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Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
Surprised you came back after your first attempt.
Finally got back to sanctuary of darkness and the performance improvements here are massive.
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Maybe a fully modded playthrough with one of those massive galaxy expanding mods. Or Intereorlds. But not Vanilla. We could get x5 in late 2026.
I might do another play if I upgrade my processor. My 3600 struggles with mid to late game with mods installed. I'll be honest the dlc doesn't excite me. I generally hope they fix existing issues and implement quality of life features. I would much prefer a better custom start or start editor to better set the game up as the player sees fit. It would be neat to add or remove factions from the universe. Set who owns what. I could for example give the xenon a nice chunk of sectors like a vanilla faction.
moving from 16gb to 32 gb ram doubled my fps most of time, keep it in mind.
I checked my ram usage after I had a couple mining fleets and a second scout running around and it was up to 20gb.
I'm already at 32gb ram. Samsung Evo nvme however my processor is kind of older as is my graphics card. I'm using a 2060 super 12gb and the game crawls. I'm on a 1440p monitor but at 1080 resolution. I looked at my mod folder and I have around 25 installed. I was leaning towards a used upgrade on the processor to see if that would bump me up some. Many of my mods are like fixing jobs orders and whatever else.
My game freezes in there and I can't progress.
I do a new play through about every six months. I'll hop into the 7.0 release once VRO and Kuda are updated for it.
Yes I've bought a new PC and can't wait. Though Egosoft saying 'later in the year' makes me think we've got a while yet.
A mod to remove that stupid afro is necessary to play this game.
Sensible Demographics in the Steam Workshop
I might play this franchise if they ever moved away from their jank ass clunky 40-year old engine. Europeans being thin, educated, and intelligent, is one of the most successful false memes ever.
The engine is a marvel when you understand the breadth of the simulation and how small Egosoft is.
>old engine
What? That's the first game on this engine, if you don't count the rebirth spinoff
Uh that's the complaint since rebirth is over a decade ago. They reused a ton of rebirth ideas and assets yet didn't keep some of the good aesthetics. X4 at release and now are stark in some ways. We had to fight and uphill battle to get various game starts and custom starts. It was a slog and took years. They kept alot of what people hated in rebirth in x4. The game is essentially rebirth 2.0 especially at launch with how small it was as well as ships but the way it should have been over a decade ago following x3 AP.
Well the game we have now is the best X game yet, so idk what you're bitching about.
I haven't played any of these games, is X4 a good place to start?
I was thinking about setting up a network of trade stations 5 apart that buy from me and sell to everyone, but how do you get the goods moved around? It seems like if you assign trader subordinates they'll just waste a bunch of time moving goods back and forth between station A and B.
How many dlcs do you need to make the game good?
Everything except Tides of Avarice, that introduces more problems than it does features. If you really have to boil it down because $$$ then base game + Craddle of Humanity.
Just wait for a sale when the entire collection is like $30.
scrap empires best empires
Solved my problem by getting the mules and warehouses mod, then building separate stations for storage and trading. It's still really tedious because you have to set up each mule manually, can't just assign it to a group like you can with vanilla miners and traders.
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>mfw i start a new game and have to play the retarded station scanning minigame
thankfully i found a mod that instantly 100% scans all discovered stations
i've seen people complain that wharfs aren't as profitable as they used to be, but why does that matter? it seems to me that once you build a supply chain and have a wharf money has zero purpose
why do you need to scan stations? I never scan any stations ever
>play custom game
>set all annoying plots to done
And you're done.
You still get the silly cutscenes though
>fly up to station part
>it flashes bright as fuck, ruining all immersion
Fuck whoever thought it's a good idea. That god you can mod it out.
I played for a while at launch, stopped, looking to restart. I'm such a sucker for the idea of X that I was impulsively buying the DLCs even though I haven't even fuckin played any of them.
What's all this about the 7.0 beta? Is it automatically activated? I tried to go into Properties in Steam to activate it but it's not an option.
Also, vanilla is perfectly serviceable, right? I tried to dig through the Workshop but I have no idea what's supported or not, what's meant for versions from years ago, etc., and since it's been so long I might as well play the base game again, right?
It's either this or I go back to X3LU for the umpteenth time. It's been a minute since I've played that, too, and I'm reluctant to go back cuz I'm pretty sure they never figured out a way around the hardcoded UI scaling and I'd need a fucking microscope to read the menus
I have played X4 for 20 hours now and I still have no idea what I am supposed to do in this game. Is this game about the story? Making money? Do I win by destroying other factions?
Why the FUCK does this game not run on GFN? REEEEE.
What do you do in kenshi or mountain blade?
Games For Niggers?
it does work though, is it in maintenance or what, I never played on gfn but people are playing no problems
Most major mods require dlc split and Terran for sure. If it's a feature mod like auto explore sat dropping or something simple you can likely get away with vanilla. Personally I have all dlc since it gives all major factions. I didn't like x4 at launch it was like rebirth but none of the charm. Split dlc was good and Terran was the pinnacle dlc for me.
No story. There is no win condition only death.
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>Terran was the pinnacle dlc for me.
plebeian opinion
No, what I'm saying is I DO have all the DLC. I loved X3 so much and was sure every time a new X4 DLC dropped, THAT would be the time I would try it again. Never did.
I was just generally wondering if, with all the DLC and/or free version updates Egosoft's dropped, if it's solid in vanilla now.
Oh my bad. I think it's in a good spot better than x3 vanilla but it's been years since I've done TC or AP vanilla well over a decade ago. X needed mods just as much as rebirth or x4 imo. X pre TC for sure was dogshit unplayable. Terran conflict was what made it palatable for me. Albion prelude was mid. So yea if you have them all locked and loaded it's in a good spot compared to x3 with all dlc vanilla wise.
I started a vanilla game with all DLC about a month ago as someone who had never played an X game before. It's definitely solid enough in vanilla, but you'll definitely start feeling tempted to install mods as you play the game and start to encounter annoyances.
Well I mean fuck it, I've got good internetz and plenty of storage, and I am explicitly AVOIDING going through the bullshit of mod installation, guess there's no harm trying.
Seems I just chose the wrong time to come back, what's all this about a beta? I don't see shit in the betas tab in properties, is it some shit I have to put on top manually? Should I just worry about the kingdom end final version for now?
Modding X4 is pretty simple compared to say Skyrim. You don't need to fuss over load order or anything. Not usually anyway. For me, I hate vanilla combat so mods are a must.
Actually me samefagging:
Figured out after some digging what the deal with the beta was, gotta enter a secret code from a forum post on Ego's own domain (makes sense, make you have to REALLY work for it so if it breaks you're well aware it's because you're on a beta). Hearing/reading mixed things about stability.
Side question, what's this VRO mod? Looks like X4's "big fleet action" overhaul a la LU. Also apparently usable only through last 6.x release. Should I just forego the beta and just play with that? Assume 99% of my thousands of hours of X3 were in LU and/or Mayhem, reading through their little wiki it looks like it's along the same lines
I know I started this all going "well umm is vanilla good" but frankly I don't give enough of a shit to preserve muh developer intent, especially since this VRO shit seems like it's ticking more boxes for me.
Perfect timing, see >>1746536
Is this VRO mod essential for a Litfag? Reads like it basically is. won't say no to it adding new ships and weapons apparently, either
I don't use VRO. I use a lesser known mod called Classic Mode that I have in turn modded to further suit my own personal tastes. VRO is great if you don't care about fighters being absolutely gutted. I like to fly fighters in fleet battles so it's not ideal for me.
>if you don't care about fighters being absolutely gutted.
Again, Litfag - this is normal for me. I respect it's not everyone's thing, though, I know that's what turned a lot of people off of LU (well, that and the empire building focus).
Oh I also use Simple Combat Overhaul and Vanilla Turret Boost, again tweaked to my liking. I haven't played in a while so I forgot that I basically merged those 3 mods into 1 to get my perfect combat experience
Yeah so VRO would be right up your alley
I've been spamming assemble fleet missions for several days to pay for all the ship/build blueprints I need. Is there a faster way to make big money?
Straight up mine raw resources and when you automate that kit out a ship with marines and do fly by boardings. Sell stolen ships and their parts and repeat.
Oh and there are some mods that rebalance bounties etc so you can make some money off that as well. Think chillmatica or deadair mod for that.
If you run the beta disable tides of avarice. I did that and it fixes the issues like miners breaking. I would say between the performance enhancement in 7.0 and built in TAA it's worth it.
I have a set of self-sufficient factories that make all the Terran stuff and another that makes all the Commonwealth stuff, they just don't make enough money, I need like 1.2 billion just for the XL Terran fab and Asgard blueprints.
Is boarding really that good? I've done the fly by method a few times for missions but it took like 20-30 minutes per ship so I kind of wrote it off once I started spamming those +50% ship value missions with my entire cash stack invested.

The plan is to "finish" this mostly vanilla save by wiping out the Xenon with a fleet of Asgards and then start another heavily modded save once 7.0 comes out and all the big mods are updated
Nice. Think you've done everything. Boarding isn't as good as it used to be due to ship selling nerfs. I usually due custom starts and make everyone hate each other so the war economy is okay. That's the only slowdown in vanilla or modded is if it's too peaceful nothing gets blown up. Not sure how you could fold in more credit gen with your setup in a major way. That one deadair mod lets you see resources across factions which is handy though.
>I usually due custom starts and make everyone hate each other so the war economy is okay. That's the only slowdown in vanilla or modded is if it's too peaceful nothing gets blown up
Yeah in retrospect it was a mistake to be the friendly peacemaking trader guy. Things will definitely be more chaotic in my modded save.
>I usually due custom starts and make everyone hate each other so the war economy is okay. That's the only slowdown in vanilla or modded is if it's too peaceful nothing gets blown up
The danger of doing this is if you get aggressive Xenon they can quickly mop up the war weakened factions. I just use deadair's Dynamic Wars, but I keep it off until closer to mid-game so the factions can hold off the initial Xenon pushes.
You can build cheap defense platforms then utilize the bounty mod to make cash back. I've done that before near xenon sectors. Zyarth is most susceptible in most game seeds so first taskforce fleet up there then maybe free senpaitachi or argon. Teladi most seeds need zero help and will actually wipe the xenon out. Trinity if hop and paranoid merge are plenty fine as well usually.
ship selling nerf is not for selling manually, that was never changed, nerf was for your ship building stations where factions order ships, you get a lot less then selling manually, you are still making a ton just takes longer to billions
its really strange how most info here is just outright wrong constantly
>Side question, what's this VRO mod?
Vro is a mod that, if you listen to fanboys, fixes everything in the game and makes every ship important and fixes all the aI and factions, it even fixes your framerate.

What it actually does is make destroyers have really long range and fast weapons so the player can no longer destroy one with a small ship. It probably has the side effect of making the AI seem more competent too. It also attempts to give fighters a new role in sector as swarms with the logic that a thousand fighters will overwhelm strong ships but you don't want to go down that route unless you like the game running at 4fps.
If you like to fight battles entirely in the map screen, VRO is for you.
I get why this would sound unappealing to some, but as I've repeated often in my samefagging, I cut my teeth on shit like X3LU. Having swarms of mildly-effective fighters be necessary for any combat action is par for the course, for me.
That's ever been one of the main points of contention between anyone who used anything down the LU path (including/especially Mayhem) and something like XRM, the loss of the 'hero status' of you being able to blow up anything WITH anything with enough chutzpah and persistence. I respect some people prefer the game like that, I just don't is all.
Anyways, already committed to trying out VRO with some other stuff. Added mods that added EVE ships, allegedly balanced, idk if so but it's cool and that's enough for me sometimes.
Yeah like I just said >>1749231 this is par for the course for the 4Xlike management mods. Stressing again that I know it's not for everyone, it's not that much of an issue for me/kinda what I prefer.
>the loss of the 'hero status' of you being able to blow up anything WITH anything with enough chutzpah and persistence
I mean, unlike pretty much the entire series before from BtF to X3R, in vanilla X3TC and especially AP that was never the case for any M3-5 unless you were willing to call in a TS full of mass driver ammo midfight for refills.
BTW if you did it with hammerheads you didn't win.
should I get this or x3?
t.never played an x game
only don't get this if you have a toaster
X4 is by far the best one but it is heavier on the cpu requirements. Ships having actual cruise speeds and not having to rely on seta for traveling makes it feel like an actual game rather than a visualized spreadsheet.
>X4 is by far the best one but it is heavier on the cpu requirements
Doesn't X4 actually use multiple cores? Whereas X3 is single-threaded because ancient.
So graphical and visual shit aside, I feel like the universe/sim elements probably run better?
>X4 is by far the best one
>Ships having actual cruise speeds and not having to rely on seta for traveling makes it feel like an actual game
Dogfighting went from just kinda boring to insufferable because every Xenon fighter can go from 100 m/s to 1000 m/s in half a second in the middle of the fight thanks to the stupid boosters and cruise, thanks Bernd.
>thanks Bernd
this but unironically
X4 simulates a lot more.
Previous X games just manifested goods where they were needed, everything flying around was just window dressing. X4 actually keeps track of everything so there's a lot more being simulated.
Watch some guides on x4 before buying it if you've never played any x games. The game can be fucking frustrating to get started in even if you are familiar with the series. Be prepared to take a mission only for it to no longer exist once you're almost to the location because the ship blew up or someone else repaired the thing or any number of random occurrences.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_F6kx7ElkE this guy has a retarded voice but his vids were ok.
Generally, goods weren't spawned but ships and stations were.
X3 would probably be better if it did spawn goods, because then those fucking Terrans wouldn't keep deleting their own stations out of lack of food from the 1 factory in 20 sectors that actually makes the stuff.
Why the fuck do they need so much fucking food in x4? They go through rations and meds like its downtown detroit or some shit.
>why do people need to eat
Anon they are eating like 30 rations a day each person and using the same amount of meds kek
life in space be tough my nigga
kek I'm almost positive these ingrates are hoarding food and meds and selling it to aliens.
Any mods that add consumer based economics?
Thanks buddy
No problem anytime.
It does use multiple cores however there is only so much that will do for ya. The x3d CPUs boost fps and are perfect for the game due to cache not clocks which also help. You will see a noticeable improvement using one over a basic Ryzen or Intel. The big killer with all the simulation is when you start to mess with jobs and adding entities modules or ships. Exploration and knowing all sectors as well as trade pricing also causes performance slowdowns.
You don't need a newer cpu this game, honestly it doesn't make much of a fucking difference. The game is just going to chug when it wants to no matter your hardware especially in certain areas.
I think that's how they balance the production chain being simpler. They suck up a ton of every product and raw resource relative to their production. Even their habitations are smaller for some reason
NTA but the only place my game ever chugs is sanctuary of darkness with volumetric fog and msaa maxed out. Those X3Ds are magic.
The pods made it to the future.
Yeah but even older ryzens eat the game up best they can. Some of the shit is just poorly optimized. At least its better on the graphics side of things for the most part.
Yeah I think I'll finally ditch my intcel and upgrade to a 7900X3D when 7.0 goes live.
My only regret is that I'm on an X570 board with a 3700x. I... COULD get a 5800x3d for 300ish bucks? But for the same price I could get a relatively low-end mobo (which is what I always go with) plus a 7600x, which outperforms it by metrics I'm finding.
Then again, guess I WOULD also need to buy DDR5, so like another 150 bucks to match my current 64GB...
idk fuck it i'm just gonna stick with the 3700x + 3070 til NEXT gen of CPUs and GPUs or something lol lmao
>bloom on the UI
lol what the fuck is this? who thinks this looks good?
People are still using bloom and motion blur in 2024 and I don't understand.
Like for a civilian economy? That would be great, I hate the way the entire universe just stalls if you win or prevent any wars.
Production and logistics are all I care about and everything about war seems so badly done. I just want to manufacture what's in demand and move freight.
How much money should I save up from mission running before setting up an autominer or two? I've got like 500k creds
However much a large miner costs
about tree fiddy
If you have a good system picked out you can take the leap at any time. It's just starting ticks of passive income that matter.
It's not even that it's glowy to begin with, it's that it's so ridiculously bright. I would be fine with a very subtle effect (still optional, of course), but it's like the menus are directed by jj abrams they're so bright
they added the scroll option for glow so you can adjust it to be less bright as you like it, and you can always completely turn it off
Well I can't if I don't have the money, hence the question kek
I agree that its a weird addition.
Any of you try the Re-emergence mod? It adds all the missing X3 sectors plus the OTAS faction with their ships and a bunch more ships all balanced for VRO. Supposedly it's pretty challenging, especially with deadair's suite of mods. Thinking I'll give it a go while waiting for 7.0.
You can squeeze in a couple medium gas miners for 500k
You can even buy a couple smalls and set them up nividium mining.
In the time it takes you to make the 3+mil needed for a large miner just by mission running you can create an entire fleet of mediums just from the passive income they generate while you go map out sectors to find more mining targets.
Interesting thanks for the reply.
Is this DLC adding anything to the sandbox?
From the description it sounds like it's adding stand-alone game mode stories/campaigns/scenarios.
I generally don't like nividium mining because it's higher maintenance than gas automining. But sometimes there are stations with big buy orders that make it too juicy to ignore.
Usually black hole sun has a couple stations buying hydrogen so it's where I plop my first two gas miners.
I have ignored it, because it was incompatible with... VRO or something of Deadair's. If you're saying it works with DA's stuff, I'm guessing it was specifically the EVE factions, and goddammit I like them too much to skip them even if they're a bit janky
Samefag, found it
Yes, it's specifically the EVE factions, because some of their sections are 'overwritten' by Emergence sectors.
Adds OTAS back in, you say, though? Hmm. The way this forum post makes it sound, it would probably specifically be the Caldari affected, maybe if I JUST dropped them...
I'm curious to try it now. My favorite thing in X games is making an empire of pilots doing shit for me kek
yeah that's kind of the whole point of the games
Yeah for some reason I've had a hell of a time getting started in x4 though versus the others. Missions failing themselves, instantly killed by ???, trying to do the "story" stuff and it just being miserable. Its an odd one. I played a stupid amount of x3 many moons ago so I didn't think it would be that bad.
I dodge the chase a ship or scanning missions just because they can take longer to complete than the payout is worth. Quick ones to do are deploying satellites, mines, or laser towers, shuttle guys, or lock boxes. Mine clearing is fine too but sometimes you have like 30 mines to clear.
It seems that battlefield scavenging got nerfed in 7.0 too. Previously the meta was just hang out in a conflict zone and you'd get a ton of high ticket inventory items. But in 7.0 I barely see spacefly eggs or flux capacitors.
I tried to do a sat one, deployed and immediately was killed by... something? So after that I was like nah I'm good on those kek
I haven't even touched the 7.0 since I've never played x4 before.
If there wasn't any combat going on around you it might have been a stray mine that got left there.
it will add 7 new sectors and idk how many ships as a reward or something when you finish those timelines stories
Someone shot me but I don't know if it was an alien or what and I had saved before I took the mission so I was like nah I'm good and moved on. It probably was just a raider. It was right on the highway.
So whats a good "CEO" ship thats hardy and good to fly around in? Also whats the cost?
So there will be an option to just add those to the sandbox anyway right or would I need a mod?
Yeah you can probably start with them completed in custom game starts (and why would you do anything other than a custom game start?). If not then there will certainly be a mod that unlocks them.
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You can't get more "CEO ship" than the Astrid. It's got a pool, bar, dining room, office and private bedroom, luxury yacht right out of Star Citizen. Unfortunately it's a mission reward from the Tides of Avarice DLC.

Katana's a fan favorite due to it's speed, but Terran DLC, same for Hydra Regal which is Boron DLC.

No DLC would probably be the Prometheus (you find these skulking about in dead end Paranid sectors far from the highway. It's a jack of all trades, freighter with 3 front guns and good shields and maneuverability - can't buy it have to steal it from paranid pirates.
If they didn't radio you:
- and shot you with some purple lasers that go "Bzzzzt" those are Kha'ak, they fly triangle ships and shoot everyone.
-and shot you with regular guns, while flying ships that look like they have a bunch of tubes and disks attached, they're Yaki - pirates that hate everyone and everyone hate them.
-and shot you with red pulse guns while flying ships made of black boxes or ships that look like a bug they were Xenon. Crazy robots that hate organics.

If they did radio you
-and asked you to drop your cargo, and the pilot looked human or a lizard, then that's the SCA Scale Plate Pirates. Just regular pirates flying regular ships, they don't bother ships that have no cargo.
-and asked you to drop your cargo, and the pilot looked like a chinese burn victim, that's the Fallen Families. Split pirates flying ships that look like they're made out of rusty metal plates painted red, they don't bother ships that have no cargo.

In general, make sure there's nothing red on the radar before you do mission stuff.
Thats whats funny, there was no red on the radar, they were obviously on the highway where the mission was. There was no "colors" I was dead in one shot in the shitty starter ship. They probably did radio but there is constant fucking pointless chatter going on so who knows.
Kuraokami is my favorite and you get it for free through missions.
I got the game on sale with everything recently (it was only like 10~ more usd to get the full thing) though probably shouldn't have, good tip on the ships and the one in the pic looks cool.
Probably won't be doing any more missions anytime soon though but will keep your guys' suggestions in mind.
Hello, just to ask my annual question:
"Has the A.I. been fixed?"
To elaborate, the usual X experience mandates, that staying in a sector too long wrecks it, as A.I.
>path like shit
>fight like shit
There are nuances to it, as it's not always the case, but it kills my X enjoyment as my grind of many hours is rewarded by some thin smoke and fragile mirrors.
7.0 does have some fixes for gate pathing
The 7.0 beta improved the AI a lot, unfortunately the game was balanced around bad AI so now the Teladi curbstomp Xenon since destroyers can now point their main guns at enemy targets, use formations and fighters use deployables.
Just as intended. Luring the Xenon into a false sense of security was a shrewd business investment.
The Xenon coin finally turned into profitz, as foretold.
I wonder why they chose to add another argon start and not make it a teladi start for scale plate roleplay.
does seta break the economy? i haven't been using it so far but i'm running out of things to do while i wait for factories to build
Xenon got nerfed hard in 6.0 with the 30% turret fire chance in OOS combat. Previously it was 100%. Xenon rely on turrets almost entirely. Now it's exacerbated even further with the improvement to AI destroyer main guns. If Egosoft doesn't fix this, a simple mod of parameters.xml to bring turret fire chance to 60% should give Xenon a lot of their teeth back. That's what Reemergence did and Xenon are properly a threat in that mod.
From what a Dev said it's because they wanted a new default start for players that have no DLC that quickstarts players into the hatikva storyline.
So I just blitzed through the hatikva story using that start. The nova held its own really well. I could see someone starting with young gun having a really shitty time at certain points if they hadn't upgraded their elite or just picked up a better ship. However the callisto also came with pulse laser mk2's so maybe just using that is an option if that's a blanket change.
Have they fixed medium turrets or do they still all have either no damage or no ability to hit anything? Projectile speeds in general feels like they haven't changed much since TC/AP despite ship speeds increasing dramatically. At least the engine can handle true hitscan weapons now, and the beams aren't just really fast projectiles with really long tracers behind them like the good old days.
>Endless Replayability Fest
Is it an insult or a compliment?
Can anyone confirm that they've nerfed gas mining? Or is this new game just really stable on gas for some reason? I've done the loop and am exploring grand exchange now and the biggest gas demand I've found is 2500 methane.
This happened to me as well, no one wants my farts. Not in 7.0 tho
Looking more into it, it looks like ai priorities may have gotten switched up. Even silicon buy orders are down. Maybe a 5k buy order at the most. But there's an ore refinery with a 100k ore buy order.
Good. Mining is OP. I nerfed ore prices in my personal mod because it's too easy to snowball from a mining operation.
On a new save I'm finding it hard to agree with you here. Doing the missions enough to buy some decent mining ships is pure fucking PAIN.
>decent mining ships
I hope you aren't kitting out your mining ships anon. All you need is minimum preset, a mining laser, and a full service crew.
yes but even that is not cheap when the missions are paying out so poorly and its not worth it to even bother with babby miners.
Magpies are being pretty good with nividium and silicon. But overall I think the issue is with the price difference between small and mediums not being big enough. If they're trying to buff small miners by reducing the amount of silicon buy orders there's simply not a reason to mine silicon because a medium miner with 3 times the capacity costs like 40k more.
>5 asgards each with a jian parked on top
>a supply ship
>2 carriers with 40 fighters each
Am I prepared to execute operation TOTAL XENON FORMAT?
Yeah its a weird price difference.
This map...it's...beautiful
Look into the Classic Mode mod. It makes med+ ships much more expensive and widens the cost gap between classes so you have to build up to capital ships. If you don't like the other changes and you're not retarded you can just yoink the ship prices and put them into your own mod.
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Well it didn't work very well. I took out a defense platform by taking control of one of the Asgards and turret sniping, but the rest of my ships refused to get into any sort of formation and I lost about half of my fighters because they would repeatedly fly directly into turret fire chasing a miner on the opposite side of the station. Might as well have just come with one Asgard piloted by me.

Am I doing something wrong or is it just the game?
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Newbab here, saw some snippets of this game from steam and overheard some anons talking about it in other threads (Starsector), what this game is really about and what sort of gameplay loop should I expect? From the images I saw, both management, ship building and some sort of free roam (?) with some weird looking ayy lmaos was featured

Is Foundations the best spot to start? Should I buy some of the dlcs?

Just checking on steam ain't giving me much of a big picture view and the gameplay videos on yt doesn't help either..
It's a sandbox game with an economy simulation and factions. You spend most of the game trying to make money to set up your own supply chain so that you can build fleets of warships for free
>(Starsector), what this game is really about and what sort of gameplay loop should I expect?
Starsector but 3D is a quick description, it's a sandbox space fighter trader sim that evolves into an empire builder. There's multiple start conditions but most have you start in a single seat ship of some kind (fighter or trader) and eventually are commanding huge fleets of capital ships with your own space stations you've built yourself out of modules - factories, storage depots/distribution centers, defense outposts, shipyards to produce your own ships instead of buying them at NPC shipyards. You make money either doing missions, by trading, or by mining, most players buy a mining ship and hire npcs to run it and let it do passive income. More money allows to buy more ships and with a lot of money you can build space stations which will usually make even more money. There's a reputation system that you can affect how empires treat you though you'll never be friends with the rogue robots or space triangles. Eventually you'll have massive fleets, your own stations and shipyards and have completed the story missions so you can do the final resource sink in the game: terraforming. Massive logistics and research projects that change the skybox of some star systems/sectors and give you little message saying congrats on making some Venus like sulfuric acid atmosphere volcano world into a beach resort planet which is about as close as you can get to a win condition in a sandbox.

Foundations is alright but the galaxy to explore is a bit small without the DLC, though you can buy DLC at any time and it'll add the new systems in an existing game. The way it works is that each star system/sector is linked to each other in a network of jumpgates and the ones leading to DLC territories are inactive without the DLC. Personally I wouldn't play without the Cradle of Humanity (Terran), Split and Boron DLCs.

One warning though: It's a low budget indie game.
Is it too hard to get a grip on the game or you can easily figure it by playing it normally? Also how's the economy, there is supply and demand shenanigans like starsector? Faction wars? Interesting diplomatic interactions?
What did you mean by "beware, it's a low budget indie", should I expect bugs or performance issues?
yes and yes, UI is well... it works, once you get into the game you see its not great at all, there are bugs and there are performance issues.
the game is CPU hog, depends on what you got it will get slow late game more or less, adding mods with more ships etc... will also kill some fps
there is no constant 60 fps in this game, any PC will have ups and downs, its not like you get 15fps from the start but some situations can get it there, again depends on the cpu you got, it loves those new x3d cache cpus

they are updating the game all the time and improving things but the indie part is that after 5 years there are still many QoL things not in the game, bugs, AI is very dumb, but looking what they made with only 25 people is kinda excellent
they have only done this kind of game since 98, x3 is a legendary space game that still holds up to this day

still I love the game to death, no other similar I could find to have all of that, the economy is simulated all the time so almost everything is built from scratch, so you can manipulate it based on that, tons of mods to your liking and for those QoL things missing, even huge star wars overhauls that look fantastic imo

the game requires patience to learn but when it opens up there are tons to do, and 100 hours is like a "normal" gameplay time but you can play 1000 is you like
there are factions and diplomatic relations, but in vanilla its not so dynamic or over the top bc of lore reasons and no full possibility to change any relations between em, you can have any relations you want with factions and there are stories that change some faction v faction,
but then you install some mods and chaos ensues

deadair is making a killer of a mod, already is up on github but still wip afaik
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>Is it too hard to get a grip on the game or you can easily figure it by playing it normally?
The economy is logical, though there's dozens of resources so you'd need to look up in the in game encylopedia or guide to find out what the resource chain for a antimatter converter is. There's also race specific resources for food and medicine production and some of the more exotic DLC races like Terrans and Boron have their own separate production chains. Low tier resources like ores or energy cells are relatively common, mining ships gather ores and gasses and solar power plants generate energy cells. Ore+Energy Cells are turned into Refined Metal in a refinery station/module, and Refined Metal + Graphine (energy cells+methane) makes Hull Parts which are used to build new ship hulls. So buying an ore miner in a sector with ore deposits and a metal refinery or a gas miner in a sector with methane and a graphine mill will generate good profit. Having a freighter and shipping hull parts from a hull part factory to a shipyard will be profitable. Actually owning those factories will be very profitable, presuming there's a market for those resources.

Note that low hanging fruits like energy cells and local mining get saturated quickly.

Which brings in supply and demand. NPCs mine resources, run freighters and operate stations that compete with the player. There's pirates that attack freighters (including the players), raid stations and attack miners which cause disruptions. Many factions are at war with each other causing demand for replacement ships and stations.

There's not much diplomacy, some of the main quests change faction relations to each other.

low budget indie=don't expect star citizen ship interiors and character models. Also the game won't stop you from building a 1000 module megafactory that kills your fps if you look at it.
I see, gonna keep those things in mind.

Does the game use single thread or multi thread cpu? If the first rather than the later, Guess I am a tad fucked, cause mine's is a xeon with 16 cores, yet only 3,1 Ghz per core
1 core is used for the whole economy simulation, others less for all the other stuff, but 1 core is used fully and its where the bottleneck happens so idk how would xeon go, it does like more GHZ but xeons are server cpus no? maybe they would perform better
Aye, Xeons are server CPUs, they run fine on single thread stuff, but I had my fair share of bottlenecks from indie games who strain one core too hard and don't poke the other 15 ones, so I feared something akin to that would happen.

Gonna give it a try, if anything happens, refund is always a way
that 1 hour play could be not enough to see it since new game has best performance, better to pirate it

start the game and go around stations and land, and look for factions battles to see how it will hold
There's a big 7.0 update happening in a month which will rework the AI and adds an end game crisis, along with some interface changes and a ship model rework.
AI rework is a big word, its an improvement and a good one but not a rework, dont get to excited, crisis seems just spawn xenon and khaak close to your stuff so far, could be changed still, but anyway modders will make it into something different, like x3 mayhem

7.0 does improve performance and graphics
They said it's going live in a month? Still no release date for Timelines right?
>overheard some anons talking about it in other threads (Starsector)
sorry about that
nope no release date so far, 7.0 release and timelines DLC will be released like 2 days apart

there are still enough bugs to kill in the current beta, dont know what they will do with crisis, people on forum are really shitting on it
they should've just thrown a few shekels to the guy who made rise of the ossian raider and incorporated that mod into the game.
Pirate bros, does anyone knows how to make the dlcs work on the steam version? Downloaded them from cs.rin, shoved them in the folder and used creamapi, but the game still don't recognize them, any tips?
Mining drill or Mining turret? Turret right? Or both?
all of the above and max service crew
That part I understand. Just didn't know if you were going cheap starting out if you should get a drill, or turrets. Or a drill and defense turrets, etc.
you definitely want a drill at bare minimum. if you cant afford the mining turrets right now you could just build a ship with a drill and then refit it once you've got some more money
Yeah just didn't know if the turrets were the same power but better or something so don't waste the money, or NO STUPID YOU DONT PUT TURRETS ON THEM OMG kek
So uh is there a reason my miner just sits there staring at a small rock and refuses to do any orders I give him? Its acting like it wants to but its just doing absofuckinglutely nothing. Multiple times I've got them with an "asteroid" with 9-10 yield in it in front of the ship as they "fly"
To be clear, telling it to dock, etc it acts like its going to do it, then it just slowly puts around at 20 m/s with a tiny rock in front of it like its a window ornament.
Hate to triplepost but the miners figured it out. Seems to help a lot to not be in the sector where they are mining which... is a thing.
Yes being in the sector makes a lot of things break. I once had a transport get stuck inside an asteroid because I jumped into the sector it was traveling through at the exact moment it was where there was an asteroid.
If you're in sector or otherwise watching a ship work through livestream it works by an entirely different set of mechanics than being out of sector where it uses simplified computations.
Yeah the miners will instead of tractor a rock just look at it and fly around. If you give them orders they'll hold onto the rock and slowboat around pretending like they are doing something. This is what was happening turns out. So weird kek
Got some miners and scouts out so now I'm going to try to actually do some story stuff. Is there a solid early game ship people would suggest I buy?
This game makes me physically angry sometimes with its obtuse fucking bullshit.
Generally whatever's fastest. The small paranid ships are probably the best choice for early game: stupid fast with combat engines and with fast recharging shields, they even get a bonus to boost. If you're not playing a one race game the pegasus is going to be the fastest ship you'll have access to in the commonwealth. The perseus is a strong choice for a general purpose fighter. Still crazy fast and can hold its own in whatever the early missions throw at you.
>playing unworthy entrepreneur
>have my starting vulture autotrading around eighteen billion after building the captain's skill with repeat graphene orders.
>looking into buying a magpie courier to keep the station stocked with energy cells for now.
>realize for the price of the magpie I can buy a comparably fit demeter with 12 crew.
>lose 200 m/s travel speed but gain over 4k cargo.
When 7.0 comes out I will surely be checking out this mod. I get the demeter price is probably deflated and the magpie is inflated because I'm buying teladi and the economy is more stressed with the xenon attacks but a medium transport being cheaper than a small courier is dumb.
Is there any incentive to stick to one race beyond for the fuck of it?
>Make post asking where to put the dlc files on cs.rin, cause the suggested path isn't working
>They delete by post for "uncessary posting"
>Say that I should check SteamDB (which has the same file path, yet still doesn't work) and tell me to fuck off
why you need steam version? bc of mods? I think there is some sites or programs that dl them
It's just added challenge.
Certain ships are just superior to others. Likewise certain modules are superior on certain ships. Sticking to one race is just a way of using ships and modules you otherwise wouldn't touch.
Yeah, mods. Sites that download stuff from the workshop are often borked no? I recall most of them not working anymore, dunno how things are nowadays
>pirating a game from a small dev studio
>pirating a game from a small dev studio that's currently on sale for 60% off (incl DLC)
pretty jewish ngl
I bought the game, but tried to pirate the DLCs because they are more expensive than the base game here for some reason and my currency is already shit as hell.
But the unlock method isn't working at all, so I guess I will stick with my pirate version and remain using only mods from Nexus
I only do this if I'm playing Terran.
Otherwise I have Nord Infantry, Rhodok Crossbowmen, and Swadian Cavalry.
https://www.humblebundle.com/store/x4-community-of-planets-edition Thats why I got this version. It was like 15 more than the base game when I bought it.
A shame the US>My currency conversion would crank up the price even more
Sucks to be a third worlder
Next time try being human.
So is there any point to setting up in heretic's end with the research station?
There's nothing particularly good about that sector, you can eventually move the station.

Though you might as well claim it to piss off random NPCs who send you angry emails about it. It's a sector between 3 different empires (Argon, Split and Boron) and in 7.0 it'll have above average sunlight along with scrap to salvage.
Terran shields and combat engines, split thermal disintegrators or HOP blast cannons, argon medium flak turrets or boron ion flak turrets, paranid large plasma turrets, different races have better/worse equipment and there's none that are best overall.

I sometimes tend to stay within Terran stuff since they have a very simple if expensive economy. Only need to remember 6 resources instead of 20+.
I want them to refresh trade orders. Local trade is useless and you get a better result by just running repeat buy/sell since you can just add stations to the list. It's just tedious.
>Though you might as well claim it to piss off random NPCs
Now we're talking.
>. Unfortunately it's a mission reward from the Tides of Avarice DLC.
It's best to just do a custom start and skip that whole chain.
>Foundations is alright but the galaxy to explore is a bit small without the DLC,
It's actually surprisingly large they just never gave any incentive to leave the ring to the point that you might never notice other sectors exist. Star sector had colonies and loads of sectors were badlands so you might find forgotten tech or new planets to colonize. X4 just has nothing. Maybe a lockbox with 20k credits in it.
There is no part of the fanbase that isn't partial to a good old terran racist run.
>doing a free families start
>the heart of acrimony wharf is constantly starved for hull parts so ships are expensive as fuck
>catch zyarth boas alone and try to get them to eject
>no luck
>on my way back to the wharf there's a zyarth dragon being engaged by a small wing of frf fighters
>jump in and he abandons ship immediately
>get the dragon and get it back to the wharf
>it has 700k worth of mines and laser towers on it
>sell them along with a few modules because it's at 15% hull and I don't have the money to fix her up yet.
>get a boa to start trying to fix the economy.
>get some chelt meat to a hull parts factory without a hitch
>on the way to the wharf with hull parts my boa is asked to drop its cargo by a frf asp
I'm not +10 with them yet but if they keep up this bullshit when I am there's some purges that are going to happen.
I'm finding that out more and more any time I try to do any of the story content in x4. It is mostly tedious and annoying with a cutscene inbetween. I outright gave up on the chain that expected me to make suit bombs out the gate when I try to avoid getting out of the ship if at all possible.
Split sectors have the best music. Change my mind.
You can't.
The hatikva storyline isn't bad. It's meant to be kind of an advanced tutorial and the payoff is pretty good. You can finish it off in an hour and you get 2 ships and a station manager out of it.
>you can finish it off in an hour
You can't even do a fucking 30k very easy mission in 30 minutes in this game without a ton of random shit popping up artificially extending it even longer don't lie to me. Its probably 2 hours of flying to even get to accept the missions. Were you trying to convince yourself of that to feel better or something?
Anon I tested out the new start by bumrushing the hatikva storyline. From start to finish and I was on the last mission within an hour.
I'm sorry I just outright don't believe you.
It would take me an hour just to get the stupid suit bomb shit.
Why are the human races 99% black? It's ridiculous.
I did find the suit bomb and 5 bombs in a lockbox in the starting system. I'll have to load it up again and see it that's a static change or was just random and I got lucky. Either way though there's also no reason you can't stop with the missions after you scan the station while you collect the things passively.
I don't think that is static, no. The point remains its tedium for the sake of tedium however.
The entire x series always has been "what space probably will really be like to control" to me so it makes some sense kek
The obtuse menus and controls in a lot of cases just feel "realistic" in a weird way but it sure doesn't make for good questlines.
Oh there are definitely bad questlines. My argument is just that the hatikva questline is really fast and straightforward by comparison. The only hump is the spacesuit bomb portion and after that it's all the home stretch.
Far more annoying is the boron questline or the segaris questline.
It probably didn't help it was one of the first things I tried to do because it sounded "easier". Trade? I can do that
oh ok. thanks game.
German company, it's accurate to the demographics they see in major cities.
Kek, so much for diversity.
I audibly laughed when the terran with the 80s hairdo shows up dark as fucking night. "SUP WE RESEARCHIN OR SUMPTIN?"
Lmao, just did those missions. Nice afro, "Feynman".
>*aggressively throws down cardboard square*
>*breakdances in your direction*
I, too, found it fucking retarded.
>terraforms Segaris into Planet Disco
How do you guys set up your large miners? Do you just go with a preset and add drones and crew? Or do you tinker more? Seems like there is a lot of variability in price on those.
Depends where you're mining. If you can't be bothered micromanaging khaak infestations, get Split miners that can easily defend themselves. Otherwise get the Paranid Chthonios large miners, 1 cargo drone, the rest for mining. I usually max out service crew and put terran or split combat engines on the initial large miners, but when money ceases to be an issue just go for high preset.
You dont bother with repair drones?
Nah not for miners, only XL ships and destroyers. If anything is going to get through your miners shields it's likely a goner before you can save it anyway. The only real use for repair drones on a ship are to bring weapons and engine back online.
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What mod? Or do you know what file I can edit to make shit at least more balanced with the races?
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I'm not sure what you're talking about. There are very few niggers in my space game. Dr. Feynman? An absolute gentleman.
Based. Thanks anon.
You're welcome.
Good to know thanks.
kek I don't know I kind of like it. Its comical how black the guy is.
What's funny is he's named after a real scientist
and Egosoft still diversified him. Germans are so lost.
>Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaJnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as his work in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga.
Yeah part of the humor is not that he's black, thats whatever. You see tons of black people at the stations. I'm not a fan but ok. Its that he's so black it almost looks like a graphical bug with crazy ass hair like he's jumped out of breakin 2.
It warps back around into being acceptable just because of how absurd it is.
I also get 9 mining drones, 1 cargo drone (in case the offloading station lacks them), max large mining turrets, medium defense turrets, terran combat engines. Maxed out service crew will do repairs just fine, though I do use Mk2 shield generators for defending the engines.

I also use the VIG Donia as my mining ship of choice, fast, good shields, with a large cargo bay and 9 turrets. It's the best large mining ship in the game, at least until the Boron Rorqual came along with slightly better stats in every way.

The Donia is also one of those scrap metal ships VIG flies which makes it interesting. I used to love pirating it except they fly around so fast they're hard to intercept with medium ships with good marine capacity.
If you can't dock and trade with a faction (say -15) how do you get rep with them?
Just linger around their stations and kill criminals that appear, its nightmare unless you have SETA to speed up time. Once you're friendly enough to trade you can just set a ship to repeat trade orders with them for 1 energy cell or whatever and leave it to build rep.
If I build a bunch of small attack ships and just set them to patrol around their sector will that do the same thing?
They also spawn missions that don't require docking, like repair satellites, deploy mines/lasertowers, repair signal faults on stations, chase down rogue ships, defend ship from pirates/khaak. If it's Vigor Syndicate or Fallen Families then they sometimes spawn criminal missions that you can do to raise rep.

I treat shooting down criminal station traffic as a last resort.

If you want to TRADE reputation then buy a ship and fly it to next to the faction station you want to raise rep with, remove the crew, damage it until it's at 1-2% HP, then sell the ship to a faction that's enemies with the faction you want to gain rep with. Destroy the ship. You can also do this by capturing a SCA pirate destroyer, and supposing you want to raise rep with the Split Zyarth Patriarchy, sell the destroyer to the Argon while it's 40km of a ZYA station, removing the crew first of course.
Frigate is probably overkill for easy and v. easy hunt missions for them, right?
Yeah, Frigates like the Split Cobra carries 25 crew and is arguably the best medium marine carrier, 24 marines will take most large ships. Terran Falx has more front guns but is extremely expensive. On a budget the Boron Dolphin, Paranid Hermes Vanguard and Split Boa are good runners up for cheap freighters that can be used as marine transports (21 to 20 crew capacity)

Honorable mention goes to the Barbarosa, the VIG large 'freighter' but is classified as a raider. Lots of large turrets, fast, maneuverable and has a 128 crew capacity. It's very good pirate ship for midgame. Unfortunately it costs about 10 million to buy and equip (and is annoying to capture otherwise because it is a pirate ship, lots of experienced marines on board) - features prominently in the pirate storyline.
I've just been using argon ships I like the look of them. It is cool how you can pick between skins and stuff by default. Cool hearing about the differences between ship types.
Think I should sell my captured dragon for a dragon raider? I'm going to go capture some buffalos using one of my boas as a marine boat. I'm trying to do this as a pirate run but I can rationalize the trade in as stripping the dragon down and changing the registration so the zyarth won't track it.
Dragon Raider is about 20% more maneuverable and 5% faster than a regular Dragon, at half the hull HP, making it a fun ride with a huge reminder to hit and run. Boas are good marine carriers too, so good for a pirate run.

Flying to a Free Family wharf, stripping it of weapons, selling it, then immediately buying a Dragon Raider will minimize the price of swapping ships. And it'd be a Freefamily thing to do given local politics.
>Boron locked behind a fucking slog questline
>Boron space all slammed behind your research station and Sanctuary of Darkness
Why is the coolest race not only locked behind a pointless grind (unless you cheat/mod/dont care about achievos), but then so far disconnected from the rest of the universe that the ships never interact with the main universe at large? Its like they spent all this effort on cool looking shit and made it painful to even see it.
>decide i want to do that ToA mission where you destroy a VIG station
>fly my carrier fleet in
>get swarmed by hundreds of fighters, 20+ destroyers, seemingly endlessly replenishing
>decide to go full nuclear
>use a suicide fighter to plant a navigation beacon and teleport the HQ right into their fleet
>bring in 20 asgards to destroy all of their stations
>their trading station and wharf start automatically rebuilding themselves in the same locations after a few minutes
Do all of the factions work like this? I was under the impression you could conquer the whole galaxy
VIG isn't at war with anyone so they have huge reserves. Meanwhile Argon/Split/HOP fold because of their mutual wars and Xenon if you start targetting their freighters.

When I first did that questline I baited VIG into following me into argon sectors, where I had deployed a massive blob of laser towers. In a few minutes I went from 20 rep to 30 rep with the argon.

The next time I knew what was going to happen so I built two defense stations at the entry points of VIG territory, loaded with hundreds of defense drones, large plasma turrets and medium flak turrets. With some ships on repeat order to gather all the dropped material from destroyed ships. Eventually VIG simply ran out of resources which is when I went on the offensive.
If you use the new plot tool you can see every station that's planned in a sector, if it's an enemy one that doesn't actually have any visible construction yet, just send a destroy to that location with the "attack everything in area" command and it will nuke it.
niggas need to learn that there's a mod for everything in this game https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2972959867
>go to help nerds nearby to get some rep
>oh a defense platform no big-
>3 destroyers
ok wtf aliens thats a bit much don't you think?
Not them but I figured I should at least play a bit without mods first so I'm still in the "why is this like this?" phase myself.
fair enough
fuck off
the ghost of they/them will get you anon
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Is it ok to do refined metals and hull production in the same station or should they be their own stations? I have 3 smol docks and a pier on it already if that matters for speed of docking.
I destroyed the wharf a few times and it kept coming back in the same spot like it was scripted to respawn or something. They had barely any ships or factories left but it was still making build progress somehow. It felt different from like XEN spamming defense platforms in a sector you've already cleared

It was very satisfying to instantly destroy hundreds of ships with the HQ but I definitely should've used a less cheesy strategy like yours.
>Hey would you patrol for us?
>Sure, *brings a bunch of small fighters as escort just in case*
>entire mission is them repeatedly cargo scanning my fleet and nothing else
O-ok thanks guys glad we could help
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>Is this game about the story? Making money? Do I win by destroying other factions?
you do empire building in a way, it suffers the same issue as kenshi where you'll have infinite enemies thrown at you to curb your empirebuilding for funzies, if you want story-ish you are better off playing the older X games, even X-Rebirth which focus harder on the storytelling aspect and suffers for it instead of trying to balance it like, say, X3:R
hope egosoft can fix that in X5.
Damn it sure takes a long time for pilots to rank up in skill.
You still need to either do or skip the questline, which is an awful questline and egosoft should feel bad about making it. Expedition my ass.
Why they decided boron should do nothing is just hard to understand too.
>custom game start
>every plot you hate doing complete
Also, I enjoyed the Boron plot the first time I did it. It's not as good as the CoH plots, but it was still p good. It's def not fun on repeat playthroughs tho. Too many time gates.
>hope egosoft can fix that in X5
The story went off-rails and never recovered the moment Saya Kho class-swapped into a genocidal maniac and blew up Torus which made no fucking sense. I get that Commonwealth was the intended protagonist POV but it would've been a bit more convincing if they weren't fucking around with AGI just like Terrans suspected. Then they turned off the gates. Then they tried to partially retcon the ME3-on-release civilization-ending implications of that action. Now it's just all about muh rebuilding that would realistically take a fucking century. I don't think we're ever getting back to Sohnen or shit like that.
they are teasing weird time travel shit with the new expansion, i will keep huffing copium for them to undo all the gaytarded retcons and pretend X3:FL is some bad space weed trip until egosoft makes it clear that they want to draw in Elite players, they probably ran out of money or talent to pull a game with cinematics like X2:T and the exposition dumps like X3:R, X:R being blasted to hell and back clearly did not help, i did see the torus mission in X4 having similarities to rescuing don's daughter mission.
>egosoft makes it clear that they want to draw in Elite players
what Elite players?
>the moment Saya Kho class-swapped into a genocidal maniac and blew up Torus which made no fucking sense
It was so fucking stupid my head hurts, what were her stated reasons anyway? Terrans were doing some glownigger shit at the end of X3:TC, but were otherwise isolationist autists and it's not like they wanted to enslave the commonwealth.
It's like someone at egosoft had a brainfart and absolutely insisted that they MUST blow up the torus because it would be the coolest thing ever, but nobody could come up with a good plot point to enable, it so they had some sort of a drinking game about it.
There's a mod for that https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/8
A woman in a position of power is a dangerous thing, anon. They aren't rational creatures.
You're a mod for that.

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