sense), which can be really beneficial or outright awful
>no world events, all events are tied to their own specific region, need to complete 4 or 5 specific contracts, which side you end up on at the end depends on who you helped in those contracts
>each region have its own roaming boss that gives an unique weapon or armor
>dungeon crawling, which is just exploring static rooms for treasure with some minor puzzles here and there, but have its own fights in the dark that require torches
>you can give jobs to your men, which are required to do specific things, for instance you need a cook for cooking, a smith for forging weapons, an alchemist to make potions, ...
>get the option to steal stuff, and you can attack roaming caravans, more guards will spawn and hunt you if you're wanted, and stolen goods need to be laundered to be sold (which requires a thief)
>can capture prisoners, can be converted to your party (although usually they are worse than recruits on long term as NPCs have their own classes which are usually very limited), jail will pay you for bringing in bandits but won't take troops or mecenaries
tl,dr version:
It's BB but more limited and direct.
Wartales don't have the bullshit of BB (losing your best bro because he just decided to eat those sweet 5% hit chance) but it's also way more abusable in my opinion.
It also just doesn't have as much content as BB, but region missions can be picked at anytime in any order, and there's a more direct interaction with your party but the options are more limited.
If you don't want to randomly attack a noble house like a lunatic, next time take the noble war crisis as your first. It'll give you an opportunity to load up on good gear before the orcs hit. Attack fellow mercs whenever you like, but they can be pretty nasty fights. Orcs are hands down my favorite enemies in the game, the fights against them are always gory and tense and there's no bullshit.
Oh, and against orc warriors you'll need armor-piercing weapons. Their armor is thick and their shields broad. My advice? If you see an orc warlord in there, ask yourself if what you're doing is worth it. Gobbos, well, you'll figure it out.
My strategy against orcs usually is
>wait for them to come in the first turn
>close the gap to prevent them from charging
>keep an expandable or tank bro on each flank to take the charge of the orcs on the backline and walling off orc berserkers from reaching my own backline
>waste them with polearms and crossbows
Fearsome is extremely useful against them, a few deaths always start a spiral, even orc warriors usually starts panicking.
The only time I start dealing with warlords tho is when I can consistently kill orc warriors, as they're pretty much a berserker with extremely heavy armor.
Also, as scary as an orc warrior Line Breaker looks, from my experience it's just a death sentence to them, they basically waste their turn to get themselves surrounded.
What's the trick against wolf riders? Just don't get ambushed? Killing them isn't a problem, not losing backliners is
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Treat them as what they are (cavalry) and form a square. Also, not getting ambushed is that one weird trick that applies to every engagement.
They'll always try to flank you, so if your company is mobile enough, you can keep them permanently at bay by rotating.
Otherwise, keep a tight formation and think of them as a buffed goblin skirmisher.
Head hunter is also handy against them as it increases the chance of dropping a wolf on death instead of a skirmisher (the latter is more likely to hit and injure your bros)
Even now I still have problems with formations and sending out men to tank/countermarch them, how do I fix it?
The short version: Flankers
The long version: Enemies that stick to formation usually do the "front lock and tank, back deal damage", the frontline isn't the problem, they're just there to lock you and delay you if you try to push through, it's the polearms/ranged enemies that are the main problem.
What you want to do is lock as many of their frontline with your tanks/expandable bros by spreading them out, and then have more offensive focused bros go around and attack the backline.
Just note however that polearm users are still a threat even when you reach them, so don't send weak bros to flank, or not alone at least.
>attack bandit camp
>they have a named leader
>it's in a fucking mire
Life is suffering.
There is a very special button you can press that instantly solves those annoying fights for you :)
Its not like the world of battle brothers ever runs out of bandits to kill
>roaming party of zombies on the map
>they literally avoid you
>they can even outpace you
What the fuck
>call retreat on the very first turn
>watch as my bros fumble their escape
>by turn 2-3, half of them got caught by the enemy
Just use the seed generator and save yourself some time
Only Avatar origin is still Lone Wolf. Unless you're playing pozzends, in which case you should re-evaluate your life decisions.
Some advice from personal experience... Don't hire sellswords.
I keep playing on expert and ironman and getting my shit stomped in at twenty days. Is this the intended experience?
1. mdef is way too low. You want at least 35 (30 if you have to make do) if you expect them to get close. However, it should be easily to get a lot of mdef on them because of their starting mdef.
2. no relentless on a dodge build
3. fairly low init for a dodge build, personally, I would have taken one less level or two into hp and stam to get more init
4. adrenaline what should be a high init build (should be going first without it)

The big problem with swordmasters in general is the low stam+hp. If it weren't for that, they would be a guaranteed frontline melee build. What can always do is run them as a zero-stam build. All you have to do is pump mdef, matk , and hp with some rdef or resolve if you think you need it. You only need at most 30 stam in armor. They will always be really good zero-stam bros regardless of talents.

Otherwise, I just look at the talents. With your SM, I would've just gone matk+mdef + hp + ini for the main stats with stam only increased enough to be within 70-80 usable stam after armor is taken into account. As he is now, I would do what
naa man, expand on the northern tribes make a crisis event with them, maybe something with Davkul and add demons, the tribes stuff could be going further south than the arabic city states and fight demonic worshipping niggers in the jungle in jungles, more beasts, but yes the game is amazing and drips soul from ever pore, anything could be good if its made with the heart the creators put together, the hansel and gretel aesthetic is great
it looks like it was made in flash
new game never
>peasant militia
>get adventurous noble
Came with really good stats too
How? Event?
you gotta move them back manually at first so they don't try to exit from the most stupid direction

>How? Event?
Orc contract, random chance to get a survivor with Veteran affiliation (Adventurous Noble, Bastard, Disowned Noble, Raider, Sellsword) at the end asking to join you.
>fight alps
>hit one of them
>they all instantly teleport around the same bro
>all bros within reach all have lower initiative
>watch as one of my best bro get absolutely murdered by 5 alps
Alps can eat my dick
Living up to their nightmare status
They're bastards. Even with good accuracy, spacing, and mutual support they can focus down a weaker or slower bro. They sometimes come with direwolves or other nasties too, just to make it interesting.
where's the contradiction?
Are axes weak or do you need a specific build to make them work?

I'm at midgame currently, and it seems all my axe bros have trouble doing any dent with axes (I'm talking greataxes and poleaxes) unless the enemy have no armor, and the fight often drag on their side.

Meanwhile my bros with hammers/swords seems to do a lot better, despite having overall less combat stats (converted tanks to 2h).
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Nothing wrong with greataxes, fighting axes, or even the bardiche. Mastery is mandatory to get the best out of them but they're not as weak as swords against armored opponents. Try killing an orc warrior with a greatsword and you'll see what I mean. 2H hammers are ridiculous but they're also very FAT demanding. Longaxes are situationally useful, I like having a couple to knock holes in a shieldwall for example. For AP work the billhook is better though.

Some people shit on greataxes because they split damage between the head and the body, while ignoring that the game will frequently roll to hit the head the moment you shred the body armor of an enemy. It's not so bad, taking that into account.
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>most attractive barbarian
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You mean you haven't met the health inspector and his 12 incher yet?

From what I understand the point of using Axes (as a class of weapons) is to get through shields quickly. If you have no interest in doing that or the enemy doesn't have any then other weapon classes might outperform them. Hammers do more damage to health through armor, and swords have +hit so that could explain the better results you see with them.
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2H axes, maces and hammers are the best weapons in the game. 2H swords suck balls against armoured enemies.
>Mastery is mandatory
not really, at least compared to the mastery of other weapon types
>From what I understand the point of using Axes (as a class of weapons) is to get through shields quickly.
The point of using axes is that they kill enemies quicker. The only enemy agaisnt which you would use the shied breaking skill is schrats.
>fight on hill/mountain
>no depth perception
>waste bro turn or put him in a dangerous position because you can't fucking tell if the enemy is very high or not
>not really, at least compared to the mastery of other weapon types
It is if you want to swiftly chop through enemy shields, which is one of the main benefits of using an axe. It makes a huge difference against enemies with shield expert.
Only time shieldsplitting is worth it is against schrats. Against them, a single non-mastery split from a greataxe will do it. Every other time, an enemy with a split shield is actually more of a threat since they won't waste their turns shieldwalling, and they get the 25% damage increase. This, on top of the fact that you have to waste a turn shieldsplitting simply leaves you at a disadvantage.
It's worth it because removing a shield one turn is the gateway to killing them the next, that is if I don't manage to kill them in the same turn. In such a case, it's not a waste. The 25% damage boost isn't that scary in practice unless you're facing a seriously dangerous enemy (e.g. Hedge Knight), in which case you have to be more careful about your timing. There's no point to mastery if you've got weak axes, however. What's annoying to me is double-gripping one handers doesn't give you a bonus to shield damage. I suppose the devs thought that would be OP.
nta but exactly which strong enemy even uses shields?
Ancient undead? Maybe shieldsplitting makes sense for them since they die so easily without shields.
But ime strong enemies all use two handers.
I'd much rather fight an orc warrior with a huge shield than an orc warrior with a man splitter.
There's a double edge in splitting the shield: it makes the enemy more dangerous after destroying the shield because they get a 25% boost to their weapon damage, which can be quite dangerous if you don't manage to kill them fast, so it is something to keep in mind when splitting shields
>It's worth it
?? no it's not
>gateway to killing them the next turn
so is just hitting them and it costs less fat
Various human enemies and ancient undead. With both they're usually an obstacle to prevent you from reaching more dangerous foes, but occasionally they can be dangerous themselves. Orc warriors have shit melee defense and tough shields so you're better off just hitting them. You only need one or two bros with axe mastery to get the full benefits, and you can get good axes from bandit leaders and the like, so it's easy to set up.
>Various human enemies and ancient undead.
The only human enemy I can think of that require breaking their shield are southerners (nomads and armies) because they also have Dodge which give them a bagillion m.def and r.def, and their weapon bypass the need for damage by dealing status effects.
Every other human shield carrier can either be safely ignored, or become a threat when you break their shield.
Also to add, shield users often spam shieldwall which drain their fatigue.
>Every other human shield carrier can either be safely ignored, or become a threat when you break their shield.
I don't worry about this for most enemies, they don't get more accurate, they just get more damage if they happen to hit, and you shouldn't be getting hit. I don't give axes to inexperienced bros.

>Also to add, shield users often spam shieldwall which drain their fatigue.
And you're blocked while they do that because 50+ melee defense is an obstacle despite what some people think, so wrecking their shield is an option, provided you're not going to job to them afterwards. Throwing spears are good for this too, though I've seen a shield expert enemy eat two in a row with durability to spare.
>50+ melee defense is an obstacle
Didn't you hear?
If you don't have 125+ MATK bros all across your roster by day 30 you're doing it wrong, you're playing BB wrong and you should stop doing that
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Creating and policing a meta around a singleplayer game causes great damage to the human spirit without a single benefit.
Very eloquently put, anon.
I hope you do well in your journeys to come.
>And you're blocked while they do that because 50+ melee defense is an obstacle despite what some people think, so wrecking their shield is an option, provided you're not going to job to them afterwards. Throwing spears are good for this too, though I've seen a shield expert enemy eat two in a row with durability to spare.
50+ melee defense on a shield enemy isn't an obstacle, it's a distraction. If you're getting bogged down by shield enemies, then chances are you need to work on your bro positioning.
Or consider it like this: which would be better, spend a turn using a bardiche to hit the backrow with split, or spend a turn breaking a shield.
Besides, if they're spamming shieldwall, then they're only attacking once per turn anyway, making it easy to tank them while your bros take out the actual threats. Afterwhich, you just mop up the low morale shield enemies, 3-4 bros worth of surround bonus means you're getting anywhere from +10% to +30% hit chance based on backstabber.
If you desperately need to take out shield enemies asap, then you could spec a bro into flail headhunter, going for fearsome into something like duelist+quickhands, or 3h flail for tank/morale purposes.
Did I fuck up my roster or am I just not playing correctly? I find it super hard to fight large amount of orc warriors + warlords or Barbarian Chosen (plethora). They're nearly all battleforged 2 handers + two backliners and an archer.
Try having 2 indom tanks. Avoid putting your BF tank against hammer chosen if possible.
post band, stats of some of your bros, perks, etc...
> I find it super hard to fight large amount of orc warriors + warlords or Barbarian Chosen (plethora)
I mean those are the hardest non-legendary fights in the game, it is normal to struggle against them.
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what could go wrong?
>a plethora of Conscripts
>hey what if we gave an enemy Nimble, weapon mastery, made them impossible to tire so they can spam shieldwall indefinitely, and also gave them weapons that deal status effects to bypass any build?
>seems a little weak, let's just make sure on average you have 5000 of them
I think the dumbest part is that they're meant to be conscript, it's weird that dudes that were basically forced to enroll all got weapon mastery and high melee skill through basic drills. Pretty sure they're on par with footmen who are supposed to be a professional army.
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it gets worse
>2 star contract
Gets worse when you consider that those guys pressed into service have a higher resolve than most of the noble army forces.
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I've never fought southern armies before so this is a new and horrifying experience for me. Flashbangs are ok. Fire pots that light up the ground for 2-3 turns are not. Twin mortars can KO a bro at full health. The gunners rarely seem to miss AND they're AOE. There are suicide rushers with gunpowder spears, and swordlances doing their AOE too. Just a nightmare. Feels like a middle finger by the devs to the meta players who, btw, are too addicted to their cheese strats and sub-50 day ironman runs to even contemplate fighting southerners. I'd honestly consider fighting lindwurms preferable because you can at least rely on your tanks not burning alive or getting shellshocked.
you gotta start working on scaling perfectly
chasing specific types of fights constantly day 1-20 by camping certain roads, shit like that
A Plethora of anons
>low health
>low fat and fat recovery
>low resolve
>low init
>low m.atk, r.atk, m.def and r.def
>fist only
>use the unique skill "shitflinging" which cause them to start attacking each others
In the lore, they are a citizen militia. They basically buy their social rights through military service. I can understand the high morale, they have good reasons to fight for their liberty, especially since there is constant reminder of what not-liberty looks like dangling in front of them.

They shouldn't be functionally lvl 7, though, that's retarded.
damn serpents are kinda bullshit
I can tolerate everything southern armies can throw against me except the gunners. You can work around fire pots and mortar shots, you have a chance to get out of the way. If the gunners keep firing every single turn you're doomed. At the very least the fuckers shouldn't have mastery.
If they were going to come out with another dlc expansion for BB what would it be?
Another 'race pack' like the arabs but this time based on fantasy china/asia? With traders appearing at the port cities on the west of the map to spread its new content like armor/weapons/items, seeing random new rare merc types from the orient appearing, etc.
chosen spam is gay
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alright so why some of you guys hate Legends so much
Definitely a mongol-type invasion like another anon mentioned, there's already steppe gear in the game. I wish the devs had added a barbarian invasion/migration too, seems like an oversight given how easy it would be to implement. They should have added a beast crisis too. Having to contend with multiple beasties would have been more interesting than fighting 30+ of the one type.

It's for people who consider vanilla BB to be "solved" so they need layers of crap to "improve" the game. Like all overhaul mods, it's also the one-stop shop for people who can't think for themselves and need to find a discord of people just like them to play a fucking game.
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send help pls
>It's for people who consider vanilla BB to be "solved" so they need layers of crap to "improve" the game.
you think so? I love the concept of armor layers and a fuckton of content (battle women break the mood tho), I like my games big
I stopped using builds and gear setups.it's simply not fun
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BB could use a little more content and variety here and there from the devs themselves but it's nonetheless a complete experience. Legends, like every overhaul mod, simply adds too much and there's ultimately something that sours the whole experience. If they made it actually modular (like with tweaks and fixes) I'd have a much harder time complaining about it because then I could pick and choose what I wanted. That's almost never the case, however.
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I see. I absolutely love Legends, but I still think it sould be more cusotmizable. There is also that that one dev mode mod, but it's not allowing me to customize my games more, like disabling the crises or certain enemies. If you know of one, please tell me.
I got your point though anon.
>day 2
>find a village with a kennel full of war dogs worth only 250 crowns
what are your preferred range to melee bros ratio?
Asian invasion sounds like a great idea

Of course like anything BB related, the weakest enemy will have 20 AP, 25 fatigue recovery per turn, have 150 m.atk, r.atk, m.def and r.def, 999 resolve, 998 initiative (gotta stay balanced), use the perks
>Nine Lives
>Steel Brow
>Barbarian Fury (cheap rotation)
>All weapons mastery
>Head Hunter
>Nimble Forged
And of course you always fight 150 of them
Oh and on Day 40 they gain Recovery
I always go for 4 ranged with 2 polebros protecting the flanks, if not, just pole on the backline all the way
>'pros' now dodge the fight and call the game shit
>lifers go on a long tirade on how it's a balanced fight because with nets, 3 potions on every bro, and guns + an eastern batallion intercepting a schrat as bait makes the fight easy
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>Nimble Forged
idort here, what does this actually look like? 55% nimble with ~80% forged? seems kinda shit
I'm now running a 14-men team, 3 of which are ranged.
Nah, Asians would break the mood. It would be a dumb idea like those Asians in Warhammer. The Muslims at least make (some) sense
>Asians would break the mood.
they broke the mood every time they invaded irl too
we're not on /pol/ man
alt-tabbing to my Muslim team brb
Are you stupid anon. There was even contact between Ancient China and Rome.
yes I am. I believe there was. I simply said Asians would crack the game's unique theme.
I was talking about the game, not real life.
if Muslims are fine then so are Cumans or Mongols, and you can't say that only one people makes sense without reference to real history which is what this game draws from
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Hungarians and Mongols would be good
>reference to real history
it's a video game
nigga go play Legends for your arbitrary fantasy shit
>mongol-type invasion
There is no cavalry in the game, how would this be implemented? Make armies of 2 pike men and 20 foot archers?
Frontline 2Handers are more useful than ranged units. Thrower hybrids are good too.
The more you learn about the game the more the classic polearm backline just seems less efficient.
"contact" as in single a Chinese merchant going to Syria and maybe a few Romans going beyond India. It was extremely limited.
I play Legends. and my post was anti-arbitrary fantasy shit.
alright please don't argue here and just peacefully talk the game okay
10-15 footmen supplemented by another 10-15 archers would be a standard formation. overwhelming numbers would be normal. mongols did use infantry even if they were better known for their cavalry but the tactics were broadly the same: wear the enemy down with arrow fire and maneuvering and then charge in for the kill. their infantry could be armed with axes, scimitars, and pikes. no heavy shields like the southerners though iirc. they could make limited use of handgonnes and even a unique form of indebted by sending captured prisoners of war in first as a meatshield, which they were notorious for.

all this talk of Muslims make sense but ASIANS don't because it's a video game pissed me off, what can I say?
>There is no cavalry in the game,
>what are wolfriders
>mongols invade
>they ride huge direwolves too
>you lost!
surely they can bring horses
just imagine how infuriating it would be to play against if wolfriders were ranged and kited you
>3 star raid defense
>6k crowns
i shudder to think what this would be like
Enjoy those 8 cannons and 30 gunners
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I would love to see more of the northern tribes, and actual settled people instead of D&D, B movie tier barbarians.
There are Asians in the game, what do you think the City States/Nomads are based on? Hell, you're even describing the basic midgame Nomad lineup.
Even if they did end up making a new mod, it's far more likely they'd expand on lore-based factions/conflicts, i.e. Davkul cultists, King vs Nobles.
The most you're going to get in terms of East-Asian culture will be the Black Book event.

Because Legends doesn't give you the ability to pick and choose what you want.
There's a fair amount of interesting mods that will never be compatible with legends, because legends updates/changes it's shit way too often.
Legends is run by mouthbreathers who don't understand good game design i.e. making perks/weapons that are deliberately bad.
Makes getting good lategame bros harder due to the randomness associated with perks as well as stats.
Introduces more stat bloat on bros, which wouldn't be a problem were it not for the fact that they then balance around the idea that every bro has about 15+ stat points randomly distributed among their stats.
20+ bros/larger battles means micro becomes annoying as fuck, often pushing lategame battles to 30+ minutes.
Cuts down on the ability to do early game strats by limiting your bros based on your resolve.
Requires you to have all DLC
There's probably more reasons, but that's all I can really think of now, take your pick really.
Could be worse, could always be PTR.
whats PTR
perk trees reworked, it's a mod with a legends dependency, so it has all the above problems, but taken to 11, since the main dev isn't particularly good at designing shit.
>There are Asians in the game, what do you think the City States/Nomads are based on?
Arabs. Who aren't Asian, it must be said.

>Hell, you're even describing the basic midgame Nomad lineup.
But worse!

>Even if they did end up making a new mod, it's far more likely they'd expand on lore-based factions/conflicts, i.e. Davkul cultists, King vs Nobles.
I'd be ok with this.
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Just don't get hit bro :)
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>Warlord round swings
>mauls the fuck out of one guy and lops the head off another
Fugging kek
>get a good start
>villages start only offering delivery jobs
>still too weak to fight camps
>gradually fall behind
I hate this shit
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Daemons of c̶h̶a̶o̶s̶ Davkul
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>although past 10 it's usually a slog as the difficulty scaling just start sending you a bagillion enemies and there's no way to speed up combat
This was my biggest gripe about Wartales. Enemy numbers start to explode and simple battles can take all day for no real gain in reward.
The problem is that the stronger you get, the more abilities you can use, both you and the enemy. So not only are you facing 20-30 enemies who all need to take their turns, but they can all move and attack, then move again and make their second attack. HP also bloats quickly, but I found you can counter that by pumping up your critical hit chance.
Battle Brothers got it right with one action per turn. It keeps a sense of flow. If you start to feel like your people are standing still while the enemy are running all over the place, it looks absurd and feels unfair.
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>still too weak to fight camps
Hire a bunch of nobodies, give them militia spears, and send them in first. They poke holes in the enemy and die. Your brothers finish off the wounded and level, and you take their gear.
Human wave offensives are a bad idea since them dying causes morale loss on remaining bros and could cascade into a full rout if the difference in resolve between the chaff and your main team is not great enough.
Your bros also get a morale boost from killing the enemy. It's not that risky in practice unless you've taken on a really tough camp and lose too many at once.
how do you find camps to begin with?
thats my real problem, keeping up with fight density on unexplored ironman
Morale loss is based on strength, aka a level 11 bro dying will send all level 1 bros into panic, but a dead level 1 bro won't have much impact on your level 11 bros
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The "pros" cheat by scouting the map before they start for real. The other option is to hire a lookout in the retinue, they'll help you find stuff easier. You can also find a thoroughfare and camp it as another anon mentioned.
It's a good idea to occasionally step on a mountain to scout the nearby area
>"oh my god our great champion has fallen!" vs. "lol get rekt noob"
>buy expensive bro
>no MATK stars
avoid disappointment! pay the tryout tax today!
>tryouts can't determine if he's got talent with a sword
>but hey at least you know he's paranoid (??)
seems pretty sus famalam
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not as lame as being cucked out of thousands of crowns for some fop with 3 stars in ranged defense
>I need my bros to be theoretically optimal or I can't play the game
>i have to have my balls busted in every little way or i can't enjoy the game
>but i'm still going to complain
okay okay, whatever nothing theoretical about it
i wasn't the poster who complained
>It was extremely limited
no they did go in both directions all the way it was just not that common at all
named armor
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>tell myself not to savescum
>face southern guns
>play ironman to not savescum
>convolutedly savescum anyways by alt f4ing
The rule is that if you don't like it, it didn't happen.
I want to learn how to mod the game so I can use DLC features I like and remove the ones I don’t.
I want to remove Southerners, completely, as well as the Witches and make Orcs give more experience, basically tailor the game to my liking.
Unfortunately I am a brainlet and cannot bother to learn how to do it.
You vill pay 10k for an Hedge Knight with low base and r.def for 3 stars talent and you vill love it
why do wolves and other beasts keep rushing for my bowmen
it makes sense for a warhound, I imagine Grug just said "yo Pringles, go get that one"
Warhounds are dumb as fuck. They go for the nearest target, even if it's a mortar. The beasts have at least some cunning to them.
Any cool Touhou mods?
Bro, your whip?
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Hum... Not that I would dare to criticize this wonderful game's balance, but... Like, isn't it a bit excessive for day 3 ?
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>lose the campaign
Bro you gotta hit them. That's where you're going wrong.
>no taunt
>no rotate
So pretty much useless as anything but a disposable meatshield for the few battles you need them.
pay attention to your surroundings
>Make a sequal
>Woman mercenaries.
Meanwhile that enemy you're trying to fight
>5% to hit
>hit 5 times in a row
I mean it'd make sense for wolves and smaller beasts to try to flank you since smaller animals would probably avoid fighting humans directly but, yes, them targeting bowmen specifically is pretty fucking unrealistic.
But then again, enemy bowmen are also able to detect which one of your bro have lowest r.def for some reasons.
I only like it because I can do full merchant runs.
The base building aspect is neat too.
Besides that? I prefer original.
>*sound of crossbow firing*
>*meaty thunk*
>*sound of man choking on his own blood*
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>want to level bros
>they keep dying
>level 11s often have two permanent injuries (missing eye, collapsed lung, etc.) to show they earned it
it's fucking brutal man
It wouldn't be very realistic, but it would be nice if permanent injuries had some bonuses. Even just morale, that it could take longer for a scarred brother to break. He's stared death in the face.
>start southern merc
>get a guy called Junaid, 2h hammer bro
>by the end of my campaign, he's level 24 (11 + 13 vet), have a missing nose, a missing eye, was fat 4 times, and a drunkard twice
>still get the best ending where the captain and him are still absolute bros after you retire
>was fat 4 times, and a drunkard twice
what a lad
give your bros better gear, they will live way longer lol
none needed
the one thing i've learned about this run is that i can't neglect taking on camps, because good gear is hard to come by. still, they're not dressed like paupers. it's just hard to keep people alive fighting in the holy war, especially if they're under level 7.
It was pretty funny
>get event saying he lost weight from all the walking
>2 minutes later
>event saying he got fat
Even worse:
> Ork javelin... misses
> Ork young with 1H axe... Misses twice
> Ork warrior... Misses everything
> Another ork javelin... Misses
> Ork beserker with massive 2H chain? hits for max damage, on the head ofc, oneshots your shieldwalling tank with 60md through his untouched helmet, game ruined.
>Ork young with shitty club, misses twice...
Why give me good rolls except for when it fucking matters?

Ps would steel brow or indomitable spam have saved my boy from BS beserker chains?
Never played it, I just don't like that there's female soldiers.
I hate when a game tries to be a dark low fantasy, but has a 50/50 gender split in their militaries. BB had the right idea and I'm not gonna ruin it.
you can disable women in the options (and then they will spawn anyway)
Given the way brothers act in many events, there's no way you wouldn't get excessive drama. If she shacks up with a brother, another one is going to get jealous and start a fight. And I'm sure, considering some backgrounds and personalities, you'd get some rape. What do you do with a man who raped one of your lady mercs? Exile him? Kill him? Make him pinky promise not to do it again, no fooling?
castration, if we're talking germanic culture. no need for promises if he's a eunuch
>level 24
at what day did you stop that campaign? 1200?
>see fresh cool sounding origins I never tried
>pick poachers for the third time in a row
I rewrote BB Legends so that women spawn as every possible human character so that I can genocide women with a merry band of woman soliders
we are not the same
holy kino
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This games premise is perfect for an eroge
Think about it, you're a band of masochistic women roaming around for quests and lewd
You could have rescue missions from the monsters who depending on rng lewd your girls after defeats instead of just stack wiping you, noblewomen can be romanced for relations, extra arena fights to nullify the domestic violence in the relationship and for other bands to curry favor. You can generate revenue by becoming a moving carnival/brothel with a morale bonus/penalty and tiredness penalty for both
I don't know dude, not everything has to be porn
and I say this as a masturbation addict
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600-700, I reached a point where my starting bros (who surprisingly survived all the way) became their own powerhouse and were responsible for nearly every kills, causing them to get a massive gap of experience on every other bros.
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No. Bad anon.
menace gameplay demo never
> you're a band of masochistic women
why do you self insert as the women getting raped?
he's just hardcore
Anyone tried a Cripple Brothers?
>only hire cripples
>pick cultists
>go to the village to fill the party with cheapest retards with sticks
>first job, 8 us v 8 bandits
>turn 1, they step back
>turn 2, they step back again
>the fight started on turn 3 when I managed to hit one with a sling
is this normal? never saw anything like that
I'm on some outdated L*gends
Yes, if the game thinks they can’t stomp you rather easily they will do that dance, until conflict is inevitable (zone of control prevents retreat, you engaged one of them, ranged bro lands a shot and puts a timer on the bandit’s survival, however long it might be)
Are flails a good sword/spear replacent on meh bros for the shield ignore?
Playing manhunters and trying to make my slaves less useless
Can you still get the glimpse of davkul helmet even in the cultist origin? 500 days in and I still haven't gotten the event
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>decided to fight serpents
>reminded why I don't fight serpents
if your slaves are just a meatshield then wooden flails are a downgrade over spears. if they have ok accuracy and decent fatigue you'll get some mileage out of them with iron flails, just don't expect them to kill anyone reliably.

what level were they? it's a bad idea to go up against them without nimble or BF.
Slaves are OK with S+S, Spear and Shield if they have Low to OK MATK, Sword and Shield if they have above average MATK. Anything above I've found to be unreliable because they only go up to level 7, so I prefer to have them as fodder or anchors to enemy advances and keep westerners as the main fighting force.
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Fighting nachos is so fucking disgusting. They must absolutely reek, inside and out.
1 was a good 3 star mdef slave with nimble, 1 a real bro with nimble and 2 were fodder slaves I expected to die soon anyway
Threw a flail with mastery on a slave with 1 star that reached 70 matk and he's been doing pretty ok, actually gets some kills unlike the other slaves, probably wouldnt put it on any more unless they had 2-3 star matk talent though
>reached 70 matk
I did the numbers and he seems like he got to a good point in his growth. He'll do fine.
For reference, most of my slaves end up here: bbplanner.xyz/?name=Slave+FL&perks=kAJIAAIA&stats=001045095032100052037002002&gear=ETALC9EJAAB8ATBuAAAA
inb4 anyone asks why such trash gear, all non-essential stuff is sold to fund the real heavy-hitters, I only keep bandit stuff because A) it doesn't sell for much B) is quick and easy to get and C) it gives just enough leeway to keep them alive until relief arrives
>caravan gets attacked just as it reaches town
>game won't let me leave this screen
all that progress, gone
oh never mind, the game autosaves when you take a contract
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here, take a random BB image i saved for some unknown reason
When did you realize that backlines are a meme and you should try to have a long first line so that you can envelop and flank opponents?
backline is for leveling your future carries safely
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Will anyone ever make a warband mod for this game?
A what?
i'm not going to fall for southern propaganda, emir
spear chuckers are too strong to drop. But yeah they too carry a big iron in the pocket for me.
You mean a mod for Warband in the universe of Battle Brothers, or a mod for Battle Brothers in the universe of Warband?
I wonder if you could make a system with 0 chance to hit but actually felt fair and worked.
>0% to hit isn't 0% to hit
>It's just the rounded down representation of the real 0,000004% chance to hit, into its significant figures (4)
>This bs hit starts a panic cascade that ends in total personnel death and mission lost
Games for this feel?
It's criminal that no one mentioned daggers in this argument. Hitting Punctures is infinitely easier when the enemy doesn't have a shield. Also, it is absolutely worth it to break shields against human enemies early on when your bros have a hard time hitting things. Poleaxe is the best way, but having one dude on the front with a one hander isn't the worst thing.
If you're having difficulties with anything you're playing the game wrong.
eh, early on you're still better off just using swords/spears. Spears +20 hit chance means you're hitting more often against anything that isn't a heater shield, as opposed to an axe vs shieldless. Better yet, taking backstabber on a pike bro makes it easier to stack up the surround bonus, on top of the base +10.
Plus, that way your early game axe bro isn't going to be eating shit from having a weapon he can't use, fatiguing himself out against singular shield enemies
Daggering down on the other hand is weird. You kinda need to surround the enemy before daggering, since the +25 surround bonus is the only real way you're getting past the base -15. Also, if you're not surrounding, then the morale hit from body damage means they're more likely to try to run too early, triggering reaction attacks and damaging the armor, making it less likely to drop anyway.
>Also, it is absolutely worth it to break shields against human enemies early on when your bros have a hard time hitting things
Except for the fact early axes sucks balls against shields,round shield literally takes 2 hits from a woodcutter axe, which mean 2 turns when your axe bro is gonna get hit. Meanwhile you could just give him a spear or a flail and it'll bypass the shield (unless the enemy shieldwall, but then he's basically attacking once a turn and destroying his fatigue)
You obviously want to surround the guy with your knives, but getting rid of the shield will make the entire process 100% easier. It's easy (again, especially early on) to get into a situation where all six bros are whiffing their ~60% chances to hit the named bandit or whatever and getting fatigued out; busting his shield out before you start makes that a 90%ish chance instead, which makes the guy dead faster, which prevents surprise injuries as he swings for the bleachers. Poleaxes in particular are also pretty good damage dealers so it's not like you're dragging down the team by having a guy specialize in them.
For fighting in general, and again, begore every dude has 150 matk like >>1746206
says, shield breaking is RNG mitigation. Shield split always hits and when the shield breaks you get a better chance to hit - it's especially nice against Nomads. So if you've got a bro with an axe who could swing for a 40% chance to hit or do damage to the shield, the shield damage is guaranteed, and that will be more useful than just whiffing. I'll usually put axes on my guys who lag behind in matk so that they don't have to waste turns.
>but you could give that guy a spear
Spears do less damage and it would make that 40% like 60%, which isn't that much better.
>tfw all the original 3 died
The company aint what it used to be
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>woodcutters axe shield damage - 30
>round shield durability - 24
>try lone wolf
>thug with a dagger gets two punctures in a row, run ends
>thug with a stick stunlocks me for 3 fucking turns, run ends
>roll 55 matck, run ends
Back to new company
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Classic, 9/10 LW runs end that way.
Get a bro with a shield and a spear, a squire if you will, to slow down opponents and give you the time you need to set up your cleaves and your chops.
He can be a cripple for all you care, he only needs to last the trip until your next town.
He becomes optional at level 7 when you get Underdog, but you may keep him around, to have someone to talk to, you know.
I hate farmers
Everyone says they're the best early background and recommends new players seek them out, but every fucking farmer I get is dogshit. I just stopped hiring them at some point.
Graverobbers and butchers, however, are beasts
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>enter colosseum grand tourney as manhunters
>Make it to the third round pretty well
>But all my guys are pissy because they didn't have enough slaves in the previous 2 rounds so they start fleeing and get slaughtered
Why the fuck does the "too few indebted in battle" penalty apply to the arena
Iirc they have the best average stats for melee bros at lower cost, and good potential for growth
So the bad fighters get weeded out and you harvest the farm gods
It's a battle just like any other in their eyes.
Slavers gonna slave, why are you surprised?
they tend to have good HP and fatigue but their melee is kinda shit
their only real weakness is resolve, you can just take fast adaptation to patch the early game on the weaker ones
they are also cheap as shit so you can just roll on every farmer you get, and every now and then you'll get a top notch bro
They are overrated
Brawler thief butcher are all better, thief especially
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>down four lindwurms
>only lose one guy
>only get one set of scales
at least we're lindwurm slayers now. don't think i'll be doing that again in a hurry.
Its pretty good, but you need a really specialized armor with good attachment. The best one I found was an ugly named green armor but they are others that look good.
Probably the worst aspect of BB is how unrewarding the game is.
The game wants you to struggle and fight for scraps despite risking your life constantly, and there is no real benefit to fight the toughest battles in the game because you'll end up at a loss of crowns in a game that's all about being a pragmatic mercenary captain.

I wouldn't mind tougher enemies with 1:1 combat scenarios if the rewards were simply worth the effort, which is why I can't play the game without modding the quest rewards and loot drops.
>modding the quest rewards and loot drops.
is that through the origin customizer? if so, what are your settings if you don't mind me asking?
Contract Earnings for the quests:
I like slow games, so I increase gold rewards but decrease Renown rewards

There's also I Like Money, but haven't tried it yet:

I think for beast loot I used Better Beast Loot, but I'm not sure;
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thanks a lot, i'll make use of these on my next run
Gods, I love this game so much, and it, in turn, hates me with such passion.
Other games for this feel? I know of XCOM Long War 1, and that’s it.
Try The Last Spell. It's quite a bit different but scratched a similar itch for me.
I get that feeling from Darkest Dungeon. I want to like it, but it punishes you for everything.
I'd also recommend any mod that removes famed shields from drop pools. It's amazing how much better the game feels when you don't finish a hard battle with nothing but +5 rdef shields.
funnily enough, Darkest Dungeon is way more forgiving than Battle Brothers. That said, experimenting to learn all the game mechanics is punishing, so it's always worth looking at the wiki.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I can lose a few people in BB and not be set back as hard as DD. Lose a man in DD and you pretty much have to abandon the mission, losing a lot of wealth and having nothing to show for it.
see >>1725074
Farmers are great for peasant militia origin since they are amongst the best lowborn. For any other origin, they are good for the early game when you need cheap decent bros and can't really afford backgrounds with high matk.
Butcher is not better. Brawler and thief are debatable.
The thing with DD is that you can't really lose, the only threat is wasting your time.
The multiplayer's a total bitch though.
>named shields
>named items with less stats than their non-named items
I hate these
if you have the DLC, then it becomes a lot easier. Bank gives you interest on savings, essentially making provisions free once you get past 100k. To get there, just have to do a few pitch black/antiquarian runs.
Brawlers I can kinda see, higher base matk means they're less likely to get fucked with a bad lvl 1 roll. Their health and fat potential isn't as good, but still decent, plus a resolve bonus means less likely to have to patch it up later.
The fact that a brawler can get some pretty solid stat gains from the throw fight event is a nice little bonus.
From my experience, Thief is really good for tank bros as they always comes up with some very high def, but are pretty useless at hitting things.
Brawlers and Butchers are the opposite, good starting attack but terrible defense, which makes them hard to be combat ready as they often don't make up their lack in def in late game, so don't count on them being anything beyond polearm bros most of the time.
Probably my least favourite aspect too, sometimes when I get bored of humanlikes I try fighting beasts and always regret it since its ALWAYS a net loss of crowns, I'd like it if they atleast gave good xp to the bros who live through beast fights to make up for having shit loot but someone thought it was ok to make 1 lindworm worth less than 6 brigand thugs, and the other beasts arent any better
>Broken elbow joint
>Partially collapsed lung
Hilderich... had a hard life
I don't understand how to actually have fun with this game. Yes, I have watched arvius being autistic already.
Brawlers have the benefit of being the only lowborn background with decent resolve, so if you play peasant militia you need them if you want a passable bannerman.
Thief is also good.
Butcher is much worse that either of those two.
Do you find the combat mechanics fun?
If you don't enjoy tactical combat then the game isn't for you.
Fun is in the mind.
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I enjoy xcom, jagged alliance, civilization but this game is just absurdly grindy when compared to those I think. And also the issue of enemy rolling two hits in a row and your character is most likely dead. And also the scaling is just too unforgiving for me when not playing on easy.
brawlers arent just a well rounded background, they also cannot roll ranged skill and almost all bad traits
they are essentially low tier hedge knights
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>the scaling is just too unforgiving for me when not playing on easy.
>but this game is just absurdly grindy when compared to those I think
Well growing stronger is the main thing you are trying to do in BB, in order to beat the crisis and ideally the legendary locations.
>And also the issue of enemy rolling two hits in a row and your character is most likely dead
The point of BB is that your characters aren't supersoldiers who can tank a bullet wound and not give a shit. They are regular people.
Tactical combat here is actually tactical. Positioning has to be extremely tight and the margin of error is much smaller. This isn't just about the game being difficult, it is a design choice. BB combat is more similar to a wargame than to a tactical RPG. Upgrading your characters properly and efficiently is not a form of optimization that will allow you to brush off enemies easily, it is a requirement to survive.
To put it simply, BB is far more strategically focused than xcom or JA, both within combat and outside it.

Xcom and JA are about ultra competent super soldiers trying to fight an enemy and fulfill an objective. BB is more about a ragtag band of regular people trying to survive in an unforgiving world. Picking your battles is essential, if you see 6 lindwurms prowling then the best course of action is running away.
If you have only played through the early game then it can be a little frustrating, I suppose. Going through that early weakness and gradually turning your village idiots into a competent unit is part of the fun too.
>when not playing on easy.
Then play on easy. It's still a difficult game, regardless. If you enjoy it more like that then it doesn't matter.
You can always increase it on another run later.
Based fun enjoyer
What do you do when a necrosavant party faster than you chases you down
Fire the lowest level bro over and over until you're faster than them.
Fight them and leave someone behind as bait while the rest run, after the fight ends the Necrosavants are stuck where they are for a few seconds, giving you a head start. Use it to run for help anywhere you can get it (armies on the road, caravans to repeat the cycle and buy more time, other enemy parties, etc).
Hide in a forest, enemies also have LoS restrictions so if you break LoS you might just lose them.
It might be worth choosing option 2. Option 1 requires quite a lean party to outspeed Necrosavants, while option 2 might just cost you two bros or three. Option 3 is the best case but depending on where you are, it might not be possible. Regardless, this is not the end, you can still salvage your company.
die and abandon save
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just have high melee defense bro
any toughts on why there is literally no info on the new game even tho is set to release this year?
Theres a new game?
He means Malice.
Modded Jagged Alliance 2 and 3
Though you should play them vanilla first
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>clear all the crises
>get ready for comfy map exploration
>dick around for a while clearing camps and doing contracts
I've never made it his far I didn't know they repeated
>nobles can only go to war once
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You should play UFO Defense first, tough
I can only imagine how fucking hard it must be playing a long campaign with permanent destruction on when all the crises loop. Talk about an apocalyptic setting.
>Meanwhile, average trip through barbarian tundra to reach an isolated village regularly raided by greenskins
End game crisis event simply do not repeat consecutively. Technically you can still get Noble war into something else and then back to noble war for example.
I think Miner also have some okay resolve so if you're lucky they can come with decent resolve, my current bannerman is one.
>bannerman and pikemen on frontline
>dazed hedge knight
>archer with bandage running away
>injured bro that can't hit shit
>accidentally traded crossbow bolt and handgonne ammo
Highest kek, I love this image
>a Barbarian Beastmaster
And even when you snipe the fucker, the Unholds all decide to target your bros instead
Miners have a high chance of rolling bad traits and get pretty poor fat.
They can be good for fat-neutral builds though.
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>"consult the chart"
>thief and militia have a bigger number
Having more health and fatigue is not all that useful if you minroll resolve, have no stars and fucking suck. Thus a shitty or mid farmer can be particularly meh because his lack of resolve can drag morale down and the background needs 2-3 stars in both matk and mdef to be competitive for a frontliner role. When this does happen they are great but without it they're often very mediocre in actual usefulness
Butcher, brawler, militia, manhunter don't have as drastic stats advantages compared to baseline civilian but have a full spread of bonuses here and there and cannot get ranged stars so you're more likely to get something useful for a frontliner
Militia and manhunter can roll like a bad professional combat background so they are the best hire for PM period alongside thieves
Brawler and militia are combat background and have good events where they drill new non-combat hires, brawler also has another one of his events where he gives stats to another man
Thief can roll absurdly high on def and has great ini for further stats and speed so if you get a thief with good melee stars and none in def you won't even feel it unless he minrolls a 5. Otherwise they can tank and can still hit someone unlike p*ddlar
You're overvaluing certain stats too much. Resolve can be easily patched early through nachzehrer trophies, later through Arena grinding + Hexe trophies, while int (which is incredibly overrated as a stat) can be patched through hyena pelts.
Low-roll bros on peasant militia are a lot less important, since you're going to be churning through them anyway. Low-mid tier farmers and lumberjacks have a higher stat potential which makes grinding out for 2 star matk/mdef rolls worth it.
Backgrounds like Militia, Brawlers, Butchers look great since they have a lot of small stat boosts, but when you compare the stats that matter, they're less impressive. Like, it's nice in theory that a brawler can't roll ratk stars, but it doesn't really matter since you can just replace him with another 500+ gold bro. It's something that only really matters for hedge knights, since you can't really go around hiring 5+ hedge knights just to look for a good roll.
Training events are nice, but are really just further reason to not stack your loadout with brawlers and militia, since they don't even benefit from it. The unique brawler one isn't even worth considering since it'll give you a grand total of 4 stats once, with a low chance of proccing. Instead of brawlers, i'd recommend lumberjacks, since they have the same matk potential, while getting far better health and fat.
Manhunters are good, as are Thieves, no arguments there. Butchers are... better than daytalers, at the very least. No real reason to buy them over Manhunters beyond like day 40.
Generally the starting minstrel makes for a decent bannerman. Failing that, you can get a retired solder through a webknecht contract event.
>make a Lindwurm shield
>2 (two) mdef over a kite shield
i might actually be mad enough to mod this
>beast stuff
>is awfully underwhelming
Every single time
the cloak is fine but not really worth it.
Fur padding and the bone armour mog every other accessory.
Someone should mod it to be worth a damn or at least valuable money-wise.
It can't be that the shield made from a fucking dragon sells for 200 gold. Also it costs 500 to make, plus tip. Or that it doesn't have any properties other than making you immune to acid blood, it just can't be.
Maybe trophy armour should get a huge resolve buff. Have the guy wearing it start every battle at "confident".
After all, why wouldn't he be? He slew this monster and he's wearing the skin.
Direwolf pelts and unhold armor are really good, everything else ranges from "meh" to "garbage"
Nacho trophies are also OK early game, at least until better accessories become available.
the secret to not having losses is to get good equipment. youre probably thinking wearing some low durability armor is enough to make you enjoy the game but it is just not
Is there any better use for shit bros then to make them a dedicated netter?
I have a dedicated shitter build
Spears, switching to swords if they get to like 65 matk
Fast adaptation
Colossus/nine lives depending on how bad their hp is
Dodge for the massive defense buff
Sword mastery
then underdog into nimble, but at that point I'm looking to kill them off
It makes them useful enough while I roll on replacements
Netter but with a twist! (He’s got deep pockets, 5 nets and a shank)
My general template for a shitter is something like:
fast adaptation, gifted, and backstabber to make him hit.
from there, colossus, dodge, underdog, nimble for tankiness.
then, you either go bootleg tank (recover, shield expert, indominable), 2h sword (sword mastery, berserk, killing frenzy), or 1h sword duelist (berzerk, duelist, killing frenzy)
Go tank if you rolled particularly shit on matk or mdef while leveling up, 2h sword if matk reaches 70+
keeping a few nets in the bag is always worth it though.
i made good on my threat
>inb4 banned for advertising
Well done anon
>You're overvaluing certain stats too much
Anon no offense but you're the one saying that health and fatigue matter more than anything else
>nachzehrer/Hexe trophies
Wasted dog slot, warhounds are one of the best things to buy so the amulets should be used only sparingly
>Arena grinding
I'm not wasting days in the arena past the first few ones where the payout is huge relative to the money to be earned elsewhere
This depends on how you personally like to play but I tend to go from town to town looking for 3 star contracts whilst clearing up camps in the wilderness afer getting some tempo
The first anon was saying that he's having trouble finding more consistently not shit farmhands, which is where blocked stars and not starting out with sub 30 resolve does matter a lot.
Same goes for miners, they can only really do nimble or fat neutral later but their stat spread is going to be consistently good since they have boosts to all rolls except fatigue - so they will always be at least solid
And if you are looking at maxrolls the brawler can roll health as high as a farmhand with 15 less fat
Now yes, farmhands can usually be found more plentifuly than brawlers but as a rule for pm you should be buying them all if you want to blow money looking for better hires after you are set up. The purchase priority should still be for militia/manhunter/thief on the first place
As for overall backgroudn quailty? Melee attack and melee defence are THE most important thing to have because you want both to be as high as humanly possible for frontliners since the most important thing is to hit and not be hit. That's why some find that deserters are not even a bad hire for PM as a worse cheap militia that can roll slightly higher on mdef after they got buffed and made cheaper. Most will be bad but a 62 matk 10 mdef maxroll is tempting

A lot actually
Try Taunt
>having a good run
>lots of bros at level 5
>13 bros
>oh cool a witches hut
>get forced into legendary battle against 4 hexen 6 wolves 8 spiders and 3 unholds
>retreat lose 7 bros

Fuck this fucking game
for me its 5 nets and a bundle of javelins (regardless of ratk)
Since you haven't explored the game's legendary locations yet, I recommend that you skip any locations that aren't cities or camps EXCEPT the boat on the tree, the big golden statue or the lighthouse.
Those are cool, not fights and quite a nice read.
Right . Got the boat where the golden goose was . That was cool for lots of different reasons
Surprisingly, I've done that fight multiple times, and the only problem in that encounter are the hexen themselves due to their ability to stale a fight and preventing you from clumping up.
Snipe them early and it's a regular beast fight.

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